Who runs first in fork, with contradicting results - linux

I have this simple test:
int main() {
int res = fork();
if (res == 0) { // child
printf("Son running now, pid = %d\n", getpid());
else { // parent
printf("Parent running now, pid = %d\n", getpid());
return 0;
When I run it a hundred times, i.e. run this command,
for ((i=0;i<100;i++)); do echo ${i}:; ./test; done
I get:
Parent running now, pid = 1775
Son running now, pid = 1776
Parent running now, pid = 1777
Son running now, pid = 1778
Parent running now, pid = 1779
Son running now, pid = 1780
and so on; whereas when I first write to a file and then read the file, i.e. run this command,
for ((i=0;i<100;i++)); do echo ${i}:; ./test; done > forout
cat forout
I get it flipped! That is,
Son running now, pid = 1776
Parent running now, pid = 1775
Son running now, pid = 1778
Parent running now, pid = 1777
Son running now, pid = 1780
Parent running now, pid = 1779
I know about the scheduler. What does this result not mean, in terms of who runs first after forking?
The forking function, do_fork() (at kernel/fork.c) ends with setting the need_resched flag to 1, with the comment by kernel developers saying, "let the child process run first."
I guessed that this has something to do with the buffers that the printf writes to.
Also, is it true to say that the input redirection (>) writes everything to a buffer first and only then copies to the file? And even so, why would this change the order of the prints?
Note: I am running the test on a single-core virtual machine with a Linux kernel v2.4.14.
Thank you for your time.

When you redirect, glibc detects that stdout is not tty turns on output buffering for efficiency. The buffer is therefore not written until the process exits. You can see this with e.g.:
int main() {
printf("hello world\n");
When you run it interactively, it prints "hello world" and waits. When you redirect to a file, you will see that nothing is written for 60 seconds:
$ ./foo > file & tail -f file
(no output for 60 seconds)
Since your parent process waits for the child, it will necessarily always exit last, and therefore flush its output last.


