Minimizing duplicate routes index.js - node.js

I am trying to build a REST API with express router, which contains of nested sub routes. I have mounted these sub routes in my index.js file.
I have defined it as follows:
// Mounted routes
app.use('/api/v1/Project', new ProjectRouter().routes);
app.use('/api/v1/Project/:projectId/Context', new ContextRouter().routes);
app.use('/api/v1/Project/:projectId/Context/:contextId/Question', new QuestionRouter().routes);
app.use('/api/v1/Project/:projectId/Context/:contextId/Question/:questionId/Answer', new AnswerRouter().routes);
I want to arrange my routes revolved around the functionality and being more complaint towards REST standards.
In the above case the route prefix /api/v1/Project/ is being
repeated over and over again.
Is there some best practice to minimize the redundant routes by

I solved my problem by using the approach detailed in this link Nested Router in Express.JS.
The solution being we have to just mount the nested router in the module as follows:
app.use('/:nestedId/nestedRoute', nestedRouter);
Furthermore we need to also merge the parent route parameters also, we can do this by passing the options object to the express.Router method:
const router = express.Router({ mergeParams: true });


What is the difference between "app.get/post/put/delete()" and "router.get/post/put/delete()"? [duplicate]

I'm starting with NodeJS and Express 4, and I'm a bit confused. I been reading the Express website, but can't see when to use a route handler or when to use express.Router.
As I could see, if I want to show a page or something when the user hits /show for example I should use:
var express = require('express')
var app = express()
app.get("/show", someFunction)
At the beginning, I thought this was old (for Express 3). Is that right or this is the way for Express 4 too?
If this is the way to do it in Express 4, what is express.Router used for?
I read almost the same example as above but using express.Router:
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
router.get("/show", someFunction)
So, what's the difference between both examples?
Which one should I use if I just want to do a simple testing website?
var express = require('express'),
dogs = require('./routes/dogs'),
cats = require('./routes/cats'),
birds = require('./routes/birds');
var app = express();
app.use('/dogs', dogs);
app.use('/cats', cats);
app.use('/birds', birds);
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.send('GET handler for /dogs route.');
});'/', function(req, res) {
res.send('POST handler for /dogs route.');
module.exports = router;
When var app = express() is called, an app object is returned. Think of this as the main app.
When var router = express.Router() is called, a slightly different mini app is returned. The idea behind the mini app is that each route in your app can become quite complicated, and you'd benefit from moving all that code into a separate file. Each file's router becomes a mini app, which has a very similar structure to the main app.
In the example above, the code for the /dogs route has been moved into its own file so it doesn't clutter up the main app. The code for /cats and /birds would be structured similarly in their own files. By separating this code into three mini apps, you can work on the logic for each one in isolation, and not worry about how it will affect the other two.
If you have code (middleware) that pertains to all three routes, you can put it in the main app, before the app.use(...) calls. If you have code (middleware) that pertains to just one of those routes, you can put it in the file for that route only.
Express 4.0 comes with the new Router. As mentioned on the site:
The express.Router class can be used to create modular mountable route
handlers. A Router instance is a complete middleware and routing
system; for this reason it is often referred to as a “mini-app”.
There is a good article at which describes the differences and what can be done with routers.
To summarize
With routers you can modularize your code more easily. You can use routers as:
Basic Routes: Home, About
Route Middleware to log requests to the console
Route with Parameters
Route Middleware for Parameters to validate specific parameters
Validates a parameter passed to a certain route
The app.router object, which was removed in Express 4, has made a comeback in Express 5. In the new version, it is a just a reference to the base Express router, unlike in Express 3, where an app had to explicitly load it.
How they are different
Everyone, including the documentation, tends to refer back to how much they are the same, but not actually reference any differences. Well, they are, in fact, different.
var bigApp = express();
var miniApp = express.Router();
The most obviously difference is that the bigApp will give listen, which just a rather confusing way to do what would otherwise be simple and obvious the node http or https module:
var server = require('http').createServer(bigApp);
server.listen(8080, function () {;
I consider this an anti-pattern because it abstracts and obscures away something that wasn't complicated or difficult in the first place, and then makes it difficult for people to use websockets and other middleware that require the raw http server.
