Apache Spark: is the show() function an expensive and unsafe operation? - apache-spark

In Apache Spark, I know that when you perform actions on the data that ends up collecting the result on the driver end, for example, applying a collect() on the data, is an unsafe operation that can lead to an Out Of Memory Error if the collected size is larger than what the driver can house in its memory.
Is the show() function, which is applied to dataframes, a function that can lead to a OOM for the same reason or can I safely use the show() function (maybe for debugging reasons)?

show is as safe as the execution plan of the evaluated Dataset. If the Dataset contains wide transformations (non-broadcasted joins, aggregations, repartitions, applications of window functions) or resource hungry narrow transformations (expensive UDF calls, "strongly" typed transformations with wide schema) calling show can trigger executor failure.
Unlike collect it will fetch only a small subset of data (20 records by default). So excluding local mode it is unlikely it will ever trigger driver failure.
Even if none of the above is true, it is still possible that show will evaluate all records. This might happen if pipeline contains highly restrictive selections (filter) which result in spare leading partitions.
Overall show, same as similar restricted operations like take (with small n) are as safe as you can get, but cannot guarantee successful execution.


Why there are so many partitions required before shuffling data in Apache Spark?

I am a newbie in Spark and want to understand about shuffling in spark.
I have two following questions about shuffling in Apache Spark.
1) Why there is change in no. of partitions before performing shuffling ? Spark does it by default by changing partition count to value given in spark.sql.shuffle.partitions.
2) Shuffling usually happens when there is a wide transformation. I have read in a book that data is also saved on disk. Is my understanding correct ?
Two questions actually.
Nowhere it it stated that you need to change this parameter. 200 is the default if not set. It applies to JOINing and AGGregating. You make have a far bigger set of data that is better served by increasing the number of partitions for more processing capacity - if more Executors are available. 200 is the default, but if your quantity is huge, more parallelism if possible will speed up processing time - in general.
Assuming an Action has been called - so as to avoid the obvious comment if this is not stated, assuming we are not talking about ResultStage and a broadcast join, then we are talking about ShuffleMapStage. We look at an RDD initially:
DAG dependency involving a shuffle means creation of a separate Stage.
Map operations are followed by Reduce operations and a Map and so forth.
All the (fused) Map operations are performed intra-Stage.
The next Stage requirement, a Reduce operation - e.g. a reduceByKey, means the output is hashed or sorted by key (K) at end of the Map
operations of current Stage.
This grouped data is written to disk on the Worker where the Executor is - or storage tied to that Cloud version. (I would have
thought in memory was possible, if data is small, but this is an architectural Spark
approach as stated from the docs.)
The ShuffleManager is notified that hashed, mapped data is available for consumption by the next Stage. ShuffleManager keeps track of all
keys/locations once all of the map side work is done.
The next Stage, being a reduce, then gets the data from those locations by consulting the Shuffle Manager and using Block Manager.
The Executor may be re-used or be a new on another Worker, or another Executor on same Worker.
Stages mean writing to disk, even if enough memory present. Given finite resources of a Worker it makes sense that writing to disk occurs for this type of operation. The more important point is, of course, the 'Map Reduce' style of implementation.
Of course, fault tolerance is aided by this persistence, less re-computation work.
Similar aspects apply to DFs.

Apache Spark - Iterators and Memory consumption

I am a newbie to the spark and have question regarding spark memory usage with iterators.
When using Foreach() or MapPartitions() of Datasets (or even a direct call to iterator() function of RDD), does spark needs to load the entire partition to RAM first (assuming partition is in disk) or can data be lazy loaded as we continue to iterate (meaning that spark can load only part of the partition data execute task and save to disk the intermediate result)
The first difference of those two is that forEach() is an action when mapPartition() is a transformation. It would be more meaningful to compare forEach with forEachPartition since they are both actions and they both work on the final-accumulated data on the driver. Refer here for a detailed discussions over those two. As for the memory consumption it really depends on how much data you return to the driver. As a rule of thumb remember to return the results on the driver using methods like limit(), take(), first() etc and avoid using collect() unless you are sure that the data can fit on driver's memory.
The mapPartition can be compared with the map or flatMap functions and they will modify the dataset's data by applying some transformation. mapPartition is more efficient since it will execute the given func fewer times when map will do the same of each item in the dataset. Refer here for more details about these two functions.

