Deploy Angular Universal to Shared Hosting without npm or node.js - node.js

I currently have access to an standard cPanel shared hosting, without SSH
I have an angular application running there
However now I need the app to have server side rendering for Facebook share, I've been using Universal toolkit from and it works great in local
Now my issue is: can I deploy the Universal app the same way I've deployed the Angular client side app by uploading the dist folder? Do I need node.js installed in the server and run commands? Or is it any workaround so I don't need to use commands?

ng-toolkit is using lambda functions and api gateways to be used by the services.
Technically speaking you only need to deploy the dist folder and everything should work out of the box since you mentioned that you already tested it locally and it works which means that the lambda functions are already deployed and the services are pointing to AWS gateway properly.


Can you easily explain the process of deploying ionic (based on react) apps with a node backend?

I recently started using react with a node server as a backend. I'm having problems to understand how to deploy such an app. I'm a beginner with ionic and deploying websites (or rather web based mobile apps) so I apologize if this is an easy/stupid question.
I searched a lot about this but my brain is still struggling to understand the deployment process. As I understand, any website have generally two parts, the frontend built with HTML/CSS/JS and the backend built with nodejs (in my case). If I want to run the app, I need to type npm start in the terminal right? so I'm only running the node server actually, where it will serve the HTML pages (static pages) depending on which url endpoint I wrote, right?
So deploying this is "easy" by copying the static files into a remote server and just run the nodeJs server to serve pages depending on the request, right. Therefore, is the start command here npm start, which will start the whole app.
I'm now using the ionic framework with react syntax and nodejs in the backend. There is a special command to run the ionic app (frontend), which is ionic serve. So if I run this the frontend will show up in the browser. Furthermore, I need to run the node server with npm start to handle requests. Therefore, to start my app, I need the ionic serve and npm start commands. How can this be deployed?
After some research, I read that I need to deploy the ionic app (frontend) and the backend separately. For example the ionic app would be a webapp and the server also a separate webapp (since I'm using MS Azure). The communication between them can be over rest API or web sockets as I understand. Is this the right approach to do this or there is a better/more clear way?
deploying two apps would mean that I need to pay for two apps on azure. Is there a way to minimize costs and have a functional app?
PS: generally, I'm having problems to understand the deployment process. I understand basically how the web works and I can build website on my machine but I'm not confident about my skills when it comes to deployment. Surprisingly, there is not much on the internet about it. Can someone please recommend articles, books or ideally videos that explain this process. Thank you in advance.
here is how you deploy ionic apps as pwa -
if you are using a node backend, the you would start the server same as you would normally, If I am understanding the question
Though your question is not specific to a particular issue but highlights a wide variety of issues, i will still try to explain it.
Ionic is primarily used for creating HYBRID/WEB MOBILE APPLICATIONS. Although you can deploy the code as a website too, but you will not be able to get any benefit out of using ionic for a website only and not using react as a standalone framework.
Be clear on your requirement, your question talks about website and web based mobile apps. Deploying a website and a hybrid mobile application is not one and the same thing. Websites are hosted on servers, mobile apps are deployed in app stores.
If you are not going to deploy to any mobile platform, i suggest you drop ionic and build your website with react.
Now coming to Ionic mobile apps, this is the flow
Create Ionic Project -> Build project for iOS/Android platform -> Deploy these apps to respective app stores
You will not host your Ionic mobile code on any hosting provider.
Your node.js backend code gets hosted on a hosting service. The endpoint URL will change to your hosted servers IP address.
Read about following topics first
What are hybrid mobile applications
What is Ionic
How to build mobile apps using Ionic
Publishing Mobile Applications
Deploying node.js to a cloud host

Is there any way to make my svelte web app to run locally on iOS?

I have developed an app using svelte and have uploaded it to a server. Since it contains private information, I cannot share the domain with other people. So basically, the web app should be private.
But if I want to make other people use my webapp, how can I do that?
In a PC, I can give them the source code and make them locally build their webapp on their localhost:3000 using npm-run dev.
How can I achieve this on a mobile device like Android or iOS?
You can use a.k.a. ZEIT / Vercel. Deploying your Github files is very easy.
You can use this hosting for free with limitation of course.

Angular Universal app running in shared hosting

So I have created an angular universal app and I have successfully deployed it in Heroku and it's running great. I would like to know if it is possible I can run it in a shared hosting. More specifically I have A2Hosting shared plan which supports node.js. More over which commands should I execute in the server in order to start the node server? Thank you.

Deploying React & Node.JS as a service Linux Ubuntu 14

Have a Node.Js API and a React app semi finished. Working on deploying to get the development cycle churning. Currently using npm start for viewing the react server during development. Same for the Node API. When deployed to AWS EC2 I am building in the most basic fashion, npm build pushing to a 'release' folder.
Once the deploy folder is up, I can go into it and run serve -s release
This gets me up and running. I can do the same for api server.
To get the apps running as a service, for the api, I can see how I can build a systemd process and run that with no issue.
For the react app, is there an easy way to run that server as a system... I'm new to this stack, so I might be confused. I have read in some places that once you've built your react app that you need to serve it out via apache or nginx? (e.g. in development it hosts itself, in production, you need to serve it) Is that sort of the general idea - build with local hosting, deploy with a production webhost?
Help appreciated. This is my last major issue before I can get Jenkins running a nice pipeline for deployment. Thanks!
Since you are already running a NodeJs server, It would be a good idea to host your ReactJs App in the NodeJs App itself.
You can pipline in the Jenkins to Build the ReactJs App first and the move it to static serving folder in the server and then you just need to deploy the NodeJs app in which ever environment that you want.

how to deploy nodejs rest api with express framework on production server windows

I have created a node.js rest api created using express framework for routing. I have used tutorial
Now I want to deploy that rest api on actual production server. How to achieve that thing.
I have gone through below links.
Deploy node js application with express framework on production mode --- Only for linux. I need for windows.
Deploying NodeJs Express Rest API to Windows 10 IoT -- a little bit similar problem but no solution -- this said to run npm start on production server after copying all of the files on server. But this is not working fine either.
Any help will be highly useful.
You use pm2?
Usually I use it to start the application. It works for both windows and linux. He leaves the service initated, and in case something happens that knocks the service up again.
You install it on the server, and instead of using it
node server.js
You use the command below
pm2 server.js start
