how to delete "google sign in account" for development purpose - actions on google - node.js

I'm working with actions on google and dialogflow, and recently they proposed google signin to make account linking fast without writing own oauth server.
Today I implemented their google signin in my dialogflow app it is working quite fine but unfortunately I am unable to delete that account to check all development aspects, I tried my other google accounts and my friends account but soon ended up out of accounts
Un other methods when i enable and disable testing it forget about linking but in google signin it is tightly stick with the account, and i have tried almost everything i can try like restarting my phone and clearing cache of chrome browser but it looks like it is saving account somewhere in cloud.
What i need to do is, when i sign in first time it ask for name permission, i need that screen again and again for testing something

Google calls this Removing a Website or App that has access to your account. It is done using the console.
If you want to do this using Android, the easiest way is to:
Open your device's Settings app Settings app and then Google and then Google Account.
At the top, tap Security.
Under "Signing in to other sites," tap Signing in with Google.
Tap the name of your project.
Choose Remove access.
Through the web, you can go to Apps With Access to your Accounts:
Scroll down to the "Signing in with Google" section
Locate your project.
Select it, and choose "Remove access"
The name that is shown should be the name you've given to your project as part of the OAuth screen. If you haven't set that up (and if you're just playing around, you probably haven't), it will use the Project ID for your project. You can find this on the Cloud Console home screen attached to the same project name that you used in Dialogflow and the Action Console.
While you're in there, you will probably want to configure the OAuth screen to have a name for the app as it will be visible to users on the OAuth screen. From the menu, select "APIs & Services" and then "Credentials"
Select the "OAuth consent screen" tab, and fill in the "Application name".
This name should then be in the list of applications you have installed, and can remove.


Can I remove default scopes added by Google Workspace Marketplace SDK configuration?

I am trying to publish a Google Sheets Add-on. I am working on the Google Workspace Marketplace SDK configuration. The configuration automatically includes the following 2 scopes as defaults:
The Add-on has no reason to access the user's email or profile. Why are these added? Can I delete them? The only scopes that the script code should need are:
When I go to create the OAuth Consent Screen. I am told that I need to create "A Youtube video showing how you plan to use the Google user data that you get from scopes". Am I being asked to do this because of these default scopes that are included?
EDIT: I deleted these 2 scopes and did a SAVE. It confirmed that the edits were saved. But when I refreshed the page, the scopes were back!
The reason why the Trust and Safety team is asking you for the video is because this:
1-Most of the apps that will be public, require certain steps. So the video is one of those.
2-Now, the main reason for the video, is because the scope is part of the restricted scopes. And according to the documentation it needs to go through the verification.
So basically the reason for the video is because you have a restricted scope because this scope allows you to display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications. Therefore, it is important for the verification process.
Now in regards to your concern of the default scopes, I was able to remove them and create OAuth consent screen without them.

UNLINK OR RELINK - Google assistant account linking flow

I am developing a custom action for google assistant.
In order to get user data and other user info. I need allow account linking flow.
My Account Linking flow:
Open the Google Assistant app on Android or iPhone.
Say the Action – "Talk to My test app”
Read and agree to the Action Terms and Conditions that appear on the screen.
Sign in with Web app.
Go back to Google assistant and ends linking flow
Everything works properly. But once account linked, I am not able to test the flow again
Could anyone suggest, how to unlink my account and test the above account linking process again? Thanks in advance
During development you can unlink your account via the actions on google console. If you navigate to the test window, you can see a settings button on the top right, click that and a setting pop-up should open. There you should look for an unlink button.
This will unlink your account, so when you restart the conversation for your action with this account, you will be prompted to sign-in again via accountlinking. This also works if you are testing on your phone. You just need to make sure that the account on your phone and the simulator are the same.

How to sign out of google account that is authenticated with Android studio firebase cloud testing

I am trying to use the AS cloud testing tab for running espresso tests on FTL. But realized that I authenticated with a wrong google account.
How can I sign out of this account and login with a different google account.
I tried restarting AS with no use.
Is deleting the cache an option? Where is the cache for this located, I can try to manually delete a file.
Found out there is a menu item in AS like this
Click on it would show an add account option and let's us login into a different account and sign out
After this quit android studio and reopen

Does Instagram Graph API has sandbox mode?

