Need an example of how to do a button click on serenity-js - serenity-js

I am really new to serenity-js and Protractor. I followed the '' to get familiar with serenity-js. Can someone give me an example of how to do a button click?
E.g click on 'TRY THE NEW ANGULAR'

A great place to start is to follow the official tutorial.
To click on a button you'll need:
// an Actor
const actor = Actor.named('Bob').whoCan(BrowseTheWeb.using(protractor.browser));
// a Target
const LandingPage = {
Buy_Now = Target.the('"Buy Now" button').located('#buy-now'));
// to tell the actor to perform the Click
Hope this helps!


Multiple buttons in HeroCard

I'd like to have multiple buttons on HeroCard
and be able to press all buttons one after another
but when I press click button program jumps to next function in waterfall
and expects next action instead of button action again
what should I do in this case?
bot.dialog("/showCards", [
(session) => {
const msg = new Message(session)
title: "title",
url: ""
}].map(obj =>
new HeroCard(session)
CardImage.create(session, obj.url)
.tap(CardAction.showImage(session, obj.url)),
CardAction.openUrl(session, obj.url),
CardAction.imBack(session, `click`, "Click"),
CardAction.imBack(session, `clack`, "Clack")
Prompts.choice(session, msg, ["click", "clack"]);
(session, results) => {
// todo use results.response.entity
You could also use CardAction.dialogAction and link every button to a beginDialogAction.
let card = new builder.HeroCard(session)
.buttons([builder.CardAction.dialogAction(session, 'dialogAAction', 'dataYouNeedInDialogA', 'ButtonTitleA'), builder.CardAction.dialogAction(session, 'dialogBAction', 'dataYouNeedInDialogA', 'ButtonTitleB')]);
let msg = new builder.Message(session)
// use one of these two to either end the dialog and start a new one or to stay in the current dialog and wait for user input
// don't forget to add the dialogs to your bot / library later in your code (outside your current dialog)
bot.dialog('dialogA', dialogA); // initialized somewhere in your code
bot.dialog('dialogB', dialogB);
bot.beginDialogAction('dialogAAction', 'dialogA');
bot.beginDialogAction('dialogBAction', 'dialogB', {
onSelectAction: (session, args, next) => {
// you might want to clear the dialogStack if the button is pressed. Otherwise, if the button is pressed multiple times, instances of dialogB are pilled up on the dialog stack.
In my opinion, this is the best way to achieve the behaviour you described so far. All buttons work whenever the user presses them, even if they scroll back in the conversation and press the same button again. The only trade-off is that you have to pass data to the new dialog and can not use dialogData throughout the whole flow. Nevertheless, I think it's worth it because ensures consistent UX throughout the usage of the bot.
Hope this helps. You can build click and clack dialogs, link them to actions and pass the data that you need. The user would be able to press click, clack, click and the bot would still work. :)
Use a switch-case in the ResumeAfter function, in the default case send the user to the previous function.

How to display standby dialog in XPages view when expanding a section

In my XPages application I am using the xe:dynamicViewPanel control and would like to add a standby/wait dialog/popup when a section is being expanded by the user (click on the expand-icon to open the section).
Sometimes the view index is not up-to-date and opening a category holding a lot of documents will last a while, in the meantime I want to display some "loading dialog" (which I already have, so, no need to explain how to do this).
My problem is, that I can not find any event or entry point where to start from.
Thank you all !
You can try code from this link:
If you want to show stanby dialog on the current section, replace the 79 line
var forms=dojo.body()
with some other container. For example, a partial refresh element
var forms = dojo.byId(refreshId)
In this case you need to replace lines 75 and 140 to pass the id parameter
function StandbyDialog_Started(refreshId) {
if(this.StandbyDialog_Obj==null) {
var forms= (refreshId)?dojo.byId(refreshId):dojo.body();
this.StandbyDialog_Obj = new dojox.widget.Standby({
target: forms,
zIndex: 10000
dojo.subscribe( 'partialrefresh-start', null, function( method, form, refreshId ){
I didn't test it, but I hope it can help you to go further.

