Pytest user input simulation - python-3.x

I am brand new to pytest and trying to work my way through it.
I currently am programming a small CLI game which will require multiple user inputs in a row and I cannot figure out how I can do that.
I read a bunch of solutions but did not manage to make it work.
Here is my code:
class Player:
def __init__(self):
def set_player_name(self): = str(input("Player, what's you name?\n"))
def set_player_funds(self):
self.funds = int(input("How much money do you want?\n"))
I simply want to automate the user input for those two requests.
(ie: a test that would input "Bob" and test: assert"Bob"
Can someone help out with that?
Thank you!

Quite elegant way to test inputs is to mock input text by using monkeypatch fixture. To handle multiple inputs can be used lambda statement and iterator object.
def test_set_player_name(monkeypatch):
# provided inputs
name = 'Tranberd'
funds = 100
# creating iterator object
answers = iter([name, str(funds)])
# using lambda statement for mocking
monkeypatch.setattr('builtins.input', lambda name: next(answers))
player = Player()
assert == name
assert player.funds == funds
monkeypatch on
Iterator object on


How to check which function has been returned in python?

I have two methods which take different number of arguments. Here are the two functions:
def jumpMX(self,IAS,list):
def addMX(self,IAS):
I am using a function which will return one of these functions to main.I have stored this returned function in a variable named operation.
Since the number of parameters are different for both,how do I identify which function has been returned?
if(operation == jumpMX):
elif(operation == addMX):
What is the syntax for this?Thanks in advance!
You can identify a function through its __name__ attribute:
def foo():
>>> foo
...or in your case:
operation.__name__ #will return either "jumpMX" or "addMX" depending on what function is stored in operation
Here's a demo you can modify to your needs:
import random #used only for demo purposes
def jumpMX(self,IAS,list):
def addMX(self,IAS):
def FunctionThatWillReturnOneOrTheOtherOfTheTwoFunctionsAbove():
# This will randomly return either jumpMX()
# or addMX to simulate different scenarios
funcs = [jumpMX, addMX]
randomFunc = random.choice(funcs)
return randomFunc
operation = FunctionThatWillReturnOneOrTheOtherOfTheTwoFunctionsAbove()
name = operation.__name__
if(name == "jumpMX"):
elif(name == "addMX"):
You can import those functions and test for equality like with most objects in python.
class MyClass:
def jump(self, ias, _list):
def add(self, ias):
from classes import MyClass
myclass_instance = MyClass()
operation = get_op() # your function that returns MyClass.jump or MyClass.add
if operation == MyClass.jump:
operation(myclass_instance, ias, _list)
elif operation == MyClass.add:
operation(myclass_instance, ias)
However, I must emphasize that I don't know what you're trying to accomplish and this seems like a terribly contrived way of doing something like this.
Also, your python code examples are not properly formatted. See the PEP-8 which proposes a standard style-guide for python.

how to get pytest fixture return value in autouse mode?

I am new to learn pytest. In bellow sample code.
how can i get A() object in test_one function when fixture is in autouse mode?
import pytest
import time
class A:
def __init__(self): = 12
def test_foo():
yield A()
def test_one():
#how can i get A() object?
assert 1 == 1
You can always add the fixture as parameter despite the autouse:
def test_one(test_foo):
assert 1 == 1
If you don't want to use the fixture parameter for some reason, you have to save the object elsewhere to be able to access it from your test :
a = None
def test_foo():
global a
a = A()
a = None
def test_one():
assert 1 == 1
This could be made a little better if using a test class and put a in a class variable to avoid the use of the global var, but the first variant is still the preferred one, as it localizes the definition of the object.
Apart from that, there is no real point in yielding an object you don't have access to. You may consider if autouse is the right option for your use case. Autouse is often used for stateless setup / teardown.
If your use case is to do some setup/teardown regardless (as suggested by the connect/disconnect comments), and give optional access to an object, this is ok, of course.

Trouble working with and updating dictionary using a class and function in Python 3 [Newbie]

I am somewhat new to coding. I have been self teaching myself for the past year or so. I am trying to build a more solid foundation and am trying to create very simple programs. I created a class and am trying to add 'pets' to a dictionary that can hold multiple 'pets'. I have tried changing up the code so many different ways, but nothing is working. Here is what I have so far.
# Created class
class Animal:
# Class Attribute
classes = 'mammal'
breed = 'breed'
# Initializer/Instance Attribrutes
def __init__ (self, species, name, breed):
self.species = species = name
self.breed = breed
# To get different/multiple user input
def from_input(cls):
return cls(
input('Species: '),
input('Name: '),
input('Breed: ')
# Dictionary
pets = {}
# Function to add pet to dictionary
def createpet():
for _ in range(10):
pets.update = Animal.from_input()
if in pets:
raise ValueError('duplicate ID')
# Calling the function
I have tried to change it to a list and use the 'append' tool and that didn't work. I am sure there is a lot wrong with this code, but I am not even sure what to do anymore. I have looked into the 'collections' module, but couldn't understand it well enough to know if that would help or not. What I am looking for is where I can run the 'createpet()' function and each time add in a new pet with the species, name, and breed. I have looked into the sqlite3 and wonder if that might be a better option. If it would be, where would I go to learn and better understand the module (aka good beginner tutorials). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
(First of all, you have to check for a duplicate before you add it to the dictionary.)
The way you add items to a dictionary x is
x[y] = z
This sets the value with the key y equal to z or, if there is no key with that name, creates a new key y with the value z.
Updated code:
(I defined this as a classmethod because the from_input method is one as well and from what I understand of this, this will keep things working when it comes to inheriting classes, for further information you might want to look at this)
def createpet(cls):
pet = cls.from_input()
if in cls.pets:
raise ValueError("duplicate ID")
cls.pets[] = pet