Run command in golang and detach it from process

I'm writing program in golang on linux that needs to execute long running process so that:
I redirect stdout of running process to file.
I control the user of process.
Process doesn't die when my program exits.
The process doesn't become a zombie when it crashes.
I get PID of running process.
I'm running my program with root permissions.
Attempted solution:
func Run(pathToBin string, args []string, uid uint32, stdLogFile *os.File) (int, error) {
cmd := exec.Command(pathToBin, args...)
cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{
Credential: &syscall.Credential{
Uid: uid,
cmd.Stdout = stdLogFile
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return -1, err
go func() {
cmd.Wait() //Wait is necessary so cmd doesn't become a zombie
return cmd.Process.Pid, nil
This solution seems to satisfy almost all of my requirements except that when I send SIGTERM/SIGKILL to my program the underlying process crashes. In fact I want my background process to be as separate as possible: it has different parent pid, group pid etc. from my program. I want to run it as daemon.
Other solutions on stackoverflow suggested to use cmd.Process.Release() for similar use cases, but it doesn't seem to work.
Solutions which are not applicable in my case:
I have no control over code of process I'm running. My solution has to work for any process.
I can't use external commands to run it, just pure go. So using systemd or something similar is not applicable.
I can in fact use library that is easily importable using import from github etc.
Just use https://github.com/hashicorp/go-reap
There is a great Russian expression which reads "don't try to give birth to a bicycle" and it means don't reinvent the wheel and keep it simple. I think it applies here. If I were you, I'd reconsider using one of:
This issue has already been solved ;)
Your question is imprecise or you are asking for non-standard features.
In fact I want my background process to be as separate as possible: it has different parent pid, group pid etc. from my program. I want to run it as daemon.
That is not how process inheritance works. You can not have process A start Process B and somehow change the parent of B to C. To the best of my knowledge this is not possible in Linux.
In other words, if process A (pid 55) starts process B (100), then B must have parent pid 55.
The only way to avoid that is have something else start the B process such as atd, crond, or something else - which is not what you are asking for.
If parent 55 dies, then PID 1 will be the parent of 100, not some arbitrary process.
Your statement "it has different parent pid" does not makes sense.
I want to run it as daemon.
That's excellent. However, in a GNU / Linux system, all daemons have a parent pid and those parents have a parent pid going all the way up to pid 1, strictly according to the parent -> child rule.
when I send SIGTERM/SIGKILL to my program the underlying process crashes.
I can not reproduce that behavior. See case8 and case7 from the proof-of-concept repo.
make case8
export NOSIGN=1; make build case7
unset NOSIGN; make build case7
$ make case8
{ sleep 6 && killall -s KILL zignal; } &
./bin/ctrl-c &
sleep 2; killall -s TERM ctrl-c
kill with:
{ pidof ctrl-c; pidof signal ; } | xargs -r -t kill -9
main() 2476074
bashed 2476083 (2476081)
bashed 2476084 (2476081)
bashed 2476085 (2476081)
zignal 2476088 (2476090)
go main() got 23 urgent I/O condition
go main() got 23 urgent I/O condition
zignal 2476098 (2476097)
go main() got 23 urgent I/O condition
zignal 2476108 (2476099)
main() wait...
p 2476088
p 2476098
p 2476108
p 2476088
go main() got 15 terminated
sleep 1; killall -s TERM ctrl-c
p 2476098
p 2476108
p 2476088
go main() got 15 terminated
sleep 1; killall -s TERM ctrl-c
p 2476098
p 2476108
p 2476088
Bash c 2476085 EXITs ELAPSED 4
go main() got 17 child exited
go main() got 23 urgent I/O condition