Internal State
The big difference, which is really important, is that all bigApps have separate internal state.
bigApp.enable('trust proxy');
bigApp.enabled('trust proxy');
// true
var bigApp2 = express();
bigApp2.enabled('trust proxy');
// false
bigApp.use('/bunnies', bigApp2);
// WRONG! '/bunnies' will NOT trust proxies
A miniApp passed to a bigApp, however, will be operated by the bigApp in such a way that its internal state and thisness will be preserved and those routes will behave accordingly.
bigApp.enable('trust proxy');
bigApp.enabled('trust proxy');
// true
var miniApp = express.Router();
bigApp.use('/bunnies', miniApp);
// CORRECT! All state and such are preserved
This can be a big deal because express does a lot of (sometimes trixy) things to the http.ServerRequest and httpServerResponse object - such as modifying (or hijacking) req.url and req.originalUrl and various other properties you've been using without realizing - and you probably don't want that duplicated and separated.
Smaller API
There is a smaller, more well-defined number of functions a Router can use:
.use(mount, fn)
.all(mount, fn)
.options(mount, fn)
.head(mount, fn)
.get(mount, fn)
.post(mount, fn)
.patch(mount, fn)
.put(mount, fn)
.delete(mount, fn)
.param(name, cb).XXXX
There are a few other convenience methods as well, such as basic(), but you won't find set() or enable() or other methods that change the larger app state.
.get(function (req, res) {
res.send('Get a random book')
.post(function (req, res) {
res.send('Post a random book')
As in above example, we can add different HTTP request method under a route.
Let’s say your application is little complex. So what we do first is we divide the application into multiple modules so that changes in one module doesn't clutter the others and you can keep working on individual modules, but at the end of the day you need to integrate everything into one since you are building a single application. It is like we have one main application and few child applications whose parent is the main application.
So when we create the parent application we create one using
const express = require("express");
const parent = express();
And to this parent application we need to bring in the child applications. But since the child applications are not totally different applications (since they run in the same context - java term), express provides the way to do it by means on the Express's Router function and this is what we do in the each child module file and lets call one such child module as aboutme.
const express = require("express");
export const router = express.Router();
By export we are making this module available for other to consume and since we have modularized things we need to make the module files available to the parent application by means of node's require function just like any other third party modules and the parent file looks something like this:
const express = require("express");
const parent = express();
const child = require("./aboutme");
After we make this child module available to the parent, we need to tell the parent application when to use this child application. Lets say when a user hits the path aboutme we need the child application about me to handle the request and we do it by using the Express's use method:
parent.use("/aboutme", child);
and in one shot the parent file looks like this:
const express = require("express");
const parent = express();
const child = require("./aboutme");
parent.use("/aboutme", child);
Above all what the parent can do is it can start a server where as the child cannot. Hope this clarifies. For more information you can always look at the source code which takes some time but it gives you a lot of information.
using app.js to write routes means that they are accessible to all the users as app.js is loaded on application start. However, putting routes in express.router() mini apps protect and restrict their accessibility.
In a word , express.Routercan do more things when compares to app.get(),such as middleware, moreover, you can define one more router object with express.Router()
express.Router has many options:
enable case sensitivity: /show route to not be the same as /Show, this behavior is disabled by default
strict routing mode: /show/ route to not the same as /show, this behavior is also disabled by default
we can add specific middleware/s to specific routes
In one of the questions in the quiz this was asked: "express.Router() creates an object that behaves similar to the app object."
The correct answer is 'True'. I know that we can both create routers by using either of the two but is it safe to say that they are not the same in all cases? If my understanding is correct, the express() variable can do more things like start a server while the other one cannot.
In a complicated application, app is module, for example article and user. router is controller or action in module, for example article create and list.
E.g the url parse article module and create router.
also app and router can be level-in-level.

