Delete emails from a label after certain number of days - gmail

I am a true novice at this. Needed a solution to clean up my gmail.
After searching found the script below. I created filters that send emails to the "delete me" label. I added the script to my projects and published giving it access to my gmail. I also set up a hourly trigger. The filters are working well and the script is running based on the log but no emails are getting deleted.
Can anyone tell me what's wrong? (I made a similar one for a label called "archive me" and this is also not working).
Thank you
function cleanUp() {
var delayDays = 60
var maxDate = new Date();
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("delete me");
var threads = label.getThreads();
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
if (threads[i].getLastMessageDate()<maxDate)


Creating a shortcut for Gmail canned response

I'm currently using Gmail Lab feature - canned responses. I have a lot of these canned responses and using their menu to find the right one, proves to be time-consuming. It would be way easier to find a canned response by:
linking a canned response to a keyword
using that keyword in the body or subject field. Something like this.
Would this be possible by using Gmail API or would you suggest another way to do it?
How is this workflow? Add the label "CannedResponses" to all your prepared replies. Then mark each with the particular label the reply applies to, eg 'TestLabel1'. Then as new emails come in you label them, and after that you run a script like this:
function CannedReply() {
var label = "<mylabel>"; //eg <myLabel> = TestLabel1
var myemail = "<>";
var responsebody =
"label:" + label + " label:CannedResponses"
var threads ="label:" + label + " -label:CannedResponses label:unread");
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < threads[i].getMessageCount(); j++) {
message = threads[i].getMessages()[j];
message.reply("", {htmlBody: responsebody, from: myemail});
using that keyword in the body or subject field
Autohotkey would support this, it's an app that lets you map key combinations or keywords to text macros. You wouldn't be using any native Gmail features this way, including their canned responses feature, but it might suit your need well enough.

Multithreading in flex web application

I am working on web application. In which i am stuck with some issue.
When i call some server function it will take time to get response. When response have high number of data. It will get data, process on that data and update GUI in background.
Upto that my application GUI freeze. I can not click on any part. I see some where that ActionScript support multithreading. I found some tutorial for that which is here. But, it is for desktop application only.
Is there any way i can handle this freezing of application/GUI in web application. It will decrease my application performance and looks very bad.
If i have list of data with checkbox and on checkbox click there is some process. Now, there is one button called "Select All". Now, if i click on "select all" then all check box selected and process on check selection is going and freeze the application upto process done.
like: I have following list
<s:List id="tempList" itemRenderer="CustomItemRenderer"
dataProvider="{someList}" useVirtualLayout="false"/>
ItemRenderer have label and checkbox as following.
<s:CheckBox id="cCheckId" selected="{data.selected}"
change="onChangeHandler(event)" />
<s:Label id="lblTest" />
protected function onChangeHandler(event:Event):void
data.selected = !data.selected;
Now, on button Select all will select all check box.
<s:Button id="btnSelectAll" label="Select All" click="selectAllHandler(event)" />
protected function selectAllHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
for(var i:int = 0;i<someList.length;i++)
someList[i].selected = true;
Now, if someList have lots of data then it will freeze the screen.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The main idea behind the list and itemrenderers that you have a list (or datagrid) that displays like 30 items and then you can scroll to see the rest. Then you will only have 30 Itemrenderers that would be updated at once.
If you don't want to scroll you will need to distribute your item selection over several frames, something like that (untested, but you get the idea)
private static const ITEMS_AT_ONCE:int = 5000;
private var _currentIndex:int;
protected function selectAllHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
_currentIndex = 0;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); // this will call the onEnterFrame method on each frame rendered
private function onEnterFrame(e:Event):void
// make sure we don't run out of bounds of the dataprovider's length
var maxIndex:int = Math.min(_currentIndex + ITEMS_AT_ONCE, someList.length);
// set selection for the current bunch
for (var i:int = _currentIndex; i < maxIndex; i++)
someList[i].selected = true;
if (maxIndex == someList.length)
// We are done, remove enterframe listener
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
// I'm not sure but don't you need to refresh the dataprovider to reflect the changes in the ItemRenderers ?
// (someList.dataProvider as ArrayCollection).refresh();
// update the _currentindex so we continue after this item on the next frame
_currentIndex = maxIndex;
Another possible solution - if you display all of them anyways - you might try to switch to a VGroup that will hold custom UIComponents (without MXML) for the items - this should speed up the rendering.

