How to count branch mispredictions? - branch-prediction

I`ve got a task to count branch misprediction penalty (in ticks), so I wrote this code:
int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
unsigned long long start, end;
FILE *f;
f = fopen("output", "w");
long long int k = 0;
unsigned long long min;
int n = atoi(argv[1]);// n1 = atoi(argv[2]);
for (int i = 1; i <= n + 40; i++) {
min = 9999999999999;
for(int r = 0; r < 1000; r++) {
start = rdtsc();
for (long long int j = 0; j < 100000; j++) {
if (j % i == 0) {
end = rdtsc();
if (min > end - start) min = end - start;
fprintf (f, "%d %lld \n", i, min);
fclose (f);
return 0;
(rdtsc is a function that measures time in ticks)
The idea of this code is that it periodically (with period equal to i) goes into branch (if (j % i == 0)), so at some point it starts doing mispredictions. Other parts of the code are mostly multiple measurements, that I need to get more precise results.
Tests show that branch mispredictions start to happen around i = 47, but I do not know how to count exact number of mispredictions to count exact number of ticks. Can anyone explain to me, how to do this without using any side programs like Vtune?

It depends on the processor your using, in general cpuid can be used to obtain a lot of information about the processor and what cpuid does not provide is typically accessible via smbios or other regions of memory.
Doing this in code on a general level without the processor support functions and manual will not tell you as much as you want to a great degree of certainty but may be useful as an estimate depending on what your looking for and how you have your code compiled e.g. the flags you use during compilation etc.
In general, what is referred to as specular or speculative execution and is typically not observed by programs as their logic which transitions through the pipeline is determined to be not used is then discarded.
Depending on how you use specific instructions in your program you may be able to use such stale cache information for better or worse but the logic therein would vary greatly depending on the CPU in use.
See also Spectre and RowHammer for interesting examples of using such techniques for privileged execution.
See the comments below for links which have code related to the use of cpuid as well as rdrand, rdseed and a few others. (rdtsc)
It's not completely clear what your looking for perhaps but will surely get you started and provide some useful examples.
See also Branch mispredictions


Optimize the Buddhabrot

I am currently working on my own implementation of the Buddhabrot. So far I am using the std::thread-Class from C++11 to concurrently work through the following iteration:
void iterate(float *res){
//generate starting point
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(-1.5,1.5);
double ReC,ImC;
double ReS,ImS,ReS_;
unsigned int steps;
unsigned int visitedPos[maxCalcIter];
unsigned int succSamples(0);
//iterate over it
while(succSamples < samplesPerThread){
steps = 0;
ReC = distribution(generator)-0.4;
ImC = distribution(generator);
double p(sqrt((ReC-0.25)*(ReC-0.25) + ImC*ImC));
while (( ((ReC+1)*(ReC+1) + ImC*ImC) < 0.0625) || (ReC < p - 2*p*p + 0.25)){
ReC = distribution(generator)-0.4;
ImC = distribution(generator);
p = sqrt((ReC-0.25)*(ReC-0.25) + ImC*ImC);
ReS = ReC;
ImS = ImC;
for (unsigned int j = maxCalcIter; (ReS*ReS + ImS*ImS < 4)&&(j--); ){
ReS_ = ReS;
ReS *= ReS;
ReS += ReC - ImS*ImS;
ImS *= 2*ReS_;
ImS += ImC;
if ((ReS+0.5)*(ReS+0.5) + ImS*ImS < 4){
visitedPos[steps] = int((ReS+2.5)*0.25*outputSize)*outputSize + int((ImS+2)*0.25*outputSize);
if ((steps > minCalcIter)&&(ReS*ReS + ImS*ImS > 4)){
for (int j = steps; j--;){
//std::cout << visitedPos[j] << std::endl;
So basically I am working in every thread so long that I generated enough trajectories of sufficient length which in expectation takes the same time in every thread.
But I really have the feeling that this function might me very unoptimized since its code is so very readable. Can anybody come up with some fancy optimizations? When it comes to compiling I just use:
g++ -O4 -std=c++11 -I/usr/include/OpenEXR/ -L/usr/lib64/ -lHalf -lIlmImf -lm buddha_cpu.cpp -o buddha_cpu
So any hints on crunching some more numbers/sec would be really appreciated. Also any links to further literature are totally welcome.
Did you check that -O4 is faster than -O2? Above O2, it's not sure.
Also, if this compilation is only for you, try -march=native. This will take advantage of your specific CPU architecture, but the resulting binary might crash with SIGSEV on older/different machines.
You did not show any threads, if I see correctly. Make sure your threads do not write memory locations of the same cache line. Writing memory locations in the same cache line from different threads force the CPU cores to synchronize their cache -- it's a huge performance degradation.