Passport Authentication Middleware for Node/Express - How to Protect all Routes

Front End - Angular 12
|-- Leveraging Angular/MSAL to integrate with Azure AD for
Back End:
|-- Node JS V14.17.6
|-- Express 4.17.1
|-- Passport-Azure-AD
V4.3.0 (passport-azure-ad is a collection of Passport Strategies to
you integrate with Azure Active
|-- Authentication Strategy - BearerStrategy (Protects APIs and Resources)
|-- Passport V0.3.2 (Passport version leveraged by Passport-Azure-AD)
Back End Project Structure (Excerpt shown for brevity)
Root Directory
|-- src
|-- routers(Sub directory that holds all modularized routes per entity in individual .js files e.g. users.js, actions.js)
|--index.js(Application entry point)
I'm looking for a way to protect all my routes/api endpoints, rather than having to apply the passport.authenticate to each route handler within each of the route endpoints which could be "N" number of routes per modularized route .js files as expressed above. I have tried the following below to no avail.
Within the index.js file, i.e. the applications entry point, in which I use e.g. const users = require('./routers/users') and app.use('/api/v1/users', users) to mount my route handlers, I introduced the following app.use(passport.authenticate('oauth-bearer', { session: false })) since passport is a middleware but no joy
Within the modularized route handling files, I tried the following as well: router.all('*',passport.authenticate('oauth-bearer', { session: false })) based on the express documentation, router.all should apply a middleware or provided function/handler at a path for all request methods and in this case the '*' should match all paths, but still this only worked for the base path '/' and not others in the file e.g. '/relationships'
If anyone can prescribe a way to protect all routes, it will be greatly appreciated.
The router.all() function is just like the router.METHOD() methods, except that it matches all HTTP methods (verbs).
If I write, router.all('/users', callback), it means, the callback will run for each method (GET,POST,DELETE,PATCH,PUT etc) for endpoint /users.
If want to run it for each route, you would need to do something like this -
router.all('*', callback)
I like to use router.use() function, which is specifically for such use cases. Suppose, I have 2 endpoints in my monitor routes. If I want to put an authentication guard for both, I like to do this -
const constant = require(__basePath + 'app/config/constant');
const router = require('express').Router({
caseSensitive: true,
strict : true
const monitor = require(constant.path.module + 'monitor/monitor.controller');
const Passport = require('passport');
const AuthGuard = Passport.authenticate(['user', 'admin'], { session : false });
module.exports = {
router: router
P.S. - Please ignore, constant and path related stuff, this is just for reference.
So after many a days, seeking a solution, I finally found the culprit as to why my implementation as stated above did not work. It boils down to the recent introduction of the wildcard '*' feature as it applies to MSAL/Angular's protectedResourceMap. Leveraging the example above, the way this is implemented from the client(Angular V12) is by setting the aforementioned protected resource map to: 'http://localhost:3001/api/v1/*' and this one will logically think well in turn protect endpoints such as
but what I uncovered is that the Wildcard doesn't quite work as one will think, it pretty much will just match the first url above tagged (1.) as this is handled within the "users.js" router file by the router handler, base endpoint router.get('/', (req, res, next) => { something }); and will totally jettison the following router handler(Should match Second url above tagged (2.)), endpoint router.get('/relationships', (req, res, next) => { something }); which by the way is equally implemented within the "users.js" router file.
Solution that saved the day client fix(Angular V12) was to first to remove the Wildcard asterix '*' as part of the Protected Resource Map configuration and just kept it as such : 'http://localhost:3001/api/v1/' and on the server side(NodeJs) per my requirements i.e. protect all routes was to apply the following solution to the entry point of the server solution "index.js" leveraging passport as a middleware applied to the application across the board: app.use(passport.authenticate('oauth-bearer', { session: false })); this way not needing to implement same within each router handler file. Hope this helps folks out there facing similar issues.

Problem using Nodejs / Express routing paths

I am a long time programmer but I'm new to Node and have a simple question about routing paths in Express which I cannot get to the bottom of.
I've developed a very simple app using node/express and MySql. I have then split up my GET and POST routes in the app just for convenience. I am using the route '/posts' at the app level and the sub route '/submit-form' in my router() which is the URL my form submits to.
I'm obviously doing something stupid because it doesn't work, I get the cannot POST message. If I use the full URL in the app and in the router then it works fine so there's nothing wrong with the code I think, only with my understanding of how express does routing.
Any advice appreciated.
A router should be used with the .use() method. Therefore, you should use the following in your app.js file
app.use('/posts', PostRoute)
When the nested router (on /posts) will handle the request, it will now based on the nested route declaration which HTTP method should match
const app = express();
app.use('/user', require('./routes/user'))
then inside the user;
const router = express.Router({});'/login', (req,res,next) => {
module.exports = router;