MS Dynamics CRM 2011, Get subgrid elements from other form

I am new to jscript and have problems to get all elements in a subgrid.
I tried the code from this sites,
Retrieve rows in crm2011 subgrid with JScript
but get every time the error message:
Error in the user defined event of the field
Event: onload
Error: The preference "control" of a undefined or null reference can not be called.
The last code I tried:
var grid = document.getElementById("accountContactsGrid").control;
for (var rowNo = 0; rowNo<grid.getRecordsFromInnerGrid().length; rowNo++)
for (var cellNo = 0; cellNo<grid.getRecordsFromInnerGrid()[rowNo][3].cells.length; cellNo++)
I tried it in the entity Account(Company) with the subgrid "accountContactsGrid".
My main goal would be to catch all the assigned elements in the account form and list it under the contacts form. But only if the checkbox "Eko" is activated.
This is my working code so far:
var chkEko = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("testcrm_ekonomi").getValue();
if (chkEko === true)
alert("Eko active: " + chkEko);
alert("Eko not active: " + chkEko);
After a time and the help of some threads I was able to get information of this grid. But now I have the problem to catch the elements.
I looked up the variable "grid" and found out that variable is an Object.
Since I don't really know the properties of the objects I tried to get it all.
But it seems, that my code doesn't work and I can not understand why.
Here is the code so far:
function subgridItemCount() {
// Get the Subgrid Control
var grid = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get('accountContactsGrid')._control;
var keys = Object.keys(grid);
var getKeys = function(obj){
var keys = [];
for(var key in obj){
return keys;
for(var i = 0; i<keys.length; i++) {
First I wanted to get the property of the object and then the propertyValue.
Or is there an other way to get all values of an object?
It seems like I am on the wrong way. This is what I try to do:
In the account/company form is an existing grid which is called Contacts. In this field are some Contacts assigned (with the button "add existing contact").
Now when I open some Contact there should be a box/grid/iframe with a list of all companies this contact is assigned too.
This list should be linked to the Companies (When i click on them CRM should open the form).
Maybe someone can give me a tip?
My plan was first to look for all companies and then to compare the assigned contacts to the opened one with some Jscript. Then the script should list all matching contacts in the contact form.
This way is not really performant since the script needs to read all companies first. But I don't know an other way...

Extension Library Name Picker gets local Names.nsf even though DB is on server

I have a Name Picker on an XPage with a dataProvider dominoNABNamePicker with the addressBookSel = all-public and people and groups = true. With the database on a Domino server using the Notes Client it displays my local Names.nsf. If I open the DB in a brouse it selects the correct names.nsf from the server.
Can't figure out if this is the result of settings in my client, the server or XPages. Does the same thing on two different PC's.
I would think that the all-public would force it to open only public NABs but it does not appear so.
I asked the same question myself.
The answer, in the control add
From here.
Can I have the extlib name picker running in xPINC lookup the directory on the server?
After a fair bit of frustration I have this working for the Notes Client and the Web Client. Perhaps this is obvious to most of you, but it sure wasn't to me.
First on the Name Picker I created a namePickerAggregator. Then I added a dominoNABNamePicker
in the addressBookDb I put the following SSJS:
var server:String = #Name("[CN]",session.getCurrentDatabase().getServer());
var allNABs:Array = session.getAddressBooks().iterator();
var pubNABs = new Array;
var privNABs = new Array;
while (allNABs.hasNext()) {
var db:NotesDatabase =;
if (db.isPublicAddressBook()){
} else {
if (pubNABs[0] == ""){
return privNames[0];
} else {
return server + "!!" + pubNABs[0];
I then added a second dominoNABNamePicker with the same block of code except the return is
if (pubNABs[1] != "") {
return server + "!!" + pubNABs[1];
} else {
return "";
This code works for both the Notes Client and the Web client so I'm now a happy camper, unless I find a gotcha somewhere.
Here is what I eventually did. I set a limit on the maximum number of address books (not great but it works) of 4 you can create as many as you want. So I created a couple of sessionScope variable that I created in the after Page Loads event on the XPage. I used this formula.
var allNABs:Array = session.getAddressBooks().iterator();
var pubNABs = new Array;
var privNABs = new Array;
while (allNABs.hasNext()) {
var db:NotesDatabase =;
if (db.isPublicAddressBook()){
} else {
sessionScope.put("ssPublicNABs", pubNABs);
sessionScope.put("ssPrivateNABs", privNABs);
because I use several different Name Pickers on the same page I did not want to repeat having to cycle through the Address books.
Then I created 4 NamePicker controls and added 1, 2 , 3 and 4 dominoNABNamePickers providers to each of the successive controls. Then set the rendered property based on the number of public Address books so they would not blow up on me. The db name property on each of the providers is :
var server:String = #Name("[CN]",session.getCurrentDatabase().getServer());
var pubNABs:Array = sessionScope.get("ssPublicNABs");
return server + "!!" + pubNABs[0];
where pubNABs[n] returns the correct filePath for the NAB. It works well in both Notes Client and the Web.
Then to make it not blow up on a local disconnected replica I created 4 more controls and did the same thing but used the privNABs with appropriate rendered properties so that there is no conflict. Seems like the long way around and I'm sure that there is an easier way, but it works.

Create a Google Task from a email

I was looking the way to create a Task from an email at my Google Account with a filter. I've read this tutorial and it worked like a charm:
The only bad thing is that the script creates a task with the subject of the message, and it's not really descriptive for me, because they are automatic messages, and all of them have the same subject.
I want the Task Title be a specific line of the email body, can anybody helpme with this?
Yes, basically you would get the message body and extract what you need from it. I'm not sure about the structure of your email but you need something in there that tells you the start and end of the task title, once you tell me what it is i can incorporate it in to the code. For now this is how you would set the body as the title.
var message = thread.getMessages()[0]; // get first message
var messagebody = message.getBody();
var body_array = messagebody.split('Sender:');
var taskTitle = '';
if( body_array.length < 2 )
taskTitle = 'No title specified in email after Sender:';
var text = body_array[1];
taskTitle = text.split('<br />')[0].trim();