OpenCL float sum reduction

I would like to apply a reduce on this piece of my kernel code (1 dimensional data):
__local float sum = 0;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
sum += //some operation depending on i here;
Instead of having just 1 thread that performs this operation, I would like to have n threads (with n = length) and at the end having 1 thread to make the total sum.
In pseudo code, I would like to able to write something like this:
int i = get_global_id(0);
__local float sum = 0;
sum += //some operation depending on i here;
if(i == 0)
res = sum;
Is there a way?
I have a race condition on sum.
To get you started you could do something like the example below (see Scarpino). Here we also take advantage of vector processing by using the OpenCL float4 data type.
Keep in mind that the kernel below returns a number of partial sums: one for each local work group, back to the host. This means that you will have to carry out the final sum by adding up all the partial sums, back on the host. This is because (at least with OpenCL 1.2) there is no barrier function that synchronizes work-items in different work-groups.
If summing the partial sums on the host is undesirable, you can get around this by launching multiple kernels. This introduces some kernel-call overhead, but in some applications the extra penalty is acceptable or insignificant. To do this with the example below you will need to modify your host code to call the kernel repeatedly and then include logic to stop executing the kernel after the number of output vectors falls below the local size (details left to you or check the Scarpino reference).
EDIT: Added extra kernel argument for the output. Added dot product to sum over the float 4 vectors.
__kernel void reduction_vector(__global float4* data,__local float4* partial_sums, __global float* output)
int lid = get_local_id(0);
int group_size = get_local_size(0);
partial_sums[lid] = data[get_global_id(0)];
for(int i = group_size/2; i>0; i >>= 1) {
if(lid < i) {
partial_sums[lid] += partial_sums[lid + i];
if(lid == 0) {
output[get_group_id(0)] = dot(partial_sums[0], (float4)(1.0f));
I know this is a very old post, but from everything I've tried, the answer from Bruce doesn't work, and the one from Adam is inefficient due to both global memory use and kernel execution overhead.
The comment by Jordan on the answer from Bruce is correct that this algorithm breaks down in each iteration where the number of elements is not even. Yet it is essentially the same code as can be found in several search results.
I scratched my head on this for several days, partially hindered by the fact that my language of choice is not C/C++ based, and also it's tricky if not impossible to debug on the GPU. Eventually though, I found an answer which worked.
This is a combination of the answer by Bruce, and that from Adam. It copies the source from global memory into local, but then reduces by folding the top half onto the bottom repeatedly, until there is no data left.
The result is a buffer containing the same number of items as there are work-groups used (so that very large reductions can be broken down), which must be summed by the CPU, or else call from another kernel and do this last step on the GPU.
This part is a little over my head, but I believe, this code also avoids bank switching issues by reading from local memory essentially sequentially. ** Would love confirmation on that from anyone that knows.
Note: The global 'AOffset' parameter can be omitted from the source if your data begins at offset zero. Simply remove it from the kernel prototype and the fourth line of code where it's used as part of an array index...
__kernel void Sum(__global float * A, __global float *output, ulong AOffset, __local float * target ) {
const size_t globalId = get_global_id(0);
const size_t localId = get_local_id(0);
target[localId] = A[globalId+AOffset];
size_t blockSize = get_local_size(0);
size_t halfBlockSize = blockSize / 2;
while (halfBlockSize>0) {
if (localId<halfBlockSize) {
target[localId] += target[localId + halfBlockSize];
if ((halfBlockSize*2)<blockSize) { // uneven block division
if (localId==0) { // when localID==0
target[localId] += target[localId + (blockSize-1)];
blockSize = halfBlockSize;
halfBlockSize = blockSize / 2;
if (localId==0) {
output[get_group_id(0)] = target[0];
You can use new work_group_reduce_add() function for sum reduction inside single work group if you have support for OpenCL C 2.0 features
A simple and fast way to reduce data is by repeatedly folding the top half of the data into the bottom half.
For example, please use the following ridiculously simple CL code:
__kernel void foldKernel(__global float *arVal, int offset) {
int gid = get_global_id(0);
arVal[gid] = arVal[gid]+arVal[gid+offset];
With the following Java/JOCL host code (or port it to C++ etc):
int t = totalDataSize;
while (t > 1) {
int m = t / 2;
int n = (t + 1) / 2;
clSetKernelArg(kernelFold, 0, Sizeof.cl_mem,;
clSetKernelArg(kernelFold, 1, Sizeof.cl_int, int[]{n}));
cl_event evFold = new cl_event();
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commandQueue, kernelFold, 1, null, new long[]{m}, null, 0, null, evFold);
clWaitForEvents(1, new cl_event[]{evFold});
t = n;
The host code loops log2(n) times, so it finishes quickly even with huge arrays. The fiddle with "m" and "n" is to handle non-power-of-two arrays.
Easy for OpenCL to parallelize well for any GPU platform (i.e. fast).
Low memory, because it works in place
Works efficiently with non-power-of-two data sizes
Flexible, e.g. you can change kernel to do "min" instead of "+"