NodeJS diffrence between express() and express.Router() in sub routes

I create a sub route in my server like '/users' and it uses userRoute = express.Router()
But in express document in mountpath part it use another way like a use userRoute = express() for sub route and call it sub app here it is:
var app = express(); // the main app
var admin = express(); // the sub app
app.use('/admin', admin); // mount the sub app
What are their difference and usage?
You always need to use express() to create the top-level server app, but to create sub-apps containing isolated blocks of routes or other functionality you can choose between mounting a new express() app, or an express.Router() Router.
The difference between these is in the amount of specific functionality provided to that block; Routers are simpler and focus mainly only on routing, and may be enough in many cases where you just want to logically organise your application. If you look at the the documented properties, methods & events available to both the Application and Router objects, you see that Application has all the ones that Router does, with additional ones that can be grouped into four main areas of functionality:
App settings (get(), set(), disable(), disabled(), enable(), enabled())
Templating (engine(), render(), locals)
The ability to be notified on being mounted by a parent app (the mount event)
Access to the path it is mounted at (mountpath, path())
So if you don't need to use any of these, or in some cases do but don't need them to be isolated from the parent app, then you can use a Router.
Thanks to jfriend00 when I use an app instead of router I can set specific theme engine or ... for my route.

Differences between express.Router and app.get?