xna how to setup controls in game

I want to be able to go to options menu in the game I am developing and set up my controls.
It is a simple game of pong (for now) and the controls for each player are just up and down.
This is how I want the process to look like: I click SETUP CONTROLS, game displays the name of the control I am supposed to change and it waits, I click the button on keyboard that i want it to be changed to, game reads it and displays the next control I am supposed to change and so on until i change all controls.
I have found a way how to do that here and my code now looks basicly like this:
if (optionsBList.IsButtonClicked("SETUP CONTROLS")) //when i click the
//in the options menu
KeyboardState currentKeyboardState = new KeyboardState();
waitingForKey = true;
while (waitingForKey)
if(currentKeyboardState.GetPressedKeys().Count() > 0)
player1.upkey = currentKeyboardState.GetPressedKeys()[0];
//the path for the key isn't player1.upkey, but lets say it is.
waitingForKey = false;
In this short code my goal is to change just one key. If I can make it change 1 key, changing more wont be a problem.
The problem is, I don't see why does my game stop responding when i click the SETUP CONTROLS button. I don't see an infinite loop here nor a memory leak.
Why is my game crashing and is there a better way to load controls in options menu?
If you saw the answer from the link you placed in your question, you would have noticed that he actually deleted the while loop and he made it an if statement.
Like Nico Schertler said : "while(waitingForKey) is your infinite loop. That loop blocks the game thread, so no further input is recognized."
Link to the answer from your link:
if (optionsBList.IsButtonClicked("SETUP CONTROLS")) //when i click the
//in the options menu
KeyboardState currentKeyboardState = new KeyboardState();
waitingForKey = true;
if (waitingForKey )
if(currentKeyboardState.GetPressedKeys().Count() > 0)
player1.upkey = currentKeyboardState.GetPressedKeys()[0];
//the path for the key isn't player1.upkey, but lets say it is.
waitingForKey = false;
} Menu - Click - Is there another way?

I have been going over the examples and demos of, in particular the menus. In the examples such as taasky, timbre etc. the side menu is made up of MenuItemViews. Each MenuItemView comprises of a background, icon and title - each one a surface.
In order to make each menu item 'clickable' do I have to add an .click to each of the 3 surfaces that make up the MenuItemView and emit an event handler?
Or is there an easier way to make each menu item 'clickable'?
Thanks for your help in advance :)
Yes, what you want to do is pipe your surface events to the Views _eventOutput handler. This way the click event only needs to be defined on the view itself.
In this example there are two surfaces that each pipe all events to _eventOutput of view. When we click either surface, the views click event is triggered
Hope this helps!
var Engine = require('famous/core/Engine');
var Surface = require('famous/core/Surface');
var View = require('famous/core/View');
var context = Engine.createContext();
var view = new View();
var surface1 = new Surface({
var surface2 = new Surface({
console.log("View Clicked!");

How to "chain" modal dialogs in YUI 2?

I have a modal dialog box presented in Yahoo UI. The user selects a value from dialog "A", and then I want to present another modal dialog box to collect some more data in dialog "B".
I have been using the YAHOO.widget.Dialog successfully. The problem seems to be that you can't initiate dialog window "B" from the handler function of dialog "A". So, how can you programmatically launch a second dialog window after the user hits the "OK" button on the first ?
(I had tried to create an additional Listener for a field that is updated in dialog "A" to trigger dialog "B" but this doesn't work either.)
Check out the documentation: The following code should do the trick:
var firstDialog = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog('firstDialog', { postmethod: "manual" });
firstDialog.manualSubmitEvent.subscribe(function (type, args) {
var nextDialog = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog('nextDialog', { });
/* more configuration stuff... */
This handles when the form is to be submitted, which I think what you mean by selects a value, but if not let me know and I can give some help on that situation.
