SVG viewBox: Exact order of translation and scaling - svg

I am struggling to understand exactly how min-x and min-y on viewBox works, from a technical standpoint (without metaphors).
Two helpful resources I have spent quite a lot of time on:
SVG 1.1 (official specification) - 7.7 The ‘viewBox’ attribute
Understanding SVG Coordinate Systems and Transformations (Part 1) - by Sara Soueidan
According to the SVG 1.1 specification:
The value of the ‘viewBox’ attribute is a list of four numbers
, , and , separated by whitespace and/or
a comma, which specify a rectangle in user space which should be
mapped to the bounds of the viewport established by the given element,
taking into account attribute ‘preserveAspectRatio’.
The effect of the ‘viewBox’ attribute is that the user agent
automatically supplies the appropriate transformation matrix to map
the specified rectangle in user space to the bounds of a designated
region (often, the viewport).
(Note: in some cases the user agent will need to supply a translate
transformation in addition to a scale transformation. For example, on
an outermost svg element, a translate transformation will be needed if
the ‘viewBox’ attributes specifies values other than zero for
or .)
So, my expectation was that defining a viewBox is the same as:
First scaling the viewbox, so it fills the viewport (assuming same aspect ratio on viewport and viewBox)
Then translating the viewBox, so it is placed in the viewport according to min-x and min-y viewBox attributes.
If we look at Sara's two examples, starting here, that is not what seems to be happening.
In her first example (<svg width="800" height="600" viewbox="100 100 200 150">...</svg>), it looks like:
viewBox is placed according to min-x / min-y in viewport
viewBox is scaled to same size as viewport
viewBox origin is translated (moved) to coincide with viewport origin
In her second example however (<svg width="800" height="600" viewbox="-100 -100 400 300">...</svg>), it looks like a completely different order:
viewBox is scaled to same size as viewport
viewBox origin is translated (moved) somehow in the opposite direction of what viewBox min-x min-y indicates. It does not coincide with viewport origin - This is different from the first example
Thus, I recognize that I do not fully understand it, because technically it should work the same way in both cases.
Finally, in Sara's examples, I do not understand why the blue coordinate system (user coordinate system) does not itself move, to (100, 100) or (-100, -100) in viewport coordinate system. I thought viewBox was supposed to translate and scale the user coordinate system?
According to this SO answer, min-x and min-y does indeed follow my first set of steps. The viewBox origin is placed in the viewport according to min-x and min-y, and then translated so its origin is on top of viewport origin. It is then (before or after) scaled to fill viewport.
If that is correct, I have a hard time understanding why the blue user coordinate system in Sara's examples do not always end up with its origin on top of viewport origin. After all, viewBox should modify the user coordinate system.

The offset of the origin of the coordinates viewBox on the x-axis (min-x=70px)
<svg width="400" height="400" viewBox="70px, 0, 400px, 400px">
In the figure, the origin of user coordinates shifts to the right by 70px, thereby shifting the entire rectangular viewing areaviewBox (400 x 400px)to the right along the horizontal axis.
When this happens, the image of the SVG document fragment that is under the viewBox is captured and then the viewBox viewing area with the captured fragment is back aligned with the fixed user viewport area with the origin (0,0) in the upper left corner.
The coordinates of the figures are recalculated with the last shift of 70px to the left. Formally it turns out that in the fixed viewing area of the viewport when applying the viewBox the fragment of the SVG document has shifted to the left.
Live Demo
The offset of the origin of the viewBox along two axes
min-x=70px, min-y="70px"
<svg width="400" height="400" viewBox="70px, 70px, 400px, 400px">
For clarity, add another red rectangle at the bottom of the picture - 6
After transferring the origin to the viewBox, a rectangular 400 × 400 px SVG document fragment with a width and height count from the origin (70.70) gets into the viewBox.
Image capture occurs. Next, the origin of the viewBox (70,70) is combined with the origin of the viewport (0,0). The coordinates of the figures are recalculated.
Therefore, red rectangles 5 and 6 become fully visible. Everything that does not fall into this area is cut off. For example, part of the areas of colored circles 1,2 and 4.
Live Demo
Zoom using viewBox
The scale of the SVG document fragment depends on the aspect ratio: viewport andviewBox
If viewport /viewBox = 1, then the scale will be 1
If viewport /viewBox different from one, the scale will change in the direction of increase or decrease.
How does the increase in scale explains the figure below
One pixel viewBox stretches to two pixelsviewport
Live Demo
Zoom out svg image 1: 2
<svg width="400" height="400" version="1.1"
viewBox="0 0 800 800">
viewport / viewBox = 1/2
The viewBox captures a rectangular fragment 800 x 800 px, that is, the entire scope of the SVG viewport 400 x 400 px and an additional 400px each on the right and bottom of the viewport.
That is two pixels of the viewBox are compressed into one pixel of the viewport. Therefore the SVG image is reduced by half.
Live Demo

