Multiple SRCDIR folders for compilation using makefile - linux

I am trying to do the following, where SRCDIRS includes all folders containing the source code by doing the following in the makefile:
SRCDIRS := $(shell find $(SRCDIR) -type d )
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIRS)/%.f90 Makefile
#$(F90) $(FFLAGS) $(POPTIONS) -o $# $<
My make file seems to ignore the %.o rule?
I also have a defined $(OBJS) which includes all my %.o files

You can't "multiply" strings that way in Make. And even if you could, you'd be specifying the wrong paths. Use vpath:
vpath %.f90 $(SRCDIRS)
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.f90 Makefile
#$(F90) $(FFLAGS) $(POPTIONS) -o $# $<


How to create makefile target for obj files generated in temporary directory?

I am trying to learn using makefiles again. I have a directory structure like this:
|- Makefile
|- Project files, like visual studio project
|- $(os name)_$(compiler)
|- *.o and any other intermediate files
|- $(os name)_$(compiler)
|- the compiled binary executable
|- debug info, if any
|- *.cpp, *.h
So I made this Makefile after a bit of googling and experimenting:
CXX := g++
CXXFLAGS := -std=c++17 -Wall
LDFLAGS := -lpthread
ASSUMED_OS := unknownOS
SRC_DIR := ../src
# OS detection and extension assignment for windows redacted for brevity
# ... detect OS, set extension to .exe if windows
# $(wildcard *.cpp /xxx/xxx/*.cpp): get all .cpp files from the current directory and dir "/xxx/xxx/"
SRCS := $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.cpp)
# $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(SRCS)): substitute all ".cpp" file name strings to ".o" file name strings
OBJS := $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(SRCS))
all: $(TARGET)
# Compile all obj files into an executable
#mkdir -p $(#D)
$(CXX) -o $# $^ $(LDFLAGS)
# Compile all CPP files in separate obj files
%.o: %.cpp
#mkdir -p $(#D)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
rm -rf $(TARGET) ../*.o
.PHONY: all clean
This works, but it creates the .o files next to the sources.
So I tried to change the OBJS variable and replace the path:
OBJS := $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(SRCS))
# Substitute src path for tmp directory path
OBJS := $(patsubst $(SRC_DIR)/%,$(TMP_DIR)/%,$(OBJS))
But then I get an error:
make: *** No rule to make target '../tmp/linux_gcc/Job.o', needed by '../bin/linux_gcc/MyProject'. Stop.
So I tried to create a different target, one that I thought would map the object file names that should be in ../tmp/linux_gcc to the source names from ../src:
# $(wildcard *.cpp /xxx/xxx/*.cpp): get all .cpp files from the current directory and dir "/xxx/xxx/"
SRCS := $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.cpp)
# $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(SRCS)): substitute all ".cpp" file name strings to ".o" file name strings
OBJS := $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(SRCS))
# Substitute src path for tmp directory path
OBJS := $(patsubst $(SRC_DIR)/%,$(TMP_DIR)/%,$(OBJS))
all: $(TARGET)
# Compile all obj files into an executable
#mkdir -p $(#D)
$(CXX) -o $# $^ $(LDFLAGS)
# Compile all CPP files in separate obj files
$(OBJS): $(SRCS)
#mkdir -p $(#D)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
But when I do that, make always compiles the same cpp file for each .o file:
g++ -std=c++17 -Wall -c ../src/Job.cpp -o ../tmp/linux_gcc/Job.o
g++ -std=c++17 -Wall -c ../src/Job.cpp -o ../tmp/linux_gcc/Worker.o
g++ -std=c++17 -Wall -c ../src/Job.cpp -o ../tmp/linux_gcc/WorkManager.o
I think I am quite close, but how can I get this to work? I think that in the compile command $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $# I need something else than $< for the input file, but I am not sure what.
In your first makefile:
SRC_DIR := ../src
SRCS := $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.cpp)
OBJS := $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(SRCS))
%.o: %.cpp
#mkdir -p $(#D)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
Yes, this "creates the .o files next to the sources". If you have a source foo.cpp, the variable OBJS will contain ../src/foo.o, and the rule will build it.
In your second attempt you have changed the object, but you haven't changed the rule, so the only way Make knows to build ../tmp/linux_gcc/Job.o is from ../tmp/linux_gcc/Job.cpp, which doesn't exist.
On your third attempt you have the right idea, but there's a flaw in your rule:
$(OBJS): $(SRCS)
#mkdir -p $(#D)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
The variable $(OBJS) is a list of objects, $(SRCS) is a list of sources, so each object depends on all sources. And the automatic variable $< expands to the first item in the prerequisite list, which in this case is ../src/Job.cpp, so no matter which object you choose, Make will try to build it by compiling that source.
This is a job for a static pattern rule:
$(OBJS): $(TMP_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp
#mkdir -p $(#D)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#