main() children done: 1 %!s(<nil>)
main() wait...
go main() got 15 terminated
go main() got 23 urgent I/O condition
sleep 1; killall -s KILL ctrl-c
p 2476098
p 2476108
p 2476088
balmora: ~/src/my/go/doodles/sub-process [main]
$ p 2476098
p 2476108
Bash _ 2476083 EXITs ELAPSED 6
Bash q 2476084 EXITs ELAPSED 8
The bash processes keep running after the parent is killed.
killall -s KILL ctrl-c;
All 3 "zignal" sub-processes are running until killed by
killall -s KILL zignal;
In both cases the sub-processes continue to run despite main process being signaled with TERM, HUP, INT. This behavior is different in a shell environment because of convenience reasons. See the related questions about signals. This particular answer illustrates a key difference for SIGINT. Note that SIGSTOP and SIGKILL cannot be caught by an application.
It was necessary to clarify the above before proceeding with the other parts of the question.
So far you have already solved the following:
redirect stdout of sub-process to a file
set owner UID of sub-process
sub-process survives death of parent (my program exits)
the PID of sub-process can be seen by the main program
The next one depends on whether the children are "attached" to a shell or not
sub-process survives the parent being killed
The last one is hard to reproduce, but I have heard about this problem in the docker world, so the rest of this answer is focused on addressing this issue.
sub-process survives if the parent crashes and does not become a zombie
As you have noted, the Cmd.Wait() is necessary to avoid creating zombies. After some experimentation I was able to consistency produce zombies in a docker environment using an intentionally simple replacement for /bin/sh. This "shell" implemented in go will only run a single command and not much else in terms of reaping children. You can study the code over at github.
The zombie solution
the simple wrapper which causes zombies
package main
func main() {
The reaper wrapper
package main
import (
func main() {
if reap.IsSupported() {
done := make(chan struct{})
var reapLock sync.RWMutex
pids := make(reap.PidCh, 1)
errors := make(reap.ErrorCh, 1)
go reap.ReapChildren(pids, errors, done, &reapLock)
go report(pids, errors, done)
} else {
fmt.Println("Sorry, go-reap isn't supported on your platform.")
func report(pids reap.PidCh, errors reap.ErrorCh, done chan struct{}) {
sprintf := color.New(color.FgWhite, color.Bold).SprintfFunc()
for ;; {
select {
case pid := <-pids:
println(sprintf("raeper pid %d", pid))
case err := <-errors:
println(sprintf("raeper er %s", err))
case <-done:
The init / sh (pid 1) process which runs other commands
package main
import (
func Sh() {
args := os.Args[1:]
script := args[0:0]
if len(args) >= 1 {
if args[0] == "-c" {
script = args[1:]
if len(script) == 0 {
fn.CyanBold("cmd: expecting sh -c 'foobar'")
var cmd *exec.Cmd
parts, _ := shlex.Split(strings.Join(script, " "))
if len(parts) >= 2 {
cmd = fn.Merge(exec.Command(parts[0], parts[1:]...), nil)
if len(parts) == 1 {
cmd = fn.Merge(exec.Command(parts[0]), nil)
if fn.IfEnv("HANG") {
fn.CyanBold("cmd: %v\n start", parts)
ex := cmd.Start()
if ex != nil {
fn.CyanBold("cmd %v err: %s", parts, ex)
go func() {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
errw := cmd.Wait()
if errw != nil {
fn.CyanBold("cmd %v err: %s", parts, errw)
} else {
fn.CyanBold("cmd %v all done.", parts)
fn.CyanBold("cmd: %v\n dispatched, hanging forever (i.e. to keep docker running)", parts)
for {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(fn.EnvInt("HANG", 2888)))
fn.SystemCyan("/bin/ps", "-e", "-o", "stat,comm,user,etime,pid,ppid")
} else {
if fn.IfEnv("NOWAIT") {
ex := cmd.Start()
if ex != nil {
fn.CyanBold("cmd %v start err: %s", parts, ex)
} else {
ex := cmd.Run()
if ex != nil {
fn.CyanBold("cmd %v run err: %s", parts, ex)
fn.CyanBold("cmd %v\n dispatched, exit docker.", parts)
The Dockerfile
FROM scratch