In the picture, a gray rectangle is an infinite SVG canvas.
The green rectangle is the viewport that the user sees on its display.
The yellow rectangle is the virtual viewBox area through which the user looks at the viewport.
viewBox can move along the coordinate axes of the infinitesvg canvas as in the positive direction x-min> 0; y-min> 0 and in the negative direction-x-min; -y-min
Image processing svg
Next comes the capture of a fragment of the SVG canvas, located under
the viewBox.
In the next step, the coordinate system of the viewBox is aligned
with the origin of the coordinate system of the viewport. And the
fragment captured by the viewBox image is passed back to the
There is a process of negotiation and options are possible here:
If min-x = 0 andmin-y = 0, the width and height of the viewports are equal, respectively, to the width and height ofviewBoxs, then the fragment image does not move or scale.
If the viewBox is shifted to the right - min-x> 0, the image is shifted to the left. It is clear that by capturing an image to the right of the viewport and then combining it with the origin, we thereby shift the image to the left.
If the viewBox is shifted below the viewports - min-y> 0, the image will go up.
Based on this, there are thoughts that you can implement horizontal and vertical parallax without using CSS,JavaScript. To do this, simply move the viewBox along the SVG canvas, as shown in the figure below. Click the Start button.
<svg version="1.1" xmlns=""
width="600" height="360" viewBox="0 0 600 360" >
<title> Explanation horizontal of parallax viewBox </title>
<desc> animate the horizontal parallax by modifying a coordinate of the viewBox </desc>
<g id="canvas-svg" stroke-width="2px">
<g id="canvas-frame1">
<rect id="v-port1" x="25" y="200" width="110" height="110" stroke="skyblue" fill="yellowgreen" />
<text id="t-port1" x="75" y="255" style="font-size: 16pt;">1 </text>
<text x="26" y="303" > 0 </text>
<g id="canvas-frame2">
<rect id="v-port2" x="135" y="200" width="110" height="110" stroke="skyblue" fill="dodgerblue" />
<text id="t-port2" x="185" y="255" style="font-size: 16pt;">2 </text>
<text x="136" y="303" > 1168 </text>
<g id="canvas-frame3">
<rect id="v-port3" x="245" y="200" width="110" height="110" stroke="skyblue" fill="crimson" />
<text id="t-port3" x="295" y="255" style="font-size: 16pt;">3 </text>
<text x="246" y="303" > 2336 </text>
<g id="canvas-frame4">
<rect id="v-port4" x="355" y="200" width="110" height="110" stroke="skyblue" fill="orange" />
<text id="t-port4" x="405" y="255" style="font-size: 16pt;">4 </text>
<text x="356" y="303" > 3504 </text>
<g id="canvas-frame5">
<rect id="v-port5" x="465" y="200" width="110" height="110" stroke="skyblue" stroke-width="1px" fill="yellow" />
<text id="t-port5" x="515" y="255" style="font-size: 16pt;">5 </text>
<text x="466" y="303" > 4672 </text>
<g id="first-rect">
<rect x="25" y="25" width="110" height="110" stroke="skyblue" stroke-width="1px" fill="yellowgreen" />
<text x="75" y="85" style="font-size: 16pt;">1 </text>
<text x="26" y="135" > 0 </text>
<desc>The SVG canvas is infinite in size. In our example, user a viewport of SVG is in the leftmost position.</desc>
<use xlink:href ="#canvas-svg" x="0" y="0"> </use>
<desc> viewBox is moved along canvas SVG</desc>
<g id="viewBox1">
<rect id="v-box" x="25" y="200" width="110" height="110" stroke="skyblue" stroke-width="5px" fill="none" />
<text id="t-port1" x="45" y="225" style="font-size: 16pt; fill:blue;">viewBox </text>
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" begin="" end="" dur="20s" from="0 0" to="440 0" repeatCount="indefinite" restart="whenNotActive" fill="freeze"/>
<desc> The image moves to the left viewport</desc>
<use xlink:href ="#canvas-svg" x="0" y="0">
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" begin="" end="" dur="20s" from="0 -170" to="-440 -170" repeatCount="indefinite" restart="whenNotActive" fill="freeze" />
<desc> Grey background image of the canvas SVG</desc>
<g fill="#E5E5E5" stroke="#E5E5E5">
<rect x="135" y="0" width="465" height="195" />
<rect x="0" y="0" width="25" height="195" />
<rect x="0" y="0" width="135" height="30" />
<rect x="25" y="135" width="135" height="60" />
<rect x="0" y="315" width="600" height="85" />
<rect x="0" y="195" width="25" height="120" />
<rect x="575" y="195" width="25" height="120" />
<g stroke-width="1px" stroke-dasharray = "5 5">
<line x1="25" y1="140" x2="25" y2="195" stroke="blue" />
<line x1="135" y1="140" x2="135" y2="195" stroke="blue" stroke-width="1px" />
<g style="font-size: 16pt; fill:blue;">
<text x="45" y="170" > viewport </text>
<text x="15" y="20" style="font-size: 14pt;"> display the user's </text>
<text x="230" y="90" style="font-size: 40pt; fill:#1E90FF"> canvas SVG </text>
<g id="startButton">
<rect x="520" y="325" rx="8" ry="8" width="60" height="20" fill="#58AE2A" />
<text x="550" y="340" font-size="16" font-weight="bold" font-family="Arial" text-anchor="middle"
fill="white" >Start</text>
<g id="stopButton">
<rect x="450" y="325" rx="8" ry="8" width="60" height="20" fill="#1E90FF" />
<text x="480" y="340" font-size="16" font-weight="bold" font-family="Arial" text-anchor="middle"
fill="white" >Stop</text>