How can i measure the overhead due to task migration/load balancing on linux with the real time patch?

I am trying to measure the overhead due to task migration. by overhead i would like to measure the latency involved in such a an activity. I know there are separate run queues available for each core and the kernel periodically checks the run queues to check whether there is a imbalance and wakes up a kernel thread ( perhaps a higher priority ) that does the migration.
Could any one provide me with pointers to kernel source code where i can insert time stamps to measure this value?
Is there any other performance metric which i probably investigate to get such an overhead?
I remember there is a post before that discussed about this topic, and someone also posted some codes about how to get the system overhead.
I see you want to add some codes to insert time stamps, do you think it's feasible because task schedule is so frequent. I think you can follow the topic that posted before.
I ever saved the source codes from the post, thanks for the author!
double getCurrentValue() {
double percent;
FILE* file;
unsigned long long totalUser, totalUserLow, totalSys, totalIdle, total;
file = fopen("/proc/stat", "r");
fscanf(file, "cpu %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld", &totalUser, &totalUserLow,
&totalSys, &totalIdle);
if (totalUser < lastTotalUser || totalUserLow < lastTotalUserLow ||
totalSys < lastTotalSys || totalIdle < lastTotalIdle) {
//Overflow detection. Just skip this value.
percent = -1.0;
else {
total = (totalUser - lastTotalUser) + (totalUserLow - lastTotalUserLow) +
(totalSys - lastTotalSys);
percent = total;
total += (totalIdle - lastTotalIdle);
percent /= total;
percent *= 100;
lastTotalUser = totalUser;
lastTotalUserLow = totalUserLow;
lastTotalSys = totalSys;
lastTotalIdle = totalIdle;
return percent;