# for sh.go
# for sub-process.go
# for ctrl-c.go, signal.go
COPY bin/sh /bin/sh ## <---- wrapped or simple /bin/sh or "init"
COPY bin/sub-process /bin/sub-process
COPY bin/zleep /bin/zleep
COPY bin/fork-if /bin/fork-if
COPY --from=busybox:latest /bin/find /bin/find
COPY --from=busybox:latest /bin/ls /bin/ls
COPY --from=busybox:latest /bin/ps /bin/ps
COPY --from=busybox:latest /bin/killall /bin/killall
Remaining code / setup can be seen here:
Case 5 (simple /bin/sh)
The gist of it is we start two sub-processes from go, using the "parent" sub-process binary. The first child is zleep and the second fork-if. The second one starts a "daemon" that runs a forever-loop in addition to a few short-lived threads. After a while, we kill the sub-procss parent, forcing sh to take over the parenting for these children.
Since this simple implementation of sh does not know how to deal with abandoned children, the children become zombies.
This is standard behavior. To avoid this, init systems are usually responsible for cleaning up any such children.
Check out this repo and run the cases:
$ make prep build
$ make prep build2
The first one will use the simple /bin/sh in the docker container, and the socond one will use the same code wrapped in a reaper.
With zombies:
$ make prep build case5
main() Daemon away! 16 (/bin/zleep)
main() Daemon away! 22 (/bin/fork-if)
main() CRASH imminent
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x49e45c]
goroutine 1 [running]:
/home/jaroslav/src/my/go/doodles/sub-process/sub-process.go:137 +0xfc
cmd [/bin/sub-process /log/case5 3 /bin/zleep 111 2 -- /dev/stderr 3 /bin/fork-if --] err: exit status 2
Child '1' done
thread done
R sh 0 0:02 1 0
S zleep 3 0:02 16 1
Z fork-if 3 0:02 22 1
R fork-child-A 3 0:02 25 1
R fork-child-B 3 0:02 26 25
S fork-child-C 3 0:02 27 26
S fork-daemon 3 0:02 28 27
R ps 0 0:01 30 1
Child '2' done
thread done
R sh 0 0:04 1 0
Z zleep 3 0:04 16 1
Z fork-if 3 0:04 22 1
Z fork-child-A 3 0:04 25 1
R fork-child-B 3 0:04 26 1
S fork-child-C 3 0:04 27 26
S fork-daemon 3 0:04 28 27
R ps 0 0:01 33 1
With reaper:
$ make -C ~/src/my/go/doodles/sub-process case5
main() CRASH imminent
Child '1' done
thread done
raeper pid 24
S sh 0 0:02 1 0
S zleep 3 0:01 18 1
R fork-child-A 3 0:01 27 1
R fork-child-B 3 0:01 28 27
S fork-child-C 3 0:01 30 28
S fork-daemon 3 0:01 31 30
R ps 0 0:01 32 1
Child '2' done
thread done
raeper pid 27
S sh 0 0:03 1 0
S zleep 3 0:02 18 1
R fork-child-B 3 0:02 28 1
S fork-child-C 3 0:02 30 28
S fork-daemon 3 0:02 31 30
R ps 0 0:01 33 1
S sh 0 0:03 1 0
S zleep 3 0:02 18 1
R fork-child-B 3 0:02 28 1
S fork-child-C 3 0:02 30 28
S fork-daemon 3 0:02 31 30
R ps 0 0:01 34 1
raeper pid 18
S sh 0 0:04 1 0
R fork-child-B 3 0:03 28 1
S fork-child-C 3 0:03 30 28
S fork-daemon 3 0:03 31 30
R ps 0 0:01 35 1
Here is a picture of the same output, which may be less confusing to read.
How to run the cases in the poc repo
Get the code
git clone https://github.com/tox2ik/go-poc-reaper.git
One terminal:
make tail-cases
Another terminal
make prep
make build
or make build2
make case0 case1
Related questions:
How to create a daemon process in Golang?
How to start a Go program as a daemon in Ubuntu?
how to keep subprocess running after program exit in golang?
Prevent Ctrl+C from interrupting exec.Command in Golang
Related discussions:
Relevant projects:
http://software.clapper.org/daemonize/ (what I would use)
https://github.com/hashicorp/go-reap (if you must have run go on pid 1)
https://github.com/sevlyar/go-daemon (mimics posix fork)
Relevant prose:
A zombie process is a process whose execution is completed but it still has an entry in the process table. Zombie processes usually occur for child processes, as the parent process still needs to read its child’s exit status. Once this is done using the wait system call, the zombie process is eliminated from the process table. This is known as reaping the zombie process.
from https://www.tutorialspoint.com/what-is-zombie-process-in-linux