I always mix up viewBox and viewport. So I'll try to avoid it where possible. And I don't fully understand if you want to setup the transformation matrix for the browser or for SVG. So I'll try to avoid it as well.
The viewBox attribute provides information to your browser about the size and the coordinate origin of your SVG graphics. It defines the window into the SVG. Only parts within the window will be visible.
So let's look at an example:
<svg width="800" height="600" viewbox="100 100 200 150">
This tells the browser that it should draw an SVG graphics that will have the dimension 800px by 600px – in the browser's coordinate system. So within the browser DOM, the SVG component will have that size.
The viewbox attribute then tells the browser that the relevant/visible part of the SVG graphics is 200pt by 150pt in size (in the SVG coordinate system). So the browser knows that it will need to apply a scaling of 400% to convert SVG coordinates to browser coordinates.
Furthermore, the viewbox attribute tells the browser that the point (100, 100) in the SVG coordinate system will be the top left corner of the visible SVG graphics window. So the browser will translate it accordingly.
Everything with smaller x and y values in the SVG coordinate system will be clipped, i.e. not visible, as it's outside the windows and outside the space the browser has created for the SVG. Similarly, everything to the right of the SVG coordinate 300 (100 + 200) and below the coordinate 250 (100 + 150) will be outside the window and not visible.


