The entity User is not key value coding-compliant for the key "dateEndSubscription" - core-data

I have a swift project with 3 entities in my xcdatamodeld: Access, CustomerInfo and User. I am trying to save the dateEndSubscription separately in the User. When I am trying to save , I get error as : Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[ setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: the entity User is not key value coding-compliant for the key "dateEndSubscription".' Anyone please help to solve it in swift4.

The json message contains the key dateEndSubscription but the attribute in your User entity is named dateEnd so they doesn’t match.
A few options to solve this in your saveUser method
Change API.DateEnd to dateEnd but maybe that will infer with the decoding of the json message.
Don't use API key but instead hardcode attribute name
user.setValue(dateEnd, forKey: "dateEnd")
and lastly use the property of the User class directly
user.dateEnd = dateEnd
You need to change saveCustomerInformation as well since you are working with a User object there as well although it's unclear why.


How to access json value from key which is "key:value" format?

This is my payload object received in my backend running node.js.I want to access username testdoctor using key cognito:username.However key is again in form of key:value format.How do i access it? gives the email value but payload.'cogito:username' doesn't do the trick.
'cognito:username': 'testdoctor',
exp: 1621155498,
iat: 1621151899,
email: ''
When a property names contains restricted characters that are not allowed in a Javascript identifier (the colon in this case), then you have to use the bracket syntax for accessing the property name:
Obviously, it is easier to program if you you don't have code that uses these restricted characters in property names, but if you're stuck with it, then you can use the bracket syntax as shown above. The same would be true if the property name contained a space too.

I can get entity by ID after getting entity by username only. Is it a bug? Video from shell

I can get entity by ID after getting entity by username only. Is it a bug? Video from shell
I'm using Mac and python 3
I'm trying to get entity by id
entity = client.get_entity(1151511560)
but get an exception:
ValueError: Could not find the input entity for < object at 0x1172312e8>. Please read to find out more details.
Then I'm successfully getting an entity by username "ekat01"
After that i successfully get an entity by id.
Why I can't get an entity by id only? I think, it's a bug, isn't it?
Video with proofs by the link:
Github -------------------------------------------------
From juanvelascogomez:
If I am not wrong, that is explained in the docs "Users, chat and channel, Important section":
Once the library has “seen” the entity, you can use their integer ID. You can’t use entities from IDs the library hasn’t seen. You must make the library see them at least once and disconnect properly. You know where the entities are and you must tell the library. It won’t guess for you.
From Lonami:
On a clean session,
with client:
except ValueError:
print('Error as expected')
print('Works as expected')
Error as expected
Works as expected
On a second run,
with client:
print('Works as expected')
Works as expected

Active Directory/Ldap Get DataType or Syntax of specific attributes in NodeJS

I am able to query active-directory/ldap to get the user information along with custom attributes. However I would to know the underlying DataType/attributeSyntax for each of those attribute returned.
Another the problem is that the query will not return the attribute itself if it does not contain any value.
So if can get fetch the attributes and their respective DataTypes then it provides me flexibility to set a default value basing on the DataType while preparing the final output object.
1. I query AD to find foo user with attributes givenName, mail, myCustom1, myCustom2
givenName : "foo foo",
mail : "",
myCustom1 : "TRUE"
but may not contain myCustom2 because it is not holding the value in AD.
get syntax for attributes givenName, mail, myCustom1, myCustom2
givenName : unistring,
mail : unistring,
myCustom1 : boolean,
myCustom2 : integer,
using above I can map the first result and prepare the final object as
givenName : "foo foo"
mail : ""
myCustom1 : "TRUE"
myCustom2 : //usingHelperFunctionGetDefaultValueFor -> myCustom2
Active Director does not return attributes that do not have values, so that's not just the LDAPjs library, that's just how AD works.
Every object has an attribute called allowedAttributes that will show you every valid attribute that the object can potentially have.
If you need it, allowedAttributesEffective will list every attribute that the current user has permissions to modify.
These are both constructed attributes, meaning you have to ask for them specifically, or else you won't get them. For example, when searching, you have the option to specify the attributes you want to get back. If you specify nothing, you will get every non-constructed attribute that has a value. If you want any constructed attributes, you have to add it specifically to that list.
That's just a list of attributes. It won't tell you the type. You have to look to the schema for that, which is more difficult. You have to do a search using the base DN of CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=com, where "" is the root domain of your forest, which may or may not be the same as the domain you're searching. You could look at the subSchemaSubEntry attribute of any object to find the location of the schema, although it will usually be CN=Aggregate,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=com (note the added CN=Aggregate).
But anyway, each object in there will have an attribute called ldapDisplayName, which is the name of the attribute as it appears on objects.
So if you want to find details on the givenName attribute, you would search the schema for (ldapDisplayName=givenName). Then the oMSyntax attribute is an enum that will tell you the type. The enum values are shown here. For givenName, that would be 64, which is a Unicode string.
The only benefit to looking up the types like this is if you are expecting your code to be run on any AD environment. If your code will only ever be run in one environment, then you can save coding time and run time by just hard-coding the attributes you are looking for and their types.

How can I get the current user in jHipster?

Per other answers here my code below should be correct, but I am getting nothing from SecurityUtils. I need to assign a user to a new record in an application. Am I missing something here?
This other response also returns a null user.
User user = userRepository.findOneByLogin(SecurityUtils.getCurrentUserLogin().get()).get();

BizTalk: Getting error in Promoted Property

I am getting below error when I run the Orchestration and try to assign value to a promoted property by reading the value of another promoted property.
Error in Suspended Orchestration:
Inner exception: There is no value associated with the property BankProcesses.Schemas.Internal_ID' in the message.
I have 2 XSD schemas, 1 for calling a stored procedure and reading its response and another to write it into a flat file. The internal ID returned in the response from SP needs to be passed to a node in another XSD schema to write to a flat file format.
I have promoted an element from the response schema and also promoted an element from the schema to write to flat file. I am assigning the value to promoted propeties as below:
strInternalId = msgCallHeaderSP_Response(BankProcesses.Schemas.Internal_ID);
msgCallSP(BankProcesses.Schemas.Header_Internal_ID) = strInternalId;
But when I run the orchestration I get the error as mentioned above. I have checked the reponse from stored procedure and the reponse XML does contain some value but I am unable to assign that value to another schema. Please advice
You can use exists to check the existence of property.
if(BankProcesses.Schemas.Internal_ID exists msgCallHeaderSP_Response)
strInternalId = msgCallHeaderSP_Response(BankProcesses.Schemas.Internal_ID);
msgCallSP(BankProcesses.Schemas.Header_Internal_ID) = strInternalId;
One scenario that might cause this error is that there is no Header_Internal_ID element in the message you are trying to modify. Can you inspect the message before modification to ensure that there is an element whose value should be changed - drop the message out to a file location, maybe.
If this is the case, then just ensure that you create this element when you instantiate you r message for the first time - even if you initially set it to an empty element.
To check if the property exists, you can use this syntax:
BMWFS.LS.BizTalk.CFS.BankProcesses.Schemas.Internal_ID exists msgCallHeaderSP_Response
However, if the case is that the source field would always be there, you have to work backwards to find out why the Property is not appearing on the Context.
If it's coming from a Port, is the message passign through an XmlDisassembler Component? If it's coming from another Orchestration, are you actually setting the Property?
The easiest way to look at the Context is to route the Message, msgCallHeaderSP_Response, to a Stopped Send Port. You can then view the Context in BizTalk Administrator.
