Salesforce SOSQL Combine 3 Objects - subquery

Can you combine 2 child objects to a parent object?
SELECT SourceIp FROM LoginHistory WHERE UserId IN (SELECT Id FROM User)
SELECT City FROM LoginGeo WHERE CreatedbyId (SELECT Id from User)

How about
SELECT SourceIp,
FROM LoginHistory
You can read up about the LoginHistory object, there are some sample queries too.
Other than the documentation if you want to explore relations (what can/can't be queried "up" via lookup or "down" via related list) you'd need something that shows you metadata info. Eclipse? Salesforce Workbench?
There are some ERDs available for standard objects but I don't see anything useful to you...


Is it possible to query a view with an array of keys which are in turn arrays?

I have a requirement where in there are 3 different fields in a document, ie id, l1ser(multi-values), l2ser(multi-valued).
The UI needs to display the l2ser belonging to the particular l1ser for a particular id,(the user can select multiple l1ser and all the l2ser associated with all of the l1ser should be listed)
For instance,
l1ser : school, l2ser : staffs,students,classrooms
l1ser : IT company, l2ser : cisco, anz,cts
You can use the keys query parameter for fetching multiple view results at once. Details can be found in the CouchDB docs.
It depends on the view however if this is the correct solution. If you provide some correct JSON documents and your view code, I'll take a closer look.

MongoDb integrating with external db

I have a database which contains data from two separate systems/servers. The first is generated locally [I develop and create this data] (users, activity logs, orders, ...). The second comes from a "product provider" [I only have READ access from API] These objects were created by MySQL and sent in JSON. They already have an "id" property.
With NodeJS, I use request to get a product by "id", and then store it with appends an _id.
In products, "id" is necessary form relationships with the other collections in my database (such as products_price), and access dynamic endpoints, such as "products/:id/promos".
Note that products are constantly being updated externally and I need to be able to update my documents by "id" not by "_id" as the external server has no knowledge about "_id." [id is unique on a collection level, as each collection is a fresh iteration]
For my first question: should I treat "" as a "regular" MongoDB field and use aggregate/lookup to merge documents from my collections? Or should I overwrite ObjectID() with id? (before saving rename "id" to "_id")
At some point, Orders (local) and Products (external) need to form a relationship where Order _id and Product id (or _id) are stored together for easy retrieval.
Which id do I use in this case?
if you are pretty sure that 'id' coming from your product provider API is unique you better use that as _id (overwrite _id), it will save you:
an unneeded index ('_id' is indexed any way)
some CPU cycles that mongoDB would take to produce the ObjectID
some disk and memory space
(*) even if you find yourself dealing with many different product providers, assuming its one is using his own unique product id you could use a combined _id to make it unique as:
_id = {provider: 'foo', id: xxx}
or _id = [provider_name, product_id]
or _id = provider_name + product_id
etc. etc.
in this use case of multiple providers format depends on how you plan to fetch those products later.