I want to know about command in makefile

FC= ifort
FCFLAGS=-O2 -r8 -openmp -mcmodel=large -extend-source -shared-intel -I$(HOME)/usr/include
LDFLAGS=-L$(HOME)/usr/lib -lfftw3 -lm
Project: a.o b.o c.o d.o
all : $(TARGET)
%: %.o
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -o $# $^ $(LDFLAGS)
%.o: %.f90
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -c $<
all : $(TARGET)
clean :
rm *.o
when I studied makefile, there is no information for
all : $(TARGET)
and function of % and $^. I wanna check about these things. Thanks for your help.
all is a target (repeated twice in that makefile for no reason). So is clean. Targets are how make works. See Rule Example.
$^ is one of the Automatic Variables available for use in target recipes.
% is a wildcard used in some make functions and in Pattern Rules.

Makefile Wildcard Issues

So I am having some issues understanding how exactly the % wildcard actually works using makefile. I have looked at static pattern rules in the GNU make man but i am still pretty confused and I feel like I have seen them do something similar to what I have below.
EXEC = a.out
CC = gcc
FLAGS = -Wall -c
$(EXEC): %.o
$(CC) -o $(EXEC) $<
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(FLAGS) $<
rm -rf *.o
I keep getting an error that says %.o rule not defined. If someone could explain why this is wrong (probably in many ways, guessing the automatic variable part is incorrect as well) that would be appreciated !
I'm not sure what you intend, but I'm pretty sure that this rule:
$(EXEC): %.o
$(CC) -o $(EXEC) $<
doesn't do it. In this rule, '%' is not any kind of wildcard, it's just a character. So when Make tries build a.out, it goes looking for a file called %.o, can't find it, doesn't have a rule to build it (since there is no %.c and no way to build that), and gives up.
Your intention is unclear. If you want the rule to be able to build a.out from a.o (and likewise foo.out from foo.o, and bar.out from bar.o, and so on), write a pattern rule:
%.out: %.o
$(CC) -o $# $<
$(EXEC): # Make will not use a pattern rule as the default, so we need this
(Note the use of $#.) Or (to restrict it to executables in the EXEC list) a static pattern rule:
$(EXEC): %.out : %.o
$(CC) -o $# $<
If, on the other hand, you want Make to use all the source files it can find to build this executable, you must do something like this:
SOURCES = $(wildcard *.c) # make a list a.c foo.c bar.c
OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(SOURCES)) # translate it into a.o foo.o bar.o
$(CC) -o $^ $<
Note the use of the wildcard function, and $^ which expands to the list of prerequisites, and also note that "*.o" wouldn't do you much good.
when I used to use makefiles long time ago they looked more like below. For each executable we listed the required object files explicitly.
CC = gcc
FLAGS = -Wall -c
prog1: mod1.o mod2.o
$(CC) mod1.o mod2.o -o prog1
prog2: mod1.o mod3.o
$(CC) mod1.o mod3.o -o prog2
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(FLAGS) $<
rm -rf *.o