Is it possible to start a linux process, getting the PID, but start running later on certain condition?

I'm thinking about some tool that can pause the program at start.
For example, my_bin starts running at once.
$ ./my_bin
With this tool
$ magic_tool ./my_bin
my_bin will start. I can get the PID. Then I can start the actual running later.
I've just tested my suggestion in the comments and it worked! This is the code in my magic_tool.c:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
pid_t pid;
printf("Executing %s to wrap %s.\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
pid = fork();
if (pid == -1)
return -1;
if (pid == 0) {
execl(argv[1], "", NULL);
} else {
printf("PID == %d\n", pid);
return 0;
I wrote another test program target.c:
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
puts("It works!\n");
return 0;
Running ./magic_tool ./target printed a PID and returned to shell. Only after running kill -SIGCONT <printed_pid> was It works! printed. You'll probably want to have PID saved somewhere else and also perform some checks in the magic_tool, but I think this is nonetheless a good proof of concept.
I was playing around with this a bit more and for some reason it didn't always work (see why below). The solution is simple - just follow a proper fork off and die pattern a bit more closely in magic_tool.c:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
pid_t pid;
printf("Executing %s to wrap %s.\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
pid = fork();
if (pid == -1)
return -1;
if (pid == 0) {
pid = fork();
if (pid == -1)
return -1;
if (pid == 0) {
if (execl(argv[1], "", NULL))
return -1;
printf("PID == %d\n", pid);
return 0;
I found an explanation in this answer:
When you start the root process from your shell, it is a process group leader, and its descendants are members of that group. When that leader terminates, the process group is orphaned. When the system detects a newly-orphaned process group in which any member is stopped, then every member of the process group is sent a SIGHUP followed by a SIGCONT.
So, some of your descendant processes are still stopped when the leader terminates, and thus everyone receives a SIGHUP followed by a SIGCONT, which for practical purposes mean they die of SIGHUP.
Exactly which descendants are still stopped (or even just merrily advancing toward exit()) is a timing race.
The answer also links to IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 _Exit entry which contains more details on the matter.
This is mostly a very similar idea as #gst, but done entirely in the shell, you can spawn a subshell (this forks and create a new pid) and have the subshell send itself SIGSTOP signal, when the subshell receives a SIGCONT signal and resumes, the subshell exec the intended program (this replaces the subshell with the intended program without creating a new pid). So that the main shell can continue doing stuff, the subshell should run on background with &.
In a nutshell:
(kill -STOP $BASHPID && exec ./my_bin) &
subpid=$! # get the pid of above subshell
... do something else ...
kill -CONT $subpid # resume
Another idea that wouldn't suffer from race condition between the main process sending SIGCONT and the subshell SIGSTOP-ing itself is to use a file descriptor to implement the wait instead:
exec {PIPEFD}<> <(:) # set PIPEFD to the file descriptor of an anonymous pipe
(read -u $PIPEFD && exec ./my_bin) &
subpid=$! # get the pid of above subshell
... do something else ...
echo >&$PIPEFD # resume

