strapi start: "url is not defined" - using mlab mongo DB - node.js

When I run 'strapi start' I get the following output in my terminal:
debug ⛔️ Server wasn't able to start properly.
Error URL is not defined
Any solutions? I have recreated my mlab DB 3 times and when I enter all the values in the terminal to create the new strapi server I double check my values and everything from GitHub issues and strapi documentations say I'm doing the correct thing, but not able to figure out why this is happening! Appreciate any help!

As #soupette have said in the comment:
Strapi needs Node v10 to be installed in order to work. If you upgrade
your node version it should be working properly
I can confirm the same error on my end with NodeJS 8.11.1
Strapi's GitHub page confirms that minimum NodeJS version is 10.x

Ok when you create a Mondo db on mlab you get this information:
mongo -u <dbuser> -p <dbpassword>
When you start a strapi project, you make this
strapi new blog
cd blog
strapi start
So you select mondodb how to default db and the cli show the follow questions, and you would be add the following answers, supposing that you have the db data showed before:
DBname: blog
srv connection: false
port: 29484
username: username created on mlab for your db
password: username password created on mlab for your db
authentication db: blog (you have put the name of your db)
enable ssl: false
You press Enter and you project would be run perfectly

First of all you must have Node 10 or above. If you still getting error edit the following file:
Use an higher timeout value.
"timeout": 60000,

Assuming you are on the correct node version, goto the configuration.js found in node_modules/strapi/lib/core/configurations.js and update lines 331-333.
this.config.admin.url = this.config.admin.devMode ?
(new URL(adminPath, `http://${}:4000`)).toString():
(new URL(adminPath, url)).toString();
this.config.admin.url = this.config.admin.devMode ? `http://${}:4000/admin`:`http://${}:1337/admin`

Here is what worked for me:
Just upgrade your node js installation to version 10


throw new Error('SASL: SCRAM-SERVER-FIRST-MESSAGE: client password must be a string'

I try to connect my database to express, but I've this message.. on PostgreSQL
throw new Error('SASL: SCRAM-SERVER-FIRST-MESSAGE: client password must be a string'
if somebody had fix the same problem ;)
when you installed Postgresql did you set the password for Postgres user? Because I had this same issue and I solved it by doing this silly but apparently important step when you installed Postgres.
run the shell and then use the command \password.
Then should put this same password in the code you use to connect the database with express.
I had this same error message come up when I tried to connect my website running locally to my database running locally.
I was able to connect my local website to my live database. And my live website worked properly with my live database too.
But I couldn't connect my local website (or Postman) to my local database.
However, I just received help from a friend to fix this. I added this line to the top of my pool.js file:
import dotenv from 'dotenv/config';
The problem was that it wasn't accessing the environment variables from the pool.js file. Although, my friend said a better solution would be to add the 'dotenv/config' to a script in the package.json file, but he wasn't sure what the proper syntax was for that, so I'm going to try to find that out next.
It could be password value undefined/null. If you put the password inside .env file, make sure to config it. In my program when the password value was undefined, it logged this error.
The syntax is
nodemon -r dotenv/config src/server.js

