Mongodb text search not working with string Flask - python-3.x

I am trying to make text search with Flask.
For one word it works, but when I pass a string with multiple words it doesn't work.
But when I pass that string as hardcoded it works:
Suppose that string is this:
if I pass it as variable like this:
newText= ' '.join(r'\"'+word+r'\"' for word in str.split())
result =[endpoint].find({"$text":{"$search":newText }}, {"score": {"$meta":"textScore"}}).sort([("score", {"$meta": "textScore"})])
it doesn't work.
But if I pass it as hardcoded like this:
result =[endpoint].find({"$text":{"$search":" \"SOME\" \"TEXT\" \"HERE\" " }}, {"score": {"$meta":"textScore"}}).sort([("score", {"$meta": "textScore"})])
It works.

The contents of variable newText are different from the contents in your hardcoded string.
Try removing 'r' during creation of newText to generate a string similar to the hardcoded string, as follows:
newText= ' '.join('\"'+word+'\"' for word in str.split())


search and replace a string after a match

I have a file that contains :
String url = "https://url_address/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=change_variable"
I try to change the string change_variable with something else like
String url = "https://url_adress/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=florian-testpeering-5"
But when I use :
sed 's/"https:\/\/url_adress\/v2.0\/vpc\/peerings?name/"https:\/\/url_adress\/v2.0\/vpc\/peerings?name=florian-testpeering-5"/'g
I Obtain :
String url = "https://url_adress/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=florian-testpeering-5"=change_url"
What I did wrong ?
Edit :
To be more precise, I need to change the change_variable inside with a $peering who I declare before in my script.
The fact that you have forward slashes in the url, means that is better to use another character for the sed separator and so:
sed 's#String url = "https://url_address/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=change_variable"#String url = "https://url_address/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=florian-testpeering-5"#g'
The normal / has been changed for #, allowing for easier reading and processing of the url.
Is this what you're trying to do?
awk 'index($0,"https://url_address/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=change_variable") { sub(/change_variable/,"florian-testpeering-5") } 1' file
String url = "https://url_address/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=florian-testpeering-5"
If I understand your edit, and you are saying you have your string in a variable at the beginning of your script, similar to:
var='String url = "https://url_address/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=change_variable"'
and you need to change the contents of the string replacing from name=... to the end with a new value, you can simply use bash parameter expansion with substring replacement, e.g.
Now the variable var will contain:
String url = "https://url_address/v2.0/vpc/peerings?name=florian-testpeering-5"
You can do the same thing if the string you want to replace with is also stored in another variable, such as repl="lorian-testpeering-5", in that case your substring replacement would be:
(same result in var)

Replace a specific value in a string in python

I'm trying to replace a specific values in a long string. Is it possible to do this with replace function in python?
a snipit of the string is:
'rh':0, 'rp':0, 't':'b.nan','rh':1, 'rp':1, 't':'b.nan'
my snipit string should look like
'rh':0, 'rp':0, 't':b.nan,'rh':1, 'rp':1, 't':b.nan
i'm trying to replace the 'b.nan' to b.nan but it doesn't work.
The code i'm using:
a.replace("'b.nan'", "b.nan")
You can index strings like arrays:
string = "hello"
this prints 'e'
You could try finding the index and then replacing it as such

pythonstring value vs string in django orm

this is what I want
I made the parameter by str value.
because I have to get parameters by list variable.
but when I use str parameter in filter, wrong result is comming.
whole source is here.
In the first picture, you are providing a list of strings and in the second picture, you are providing string.
You can solve it by:
import json
fieldQueryString = json.loads(fieldQueryString)
this will convert this string into a list. So the output will change from
'["001", "002", "004", "005", "006"]' # this is a string
["001", "002", "004", "005", "006"] # this is a list
(notice the quotes before and after [ and ]).

python3 replace ' in a string

I am trying to clean text strings containing any ' or &#39 (which includes an ; but if i add it here you will see just ' again. Because the the ANSI is also encoded by stackoverflow. The string content contains ' and when it does there is an error.
when i insert the string to my database i get this error:
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: syntax error at or near "s"
LINE 1: ...tment and has commenced a search for mr. whitnell's
the original string looks like this:
...a search for mr. whitnell&#39s...
To remove the ' and &#39 ; I use:
stripped_content = stringcontent.replace("'","")
stripped_content = stringcontent.replace("&#39 ;","")
any advice is welcome, best regards
When you try to replace("&#39 ;","") it literally searching for "&#39 ;" occurrences in string. You need to convert "&#39 ;" to its character equivalent. Try this:
s = "That's how we 'roll"
r = s.replace(chr(int('&#39'[2:])), "")
and with this chr(int('&#39'[2:])) you'll get ' character.
Thats how we roll
If you try to run this s.replace(chr(int('&#39'[2:])), "") without saving your result in variable then your original string would not be affected.

How to remove the "quotation marks" inside a string in python?

I have a string similar to this "A["B"]C" I need this string to look like "A[B]C". Do you know how to do it?
You can use re.sub for this.
import re
string = "[6->['A', 'B']; 7->['ABC']]"
string = re.sub("'","",string)
That will remove all ' characters from the string.
To get rid of " as well:
string = re.sub("['\"]","",string)
