Transportation problem to minimize the cost using genetic algorithm - python-3.x

I am new to Genetic Algorithm and Here is a simple part of what i am working on
There are factories (1,2,3) and they can server any of the following customers(ABC) and the transportation costs are given in the table below. There are some fixed cost for A,B,C (2,4,1)
1 5 2 3
2 2 4 6
3 8 5 5
How to solve the transportation problem to minimize the cost using a genetic algorithm

First of all, you should understand what is a genetic algorithm and why we call it like that. Because we act like a single cell organism and making cross overs and mutations to reach a better state.
So, you need to implement your chromosome first. In your situation, let's take a side, customers or factories. Let's take customers. Your solution will look like
1 -> A
2 -> B
3 -> C
So, your example chromosome is "ABC". Then create another chromosome ("BCA" for example)
Now you need a fitting function which you wish to minimize/maximize.
This function will calculate your chromosomes' breeding chance. In your situation, that'll be the total cost.
Write a function that calculates the cost for given factory and given customer.
Now, what you're going to do is,
Pick 2 chromosomes weighted randomly. (Weights are calculated by fitting function)
Pick an index from 2 chromosomes and create new chromosomes via using their switched parts.
If new chromosomes have invalid parts (Such as "ABA" in your situation), make a fixing move (Make one of "A"s, "C" for example). We call it a "mutation".
Add your new chromosome to the chromosome set if it wasn't there before.
Go to first process again.
You'll do this for some iterations. You may have thousands of chromosomes. When you think "it's enough", stop the process and sort the chromosome set ascending/descending. First chromosome will be your result.
I'm aware that makes the process time/chromosome dependent. I'm aware you may or may not find an optimum (fittest according to biology) chromosome if you do not run it enough. But that's called genetic algorithm. Even your first run and second run may or may not produce the same results and that's fine.
Just for your situation, possible chromosome set is very small, so I guarantee that you will find an optimum in a second or two. Because the entire chromosome set is ["ABC", "BCA", "CAB", "BAC", "CBA", "ACB"] for you.
In summary, you need 3 informations for applying a genetic algorithm:
How should my chromosome be? (And initial chromosome set)
What is my fitting function?
How to make cross-overs in my chromosomes?
There are some other things to care about this problem:
Without mutation, genetical algorithm can stuck to a local optimum. It still can be used for optimization problems with constraints.
Even if a chromosome exists with a very low chance to be picked for cross-over, you shouldn't sort and truncate the chromosome set till the end of iterations. Otherwise, you may stuck at a local extremum or worse, you may get an ordinary solution candidate instead of global optimum.
To fasten your process, pick non-similar initial chromosomes. Without enough mutation rate, finding global optimum could be a real pain.

As mentioned in nejdetckenobi's answer, in this case the solution search space is too small, i.e. only 8 feasible solutions ["ABC", "BCA", "CAB", "BAC", "CBA", "ACB"]. I assume this is only a simplified version of your problem, and your problem actually contains more factories and customers (but the numbers of factories and customers are equal). In this case, you can just make use of special mutation and crossover to avoid infeasible solution with repeating customers, e.g. ["ABA", 'CCB', etc.].
For mutation, I suggest to use a swap mutation, i.e. randomly pick two customers, swap their corresponding factory (position):
ABC mutate to ACB
ABC mutate to CBA


How can I test this (interaction) pattern

Hi, I have some troubles understanding which analysis is suitable to test this expected pattern.
The idea here is that in Condition 1, the difference between A and B is higher, but small between C and IC. In Condition 2, the difference between C and IC should be higher, but lower between A and B. Ideally, I would like to test this via a three-way ANOVA (2x2x2), but as the graphs are parallel in both plots, it seems that there would not be a significant interaction. Does anyone have an idea? Thanks a lot in advance
The proposed model seems to be something like:
RT ~ Condition * GroupAB * GroupCIC
Based on the plots provided, this should produce output with:
no meaningful 3-way interaction, nor a meaningful 2-way interaction between GroupAB and GroupCIC since the lines are parallel in both conditions.
A meaningful Condition:GroupCIC interaction, since the lines are further apart in condition 2 that condition 1
A meaningful Condition:GroupAB interaction, since the slopes of the lines are different between the two conditions.

