I am following this tutorial
Is there a way to use another push notification service other than AWS?
I created Azure App Service. I choosed "single container" and used "Private Registry".
I filled my private docker hub, credentials, username & password and my site is running my docker image website well.
Now I want to use NEW image with newer tag. I noticed, there is a "webhook" functionality but I dont know how to use this webhook. I thing, that this webhook can be used to pull newer image from my registry but I dont know how to use it.
If this is not the meaning of this web hook, what is the best practise to PULL new container to web app service.
Note: I am not using Azure Container registry. I have my own private hub. And I want to use Jenkins to deploy new container.
I have an Azure App Service set up to deploy from a local git branch. (per instruction from this article). I would like these deployments to trigger another webhook I have set up that posts deploy logs to slack, but I don't see any way to configure a push option in the Azure UI.
Any tips or ideas on how to accomplish this?
You can use Azure Functions to do that.
Here's an Official Azure Documentation article that will help you to work with HTTP triggers and output bindings in Azure Functions
If this solves your problem, do not forget to click on Mark as Answer
I want to push Message in the queue using Azure Service Bus
I go through with lots of solutions but I found most of them are done by using Connection string of the Service Bus with SharedAccessKeyName and Value
but I want to achieve the same using sts uri
I tried with Get-SBClientConfiguration command also on power-shell to get stsuri
How we get stsuri for azure service bus authentication
Trying to host my telegram bot with Azure?
Not sure how to proceed
Used Node.js to code
Check the Deploy a bot documentation topic. There you will find the details on how to proceed to deploy to azure.
I've setup a continuous deployment between Bitbucket and the new Azure portal (preview). It works great but when I checked Bitbucket, I noticed that it created a services rather than a webhook but in the service section and the following message is displayed:
In the future, you will not be able to create POST or Pull Request POST services from this screen, as Bitbucket's new and improved webhooks will replace these services. Existing POST services will continue to function as expected for now. To create a new webhook, refer to the documentation for Bitbucket's updated webhooks.
But I can't figure out how to create a webhook in the new Azure Portal. Every articles on the web that I have found are all explaining it based on the old ('current') portal.
Any ideas on how I can create a webhook instead? Not critical since it's working but considering the message displayed in Bitbucket, I thought I'd look into it now rather than wait for bitbucket to disable this feature.
Login to Old Azure Console, https://manage.windowsazure.com
Goto Configure
You can use this trigger URL to setup webhook in BitBucket
But I don't think you have to worry much as Azure will automatically upgrade their services to do this automatically, that is what managed cloud means, we are paying them to manage this.