Create project for Windows application in Azure Devops - azure

I want to move my WPF application project from a private Azure Devops account to an organization account.
So I thought I'd just create a new project in the Azure portal and push my code to that project instead.
But when I start to configure a new project I can't select "Windows application" or anything similar to that, only web applications are available. And it want's to deploy to an Azure service which you can't deselect! So here is where I want to close the window and move to AWS.
I don't want to deploy my application or set up any servers. I just want to start a new organization project. A totally empty if nothing else!

Create your project within your Azure DevOps web portal, (, not the Azure portal.
There's a lot of terminology confusion because Azure DevOps was/is an independent Microsoft service called "Visual Studio Team Services" up until recently. It's been brought under the Azure umbrella and rebranded, but an Azure DevOps account has its own totally separate interface, which is where you should do most day-to-day operations.


How do I publish the Azure API Management developer portal changes from one instance to another instance?

How do I publish the Azure API Management developer portal changes from one instance to another instance?
I have 2 instances of Azure API management, dev-01-apim and tst-01-apim
I am making changes to the developer portal instance of dev-01-apim and now that developer portal changes I want to deploy to tst-01-apim instance.
how do I publish these changes using the automation or DevOps process?.
You can check wiki page on GitHub project repo.
Please follow these docs

Azure Active Directory and Azure DevOps

We're planning on migrating our TFS on premise to Azure DevOps. I understand that to migrate, we need Azure AD. My question is, what would be the subscription level should I get?
I'm fairly new to this so please go easy on me. Thanks!
Do you mean Azure Subscription?
DevOps doesn't requires Azure Subscription. But if you anticipate needing to purchase any additional user plans, build/deployment pipelines, hosted build services, hosted load test services, or other developer services, we highly recommend making sure that you have an Azure Subscription ready for linking to your imported Azure DevOps Services organization once the import has completed.
You could refer to the migration guide first, which can be downloaded from website below:

Understanding Azure Release Pipeline

I'm very new with Azure DevOps and I need some help to understand how to create a Release Pipeline. The Microsoft Doc is very extensive but I can't find what I'm looking for.
I've created a Build Pipeline with the sample python repository. Then I would like to create a Release Pipeline. I linked my account with my subscription, select the App type, but then I'm asking for App service name.
What is this App service ? How can I create it ?
On their documentation (here) they are just saying
App Service Name: Select the name of the web app from your subscription..
No more explanation.
Could someone please give me more information about that ?
Thanks a lot
An Azure DevOps release pipeline deploys the artifacts that are the output of a build pipeline to some environment that you define (Test, QA, Production, etc.).
For web apps the environment will be a "web hosting" (for other apps it could be something different).
The "web hosting" can be a 3rd party (you would deploy using tasks for FTP, WebDeploy, etc.) or it can be Azure "web hosting" PaaS offering, which is named Azure Web Apps.
Azure Web Apps require an Azure App Service Plan (which defines its characteristics and pricing):
Note: an Azure App Service can be used not only to host web apps but also to host the back-end (Web APIs) of mobile apps, containers and serverless functions apps. See App Service overview and for high scale and security see Introduction to the App Service Environments
The template for the Release Pipeline that you have chosen (assuming is the one named "Deploy a Python app to Azure App Service and Azure database for MySQL") is intended to "Deploy a Python Django, Bottle, or Flask application to an Azure Web App and database to Azure Database for MySQL." Since it's deploying to an Azure Web App, the task asks you for its Azure Subscription and its App Service Plan within that subscription.
So, if you plan to deploy to an Azure Web App, create a Service Plan in your Azure subscription (you can use the Azure Portal, Azure CLI, etc.). Otherwise remove the task and use a different task to deploy to your 3rd party web hosting.
If you are new to Azure DevOps and want to try out all the cool things, I suggest you to follow Azure DevOps Labs which has a great content to get started from Zero to Advanced.

Azure cloud service deployment issue with pay as you go subscription - cloud services are not available in this subscription

I am having an issue while deploying an Azure web role to a cloud service. It shows me the error
Cloud services are not available in this subscription.
I am using a pay as you go subscription on Azure. I don't know if there is any limitation with this subscription for cloud service deployment or not.
Updated version of JerryGoyal's solution.
Cloud Service Management will have to be done using the new Azure Portal, because Cloud Service Management in the old portal will be disabled as of 11/15/2017.
Log into the new Azure Portal.
Go to the Subscriptions View.
Set your account as a Co-Admin. Microsoft Documentation.
I think the issue you're running into is that the Cloud Service Publish Wizard in VS only supports subscriptions in which you are an admin or co-admin granted via via the old portal ( If you've been given access via RBAC or the new portal, then VS will not see the resources under those subscriptions.
To work around it, you can build the package using msbuild.exe and then upload it via the portal.
That help?
Cloud services are not available in this subscription
The error is caused because the Cloud Services still use the old deployment model that is based on Azure Service Management (ASM).
To deploy an ASM based component to Azure you need to be ‘co-admin’ for the subscription.
Right now you are ‘Owner’ on the new portal but this role only has impact on the new ARM based resources.
So, just ask your subscription admin to login to the old portal ( and make you co-administrator:
Login to the old portal
Click on Settings –> Administrators
Click on the Add button at the bottom
Enter the co-admin email address and click on the OK button.
After this reload your Visual Studio and the problem will be solved.

I can't find cloud service in azure publish

I did the listed steps in this page
I downloaded the file and import it, after that I copied the certificate path and upload it under settings/ Management certificates.
then I am trying to use the created subscription to publish the web application, in the cloud service drop down I see no service , although in management portal there is a cloud service created,
Plz help me if I missed up anything,
You should create a Windows Azure Project, then select Web / Worker Role. (.NET Azure SDK)
PS: In case you already have a project, right-click on roles and add from existing web project.
So, you will publish this azure project to a cloud service.
more info:
Some cloud services can NOT be deployed to through the publish wizard in Visual Studio for a Cloud Service Project. For example, any Service that already has a VM deployed to it, and is an IAAS VM. Any empty Cloud Service or a cloud service that only has PAAS deployments would show up.
Look at the list of cloud services that are available to you in you Server Explorer ->Windows Azure ->Cloud Services.
Is this an empty Cloud Service? If not make an empty one blank one and you should find it in the dropdown.