Failed Database Connection between OpenShift Server and

I'm hoping to host a node.js server at OpenShift, utilizing a MongoDB database hosted at (the new version of Here's a pretty straight forward tutorial. According to that tutorial, things seem pretty straight forward. That tutorial may be a bit dated, but seems to have been targeted directly for my application (less the update from Mongolab --> mlab) I've used Mongolab in the past and they provide a great service.
So I've built my database. I've written my node code and tested it from local host, where it works great. Yes there are a few lines of difference, but not much. I'm using the same git directory as I'm pushing to OpenShift. The code is pretty straight forward.
databaseUrl = 'mongodb://';
if (process.env.MLAB_URI) {
databaseUrl = process.env.MLAB_URI;
MongoClient.connect(databaseUrl, function(err, db) {
assert.equal(null, err, "Database Connection Troubles: " + err);
test process.env.MLAB_URI from my terminal after a RHC login.
[ xxxxxxxxxxx]\> echo $MLAB_URI
[ xxxxxxxxxxx]\> echo $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR
Test with $, use in code with process.env. call. Obviously I've changed my username, password and Openshift server identification, but I've checked and there appear to be no spelling errors. I get the same fail on openshift if I don't use the MLAB_URI environment variable. It's like the connection from the OpenShift server is shut off.
Mlab does provide some tools to verify the connection to a MongoDB there. Here's link to the Mlab assist stuff. I can ping the mlab location from a RHC login and it works just fine. Unfortunately I'm unable to do the % netcat -w 3 -v 12345 test. That tool (netcat / nc) isn't available at OpenShift.
Again, this thing works fine when I run my node file.js from my local host. I can see data being deposited at the mlab server. It fails if I run from Openshift, with a
throw err ^
AssertionError: Database Connection Troubles: MongoError: auth failed
The code works fine if I use a MongoDB cartridge in the same gear at OpenShift. Unfortunately I've got a few different servers at different locations that are all sharing information. Anybody know what's going on here?
Update: I've done some additional testing from a terminal with RHC login to OpenShift.
[ xxxxxxxxxxx]\> mongo -u <dbuser> -p <password>;
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9
connecting to:
Fri Mar 11 04:14:52.770 Error: 18 { code: 18, ok: 0.0, errmsg: "auth fails" } at src/mongo/shell/db.js:228
exception: login failed
The one surprise is that connecting to: url:27017/admin line... I'd like to understand that better. Stay tuned.
Update for anybody else who may get here. I submitted a support request to mlab. I received an immediate response (Awesome support!)
You'll need to upgrade your mongo shell version to 3.0+ in order to
connect and authenticate to an mLab Sandbox database server. It looks
like version 2.4.9 is being used.
So I was definitely using mongo shell version 3.0 from my localhost. I have little control # OpenShift for that command line feature.. But whoa... Let's not forget the big picture here. I'm really trying to use my node server to contact mlab via a var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; connect call. Let's make the same check. Do I have the latest version of mongodb listed in my package.json file? Oops..
Easy fix. Update package.json to require a newer version of mongodb. Success at OpenShift. Yipee!

How to actually run mozilla openbadges

I'm following this tutorial here.
It says, when you run the API use this command source env_local
The problem is, I'm new to node and not really sure how I run the API. I've downloaded all the stuff, installed node, and got a simple hello world program working with node. I just don't know how I actually run the API. I thought I had to run the procfile, but when I do node procfile I get an error saying cannot find module badegkit\badgekit-api\start
As a hacky ass solution, I figured this out. I tried setting PATH in environment variables to env_local, as well as doing SET path = env_local in the command window and neither worked. However, if you browse to the badgekit api folder then app then lib, there's a db.js file in there.
Here's what I did, their stuff is commented out.
var options = {
driver: 'mysql',
// host: process.env.DB_HOST,
// user: process.env.DB_USER,
// password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
// database: process.env.DB_NAME,
host: "",
user: "username",
password: "password",
database: "dbname",
Just put in your mysql creds and then you can run the db migrate. Obviously this isn't ideal as anywhere else that uses env is still going to be screwy, but it got me to step 2.
2014-09-29 Edit
For all those curious, as of right now, node isn't really supported on windows per se. I ran into so many issues with python and gyp, that I ended up just spinning up a linux box in hyper v and hosting it there.
The idea behind that command is to load the environment variables setup in env_local. By deafult, they are set up as a few export commands, which should put the key=value pairs into your running environment.
I actually removed the export strings and stored them as .env_dev, so a file with:
And the command I used to run things was: nf start -e .env_dev
With the API running, and able to store badges, you can now follow the tutorials to run openbadges-badgekit - so you can actually make and issue some badges ; )
Good luck!