how to generate a delay

i'm new to kernel programming and i'm trying to understand some basics of OS. I am trying to generate a delay using a technique which i've implemented successfully in a 20Mhz microcontroller.
I know this is a totally different environment as i'm using linux centOS in my 2 GHz Core 2 duo processor.
I've tried the following code but i'm not getting a delay.
int init_module (void)
unsigned long int i, j, k, l;
for (l = 0; l < 100; l ++)
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i ++)
for ( j = 0; j < 10000; j ++)
for ( k = 0; k < 10000; k ++);
printk ("\nhello\n");
return 0;
void cleanup_module (void)
printk ("bye");
When i dmesg after inserting the module as quickly as possile for me, the string "hello" is already there. If my calculation is right, the above code should give me atleast 10 seconds delay.
Why is it not working? Is there anything related to threading? How could a 20 Ghz processor execute the above code instantly without any noticable delay?
The compiler is optimizing your loop away since it has no side effects.
To actually get a 10 second (non-busy) delay, you can do something like this:
#include <linux/sched.h>
unsigned long to = jiffies + (10 * HZ); /* current time + 10 seconds */
while (time_before(jiffies, to))
or better yet:
#include <linux/delay.h>
msleep(10 * 1000);
for short delays you may use mdelay, ndelay and udelay
I suggest you read Linux Device Drivers 3rd edition chapter 7.3, which deals with delays for more information
To answer the question directly, it's likely your compiler seeing that these loops don't do anything and "optimizing" them away.
As for this technique, what it looks like you're trying to do is use all of the processor to create a delay. While this may work, an OS should be designed to maximize processor time. This will just waste it.
I understand it's experimental, but just the heads up.

