please help. Im trying to make user specific userid on dialogflow using twilio integration with OriginalDetectIntentRequest.
I am trying to do this in fullfillment. So a Node.js solution would be best
Thank you
I am facing issues while building a Voice bot using nodejs in Microsoft Azure, Currently i have made some research and built a sample chatbot which works fine using nodejs.
I have tried MS portals for voice bot integration and unable to take it forward, need guidance and suggestions.
My idea is getting a number from Twilio, then put my azure bot's end point URL in the twilio number.
Once my twilio gets an incoming call it will route the request to the Azure bot which will respond with a greeting and ask for few inputs, then the recorded voice should be passed to the LUIS app for Natural Language understanding and give the required text which will be further handled by the Azure bot.
I am not sure whether this is good solution, please suggest
I am not able to see any sample code for nodejs. Steps for integration and a basic sample code is what i need as a basic to start with, Your inputs/suggestions on this is highly appreciated.
Using the Bot Framework SDK for Node.js, you can specify text to be spoken by your bot on a speech-enabled channel in either of the following ways:
Set the IMessage.speak property and send the message using the session.send() method
Send the message using the session.say() method (passing parameters that specify display text, speech text, and options)
Send the message using a built-in prompt (specifying options speak and retrySpeak).
Feel free to review the following documentation provided and sample code for more details.
Also check out Connect a bot to Twilio.
I've created a basic app with a chatbot that can respond to what I type using DialogFlow and Angular. It is hosted locally. Now I want to have that chatbot respond to what I type with cards, lists and such. Like how Messenger has templates. I want to have a custom payload sent to me in response to what I send. Can anyone please help me? (NOTE: iam using the v2api)
Dialogflow supports rich message response to only certain platforms that it has listed on its website for ex. Facebook, google assistance etc. To display rich message you need to code it out.
I am currently setting up a chatbot with dialogflow framework. My flow looks like this:
Chat interface- Integration Webhook (Node JS) - Dialogflow
I want the dialogflow to be replaced with zendesk message application when the user says something like 'Talk to live agent'. This facility is already available with FB messenger:
I am unable to find a way to start a zendesk chat from my integration webhook (node js). It will be helpful for me if anyone knows how to achieve this. Thanks in advance!
You might want to take a look at this sample:
Even though the handoff is to a live person, you could replace that logic to handoff to another API.
I have created a Dialogflow agent which is integrated with telegram bot. The bot answers all the questions to which is trained. Now I want to create a webhook to which the Dialogflow agent will fetch the queries ( e.g weather , movie ratings etc )say from another website. How do i carry it out. I have googled but so far not successful. can any body suggest basic tutorial for the above or examples.
You can check out my answer here. Most of the part would be helpful. Once you tested it locally you may follow this to deploy NodeJS code on Heroku.
I am trying to configre with my own restful API.
Here i am getting issue when trying to get response from webhook.
can anyone help me in this?
Here is a small video I created for creating webhooks for API.AI
Please comment if you still face any issue.