Test-Driven Development in Python

How do i write a test, to Test for the default behavior (of a method ) of printing a range that we give it? Below is my attempt. Pasted code from my implementation file and the test case file.
`class FizzBuzzService:
def print_number(self, num):
for i in range(num):
print(i, end=' ')
import unittest
from app.logic import FizzBuzzService
class FizzBuzzServiceTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
Create an instance of fizz_buzz_service
self.fizzbuzz = FizzBuzzService()
def test_it_prints_a_number(self):
Test for the default behavior of printing the range that we give
number_range = range(10)
self.assertEqual(self.fizzbuzz.print_number(10), print(*number_range))
For me at least TDD is about finding a good design as much as it's about testing. As you've seen, testing for things like output is hard.
printing like this is known as a side effect - put simply it's doing something not based solely on the input parameter to the method. My solution would be to make print_number less side effecty, then test it like that. If you need to print it you can write another function higher up that prints, the output of print_number, but contains no meaningful logic other than that, which doesn't really need testing. Here's an example with your code changed to not have a side effect (it's one of several possible alternatives)
class FizzBuzzService:
def print_number(self, num):
for i in range(num):
yield i
import unittest
class FizzBuzzServiceTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
Create an instance of fizz_buzz_service
self.fizzbuzz = FizzBuzzService()
def test_it_prints_a_number(self):
Test for the default behavior of printing the range that we give
number_range = range(10)
output = []
for x in self.fizzbuzz.print_number(10):
self.assertEqual(range(10), output)
You need to capture standard outputs in your tests to do that -
import sys
import cStringIO
def test_it_prints_a_number(self):
inital_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = cStringIO()
value = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(value, str(range(10)))
As you can see it's really messy, thus I'd highly recommend against it. Tests written on the based on string contents, especially standard outputs are utterly fragile. Besides the whole point of TDD is to write well-designed isolated code that is easily testable. If your code is difficult to test, than it is a sure shot indication that there's a problem in your design.
How about you divide your code into two parts, one that produce the numbers and need to be tested and other that just print it.
def get_numbers(self, num):
return range(num)
def print_number(self, num):
# Now you can easily test get_numbers method.
Now if you really want to test printing functionality, then the better way would be use mocking.

Calling a function from another file within an if-Python 3.x

I've found resources on here but they're pertaining to locally embedded functions. I have one file called "test" and another called "main". I want test to contain all of my logic while main will contain a complete list of functions which each correlate with a health insurance policy. There are hundreds of policies so it would become quite tedious to write an if statement in "test" for each one each time. I'd like to write as few lines as possible to call a function based off of what a value states. Something like:
insurance = input()
The end result would not be an input but for testing/learning purposes it is. The input would always correlate with an insurance policy exactly if it exists. So on "tests" I currently have:
from inspolicy.main import bcbs, uhc, medicare
print('What is the insurance?(bcbs, uhc, medicare)')
insurance = input()
if insurance.lower() == 'bcbs':
elif insurance.lower() == 'uhc':
elif insurance.lower() == 'medicare':
print('This policy can not be found in the database. Please set aside.')
With "main" including:
def bcbs():
print('This is BCBS')
def uhc():
print('This is UHC')
def medicare():
print('This is Medicare')
So is there a way to have the input (i.e. insurance) be what is referenced against to call the function from "main"?
Thank you in advance for your time!
The best approach to this is to use a dictionary to map between the name of your insurance policies and the function that deals with them. This could be a hand-built dict in one of your modules, or you could simply use the namespace of the main module (which is implemented using a dictionary):
# in test
import types
import inspolicy.main # import the module itself, rather than just the functions
insurance = input('What is the insurance?(bcbs, uhc, medicare)')
func = getattr(inspolicy.main, insurance, None)
if isinstance(func, types.FunctionType):
print('This policy can not be found in the database. Please set aside.')
Let's consider this is your
def uhc():
print("This is UHC")
It is possible to do something like that in
import main
def unknown_function():
print('This policy can not be found in the database. Please set aside.')
insurance = input()
insurance_function = getattr(main, insurance.lower())
except AttributeError:
insurance_function = unknown_function
Then, if you type "uhc" as your input, you will get the uhc function from and call it.
