Is this all of the punctuation marks from the ASCII table, or did I miss some?
In Excel, if the cell value is 123 and specify its custom formatting as [DBNum2][$-804]General then it will be displayed like 壹佰贰拾叁. (in Chinese,it's a local number format).
The question is :
What the DBNum mean? I think it's should be some word's short name. then what's the full name?
thx for your answer.
It is context which clarifies the name. Basically To display numbers using native number characters, use a [NatNum1], [NatNum2], ... [NatNum11] modifier at the beginning of a number format codes. DBnum is a native character modifier. DBNum is an identifier and has no expanded name. It is defined by usage
emphasized text"[DBNum2]" number type to convert numbers to Chinese uppercase.
Realize Chinese uppercase currency amount by using excel's [DBNum2] number type
Today's meeting budget needs to convert the final amount to Chinese uppercase numbers. I found that One can't find the relevant information in Excel help. We got a google look and conclude that we should use the "[DBNum2]" number type to convert numbers to Chinese uppercase.
Some common usages are as follows:
1. Set the custom format in the cell format:
Use the TEXT function to convert:
Source Link
By the way , EditGrid does not support [DBnum2]
Further related information
Displaying Numbers Using Native Characters
NatNum modifiers
To display numbers using native number characters, use a [NatNum1], [NatNum2], ... [NatNum11] modifier at the beginning of a number format codes.
The [NatNum1] modifier always uses a one to one character mapping to convert numbers to a string that matches the native number format code of the corresponding locale. The other modifiers produce different results if they are used with different locales. A locale can be the language and the territory for which the format code is defined, or a modifier such as [$-yyy] that follows the native number modifier. In this case, yyy is the hexadecimal MS-LCID that is also used in currency format codes. For example, to display a number using Japanese short Kanji characters in an English US locale, use the following number format code:
Try to convert any native number string to ASCII Arabic digits. If already ASCII, it remains ASCII.
Transliterations Native Number Characters DBNumX Date Format
Chinese Chinese lower case characters CAL: 1/7/7 [DBNum1]
Japanese short Kanji characters [DBNum1] CAL: 1/4/4 [DBNum1]
Korean Korean lower case characters [DBNum1] CAL: 1/7/7 [DBNum1]
Hebrew Hebrew characters
Arabic Arabic-Indic characters
Thai Thai characters
Hindi Indic-Devanagari characters
Odia Odia (Oriya) characters
Marathi Indic-Devanagari characters
Bengali Bengali characters
Punjabi Punjabi (Gurmukhi) characters
Gujarati Gujarati characters
Tamil Tamil characters
Telugu Telugu characters
Kannada Kannada characters
Malayalam Malayalam characters
Lao Lao characters
Tibetan Tibetan characters
Burmese Burmese (Myanmar) characters
Khmer Khmer (Cambodian) characters
Mongolian Mongolian characters
Nepali Indic-Devanagari characters
Dzongkha Tibetan characters
Farsi East Arabic-Indic characters
Church Slavic Cyrillic characters
Transliterations Native Number Characters DBNumX Date Format
Chinese Chinese upper case characters CAL 2/8/8 [DBNum2]
Japanese traditional Kanji characters CAL 2/5/5 [DBNum2]
Korean Korean upper case characters [DBNum2] CAL 2/8/8 [DBNum2]
Hebrew Hebrew numbering
Transliterations Native Number Characters DBNumX Date Format
Chinese fullwidth Arabic digits CAL: 3/3/3 [DBNum3]
Japanese fullwidth Arabic digits CAL: 3/3/3 [DBNum3]
Korean fullwidth Arabic digits [DBNum3] CAL: 3/3/3 [DBNum3]
Source Link : [Common/Number Format Codes][4]
Thanks, I have been looking for a description of [DBNUM1] (lower case Chinese number), [DBNUM2] (upper case Chinese number, for formal numbers) and [DBNUM3] (1-to-1 digit to Chinese number conversion), the last being obtained from somewhere else.
There is also another format code whose documentation needs to be found. An example is "[>100]#,000", which displays number in format indicated, but only if it is greater than 100. Not sure the rule of formatting if not meeting the condition. Not sure if you can specify multiple condition.
It is a pity that Microsoft does not give a complete list of format codes at a single place.
The actual meaning may only known by Microsoft Office developers. And we can only guess what the full name is.
The corresponding chapter introducing the equivalent function in LibreOffice and OpenOffice just use the name DBNum directly, without any further introduction, even the table of mapping in LibreOffice says "DBNumX".
Moreover, you can't find the definition of DBNum in Office Support.
I use crf++ for Chinese named entity recognition.The first column in train file is token represent current word.I see someone use only one Chinese character in first column but someone use many Chinese characters like 中国。
Chinese word could be 1 Chinese character or multiply Chinese characters:
中 represents a English word - middle.
国 represents another English word - country.
and 中国 represents English word - China.
they are same - current word - just like 'CHINA' has 5 English characters, 中国 has 2 Chinese characters - both are current word in cft++.
I've used string replacement in Perl a couple of times and have particular substrings and replace them with something else.
I'm curious if there is a trick to only keep certain characters, specifically I want to remove any characters from the string that are not a-z, A-Z or 0-9.
E.g., a b c !##$%^&*()_~+=[]{}\|;':",./<>? 123 would just be abc123.
Using regex,
using translation,
I want to be able to find or replace a character in vi by using the decimal or hex number for a character. Like character 92 for example.
Is this possible?
To just search for the ASCII character with a hex value of 0x5c (which is 92 in decimal),
use the search pattern:
If you want to search for all occurrences of that character in a file and replace them with another character (or characters), you can enter this command:
:%s/\%x5c/replacement text/gc
You can, of course, replace 5c with the ASCII hex value of whatever character you wish to replace.
I found this information here via a google search for "vim replace ascii character"