Dividing loop iterations among threads

I recently wrote a small number-crunching program that basically loops over an N-dimensional grid and performs some calculation at each point.
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < N; i1++)
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < N; i2++)
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < N; i3++)
for (int i4 = 0; i4 < N; i4++)
histogram[bin_index(i1, i2, i3, i4)] += 1; // see bottom of question
It worked fine, yadda yadda yadda, lovely graphs resulted ;-) But then I thought, I have 2 cores on my computer, why not make this program multithreaded so I could run it twice as fast?
Now, my loops run a total of, let's say, around a billion calculations, and I need some way to split them up among threads. I figure I should group the calculations into "tasks" - say each iteration of the outermost loop is a task - and hand out the tasks to threads. I've considered
just giving thread #n all iterations of the outermost loop where i1 % nthreads == n - essentially predetermining which tasks go to which threads
trying to set up some mutex-protected variable which holds the parameter(s) (i1 in this case) of the next task that needs executing - assigning tasks to threads dynamically
What reasons are there to choose one approach over the other? Or another approach I haven't thought about? Does it even matter?
By the way, I wrote this particular program in C, but I imagine I'll be doing the same kind of thing again in other languages as well so answers need not be C-specific. (If anyone knows a C library for Linux that does this sort of thing, though, I'd love to know about it)
EDIT: in this case bin_index is a deterministic function which doesn't change anything except its own local variables. Something like this:
int bin_index(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) {
// w, d, h are constant floats
float x1 = i1 * w / N, x2 = i2 * w / N, y1 = i3 * d / N, y2 = i4 * d / N;
float l = sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2) + h * h);
float th = acos(h / l);
// th_max is a constant float (previously computed as a function of w, d, h)
return (int)(th / th_max);
(although I appreciate all the comments, even those which don't apply to a deterministic bin_index)
The first approach is simple. It is also sufficient if you expect that the load will be balanced evenly over the threads. In some cases, especially if the complexity of bin_index is very dependant on the parameter values, one of the threads could end up with a much heavier task than the rest. Remember: the task is finished when the last threads finishes.
The second approach is a bit more complicated, but balances the load more evenly if the tasks are finegrained enough (the number of tasks is much larger than the number of threads).
Note that you may have issues putting the calculations in separate threads. Make sure that bin_index works correctly when multiple threads execute it simultaneously. Beware of the use of global or static variables for intermediate results.
Also, "histogram[bin_index(i1, i2, i3, i4)] += 1" could be interrupted by another thread, causing the result to be incorrect (if the assignment fetches the value, increments it and stores the resulting value in the array). You could introduce a local histogram for each thread and combine the results to a single histogram when all threads have finished. You could also make sure that only one thread is modifying the histogram at the same time, but that may cause the threads to block each other most of the time.
The first approach is enough. No need for complication here. If you start playing with mutexes you risk making hard to detect errors.
Don't start complicating unless you really see that you need this. Syncronization issues (especially in case of many threads instead of many processes) can be really painful.
As I understand it, OpenMP was made just for what you are trying to do, although I have to admit I have not used it yet myself. Basically it seems to boil down to just including a header and adding a pragma clause.
You could probably also use Intel's Thread Building Blocks Library.
If you never coded a multithread application, I bare you to begin with OpenMP:
the library is now included in gcc by default
this is very easy to use
In your example, you should just have to add this pragma:
#pragma omp parallel shared(histogram)
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < N; i1++)
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < N; i2++)
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < N; i3++)
for (int i4 = 0; i4 < N; i4++)
histogram[bin_index(i1, i2, i3, i4)] += 1;
With this pragma, the compiler will add some instruction to create threads, launch them, add some mutexes around accesses to the histogram variable etc... There are a lot of options, but well defined pragma do all the work for you. Basically, the simplicity depends on the data dependency.
Of course, the result should not be optimal as if you coded all by hand. But if you don't have load balancing problem, you maybe could approach a 2x speed up. Actually this is only write in matrix with no spacial dependency in it.
I would do something like this:
void HistogramThread(int i1, Action<int[]> HandleResults)
int[] histogram = new int[HistogramSize];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < N; i2++)
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < N; i3++)
for (int i4 = 0; i4 < N; i4++)
histogram[bin_index(i1, i2, i3, i4)] += 1;
int[] CalculateHistogram()
int[] histogram = new int[HistogramSize];
ThreadPool pool; // I don't know syntax off the top of my head
for (int i1=0; i1<N; i1++)
pool.AddNewThread(HistogramThread, i1, delegate(int[] h)
lock (histogram)
for (int i=0; i<HistogramSize; i++)
histogram[i] += h[i];
return histogram;
This way you don't need to share any memory, until the end.
If you ever do it in .NET, use the Parallel Extensions.
If you want to write multithreaded number crunching code (and you are going to be doing a lot of it in the future) I would suggest you take a look at using a functional language like OCaml or Haskell.
Due to the lack of side effects and lack of shared state in functional languages (well, mostly) making your code run across multiple threads is a LOT easier. Plus, you'll probably find that you end up with a lot less code.
I agree with Sharptooth that your first approach seems like the only plausible one.
Your single threaded app is continuously assigning to memory. To get any speedup, your several threads would need to also be continuously assigning to memory. If only one thread is assigning at a time, you would get no speedup at all. So if your assignments are guarded, the whole exercise would fail.
This would be a dangerous approach since you assigning to shared memory without a guard. But it seems to be worth the danger (if a x2 speedup matters). If you can be sure that all the values of bin_index(i1, i2, i3, i4) are different in your division of the loop, then it should work since the array assignment would be to a different locations in your shared memory. Still, one always should look and hard at approaches like this.
I assume you would also produce a test routine to compare the results of the two versions.
Looking at your bin_index(i1, i2, i3, i4), I suspect your process could not be parallelized without considerable effort.
The only way to divide up the work of calculation in your loop is, again, to be sure that your threads will access the same areas in memory. However, it looks like bin_index(i1, i2, i3, i4) will likely repeat values quite often. You might divide up the iteration into the conditions where bin_index is higher than a cutoff and where it is lower than a cut-off. Or you could divide it arbitrarily and see whether increment is implemented atomically. But any complex threading approach looks unlikely to provide improvement if you can only have two cores to work with to start with.