Makefiles output directory

I am a bit a beginner in using makefiles and I am trying to write a makefile for gcc that accepts the inputs from two different directories (in my case they are called kernel and drivers) and output the object files in a different directory (called tmp) using wildcards.
I have written this code to get the names of input files and output files
C_SOURCES = $(wildcard $(KERNEL_DIR)/*.c $(DRIVERS_DIR)/*.c)
#Creating a list for object files names
C_OBJ = $(C_SOURCES:.c=.o)
and I am using the following rule
%.o: %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
but i can't get to output the object files in the desired directory.files
Something like this example should do it for you. I split things up a bit for readability, but I'm sure you'll get the idea:
KERNEL_SOURCES = $(wildcard $(KERNEL_DIR)/*.c)
DRIVER_SOURCES = $(wildcard $(DRIVER_DIR)/*.c)
OBJECTS = $(patsubst $(KERNEL_DIR)/%.c,tmp/%.o,$(KERNEL_SOURCES))
OBJECTS += $(patsubst $(DRIVER_DIR)/%.c,tmp/%.o,$(DRIVER_SOURCES))
Watch out for source files with the same name in both KERNEL_DIR and DRIVER_DIR!
You have to make a separate rule for each subdirectory, like this:
SOURCES := $(wildcard $(KERNEL_DIR)/*.c $(DRIVER_DIR)/*.c)
OBJECTS := $(patsubst %.c,$(OBJECT_DIR)/%.o,$(notdir $(SOURCES)))
all: $(OBJECTS)
$(OBJECT_DIR)/%.o : $(KERNEL_DIR)/%.c
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
$(OBJECT_DIR)/%.o : $(DRIVER_DIR)/%.c
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
Obviously you'll have big problems if you have a foo.c file in both source directories...

how to include .h document in makefile

I am programming for a big project, so I cooperate with others.
To make the directory easily managed, my directory is like below:
--include (header files from others supplied for me)
--lib (libraries from others supplied for me)
--L3_CVS (this folder include all my files)
-- Makefile
-- sourceFile (all my source files here)
-- include_private(all header files used only by myself)
-- appl (all my C files here)
My Makefile is below:
LIBSB =-Wl,--start-group -ldiag -ldiag_esw -lacl -ldiagcint -lcint -lsal_appl -lsal_appl_editline -lsal_appl_plat\
-lbcm -lbcm_esw -lbcm_common -lfirebolt -ltitan -ltrident -lhumv -lbradley -lherc -ldraco -lscorpion\
-ltriumph -ltrx -ltriumph2 -lenduro -lkatana -lflexctr -lptp -lsoc_esw -lsoc -lsoc_phy -lsoc_mcm\
-lsoccommon -lsoc_shared -lshared -lsal_core -lsal_core_plat -lcustomer -lsoc_nemo -lsoc_clsbuilder\
-lsoc_sal \
-lbcm_compat -lbcm_rpc -lcpudb -ltrx -lstktask -llubde -ldrivers -ldiscover -lcputrans \
-lrcu -lpthread -lrt -lm -Wl,--end-group
LIBS = -ldiag -lrcu
SRC_PATH := ./SourceFile/appl
HEAD_PATH := ./SourceFile/include-private
INC_DIR = ../include
LIB_PATH = ../lib
APP_NAME = L3appl
SRCS := $(wildcard $(SRC_PATH)/*.c)
export $(SRCS)
OBJS:= $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(SRCS))
%.d: %.c
#set -e; rm -f $#; \
$(CC) -MM $< > $#.$$$$; \
sed 's,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o $# : ,g' < $#.$$$$ > $#; \
rm -f $#.$$$$
sinclude $(SRCS:.c=.d)
INCLUDES = $(wildcard $(HEAD_PATH)/*.h)
$(CC) -c -I$(INC_DIR) $(SRCS)
$(CC) -o $(APP_NAME) $(OBJS) -L$(LIB_PATH) $(LIBSB) -lpthread -lrt -lm
rm -f $(OBJS) $(APP_NAME)
My problem is that when I run make in terminal, it always show : ***No such file or directory
compilation terminated. which seems the .h files in ./SourceFile/include-private do not be included.
But, in fact, I have use "INCLUDES = $(wildcard $(HEAD_PATH)/*.h)" include these .h files.
I don't know where is wrong!
this is my first time to write makefile. So if there are mistakes in my makefile, I would appreciate that you would point them out !
thank you for your help very much!!!!!!!
You should have something like
You can use remake to debug your Makefile.
You can try to change $(CC) -c -I$(INC_DIR) $(SRCS) to $(CC) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -include $(INCLUDES) $(SRCS)
or $(CC) -c -I$(INC_DIR) $(SRCS) to $(CC) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(INCLUDES) $(SRCS)
where INCLUDES is ./SourceFile/include-private (only the directory, no .h files)
Edit: Usually you don't have to explicitly include the .h files, but that's what the first change do. The second change does not add the .h files explicitely but provide the compiler another include directory where it could search for necessary .h files.
Refer to GCC man file for more info.
