I had forwarded call to another number using nexmo LVN. Now if somebody call to my LVN, call will be forwarded to my provided forward number. It happens properly and status webhook is called when call is completed with some parameters. Upon analyzing I found that parameters in webhook does not provide any information if call is picked or was it a missed call?
How can I find an inbound call is a missed call?
Based on the documentation I believe that your status webhook should receive either a timeout or unanswered event
Using Node.JS and the Twilio API I can easily see when a transfer initiated by my Twilio code is answered using Call Status Events. But, what if the person I am calling transfers my call?
Is there anything in the Twilio API that will tell me the call is being transferred, is currently on hold, and when that transfer is answered?
Desired Flow:
Twilio Bot calls Number
Receptionist answers
Twilio Bot asks to speak with a salesperson
Receptionist says they will transfer the call, and begins the transfer
Twilio Bot is put on hold and hears Silence/Ringing/Music/Automated "pease wait. You are # in the que" messages
Salesperson answers
Twilio Bot greets and continues the conversation with Salesperson
This is not possible.
The information is hidden behind the receptionists PBX, and not exposed outside that platform. The transfer is basically invisible to Twilio or any external parties from a signaling perspective.
Warning: Please bear with me and I am fairly new with Gatling. So, apologies in advance. :P :)
I was going through the Loadrunner Asynchronous Calls Function - wb_reg_async_attributes, and I found that there are four different Asynchronous Conversation Patterns, which are:
Poll - The client polls the server periodically for information.
Long Poll - The client polls the server and waits for a response.
When the response arrives, another poll request is initiated.
Push -The client sends a request. The server response is to send updates
when there are changes to the requested information.
Cross-user - One user performs an activity that is reflected in another user's client. For example, user1 sends an email and user2 receives
Now, I have a requirement where I need to test Long-Polling using Gatling.
As far as I know, there are two ways in Gatling:
Please feel free to let me know in case I am wrong.
By using Polling function of Gatling, I am getting a Gateway Timeout Error. My theory is:
Gatling sends the request --> doesn't get a response --> Comes back with Gateway Timeout error.
Is there a way I can emulate Long Polling in Gatling? Please help me out in resolving this challenge.
Poll works in the similar fashion as LongPoll
If i start a call in SIP / PJSUA2 using the CALL function, the OnIncomingCall event in the SIPAccount fires. However, a call CAN fail (non existing target account, or the callee does not answer). Where in SIP or PJSUA2 can i detect, this? Preferably with an event?
You might have got the solution, but answering late so that someone can get help from this post.
If the user didn't answer or not reachable, the state goes to CONNECTED state, you should detect the voice mail activity by writing a separate function. It will go to CONNECTED state in order to enable you to hear the voice message by the provider or by the user.
I am evaluating MessageBird service. I got a Virtual Mobile Number. I am able to send message to dummy numbers (until i get approval for sending messages to real USA number)
Unknown: My problem is about reading the messages received by a VMN.
Details: If I as a VMN owner send a message to consumer e.g. +1(111)111-1111 and i am interested in reading the response from the consumer, how to do get it?
MessageBird documentation expects me to know the ID for response message object (or my understanding is wrong). The documentation is good but i don't see a way to programmatically achieve it. Any suggestions How to achieve it?
Thanks in advance!
Messagebird have a feature of forward incoming sms data through webhook(get or post method). if you set an url then Messagebird will forward every incoming sms to you(or your server). You can easily read get/post response.
I am looking for a solution for integrating Apache Oilngo with JMS.
The requirement is to have the client construct HTTP structure and send over socket connection (Synchronous) - if HTTP response take more than the specified time period (e.g. 15 minutes), then request gets forwarded to asynchronous behavior where the thread will be waiting on the socket for response. Once the response arrives, the original sender gets notified (callback like structure)
Olingo V2 does not have these capabilities. In Olingo V4 there is an asynchronous support available.
Unfortunately there is no documentation on the olingo website about this. So I would suggest you look at the technical service which olingo uses to test features: https://github.com/apache/olingo-odata4/blob/master/lib/server-tecsvc/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/server/tecsvc/processor/TechnicalEntityProcessor.java#L148
The TechnicalEntityProcessor in the tecsvc module can respond asynchronously. The specification part of this can be found here: http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/errata02/os/complete/part1-protocol/odata-v4.0-errata02-os-part1-protocol-complete.html#_Toc406398358
Also questions can be asked on the olingo mailing list: user#olingo.apache.org