Do you need to sort inputs for dynamic programming knapsack

In every single example I've found for a 1/0 Knapsack problem using dynamic programming where the items have weights(costs) and profits, it never explicitly says to sort the items list, but in all the examples they are sorted by increasing both weight and profit (higher weights have higher profits in the examples). So my question is when adding items in the matrix from the item array/list, can I add them in any order, or do I add the one with the smallest weight or profit? Because from multiple examples I found I'm not sure if its just a coincidence or you do in fact need to put the smallest weight/profit into the matrix each time
The dynamic programming solution is nothing but choosing all the possibilities (using brute force) in an efficient way (just by saving the values for future reference).
Note: We consider all the subsets. Even if the list is sorted or not the total number of subsets will be the same. So in the end all the subsets will get considered.
No, you don't need to sort the weights because every row gives the maximum possible value under the weight limit of that row. The maximum will come in the last column of that row.
Maybe you are looking at bottom-up Dynamic solutions. And there is one characteristic in Dynamic solution when you solve using the bottom-up method.
The second approach is the bottom-up method. This approach typically depends
on some natural notion of the “size” of a subproblem, such that solving any particular
subproblem depends only on solving “smaller” subproblems. We sort the
subproblems by size and solve them in size order, smallest first. When solving a
particular subproblem, we have already solved all of the smaller subproblems its
solution depends upon, and we have saved their solutions. We solve each subproblem
only once, and when we first see it, we have already solved all of its
prerequisite subproblems.
From: Introduction to Algorithm, CORMEN (3rd edition)
The "smaller problem" in this case is just smaller in terms of the number of available items to choose, not about the profits or weights of these items. If given a 3 item list, the sub-problems will be 2 items, and 1 item to choose from.
The smallest problem is first hardcoded (base case), then at each stage of moving from a smaller to bigger problem, the best profit is enumerated, and the max is chosen. At the end, all 2^n combinations would have been considered and the various stages of repeated max will bubble up the largest solution.
Changing the input order, or putting dominated items into the input (like higher weight and lower profit) may just change which argument of max() won at each stage, but the final max result will come from the same selection of items, albeit being selected at different stages in the algorithm for different sort orders or input characteristics.
The answer could be found by some random shuffle experiments.
which I found is: better in ascending order. correct me if i'm wrong.
Problem described in "Algorithm Design", ISBN: 9780321295354, chapter 6.4.
Two methods could be used:
as the chapter used, a M cache to pre-calculated, in which not sub answer is needed.
recursive function, which is simple to understand and test. I found functools.cache of python3.5+ could be use to check how many sub caculation is need, as my gist show: ascending order of test_random() is the smallest in currsize, So it's most efficient, and could extend to float value.
results for 10 random weights(1~100) and 200 knapack:
[(13.527716157276256, 18.371888775465692), (16.18632175987168, 206.88043031085252), (20.14117982372607, 81.52793937986635), (33.28606671929836, 298.8676699147799), (49.12968642850187, 22.037638580809592), (55.279973594800225, 377.3715225559507), (56.56103181962746, 460.9161412820592), (60.38456825749498, 10.721915577913244), (67.98836121062645, 63.47478755362385), (86.49436333909377, 208.06767811169286)]: reverse: False
CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=832, maxsize=None, currsize=832)
[(86.49436333909377, 208.06767811169286), (67.98836121062645, 63.47478755362385), (60.38456825749498, 10.721915577913244), (56.56103181962746, 460.9161412820592), (55.279973594800225, 377.3715225559507), (49.12968642850187, 22.037638580809592), (33.28606671929836, 298.8676699147799), (20.14117982372607, 81.52793937986635), (16.18632175987168, 206.88043031085252), (13.527716157276256, 18.371888775465692)]: reverse: True
CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=1120, maxsize=None, currsize=1120)
Note for method2:
if capacity is much larger, all random orders have equal currsize.
callstack overflow should be avoided for large N, so recurse method should be transformed. Generally a two step method could be used, first map subproblem dependency, and calc. I'ill try later in gist.
I guess, sorting might be required in certain types of knapsack problem. For example consider the problem "Maximum Earnings From Taxi". Here, the input has to be sorted by the starting point of the riders, else we won't get the optimal result.
For example, consider the below input for the above problem:-
[[2,3,1],[2,9,2], [3,6,7],[2,3,6]]
If you apply a typical knapsack implementation in recursive approach, without sorting the input we won't get the optimal solution.