Cloudant/Couchdb Architecture

I'm building an address-book app that uses a back-end Cloudant database. The database stores 3 types of documents:
-> User Profile document
-> Group document
-> User-to-Group Link document
As the names of the document go, there are users in my database, there are groups for users(like whatsapp), and there are link documents for each user to a group (the link document also stores settings/privileges of that user in that group).
My client-side app on login, queries cloudant for the user document, and each group document using view collation over the link documents of that user.
Then using the groups that I have identified above, I find all the other users of that group.
Now, the challenge is that I need to monitor any changes on the group and user documents. I am using pouchdb on the app side, and can invoke the 'changes' API against the ids of all the group and user documents. But the scale of this can be maybe 500 users in each group, and a logged in user being part of 10-50 groups. That multiplied to 1000s of users will become a nightmare for the back-end to support.
Is my scalability concern warranted? Or is this normal for cloudant?
If I understand your schema correctly, you documents of this form:
_id: "user:glynn",
type: "user",
name: "Glynn Bird"
_id: "group:Developers",
type: "group",
name: "Software Developers"
_id: "user:glynn:developers"
In the above example, the primary key's sorting allows a user and all of its memberships to be retrieved by using startkey and endkey parameters do the database's _all_docs endpoint.
This is "scalable" in the sense that if is efficient for Cloudant retrieve data from a primary or secondary index because the index is held in a b-tree so data with adjacent keys is store next to each other. A limit parameter can be used to paginate through larger data sets.
yes the documents are more or less how you've specified.
Link documents are as follows:
"_id": <AutoGeneratedID>,
"type": "link",
"user": user_id,
"group": group_id
I've written the following view map function:
if(type == "link") {
emit(doc.user, {"_id": doc.user});
emit([doc.user,], {"_id":});
emit([, doc.user], {"_id": doc.user});
using the above 3 indexes and include-docs=true, 1st lets me get my logged-in user document, 2nd lets me get all group documents for my logged-in user (using start and end key), and 3rd lets me get all other user documents for a group (using start and end key again).
Fetching the documents is done, but now I need to monitor changes on users of each group, for this, don't I need to query the changes API with array of user ids ? Is there any other way ?
Cloudant retrieve data from a primary or secondary index because the
index is held in a b-tree so data with adjacent keys is store next to
each other
Sorry, I did not understand this statement ?
Part 1.
I recommend to get rid of the "link" type here - it's good for SQL world, but not for CouchDb.
Instead of this, it is better to utilize a benefit of Document Storage, i.e. store user groups in property "Groups" for "User"; and property "Users" for "Group".
With this approach you can set up filtered replication to process only changes of specific groups and these changes will already contain all the users of the group.
I want to notice, that I made an assumption, that number of groups for a user and number of groups is reasonable (hundreds at maximum) and doesn't change frequently.
Part 2.
You can just store ids in these properties and then use Views to "join" other data. Or I was also thinking about other approach (for my use case, but yours is similar):
1) Group contains only ids of users - no views needed.
2) You create a view of each user contacts, i.e. for each user get all users with whom he has mutual groups.
3) Replicate this view to client app.
When user opens a group, values (such as names and pics of contacts are taken from this local "dictionary").
This approach can save some traffic.
Please, let me know what do you think. Because right now I'm working on designing architecture of my solution. Thank you!)

Kentico - Display List of related articles based on categories/subcategories

I have many articles and each is assigned under different categories/subcategories.
What I'd like to do is at the end of individual article, I'll display a list of Related Articles based on the category(s) that the current article is placed. I've added a Repeater but don't really know what to put in Content Filter/Category Name to achieve this. Hope it's not so complex. Thanks for your input!
You can achieve this in Portal without touching the code if you need to. The following steps are how you can achieve it (though they are rough and ready!)
In your Article page type, create a new query. This queries job is going to be to link the existing Document to any others that share the exact same categories. Your query should look like this:
FROM View_CMS_Tree_Joined rel
INNER JOIN CMS_DocumentCategory relcat ON relcat.DocumentID=rel.DocumentID
INNER JOIN CMS_DocumentCategory doccat ON relcat.CategoryID=doccat.CategoryID
AND rel.DocumentID doccat.DocumentID
Now, replace you Repeater with a Repeater with custom query. In the setting, choose your newly created query for the Query name field using the selector control.
Set the WHERE clause to be doccat.DocumentID={% CurrentDocument.DocumentID #%}
Pick the appropriate transformation and you should be good to go.
This method requires an exact category match, so Categories > Cars > Mazda will not match to Categories > Cars.
Hopefully this is of some use :)
This article may give you some idea on creating a filter, but I don't think this is exactly what you want. It does show you have to get the documents thru the API.
You could do a custom query, something like this
FROM dbo.View_CMS_Tree_Joined vctj
WHERE vctj.DocumentID IN
FROM CMS_DocumentCategory
FROM CMS_Category
WHERE dbo.CMS_Category.CategoryName = 'Name Here'

Giving your own ids to Core Data objects

I have some points on a map with associated informations contained by Core Data, to link the points on the map with the associated info, I would like to have an ID for each point, so in my entity, I would need some ID property, I have read that Core Data has it's own IDs for every managed object but I'm wondering wether or not it would be a good approach for me to directly use them or if I should create my own ID system ?
If you think I should create my OWN ID system, how would I do that ?
Thank you.
CoreData is not an relational database and you should avoid thinking about own ID’s. You may need them only for syncing purposes with external databases. For more precise answer, you should write how your model looks.
[edited after comment]
I don't see that you need any relations. Let's sat you have MapPoint entity with lat, and long properties. If there is only one user note, you just add another property to it like notes. If you have many informations (many records) stored with one MapPoint you need to add Notes entity with properties note and mappoint and make a relation between them. When you insert new Notes object into CoreData you set mappoint property to already existing MapPoint object (fetched after user tap).
