accessing specific intervals in list - python-3.x

I have a list containing the system time from a machine. Since the list contains only the milliseconds part, the values donĀ“t go beyond 1000.
For better viewing I want to add i*1000 to certain intervals in this list for each time the list skips 1000. For better understanding i will give my input list and what my output list should look like:
inputlist = [300,600,900,200,500,800,100,400]
etc, the output list should look like this:
outputlist = [300,600,900,1200,1500,1800,2100,2400]
since I want the list to start with zero i subtracted the first element of the list from each element giving me a new inputlist:
inputlist_new = [0,300,600,-100,200,500,-200,100]
which should give me a new outputlist like:
outputlist_new = [0,300,600,900,1200,1500,1800,2100]
I tried creating a list containing the indices of each element < 0 to cut the list into intervals, to multiply the thousands on each interval but I am not able to do so. My code for this index list is this:
list_index = [i for i, j in enumerate(inputlist_new) if j < 0]

I actually found a solution myself: i copied the list i want to change into a new one, just for the sake of maybe using it later (so this is not necessary for the solution) and then used 2 for loops:
inputlist_new = [0,300,600,-100,200,500,-200,100]
inputlist2 = inputlist_new.copy()
for x in range(len(list_index)):
for y in range(list_index[x],len(inputlist2)):
inputlist2[y] = inputliste2[y]+1000
this gave me the wanted output


Sorting algoritm

I want to make my algorithm more efficient via deleting the items it already sorted, but i don't know how I can do it efficiently. The only way I found was to rewrite the whole list.
l = [] #Here you put your list
sl = [] # this is to store the list when it is sorted
a = 0 # variable to store which numbers he already looked for
while True: # loop
if len(sl) == len(l): #if their size is matching it will stop
print(sl) # print the sorted list
a = a + 1
if a in l: # check if it is in list
sl.append(a) # add to sorted list
#here i want it to be deleted from the list.
The variable a is a little awkward. It starts at 0 and increments 1 by 1 until it matches elements from the list l
Imagine if l = [1000000, 1200000, -34]. Then your algorithm will first run for 1000000 iterations without doing anything, just incrementing a from 0 to 1000000. Then it will append 1000000 to sl. Then it will run again 200000 iterations without doing anything, just incrementing a from 1000000 to 1200000.
And then it will keep incrementing a looking for the number -34, which is below zero...
I understand the idea behind your variable a is to select the elements from l in order, starting from the smallest element. There is a function that does that: it's called min(). Try using that function to select the smallest element from l, and append that element to sl. Then delete this element from l; otherwise, the next call to min() will select the same element again instead of selecting the next smallest element.
Note that min() has a disadvantage: it returns the value of the smallest element, but not its position in the list. So it's not completely obvious how to delete the element from l after you've found it with min(). An alternative is to write your own function that returns both the element, and its position. You can do that with one loop: in the following piece of code, i refers to a position in the list (0 is the position of the first element, 1 the position of the second, etc) and a refers to the value of that element. I left blanks and you have to figure out how to select the position and value of the smallest element in the list.
for i, a in enumerate(l):
if ...:
If you managed to do all this, congratulations! You have implemented "selection sort". It's a well-known sorting algorithm. It is one of the simplest. There exist many other sorting algorithms.

Choosing minimum numbers from a given list to give a sum N( repetition allowed)

How to find the minimum number of ways in which elements taken from a list can sum towards a given number(N)
For example if list = [1,3,7,4] and N=14 function should return 2 as 7+7=14
Again if N= 11, function should return 2 as 7+4 =11. I think I have figured out the algorithm but unable to implement it in code.
Pls use Python, as that is the only language I understand(at present)
Since you mention dynamic programming in your question, and you say that you have figured out the algorithm, i will just include an implementation of the basic tabular method written in Python without too much theory.
The idea is to have a tabular structure we will use to compute all possible values we need without having to doing the same computations many times.
The basic formula will try to sum values in the list till we reach the target value, for every target value.
It should work, but you can of course make some optimization like trying to order the list and/or find dividends in order to construct a smaller table and have faster termination.
Here is the code:
import sys
# num_list : list of numbers
# value: value for which we want to get the minimum number of addends
def min_sum(num_list, value):
list_len = len(num_list)
# We will use the tipycal dynamic programming table construct
# the key of the list will be the sum value we want,
# and the value will be the
# minimum number of items to sum
# Base case value = 0, first element of the list is zero
value_table = [0]
# Initialize all table values to MAX
# for range i use value+1 because python range doesn't include the end
# number
for i in range(1, value+1):
# try every combination that is smaller than <value>
for i in range(1, value+1):
for j in range(0, list_len):
if (num_list[j] <= i):
tmp = value_table[i-num_list[j]]
if ((tmp != sys.maxsize) and (tmp + 1 < value_table[i])):
value_table[i] = tmp + 1
return value_table[value]
## TEST ##
num_list = [1,3,16,5,3]
value = 22
print("Min Sum: ",min_sum(num_list,value)) # Outputs 3
it would be helpful if you include your Algorithm in Pseudocode - it will very much look like Python :-)
Another aspect: your first operation is a multiplication with one item from the list (7) and one outside of the list (2), whereas for the second opration it is 7+4 - both values in the list.
Is there a limitation for which operation or which items to use (from within or without the list)?