The docs say (step 4):
In the App Review for Instagram section, click Add to Submission for each permission your App will need from its Users. instagram_basic is required. instagram_manage_comments, instagram_manage_insights, and instagram_content_publish are optional.
Scroll to the bottom of the page, and in the Current Submission sub-section, for each submission, click its View Notes link.
In the View Notes dialogue for each permission submission, provide a description for how you will use the data returned by any endpoints that require the permission, and a screencast showing how your app will use the data.
Once you've completed your notes for all of your permission submissions, click the Submit For Review button at the bottom of the page. Note that this is separate from your App Review, which you will do after testing.
After you've added both Facebook Login and Instagram API products to your app configuration, add Facebook Login to your app and record a screencast showing how you will use data returned by the Instagram API. This is similar to the Facebook Login screencast but with Instagram data, so the same guidelines apply.
Step 5:
Once you've been notified that your Instagram API product submission has been approved, you can use the Graph API Explorer to test your app.
With Facebook Login I can create an app that works in sandbox mode. Which lets me create a screencast. To be able to use Instagram Graph API (on a site) I need (from what I can gather):
Facebook Page linked to Instagram Business Account
an app icon
a privacy policy page
a site with working Facebook Login
description of how each permission is going to be used
screencast of... what exactly? of a site that is basically ready, but instead of fetching data from Instagram, it has them hardcoded in the code?
Or there is a sandbox mode after all?
UPD I've highlighted the important parts in the quotes above. Then:
5. Test Your App
Once you've been notified that your Instagram API product submission has been approved, you can use the Graph API Explorer to test your app.
Go to the Graph API Explorer...
The first call you will make is to the Graph API's /user/accounts edge...
Locate the Page that you connected to the Instagram Business Account and click its ID...
Next, [make /page?fields=instagram_business_account request].
This is where I get empty response in Graph API Explorer (only id field is returned), or:
200:- OAuthException:(#200) Access to this data is temporarily disabled for non-active apps or apps that have not recently accessed this data due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform.
GET /...?fields=instagram_business_account HTTP/1.1
on my site. Which requests to Instagram Graph API can I make before passing reviews (Instagram App Review, and Facebook App Review)?
It looks like the documentation that Facebook provides is somewhat misleading. You can actually use Instagram Graph API via Graph API Explorer (or by sending GET requests from your code) in a very limited way accessing only your instagram business account BEFORE you get initial approval described in Step 4.
Open Graph API Explorer.
First, you need to add extra permissions in the "Access Token" section. There is a "Add a Permission" drop down on the bottom of that section. Open that drop down and select: instagram_basic, manage_pages, business_management permissions. Depending on what you are trying to do, you may need other permissions as well (e.g. instagram_manage_comments, ads_management, manage_pages).
Once you selected the extra permissions, click on the "Get Access Token" button.
Now, you have access token with correct permissions and you should be able to execute instagram_business_account request. This will return the instagram id of your business account, which you can then use for other requests.
After going through these steps, I'm able to get media for my business account via Instagram Graph API, although I'm still trying to figure out why tags request returns empty list.
Go to your app dashboard from your developer account:
Go to: Roles -> Test Users.
Edit one of the test users to change its password to what you want in order to know him.
Once done, logout from your personal account and connect with the "test user" account in
Go to your app and click the facebook login with the scope "instagram_basic".
With the access_token that you get you are able to ask Graph API about the user's instagram business account.
Et voilà.
PS: You will not be able to use the Open Graph API tool from your test user. My advice is to test your app from Incognito mode so it will not interpose with your personal account.
Currently, access the instagram data from this way is disabled but this is the right way to access the data.
FB error message says:
(#200) Access to this data is temporarily disabled for non-active apps or apps that have not recently accessed this data due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform.
You can get full functionality of Graph API if you login with the developer account, use that to create a video screencast of app functionality and submit
You will have to create a test application out of your real application, these applications are in sand box mode by default (developer mode) You will be able to access any fb permission / feature with it, and develop a product with it. Once you are ready to review, in your submission of your real application link your test app in the process

"User Authentication" Chome App Tutorial Page

Trying to follow this intro to user authentication using OAuth 2.0 in a Chrome Extension I am developing.
But I can't follow it (missing information).
Add permissions and upload app
You need to make sure the identity permission is in your manifest. You can
then upload your app to the apps and extensions management page (see Publish).
This step is fine. I have uploaded my project and it is in the developer dashboard.
Copy key to your manifest
When you register your application in the Google OAuth console, you'll provide your application's ID, which will be checked during token requests. Therefore it's important to have a consistent application ID during development.
To keep your application ID constant, you need to copy the key in the installed manifest.json to your source manifest. It's not the most graceful task, but here's how it goes:
1.Go to your user data directory. Example on MacOs: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions
2.List the installed apps and extensions and match your app ID on the apps and extensions management page to the same ID here.
3.Go to the installed app directory (this will be a version within the app ID).
4.Open the installed manifest.json (pico is a quick way to open the file).
5.Copy the "key" in the installed manifest.json and paste it into your app's source manifest file.
Except, straight away, at step 1, I cannot progress. My app is not installed and therefore its ID does not appear in the user data directory.
Will installing the unpacked extension work? Well it doesn't appear in Default/Extensions directory so I guess not. Besides, it has been given a different ID than my dashboard instance.
Therefore, where do I get the key? There is a key associated with my app on the developer dashboard. But this "tutorial" doesn't mention that.
Is somebody able to explain what I should be doing such as pointing me to another resource to learn how to set up a basic user authentication for a Chrome App?
After uploading, from the developer dashboard you can click on the "More Info" on the right of your extension in the dashboard.
You will see several pieces of useful data:
item id - this is the extension id
public key - this is the "key" you want. Copy everything between (not including) the "BEGIN PUBLIC KEY" and "END PUBLIC KEY" markers, and paste it into a "key" property in your manifest.json
Here's one way to solve this:
In the Chrome Developer Dashboard, edit your current project.
Scroll down and click Preview Changes
Click the Share icon button next to Add To Chrome which is grayed out.
E-mail the link to yourself.
Follow the link to your app's store page and now you should be able to click Add To Chrome. It will then be installed on your system under [profile]/Extensions.