Number of assembly instruction execution orders

I am working on a presentation on multithreading and I want to demonstrate how instructions can increase in a factorially large way.
Consider the trivial program
In a single-threaded program the three assembly instructions (read, add one, write) that make up the ++ operation only has one order (read a, add one to a, write a to memory, read b,...)
In a program with just three threads executing these three lines in parallel there are many more configurations. The compiler can optimize and re-write these instruction in any order with the constraint that 'read', 'add one' and 'write' occur in order for a b and c. How many valid orders are there?
Initial thoughts:
(3+3+3)!* 1/(3!+3!+3!)=20160
where (3+3+3)! is the total number of permutations without constraint and 1/(3!+3!+3!) is the proportion of permutations that have the correct order.
This might be more of a elaborate comment but...
In the single thread version the compiler can reorder those additions with out the change in the output. c++ compilers are allowed to do so. So there is 3! possibilities for the single thread. And that is assuming the ++ is atomic.
When you go into multithreading the sense of order of operations loses its meaning, depending on architecture it can be done in precisely at the same time. In fact you do not even have threads. E.g. SSE instructions.
What you are trying to count is executing 3 additions where load->inc->store are not atomic, on a single thread. IMO, the way to impose order on the total of 9 elements would be similar to yours, but the factor would be (3!*3!*3!).
1st you take 9! then you impose order on 3 elements by dividing it by 3!, and then repeat process 2 more times. However I get the feeling that this factor is too big.
I would ask a mathematician that's good with combinatorics. The equivalent question is, having NxM coloured balls. N is the number of variables, M is the number of atomic operations you need to execute on each. What is the number of different orders for the balls. The colour is the variable. Because you know that 1st of a colour must be the load, 2nd ++ and 3rd store. So you get M=3 balls for each of N=3 colours. Maybe this representation would be better for a pure mathematician.
EDIT: Well apparently according to wikipedia on permutations of multisets my initial guess was right. Still I would check myself.

