Store and query static data in log analytics - azure

While creating custom log search alerts in log analytics workspace, I want to store some data and query it in alert query. Basically, it is a mapping like ABC -> DEF, GHI -> JKL. These mappings can be changed manually.
I am looking a solution like creating a table or function in workspace, or reading data from blob in the query. I do not want to create the table or function in the alert query, just read from it. If there are other solutions, please suggest them too.

Have you tried inserting custom data in Log Analytics via the REST API? This will solve your problem--and it's what we do using Runbooks. Works great.
Log Analytics Data Collector API

I realize this is an old thread, but for anyone else looking to do this, see:
Implementing Lookups in Azure Sentinel
Azure Sentinel provides four methods to reference, import, and use lookup information. The methods are:
The built-in Watchlists feature, which enables uploading CSV files as lookup tables.
The externaldata KQL function, which enables referencing an Azure Storage file as a lookup table.
Custom tables, imported using a custom connector.
A KQL function utilizing the datatable operator, which can be updated interactively or using PowerShell.


Can we push custom logs of azure resources into in-built tables of Log Analytics Workspace?

I'm trying to push custom logs into Log Analytics Workspace(LAW) using Data Collector API.
It is pushing the logs into Custom tables.
Can we push these logs into in-built tables(like AzureDiagnostics table) instead of custom tables ? Is it achievable .. if so, how can we do this ?
No, you cannot, according to the docs
You define a custom record type when you submit data through the Azure Monitor HTTP Data Collector API. Currently, you can't write data to existing record types that were created by other data types and solutions. Azure Monitor reads the incoming data and then creates properties that match the data types of the values that you enter.
You can however write a kusto query that combines data from both your custom tables and built-in tables.

Datafactory to sharepoint list

I've setup a connection from our data factory in azure to a sharepoint site so I can pull some of the lists on the site into blob storage so I can then process into our warehouse. This all works fine and I can see the data I want. I don't however want to pull all the columns contained in the list I'm after. Looking at the connection I can specify a query, however anything I put in here has no affect on the data that comes back. Is there a way to specify the columns from a list in sharepoint through the copy activity into blob storage?
You need to user select query like below -
$select=Title,Number,OrderDate in the Query text field of the Azure Data Factory Source.
You could use Preview Data button to validate the results. Please refer to the documentation for using Custom OData query options.
I have tried this and it works fine for me (see screenshot below)-

How to access an azure Database containing data from Azure Log Analytics Query

I have a working query for my app data to be analyzed.
currently it analyzes the last two weeks data with an ago(14d).
Now i want to use a value containing the release date of the apps current version. Since i havent found a way to add a new database table to the already existing database containing the log data in azure analytics, i created a new database in azure and entered my data there.
Now i just don't know, if i can get access to that database at all from within the web query interface of Azure log analytics, or if i have to use some other tool for that?.
i hope that somebody can help me on this.
As always with azure there is a lot of stuff to read about it, but nothing concrete for my issue (or at least i haven't found it yet).
And yes, i know how to insert the data into the query with a let, but since I want to use the same data in different queries, an external location which can be accessed from all the queries would be the solution I prefer.
Thx in advance.
You cannot access a db directly. You are better of using a csv/json file in blob storage. In the following example I uploaded a txt file with csv data like this:
2a6c024f-9093-434c-b3b1-000821a15b1a,"Customer 1"
28a658a8-5466-45ea-862c-003b20507dd4,"Customer 2"
c46fb949-d807-4eea-8de4-005dd4beb39a,"Customer 3"
e05b67ee-ff83-4805-b004-0064449f196c,"Customer 4"
Then I can reference this data from log analytics / application insights in a query like this using the externaldata operator:
let customers = externaldata(id:string, companyName:string) [
] with(format="csv");
| extend CompanyId = tostring(customDimensions.CustomerId)
| join kind=leftouter
on $left.CompanyId == $
The url is created by creating a url including a SAS token by using the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer, selecting a blob and then right click -> Get Shared Access Signature. In the popup create a SAS and then copy the uri.
i know Log Analytics uses Azure Data Explorer in the back-end and Azure Data Explorer has a feature to use External Tables within the queries but I am not sure if Log Analytics support External Tables.
External Tables in Azure Data Explorer,and%20managed%20outside%20the%20cluster.

How to get sorted results in powershell using az storage entity query?

When you are using Azure Storage Explorer you can click on the name of each columns to sort the results by that field.
Is there any way to sort query results in PowerShell using az storage entity query?
In another word, I can get the results in Azure CLI as an object and I can sort it using Sort-Object, but I want to sort entries on the Azure Storage Server and get sorted-results. It's not useful to get all of the data from the server and sort it manually.
Please see this page
There's a complete list of supported operators you can use with Azure Storage Table, OrderBy is sadly not among the supported ones.
This means, you will need to retrieve the data first, then do the sorting.
but I want to sort entries on the Azure Storage Server and get
sorted-results. It's not useful to get all of the data from the server
and sort it manually.
It is not possible as Azure Tables does not support server-side sorting. You will need to fetch the desired data on the client and perform the sorting there only.

Create Azure table storage folders

I have a worker role running that creates tables in table storage, and I would like to be able to group these tables into categories like you would under a folder.
I cannot see any way to do this with the table classes in .Net, but when I look in my table storage 'Tables', I see a 'Metrics Table' entry which looks like a 'folder' and expands to show multiple metrics tables below it.
How can I create/add one of these myself programmatically?
Any ideas gratefully received?
I'm afraid this is not possible. Metric tables are handled differently by Visual Studio. They are not even returned when using Query Tables storage REST API (you can only use them directly by name). Tools like Azure Storage Explorer do not show them at all.
Back to your question. Best practice is to use common prefix for tables in same 'category'.
ex. WAD* for all azure diagnostics tables, NLog*for nlog tables.
Simple answer is that you can't. Table Storage Service contains tables and then each table contains entities. The functionality about Metrics Table you're talking about is a UI feature where the UI combines all these tables together.