execvp appears to change pid of the process

I created a program that does:
1. fork
2. from the son, create execvp with csh. The execvp csh runs a script a.sh that prints in infinite loop.
My problem is that I cant stop or kill the process from the father (using kill(SIGKILL,pid) from the father process didn't work).
I think that the problem is in execvp.
when I print the pid from the script(echo $BASHPID ) I get a different pid from the one that I get before the execvp. i know the pid after execvp is supposed to remain the same, but it seems like it doesn't.
here is the problematic code:
int ExeExternal(char* args[MAX_ARG], char* cmdString, int* fg_pid, char** L_Fg_Cmd){
//int child_status;
int pID;
pID = fork();
switch(pID) {
case -1: //error
return 1;
case 0 : // Child Process
printf("son getpid() : %d",getpid());
char* argument_for_cshs[5];
char* cmd="csh";
//if return => there is a problem
any solution?

Will ctrl+c send SIGINT signals to both parent and child processes in Linux?

In the terminal, I executed a main parent process which will fork a child process. In both the parent and child processes I implemented a SIGINT signal handler.
So when I press "ctrl+c", will both the handlers be called at the same time? Or do I need to call the child process's signal handler explicitly in the parent process's handler?
I looked up this post:
How does Ctrl-C terminate a child process?
which says that "The SIGINT signal is generated by the terminal line discipline, and broadcast to all processes in the terminal's foreground process group". I just didn't quite understand what does "foreground process group" means.
In both the parent and child processes I implemented a SIGINT signal
handler. So when I press "ctrl+c", will both the handlers be called at
the same time?
Yes, they both will receive SIGINT.
Or do I need to call the child process's signal handler explicitly in
the parent process's handler?
"Calling" another process' signal handler doesn't make sense. If the both the process have a handler installed then they will be called once they receive the signal SIGINT.
I just didn't quite understand what does "foreground process group"
Typically, a process associated with a controlling terminal is foreground process and its process group is called foreground process group. When you start a process from the command line, it's a foreground process:
$ ./script.sh # foreground process
$ ./script & # background process
I suggest you read about tty and The TTY demystified for a detailed explanation.
setpgid POSIX C process group minimal example
This illustrates how the signal does get sent to the child, if the child didn't change its process group with setpgid.
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700
#include <assert.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
volatile sig_atomic_t is_child = 0;
void signal_handler(int sig) {
char parent_str[] = "sigint parent\n";
char child_str[] = "sigint child\n";
signal(sig, signal_handler);
if (sig == SIGINT) {
if (is_child) {
write(STDOUT_FILENO, child_str, sizeof(child_str) - 1);
} else {
write(STDOUT_FILENO, parent_str, sizeof(parent_str) - 1);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
pid_t pid, pgid;
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
signal(SIGUSR1, signal_handler);
pid = fork();
assert(pid != -1);
if (pid == 0) {
/* Change the pgid.
* The new one is guaranteed to be different than the previous, which was equal to the parent's,
* because `man setpgid` says:
* > the child has its own unique process ID, and this PID does not match
* > the ID of any existing process group (setpgid(2)) or session.
is_child = 1;
if (argc > 1) {
setpgid(0, 0);
printf("child pid, pgid = %ju, %ju\n", (uintmax_t)getpid(), (uintmax_t)getpgid(0));
assert(kill(getppid(), SIGUSR1) == 0);
while (1);
/* Wait until the child sends a SIGUSR1. */
pgid = getpgid(0);
printf("parent pid, pgid = %ju, %ju\n", (uintmax_t)getpid(), (uintmax_t)pgid);
/* man kill explains that negative first argument means to send a signal to a process group. */
kill(-pgid, SIGINT);
while (1);
GitHub upstream.
Compile with:
gcc -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o setpgid setpgid.c
Run without setpgid
Without any CLI arguments, setpgid is not done:
Possible outcome:
child pid, pgid = 28250, 28249
parent pid, pgid = 28249, 28249
sigint parent
sigint child
and the program hangs.
As we can see, the pgid of both processes is the same, as it gets inherited across fork.
Then whenever you hit:
Ctrl + C
It outputs again:
sigint parent
sigint child
This shows how:
to send a signal to an entire process group with kill(-pgid, SIGINT)
Ctrl + C on the terminal sends a kill to the entire process group by default
Quit the program by sending a different signal to both processes, e.g. SIGQUIT with Ctrl + \.
Run with setpgid
If you run with an argument, e.g.:
./setpgid 1
then the child changes its pgid, and now only a single sigint gets printed every time from the parent only:
child pid, pgid = 16470, 16470
parent pid, pgid = 16469, 16469
sigint parent
And now, whenever you hit:
Ctrl + C
only the parent receives the signal as well:
sigint parent
You can still kill the parent as before with a SIGQUIT:
Ctrl + \
however the child now has a different PGID, and does not receive that signal! This can seen from:
ps aux | grep setpgid
You will have to kill it explicitly with:
kill -9 16470
This makes it clear why signal groups exist: otherwise we would get a bunch of processes left over to be cleaned manually all the time.
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.

Not able to kill a fork'ed process

I am forking a child, and trying to kill it.
pid_t *child_pid;
int main(){
child_pid = mmap(NULL, sizeof(pid_t), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);$
int a = fork();
if (a != 0) {
printf("child # %d\n", a);
*child_pid = a;
system("sleep 100");
} else {
printf("Trying to kill %d\n", *child_pid);
int ret = kill(*child_pid,SIGKILL);
printf("killled with %d\n", ret);
However, the kill command gets stuck at:
child # 4752
Trying to kill 4752
In the meantime, calling ps shows this:
4752 pts/4 00:00:00 simple <defunct>
You are killing yourself. fork() returns 0 if you are in the forked process, or the child process id (PID) in the 'master' process.
So, the upper branch of your if() clause is performed in the master process, where you copy the child's process ID (stored in a) to child_pid.
In the lower branch you are in the child process, where take the child_pid, which is your own and then happily kill() yourself... That's why you never get the line 'Killed with...'
As paxdiablo pointed out, since this is a child process it will remain a zombie until you fetch the exit status with wait() or the master process exits.
BTW, I'm not sure what you want to do with this code:
If you want to exit the child process gracefully you can just do an exit().
If you want to kill your child process, keep track of the child PID (returned by fork()) and then kill() it from your master process.
If you want to kill the master process from your child (odd as that may sound) be careful, as that may take the child process(es) with it. You have to detach the child process from the master process (see the manual page for daemon()).
The child process is dead, it's just that the process entry will hang around until someone collects the exit code.
If the parent doesn't do it, it will eventually be inherited by init, which will reap it at some point.