Why mergesort is not Dynamic programming

I have read these words:
There are two key attributes that a problem must have in order for dynamic programming to be applicable: optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems. If a problem can be solved by combining optimal solutions to non-overlapping subproblems, the strategy is called "divide and conquer". This is why mergesort and quicksort are not classified as dynamic programming problems.
I have the 3 questions:
Why mergesort and quicksort is not Dynamic programming?
I think mergesort also can be divided small problems and small problems then do the same thing and so on.
Is Dijkstra Algorithm using dynamic algorithm?
Are there applied examples of using Dynamic programming?
The key words here are "overlapping subproblems" and "optimal substructure". When you execute quicksort or mergesort, you are recursively breaking down your array into smaller pieces that do not overlap. You never operate over the same elements of the original array twice during any given level of the recursion. This means there is no opportunity to re-use previous calculations. On the other hand, many problems DO involve performing the same calculations over overlapping subsets, and have the useful characteristic that an optimal solution to a subproblem can be re-used when computing the optimal solution to a larger problem.
Dijkstra's algorithm is a classic example of dynamic programming, as it re-uses prior computations to discover the shortest path between two nodes A and Z. Say that A's immediate neighbors are B and C. We can find the shortest path from A to Z by summing the distance between A and B with our computed shortest path from B to Z; and do similarly for finding the shortest path from C to Z. Then the shortest path from A to Z will be the shorter of these two paths. The key insight here is that we can re-use the shortest path computations for paths of length 2 when computing the shortest paths of length 3, and so on. Doing so results in a much more efficient algorithm.
Dynamic programming can be used to solve many types of problems -- see for some examples.
For dynamic programming to be applicable to a problem, there should be
i. An optimal structure in the subproblems:
This means that when you break down your problem into smaller units, those smaller units also need to be broken down into yet smaller units for an optimal solution. For example, in merge sort, a array of numbers can get sorted if we divide it into two subarrays, get them sorted and combine them. While sorting these two subarrays, repeat the same process you followed in the previous sentence. So an optimal solution (a sorted array) is got when we find an optimal solution to its subproblems (we sort the subarrays and combine them). This requirement is fulfilled for merge sort. Also the subproblems must be independent for them to follow an optimal structure. This is also fulfilled by merge sort as the subproblems' solutions do not get affected by each others' solutions. For example, the solutions to the two parts of an array are not affected by each other's sortedness.
ii. Overlapping subproblems:
This means that while solving for the solution, the subproblems you formulate get repeated, and hence need only be solved once. In the case of merge sort, this requirement will be met only rarely in the normal case. An array of numbers like 2 1 3 4 9 4 2 1 3 1 9 4 may be a good candidate for overlapping subproblems for merge sort. In this case, the solution to the subproblem sort(2 1 3) can be stored in a table to be reused, because it will be called twice during the computation. But as you can see, there is a very slim chance that a random array of numbers will have this kind of a repeated contrivance. So it would only be inefficient if we used a dynamic programming technique like memoization for an algorithm like merge sort.
Yes. Dijkstra's algorithm uses dynamic programming as mentioned by #Alan in the comment. link
Yes. If I may quote Wikipedia here,
"Dynamic programming is widely used in bioinformatics for the tasks such as sequence alignment, protein folding, RNA structure prediction and protein-DNA binding." 1

cluster short, homogeneous strings (DNA) according to common sub-patterns and extract consensus of classes

to cluster a large pool of short DNA fragments in classes that share common sub-sequence-patterns and find the consensus sequence of each class.
Pool: ca. 300 sequence fragments
8 - 20 letters per fragment
4 possible letters: a,g,t,c
each fragment is structured in three regions:
5 generic letters
8 or more positions of g's and c's
5 generic letters
(As regex that would be [gcta]{5}[gc]{8,}[gcta]{5})
to perform a multiple alignment (i.e. withClustalW2) to find classes that share common sequences in region 2 and their consensus sequences.
Are my fragments too short, and would it help to increase their size?
Is region 2 too homogeneous, with only two allowed letter types, for showing patterns in its sequence?
Which alternative methods or tools can you suggest for this task?
Best regards,
Yes, 300 is FAR TOO FEW considering that this is the human genome and you're essentially just looking for a particular 8-mer. There are 65,536 possible 8-mers and 3,000,000,000 unique bases in the genome (assuming you're looking at the entire genome and not just genic or coding regions). You'll find G/C containing sequences 3,000,000,000 / 65,536 * 2^8 =~ 12,000,000 times (and probably much more since the genome is full of CpG islands compared to other things). Why only choose 300?
You don't want to use regex's for this task. Just start at chromosome 1, look for the first CG or GC and extend until you get your first non-G-or-C. Then take that sequence, its context and save it (in a DB). Rinse and repeat.
For this project, Clustal may be overkill -- but I don't know your objectives so I can't be sure. If you're only interested in the GC region, then you can do some simple clustering like so:
Make a database entry for each G/C 8-mer (2^8 = 256 in all).
Take each GC-region and walk it to see which 8-mers it contains.
Tag each GC-region with the sequences it contains.
Now, for each 8-mer, you have thousands of sequences which contain it. I'll leave the analysis of the data up to your own objectives.
Your region two, with the 2 letters, may end up a bit too similar, increasing length or variability (e.g. more letters) could help.