I'm starting with NodeJS and Express 4, and I'm a bit confused. I been reading the Express website, but can't see when to use a route handler or when to use express.Router.
As I could see, if I want to show a page or something when the user hits /show for example I should use:
var express = require('express')
var app = express()
app.get("/show", someFunction)
At the beginning, I thought this was old (for Express 3). Is that right or this is the way for Express 4 too?
If this is the way to do it in Express 4, what is express.Router used for?
I read almost the same example as above but using express.Router:
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
router.get("/show", someFunction)
So, what's the difference between both examples?
Which one should I use if I just want to do a simple testing website?
var express = require('express'),
dogs = require('./routes/dogs'),
cats = require('./routes/cats'),
birds = require('./routes/birds');
var app = express();
app.use('/dogs', dogs);
app.use('/cats', cats);
app.use('/birds', birds);
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.send('GET handler for /dogs route.');
});'/', function(req, res) {
res.send('POST handler for /dogs route.');
module.exports = router;
When var app = express() is called, an app object is returned. Think of this as the main app.
When var router = express.Router() is called, a slightly different mini app is returned. The idea behind the mini app is that each route in your app can become quite complicated, and you'd benefit from moving all that code into a separate file. Each file's router becomes a mini app, which has a very similar structure to the main app.
In the example above, the code for the /dogs route has been moved into its own file so it doesn't clutter up the main app. The code for /cats and /birds would be structured similarly in their own files. By separating this code into three mini apps, you can work on the logic for each one in isolation, and not worry about how it will affect the other two.
If you have code (middleware) that pertains to all three routes, you can put it in the main app, before the app.use(...) calls. If you have code (middleware) that pertains to just one of those routes, you can put it in the file for that route only.
Express 4.0 comes with the new Router. As mentioned on the site:
The express.Router class can be used to create modular mountable route
handlers. A Router instance is a complete middleware and routing
system; for this reason it is often referred to as a “mini-app”.
There is a good article at which describes the differences and what can be done with routers.
To summarize
With routers you can modularize your code more easily. You can use routers as:
Basic Routes: Home, About
Route Middleware to log requests to the console
Route with Parameters
Route Middleware for Parameters to validate specific parameters
Validates a parameter passed to a certain route
The app.router object, which was removed in Express 4, has made a comeback in Express 5. In the new version, it is a just a reference to the base Express router, unlike in Express 3, where an app had to explicitly load it.
How they are different
Everyone, including the documentation, tends to refer back to how much they are the same, but not actually reference any differences. Well, they are, in fact, different.
var bigApp = express();
var miniApp = express.Router();
The most obviously difference is that the bigApp will give listen, which just a rather confusing way to do what would otherwise be simple and obvious the node http or https module:
var server = require('http').createServer(bigApp);
server.listen(8080, function () {;
I consider this an anti-pattern because it abstracts and obscures away something that wasn't complicated or difficult in the first place, and then makes it difficult for people to use websockets and other middleware that require the raw http server.
Internal State
The big difference, which is really important, is that all bigApps have separate internal state.
bigApp.enable('trust proxy');
bigApp.enabled('trust proxy');
// true
var bigApp2 = express();
bigApp2.enabled('trust proxy');
// false
bigApp.use('/bunnies', bigApp2);
// WRONG! '/bunnies' will NOT trust proxies
A miniApp passed to a bigApp, however, will be operated by the bigApp in such a way that its internal state and thisness will be preserved and those routes will behave accordingly.
bigApp.enable('trust proxy');
bigApp.enabled('trust proxy');
// true
var miniApp = express.Router();
bigApp.use('/bunnies', miniApp);
// CORRECT! All state and such are preserved
This can be a big deal because express does a lot of (sometimes trixy) things to the http.ServerRequest and httpServerResponse object - such as modifying (or hijacking) req.url and req.originalUrl and various other properties you've been using without realizing - and you probably don't want that duplicated and separated.
Smaller API
There is a smaller, more well-defined number of functions a Router can use:
.use(mount, fn)
.all(mount, fn)
.options(mount, fn)
.head(mount, fn)
.get(mount, fn)
.post(mount, fn)
.patch(mount, fn)
.put(mount, fn)
.delete(mount, fn)
.param(name, cb).XXXX
There are a few other convenience methods as well, such as basic(), but you won't find set() or enable() or other methods that change the larger app state.
.get(function (req, res) {
res.send('Get a random book')
.post(function (req, res) {
res.send('Post a random book')
As in above example, we can add different HTTP request method under a route.
Let’s say your application is little complex. So what we do first is we divide the application into multiple modules so that changes in one module doesn't clutter the others and you can keep working on individual modules, but at the end of the day you need to integrate everything into one since you are building a single application. It is like we have one main application and few child applications whose parent is the main application.
So when we create the parent application we create one using
const express = require("express");
const parent = express();
And to this parent application we need to bring in the child applications. But since the child applications are not totally different applications (since they run in the same context - java term), express provides the way to do it by means on the Express's Router function and this is what we do in the each child module file and lets call one such child module as aboutme.
const express = require("express");
export const router = express.Router();
By export we are making this module available for other to consume and since we have modularized things we need to make the module files available to the parent application by means of node's require function just like any other third party modules and the parent file looks something like this:
const express = require("express");
const parent = express();
const child = require("./aboutme");
After we make this child module available to the parent, we need to tell the parent application when to use this child application. Lets say when a user hits the path aboutme we need the child application about me to handle the request and we do it by using the Express's use method:
parent.use("/aboutme", child);
and in one shot the parent file looks like this:
const express = require("express");
const parent = express();
const child = require("./aboutme");
parent.use("/aboutme", child);
Above all what the parent can do is it can start a server where as the child cannot. Hope this clarifies. For more information you can always look at the source code which takes some time but it gives you a lot of information.
using app.js to write routes means that they are accessible to all the users as app.js is loaded on application start. However, putting routes in express.router() mini apps protect and restrict their accessibility.
In a word , express.Routercan do more things when compares to app.get(),such as middleware, moreover, you can define one more router object with express.Router()
express.Router has many options:
enable case sensitivity: /show route to not be the same as /Show, this behavior is disabled by default
strict routing mode: /show/ route to not the same as /show, this behavior is also disabled by default
we can add specific middleware/s to specific routes
In one of the questions in the quiz this was asked: "express.Router() creates an object that behaves similar to the app object."
The correct answer is 'True'. I know that we can both create routers by using either of the two but is it safe to say that they are not the same in all cases? If my understanding is correct, the express() variable can do more things like start a server while the other one cannot.
In a complicated application, app is module, for example article and user. router is controller or action in module, for example article create and list.
E.g the url parse article module and create router.
also app and router can be level-in-level.