Deploying NodeJS application to Openshift

I have working SailsJS app that I want to deploy to Openshift, but as usual it doesn't go smoothly.
Here's what I did so far:
rhc app create myApp nodejs-0.10
rhc cartridge add mongodb-2.4
After these two, I can see that app is created and when I visit given URL, I got Welcome page.
I installed RockMongo, and I see that I can visit my mongodb as well.
Since I already have code, I proceed with following:
git remote add openshift -f <openshift-git-repo-url>
git merge openshift/master -s recursive -X ours
git push openshift HEAD
After I merge my existing code with remote openshift (like in commands above), things start to go wrong.
When I visit url to application, I receive 503 Service temporarily unavailable. If I visit RockMongo and try to login with given credentials, I receive
Unable to connect MongoDB, please check your configurations.
MongoDB said:Failed to connect to: Transport endpoint is not connected.
Also, in Applications Panel, status of my application is building (and stays like that for hours). After pushing code to openshift, application stopped, and after rebuilding it (automatically) I receive some errors, where the last one is
remote: An error occurred executing 'gear postreceive' (exit code: 34)
remote: Error message: CLIENT_ERROR: Failed to execute: 'control build' for /var/lib/openshift/538f1c205004461655000227/nodejs
Does anyone has idea what's going on?
Maybe I didn't set up ports, application url, db url properly? But then again, why RockMongo stopped working?
Here's my mongo config:
mongo: {
module: 'sails-mongo',
user: 'admin',
password: '********',
url: process.env.OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_URL + 'surge'
Do I need to set up server_port = process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT and server_ip_address = process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP as well?
I have some server.js file in root of my application, and I see that these variables are used here.
Here's what I get if I run env | grep NODEJS
and here's what I get for env | grep mongo:
Just in case someone else stumbles upon this problem, here is what I had to do.
I created separate file config/application.js, and there I placed
module.exports = {
port: process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT,
host: process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP,
environment: 'production'
Also I found what was the problem with application not starting. Post-install was failing (bower install did not finish successfully). To fix it, one should add to scripts section of package.json
"postinstall": "export HOME=/var/lib/openshift/[instance-id]/app-root/runtime/repo; ./node_modules/bower/bin/bower install"

How to show queries in console log using sails?

I am starting a project with sails and mysql, and I do'nt know how configurate it to show the queries executed in the console.
The mysql adapter has a debug variable LOG_QUERIES to send all queries to the console.
LOG_QUERIES=true node myFile.js
Unfortunately this isn't possible with Sails at this time, although the feature has been requested. Your best bet is to inspect the log file provided by your database:
Postgres: How to log PostgreSQL queries?
MySQL: Log all queries in mysql
MongoDB: MongoDB logging all queries
This solution works for sails >= 1.1.
The sails-mysql (as of v1.0.0) adapter uses the machinepack-mysql driver which logs queries to debug. So all that's needed to log all native queries is to enable the debug flag:
DEBUG=query node app.js
If you're doing Sails.js development on Mac OS with, you can enable all query logging as follows:
In a new Terminal, edit ~/Library/Application Support/Postgres/var/postgresql.conf and set:
logging_collector = on
log_directory = 'pg_log'
log_statement = 'all'
Then restart (click on menubar icon, Quit, then use Spotlight to relaunch).
Then tail the log with:
tail -F ~/Library/Application\ Support/Postgres/var/pg_log/postgresql-2014-10-30_104957.log
You'll have to find the newest postgresql-*log to tail and substitute that above.
My answer might me very late but just found a solution which might help people
sails version = 0.12.14
to log quires do following
navigate to
locate variable declaration of "log"
then change "process.env.LOG_QUERIES" to "sails.config.LOG_QUERIES"
navigate to
[sails root]/config/env/[development or production].js
LOG_QUERIES = 'true',
NOTE :- remember to put ""or '' for true
Or add log to sql module.
In mysql this is:
function **createQuery** (33)
LOG_QUERIES = 'true'
in sails lift command
Just add this to your datastore
debug: ["ComQueryPacket"]
config/datastores.js should be look like this
module.exports.datastores = {
default: {
adapter: 'sails-mysql',
user: '*****',
password: "****",
host: '*****',
database: '****',
debug: ["ComQueryPacket"]
