Data factory SAP BW - azure

I'm trying to use the Data Factory in Azure to export data from a SAP BW. The connection is working, and I'm able to get data. The problem is how I'm getting the data. The picture describes the issue pretty well.
Has anyone encountered something similar? Any tips on how to approach this issue? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Query like:
[Measures].<<Measure>> ON COLUMNS,
<<Dimension>>.MEMBERS} ON ROWS
FROM <<Cube>>
Best regards,

This is how your query should look like.
select Measures.Value on columns,
on rows
from YourCube

Looks like you are getting the ALL members of each hierarchy coming through into the results.
Very similar to MoazRubs answer but avoiding needing to use the NonEmpty function - you can simply cross-join the hierarchies via the * operator:
Measures.Value ON 0,
DimPlan.Plan.Plan.MEMBERS *
DimCategory.Category.Category.MEMBERS *
ON 1
FROM YourCube;


NOT LIKE ANY query in Snowflake

I am trying to run the following query in Snowflake:
SELECT * FROM chapters
title NOT LIKE ANY ('Summary%', 'Appendix%')
but it errors out. I know Snowflake support LIKE ANY query syntax. But I am not sure why my query is not working.
It does seem like that syntax with NOT should work, and I'm not quite sure why it doesn't, but this works.
SELECT * FROM chapters
NOT (title LIKE ANY ('Summary%', 'Appendix%'))
Extra parens are optional, but seems more clear to me when it's "worded" this way.
The query execution looks like this when we see the profile for the below query.
where not(cc_name like any ('North%', 'Califor%'))

Execute multiple SQL queries in one statement using Python

I am new to Python and I want to execute multiple SQL queries in one statement using python, but I am not able to find the appropriate way to do so.
I wrote following code but its throwing an error as " DatabaseError: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended."
import cx_Oracle;
SQLQuery = "select x from xyz where p= 'sn'; select * from abs where a ='qw';"
connection = cx_Oracle.connect('username', 'password', 'server')
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(SQLQuery) #its throwing error here
It would be great if one can suggest me the appropriate function for executing the multiple queries in one call.
Appreciate your response. Thanks in advance.
What do you want to achieve with this?
Technically you could try to get rows from two tables or try to combine rows from different tables, but all this is directly done in SQL.
Remove ; (semicolon) at the end of query and it should run fine.

azure data factory syntax for scheduled slice activity

I'm using Azure Data Factory(V2) to schedule a copy pipeline activity - the requirement is that every day the job should run and select everything from a table, from the last 5 days. I have scheduled the copy and tried the following syntax in the source dataset:
select * from [dbo].[aTable] where [aDate] >= '#{formatDateTime(adddays(pipeline().parameters.windowStart, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' ),-5)}'
But this doesn't work, I'm getting an error stating that adddays is expecting an int for it's second parameter but is receiving a string.
Can anybody advise on the proper way to nest this??
I cant test this right now, so I'll risk a possible answer just by looking at your query. I think it should be like this:
select * from [dbo].[aTable] where [aDate] >= '#{formatDateTime(adddays(pipeline().parameters.windowStart, -5), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm')}'
Hope this helps!

export data from gams to excel

I have a mathematical model and I want to run it 10 times automatically with different data sets which are generated randomly(when the first model stops, start another model automatically). for this purpose I have written the solve statement in a loop . I want to see the result of these 10 models in different sheets of an excel file. how can I do it? is it possible to correct my code?
set k/sheet1*sheet10/;
data generation....
solve statement....
execute_unload 'RESULT.gdx'
execute 'gdxxrw.exe RESULT.gdx o=RESULT.xlsx var=x.l rng='k.t1:0'!a1'
I really appreciate your kind helps
Actually, you are pretty close already, you just need to use 'put_utility' instead of 'execute' to make use of the '' syntax (note: it is .tl, not .t1):
*dummy put file
file fx; put fx;
set k/sheet1*sheet10/;
solve statement....
execute_unload 'RESULT.gdx'
put_utility 'exec' / 'gdxxrw.exe RESULT.gdx o=RESULT.xlsx var=x.l rng=''!a1';
I hope that helps!
Best regards,

Oracle DB View -> Copying View to Excel using VBScript

english isn't my native tongue, but I hope I can explain my problem sufficiently.
I made a View in the Oracle DB which only contains the data I need.
Using SQL in my VBScript file, I select the View by using:
I have selected the complete view now, that works fine.
Now I need to 'export' or copy the complete View to Excel using VBScript (via UFT [Unified Functional Testing]).
Is there an easy way to just copy the whole thing at once or at least complete rows or columns?
If 1. doesn't work, can I just 'iterate' through the rows and columns using two loops and copy the data from every field to the respective field in Excel?
It would be nice to be able to copy the Data without using the names of the columns in a recordset (is there a way to use numbers until EOC [End of columns]?), because there is a very high amount of columns to be copied and the column names are subject to change.
Thanks for any help!
From a programmer==code writer's point of you the most attractive solution is your very first approach (copy the whole thing with just one SQL statement). Depending on the providers' capabilities this statement could look like
INSERT INTO [DstTable] SELECT * FROM [SrcTable] IN '' 'odbc;dsn=DSNName'
SELECT * INTO [DstTable] FROM [SrcTable] IN '' 'odbc;dsn=DSNName'
Look here for a working solution that couldn't be simpler; but I admit that a dsnless connection to the destination database looks more complicated and your drivers may have other incantations to refer to the external Database. Furthermore, your pair of providers may not support an external connection from the source to the destination and the dirty trick of using the Access OLEDB driver (which came/still comes? with ADO) to connect to both Databases externally may not work for you. In all, it's certainly not easy to get "INSERT/SELECT INTO External Database" right. [Look at my (just downvoted) answer to see that people dispair and fall back (and upvote) code that uses single-item-copy-loops.] In your case, you'll have to research whether at least one of the Oracle providers available to you supports external connections to Excel (or vice versa).
From a programmer==hacker's point of view (let's get the job done with minimal fuss) an easy solution could be to export the views/tables to .csv (
I looked at this and was disappointed, but you may know much better) and to import them into Excel (just load .csv and save .xls)
If you can't/won't use the file system, you could go thru memory: Use GetRows to get the data into a two dimensional array and assign that to the desired Excel range.
If all the above fails and you need assignments to single cells in row and column loopings over the recordset, remember that the Fields collection gives you access to not only the data but the meta-info (number of columns, column-names, types, ...) too.
Thanks for the help, and the links you provided, Ekkehard and Bond! After reading them and trying a lot, i got a very simple solution.
Here's some working code, if anybody else faces the same or a similar problem:
Option explicit
Dim conn, rec, xlStat, xlStatW, dbCnnStr, SQLSec, statArt
Set conn = Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rec = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set xlStat = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
dbCnnStr = "[your DB-connection]" dbCnnStr
'Start Excel XXX
Set xlStatW = xlStat.Workbooks.Add()
xlStatW.Sheets(1).Name = "AAA_123"
xlStatW.Sheets(2).Name = "BBB_123"
xlStatW.Sheets(3).Name = "CCC_123"
SQLSec = "SELECT * FROM XXX_123" SQLSec,conn
xlStatW.Sheets(1).cells(2,1).CopyFromRecordset rec
SQLSec = "SELECT * FROM YYY_123" SQLSec,conn
xlStatW.Sheets(2).cells(2,1).CopyFromRecordset rec
SQLSec = "SELECT * FROM ZZZ_123" SQLSec,conn
xlStatW.Sheets(3).cells(2,1).CopyFromRecordset rec
xlStatW.SaveAs ("C:\test.xlsx")
'Ende Excel XXX