Meaning of font-size on SVG

I have the following SVG file:
<svg height="1000.0" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 5.0 5.0" width="1000" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="">
<g fill="none" stroke="none" />
<g stroke-width="0.005" stroke="black">
<g fill="black" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="0.05" stroke="none" text-anchor="start" transform="translate(0.0125 -0.025)">
<text x="4.50" y="5.00">101°</text>
<line x1="0.00" x2="5.00" y1="5.00" y2="5.00" />
<g stroke-width="0.005" stroke="black">
<g fill="black" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="0.05" stroke="none" text-anchor="start" transform="translate(0.025 0.00625)">
<text x="-0.00" y="0.05">11°</text>
<line x1="0.00" x2="0.00" y1="5.00" y2="0.00" />
The font size is 0.05, which is very small. The font-size attribute in svg refer to the font-size property CSS specification. There is no unit, so I looked in the following Stackoverflow question. If I change the size from 0.05 to 0.0.5px, I have the same result, so I assume that the browser (in my case Edge or Firefox, or Chrome all have have the same result) consider no unit as pixel units.
It seems that the size of the font depend on the viewbox, because with the current svg file, I have the following result:
Now if I remove the viewbox, with this svg specification:
<svg height="1000.0" version="1.1" width="1000" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="">
<g fill="none" stroke="none" />
<g stroke-width="0.005" stroke="black">
<g fill="black" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="0.05" stroke="none" text-anchor="start" transform="translate(0.0125 -0.025)">
<text x="4.50" y="5.00">101°</text>
<line x1="0.00" x2="5.00" y1="5.00" y2="5.00" />
<g stroke-width="0.005" stroke="black">
<g fill="black" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="0.05px" stroke="none" text-anchor="start" transform="translate(0.025 0.00625)">
<text x="-0.00" y="0.05">11°</text>
<line x1="0.00" x2="0.00" y1="5.00" y2="0.00" />
I have the following result (so not visible font because too small):
What's the algorithm to use with a (for example pixel-unit) font-size in SVG, relative to the viewbox?
Numbers without units or with px units are called userspace coordinates/sizes. They are local to the coordinate system in use where the element is placed. A viewBox of 0 0 5 5 describes a drawing region that is 5 units both in width and height. A text that is a child element and has font-size: 0.05 is 1/100 of the viewBox height.
The userspace coordinate system has no units and is abstract in the sense that it has to be fitted in some space (the "viewport") before it is rendered. You can use units in the userspace context, but they need to be converted into unitless userspace numbers. (For px, trivially just delete the unit.)
Only afterwards, when you know the size of the viewport and how to fit the drawing region inside, you can compute real-world pixel (for a screen), or point (for printing), or centimeter (for a plotter) values.
If the <svg> element has a width and height of 1000px, the drawing region defined by the viewBox is rendered by multiplying the userspace units with a factor of 200px, so that it fills the element. In other words: what in terms of the coordinate system inside the viewBox is a length of 1, is 200px in regard to the rendered <svg> element. A text with a font size of 0.05 is rendered accordingly at a size of 0.05 * 200px = 10px.
If there is no viewBox attribute present, the factor is simply 1px. A userspace unit of 1 is rendered at 1px, a font size of 0.05 is rendered as 0.05px.

How to automatically create the minimal size of the viewbox which fits for the complete content?

I have a simple or complex SVG graphic. For example a rotated rectangle.
Without calculating you cannot know the minimal size of the viewbox, where the graphic fits into completely.
<svg viewBox="0 0 30 30">
<rect x="20" y="0" width="100" height="20" transform="rotate(45)" fill="black" />
The result is, that the graphic does not fit into the viewbox.
Is there any method, how to get an the minimal size of the viewbox, where the graphic is shown completely?
Ideally I do not want to declare a size/ratio of a viewbox. I just want that the minimal size is a result of the content of the SVG graphics.
Is there any disadvantage, when I do not declare the viewBox attribute at all?
Thanks for your help.
One way to do it is wrapping the transformed rectangle in a <g> element and then get the value of the bounding box for theG. Next you use the values of the bounding box (BB) to reset the viewBox of theSVG. I hope it helps.
// the bounding box for the wrapping g
let BB = theG.getBBox();
theSVG.setAttributeNS(null, "viewBox", `${BB.x} ${BB.y} ${BB.width} ${BB.height}`)
svg{border:1px solid}
<svg id="theSVG" viewBox="0 0 30 30" width="300">
<g id="theG">
<rect x="20" y="0" width="100" height="20" transform="rotate(45)" fill="black" />

SVG or HTML text that scales to fully fit a container so it stretches, bot vertically and horizontally, disregarding aspect ratio