Spark - do transformations also involve driver operations

My course notes have the following sentence: "RDDs support two types of operations: transformations, which create a new dataset from an existing one, and actions, which return a value to the driver program after running a computation on the dataset." But I think this is misleading because the transformation reduceByKey is performed locally on the workers and then on the driver as well (although the change does not take place until there's an action to be performed). Could you please correct me if I am wrong.
Here are the concepts
In Spark Transformation defines where one RDD generates one or more RDD. Everytime a new RDD is created. RDDs are immutable so any transformation on one RDD generates a new RDD and its added to DAG.
Action in spark are the function where new RDDs are not generated its generated other datatypes like String, int etc.. and result is returned to driver or other storage system.
Transformations are lazy in nature and nothing happen until action is triggered.
reduceByKey - Its a transformation as it generates a RDD from input RDD and its a WIDE TRANFORMATION. In reduce by key nothing happens until action is triggered. Please see the image below
reduce - its an action as it generates a non RDD type. Please see the image below
As a matter of fact, driver's first responsibility is managing the job. Moreover, RDD's objects are not located on driver to have an action on them. So, all the results are on workers till the actions' turns come. The thing which I mean is about lazy execution of spark, it means at first of the execution the plan is reviewed to the first action and if it could not find any then the whole program would result nothing. Otherwise, whole the program will be executed on the input data which would be presented as rdd object on the worker nodes to reach the action and all the data during this period would all be on workers and just the result according to the type of the action would be sent to or at least managed by the driver.

which is faster in spark, collect() or toLocalIterator()

I have a spark application in which I need to get the data from executors to driver and I am using collect(). However, I also came across toLocalIterator(). As far as I have read about toLocalIterator() on Internet, it returns an iterator rather than sending whole RDD instantly, so it has better memory performance, but what about speed? How is the performance between collect() and toLocalIterator() when it comes to execution/computation time?
The answer to this question depends on what would you do after making df.collect() and df.rdd.toLocalIterator(). For example, if you are processing a considerably big file about 7M rows and for each of the records in there, after doing all the required transformations, you needed to iterate over each of the records in the DataFrame and make a service calls in batches of 100.
In the case of df.collect(), it will dumping the entire set of records to the driver, so the driver will need an enormous amount of memory. Where as in the case of toLocalIterator(), it will only return an iterator over a partition of the total records, hence the driver does not need to have enormous amount of memory. So if you are going to load such big files in parallel workflows inside the same cluster, df.collect() will cause you a lot of expense, where as toLocalIterator() will not and it will be faster and reliable as well.
On the other hand if you plan on doing some transformations after df.collect() or df.rdd.toLocalIterator(), then df.collect() will be faster.
Also if your file size is so small that Spark's default partitioning logic does not break it down into partitions at all then df.collect() will be more faster.
To quote from the documentation on toLocalIterator():
This results in multiple Spark jobs, and if the input RDD is the result of a wide transformation (e.g. join with different partitioners), to avoid recomputing the input RDD should be cached first.
It means that in the worst case scenario (no caching at all) it can be n-partitions times more expensive than collect. Even if data is cached, the overhead of starting multiple Spark jobs can be significant on large datasets. However lower memory footprint can partially compensate that, depending on a particular configuration.
Overall, both methods are inefficient and should be avoided on large datasets.
As for the toLocalIterator, it is used to collect the data from the RDD scattered around your cluster into one only node, the one from which the program is running, and do something with all the data in the same node. It is similar to the collect method, but instead of returning a List it will return an Iterator.
So, after applying a function to an RDD using foreach you can call toLocalIterator to get an iterator to all the contents of the RDD and process it. However, bear in mind that if your RDD is very big, you may have memory issues. If you want to transform it to an RDD again after doing the operations you need, use the SparkContext to parallelize it.

Operations and methods to be careful about in Apache Spark?

What operations and/or methods do I need to be careful about in Apache Spark? I've heard you should be careful about:
Are there other methods?
There're what you could call 'expensive' operations in Spark: all those that require a shuffle (data reorganization) fall in this category. Checking for the presence of ShuffleRDD on the result of rdd.toDebugString give those away.
If you mean "careful" as "with the potential of causing problems", some operations in Spark will cause memory-related issues when used without care:
groupByKey requires that all values falling under one key to fit in memory in one executor. This means that large datasets grouped with low-cardinality keys have the potential to crash the execution of the job. (think allTweets.keyBy(_.date.dayOfTheWeek).groupByKey -> bumm)
favor the use of aggregateByKey or reduceByKey to apply map-side reduction before collecting values for a key.
collect materializes the RDD (forces computation) and sends the all the data to the driver. (think allTweets.collect -> bumm)
If you want to trigger the computation of an rdd, favor the use of rdd.count
To check the data of your rdd, use bounded operations like rdd.first (first element) or rdd.take(n) for n elements
If you really need to do collect, use rdd.filter or rdd.reduce to reduce its cardinality
collectAsMap is just collect behind the scenes
cartesian: creates the product of one RDD with another, potentially creating a very large RDD. oneKRdd.cartesian(onekRdd).count = 1000000
consider adding keys and join in order to combine 2 rdds.
In general, having an idea of the volume of data flowing through the stages of a Spark job and what each operation will do with it will help you keep mentally sane.