merging some entries in a python list based on length of items

I have a list of about 20-30 items [strings].
I'm able to print them out in my program just fine - but I'd like to save some space, and merge items that are shorter...
So basically, if I have 2 consecutive items that the combined lengths are less than 30, I want to join those to items as a single entry in the list - with a / between them
I'm not coming up with a simple way of doing this.
I don't care if I do it in the same list, or make a new list of items... it's all happening inside 1 function...
You need to loop through the list and keep joining items till they satisfy your requirement (size 30). Then add them to a new list when an element grows that big.
l=[] # your new list
buff=yourList[0] if len(yourList)>0 else "" # hold strings till they reach desired length
for i in range(1,len(yourList)):
# check if concatenating will exceed the size or not
if (len(buff) + len(t) + 1) <= 30:
l.append(buff) # since last element is yet to be inserted
You can extend method of list as follows:
a = [1,2,3]
b = [4,5,6]
You just need to check the size of two list a and b as per your requirements.
I hope I understood your problem !
This code worked for me, you can check to see if that's what you wanted, it's a bit lenghty but it works.
list1 = yourListOfElements
for elem in list1:
try: # Needs try/except otherwise last iteration would throw an indexerror
listaAUX = [] # Auxiliar list to check length and join smaller elements. You can probably eliminate this using list slicing
if len(listaAUX[0]) + len(listaAUX[1]) < 30:
concatenated = '/'.join(listaAUX)
except IndexError:

Switching positions of two strings within a list

I have another question that I'd like input on, of course no direct answers just something to point me in the right direction!
I have a string of numbers ex. 1234567890 and I want 1 & 0 to change places (0 and 9) and for '2345' & '6789' to change places. For a final result of '0678923451'.
First things I did was convert the string into a list with:
ex. original = '1234567890'
original = list(original)
original = ['0', '1', '2' etc....]
Now, I get you need to pull the first and last out, so I assigned
x = original[0]
y = original[9]
So: x, y = y, x (which gets me the result I'm looking for)
But how do I input that back into the original list?
The fact that you 'pulled' the data from the list in variables x and y doesn't help at all, since those variables have no connection anymore with the items from the list. But why don't you swap them directly:
original[0], original[9] = original[9], original[0]
You can use the slicing operator in a similar manner to swap the inner parts of the list.
But, there is no need to create a list from the original string. Instead, you can use the slicing operator to achieve the result you want. Note that you cannot swap the string elements as you did with lists, since in Python strings are immutable. However, you can do the following:
>>> a = "1234567890"
>>> a[9] + a[5:9] + a[1:5] + a[0]

Combination of one of every string group in all possible combinations and orders in matlab

So I forgot a string and know there is three substrings in there and I know a few possibilities for each string. So all I need to do is go through all possible combinations and orders until I find the one I forgot. But since humans can only hold four items in their working memory (definately an upper limit for me), I cant keep tabs on which ones I examined.
So say I have n sets of m strings, how do I get all strings that have a length of n substrings consisting of one string from each set in any order?
I saw an example of how to do it in a nested loop but then I have to specify the order. The example is for n = 3 with different m`s. Not sure how to make this more general:
first = {'Hoi','Hi','Hallo'};
second = {'Jij','You','Du'};
third = {'Daar','There','Da','LengthIsDifferent'};
for iF = 1:length(first)
for iS = 1:length(second)
for iT = 1:length(third)
[first{iF}, second{iS}, third{iT}]
About this question: it does not solve this problem because it presumes that the order of the sets to choose from is known.
This generates the cartesian product of the indices using ndgrid.
Then uses some cellfun-magic to get all the strings. Afterwards it just cycles through all the permutations and appends those.
first = {'Hoi','Hi','Hallo'};
second = {'Jij','You','Du'};
third = {'Daar','There','Da','LengthIsDifferent'};
Vs = {first, second, third};
%% Create cartesian product
Indices = cellfun(#(X) 1:numel(X), Vs, 'uni', 0);
[cartesianProductInd{1:numel(Vs)}] = ndgrid(Indices{:});
AllStringCombinations = cellfun(#(A,I) A(I(:)), Vs, cartesianProductInd,'uni',0);
AllStringCombinations = cat(1, AllStringCombinations{:}).';%.'
%% Permute what we got
AllStringCombinationsPermuted = [];
permutations = perms(1:numel(Vs));
for i = 1:size(permutations,1)
AllStringCombinationsPermuted = [AllStringCombinationsPermuted; ...