I need to make text automatically stretch in both dimensions, to fill a container. It will distort.
This shows the the container space in red
This shows what a long name would normally resize to put in that space and maintaining aspect ratio
This shows what my client wants to happen
I would prefer to use SVG but I will work with what works.
I have searched for a solution to the best of my abilities but all seem to either refer to maintaining aspect ratio or stretching text when the page or viewbox changes dimensions.
That's quite a broad question, but yes you can do it with svg, I'll let you implement it though since you didn't provided anything to chew on.
The key point is to set your svg's preserveAspectRatio to "none":
height: 100vh;
width: 50vw;
<svg xmlns=""
viewBox="0 0 300 40" preserveAspectRatio="none">
<text x="0" y="35" font-family="Verdana" font-size="35">
Hello, out there
If your text is already part of an SVG (as it appears in your example), you will probably need to use a nested <svg> element.
<svg width="400" height="400">
<rect width="400" height="400" fill="rebeccapurple"/>
<!-- rect representing area that our text has to squeeze into -->
<rect x="20" y="50" width="200" height="50" fill="white"/>
<!-- x y width height match above rect -->
<!-- viewBox values need to match text bounds -->
<svg x="20" y="50" width="200" height="50"
viewBox="0 8 244 28" preserveAspectRatio="none">
<text x="0" y="35" font-family="Verdana" font-size="35">
The hardest part is workoing out the correct values for viewBox. It needs to match the bounds of the (normal unsqueezed) text.

Why does adding a positive viewbox min-x, min-y value have a negative translate effect?

I was just going through THIS fiddle and the code looks like below:
<svg width=200 height=200 viewbox="0 0 225 225" >
<path d="M220, 220
A200, 200, 0, 0, 0, 20, 20
L 20, 220
fill = "lightskyblue">
Now when i play around with the viewbox and change the value to viewbox="100 100 225 225" it has the effect of doing something like:
transform:translate(-100px, -100px);
Well i believe when i specify 100 as the min-x, min-y the values of viewbox the effect should have been something like
transform:translate(100px, 100px);
But instead the effect is something similar to:
transform:translate(-100px, -100px);
Why so ? can somebody explain ?
By setting minX and minY to 100, what you are doing is telling the SVG renderer that the top left of your SVG starts at (100,100). And that point should be at the top left of the SVG viewport.
It is the same as if you decided your ruler started at the 10cm mark. The 12cm mark would appear to be at 2cm instead of 12cm. In other words 10cm further left (lower).
Have a look at the following sample SVG. I've marked out an area which we will make set the viewport and viewBox to in a later example.
<svg width="600" height="600">
<!-- mark the area that will become the viewport -->
<rect x="100" y="100" width="300" height="200" fill="linen"/>
<!-- add some other content -->
<circle cx="120" cy="120" r="20" fill="red"/>
<circle cx="200" cy="200" r="50" fill="red"/>
<circle cx="380" cy="270" r="50" fill="red" fill-opacity="0.3"/>
If we now set the viewBox to the cream coloured area and set the viewport (SVG width and height) correspondingly, you will see what happens.
<svg width="300" height="200" viewBox="100 100 300 200">
<!-- mark the area that will become the viewport -->
<rect x="100" y="100" width="300" height="200" fill="linen"/>
<!-- add some other content -->
<circle cx="120" cy="120" r="20" fill="red"/>
<circle cx="200" cy="200" r="50" fill="red"/>
<circle cx="380" cy="270" r="50" fill="red" fill-opacity="0.3"/>
You can see that the small red circle which is roughly at 100,100, is now at the top left of the viewport.
Hope this makes it clearer for you.
Imagine you have a sheet of paper with your drawing on it and you overlay a piece of cellulite (or anything transparent) on top.
Draw a box on the cellulite and colour in everything outside the box.
Move the cellulite to the right.
Your drawing (the part you can still see within the cellulite box) appears to have moved to the left.
the viewBox is the cellulite box in this example.

How do you render SVG in a different size in HTML?

Given this svg:
<svg width="640" height="480" xmlns="">
<!-- Created with SVG-edit - -->
<title>Layer 1</title>
<ellipse stroke="#000000" ry="210.999999" rx="259.000004" id="svg_1" cy="237.727263" cx="324.999989" stroke-width="5" fill="#FF0000"/>
How do I scale it to user 320x240 without having to recompute the numbers inside? Is this even possible?
Add viewBox="0 0 640 480" and set width="320" height="240" to the <svg> element to scale the SVG. you can go crazy on the width and height and control the aspect ratio with the preserveApsectRatio attribute.
Use the viewBox attribute to control what you can see in the page. Alternately wrap the content in a <g> element and set a scale transform of 0.5 on it.
