Adding a individual host to a Group Policy Object(GPO) by modifying it using Vas Commands - rhel

I want to add a rhel host to a GPO which is present in the domain through Vas Commands. Any help is appreciated for this.

Using Vintela Authentication Services we can use vastool group command to add a host to the group and make sure the group must be linked to the Group Policy object you want to link to your host.


Resource group not listed in Azure Network watcher IPFlow Verify

I am unable to RDP a VM.
So I tried to rule out any network connectivity issues by using IPFlow as mentioned here.
However, I couldn't find my resource group in the dropdown to configure the IPFlow.
Can anyone point me on why this is happening? I have multiple VM's and resource groups.
These are my inbound rules.
I think classic resource groups don't come for IPFlow check. I created another resource group and it worked fine. Thanks every one.

Roles Required to Start/Stop Azure Virtual Machine

What are the roles required for the following
Start/Stop the VM
Connect to VM using Remote Desktop.I tried connecting with the IP the owner provided but i cannot connect.I have also tried viewing the Public IP but can't see anything in the Public IP field nor there i can see details under networking tab.
1: You could use the builtin role: VM Contributor, or if you want to scope it down even farther by making a custom role. *
2: There can be multiple reasons: Firewall blocks you, there is no public IP attached to the NIC, or perhaps the permissions are incorrect. So for your permissions you might need to be added as contributor (default role) on the resource group, or it can even be scoped down to just contirbutor on the VM itself.
In custom roles you can add as many resource provider operations as you want. These operations will define your permissions on the resources in Azure:
Have a look at for example: Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines
You will see many operations, including PowerOff/action
usually people tend to use the default roles, but I prefer making custom role templates to prevent possible security concerns.

azure container with RBAC

I am trying to understand how can I run a python application inside azure container that can spin up various resources like VM, route-table inside resource group of Azure.
Looks like the examples provided in azure python sdk sets authentication stuff like credentials, subscription ID, etc.
Is there a way to avoid setting up of this information by using Role Based Access Control ? What if I provide container an Contributor access to the resource group, in that case, would i able to avoid setting up authentication variables and still achieve creating resources or atleast read/access resources in resource group ?
No, how do you think that would work? In order to be able to create\read\modify resources you need permissions (else anyone would be able to do that). There is no way to do that without some sort of Auth.

AWS Elastic BeanStalk Security Group

I am trying to create Worker Environmenton EBS with Sample Application of Node js which should use existing Security group on VPC.
I create this environment inside VPC (Virtual Private Cloud).
When I create this environment, I keep following configuration for VPC.
Security Group which is selected here is already exist.
In the next screen, I also select instance profile and service role which also exist.
While I create Environment with this setting, It does create Environment fine but it always create new Security group instead of using existing security group.
Why it always create new Security group and not use existing one ?
I want to reuse Security group and not create separate for each worker environment.
Appreciate if someone can guide me in right direction.
Thanks in advance.
Beanstalk uses the security group you asked for, but on creation it also creates a unique one for that configuration. If you launch your instance it will be in the security group as expected.
Instead of stopping it from being created, was able to modify its rules such that I changed to just allow port 22 access only from my private security group.
Namespace: aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration
OptionName: SSHSourceRestriction
Value: tcp, 22, 22, my-private-security-group
Visit :

Jenkins Slave 403 although Anonymous Slave connect has been enabled

We are using a Jenkins Master and Slave (both Linux) type setup. Recently upgraded to LTS version and for some reason Slaves connects to Master only when Anonymous is given Admin privileges.
I have read the posts about providing Anonymous slave connect privileges but I receive a 403 request forbidden error when I try that.
The only way around for this is to provide Anonymous Admin privileges (which is risky) save it and then go back to Manage Jenkins > Configure Security > Remove Anonymous Admin > Add Slave connect privileges.
The issue in doing this workaround is, I get the same 403 error when slave restarts until I give Anonymous admin privileges.
I have tried laying down a new slave.jar that didn’t help.
We are using a LDAP Bind account, is there an easy fix to this 403 issue without having to enter the bind password again (which we recently did after the Jenkins upgrade)
Nothing like an answer 1.5 years later but I just ran across this!
The way I handled this is with the Role-Based Strategy plugin.
The basics are:
Add and enable the Role-Based Strategy plugin
Create a global group swarmclient
Grant the swarmclient group the slave privileges only
I currently allow the Anonymous group to be in the swarmclient group.
In the future I will probably deny swarmclient privileges for the Anonymous group and will instead create accounts in the swarmclient group.
In Manage Jenkins > Configure Global Security > Authorization, enable Role-Based strategy.
In Manage Jenkins > Manage Roles > Manage and Define Roles I added "swarmclient" to the global roles. Give this group Create permissions in the slave section of the global settings:
In newer versions of Jenkins the term "Slave" is replaced by "Agents"
Then in Manage Jenkins > Manage Roles > Assign Roles you add the Anonymous group to the swarmclient group:
And finally, as mentioned above, if you want some restrictions on the machines that can connect as a swarm client, just:
create user(s) for the swarm
add them to the swarmclient group
remove swarmclient permissions (on the Assign Roles) page from the Anonymous group.
