Spark batch write to Kafka topic from multi-column DataFrame - apache-spark

After the batch, Spark ETL I need to write to Kafka topic the resulting DataFrame that contains multiple different columns.
According to the following Spark documentation the Dataframe being written to Kafka should have the following mandatory column in schema:
value (required) string or binary
As I mentioned previously, I have much more columns with values so I have a question - how to properly send the whole DataFrame row as a single message to Kafka topic from my Spark application? Do I need to join all of the values from all columns into the new DataFrame with a single value column(that will contain the joined value) or there is more proper way to achieve it?

The proper way to do that is already hinted by the docs, and doesn't really differ form what you'd do with any Kafka client - you have to serialize the payload before sending to Kafka.
How you you'll do that (to_json, to_csv, Apache Avro) depends on your business requirements - nobody can answers this but you (or your team).


Spark - Structured Streaming Kafka (dynamic deserialize)

Suppose we subscribe 2 topics in the stream, one topic is of avro and another one is string, is it possible to dynamically deserialize based on the topic name?
In theory, yes
The Deserializer interface accepts the topic name as a parameter, which you could perform a check against.
However, getting access to this in Spark would require your own UDF wrapper around it.
Ultimately, I think it would be better if you define two streaming dataframes for each topic of a different format, or simply produce the strings as Avro encoded.

Spark + Read kafka topic from a specific offset based on timestamp

How do I set a spark job to pick up a kafka topic from a specific offset based on a timestamp ? Let's say that I need to get all data from a kafka topic starting 6 hours ago.
Kafka does not work in that way. You are seeing Kafka like something you can query with another different parameter than offset, besides keep in mind that topic can have more than one partition so each one has a different one. Maybe you can use another relational storage to map offset/partition with timestamp, a little bit risky. Thinking in akka stream kafka consumer, for example, each of your request by timestamp should be send via another topic to activate your consumers(each of them with one ore more partitions assigned) and query for the specific offset, produce and merge. With Spark, you can adjust your consumer strategies for each job but the process should be the same.
Another thing is if your Kafka recovers it´s possible that you need to read the whole topic to update your pair (timestamp/offset). All of this can sound a little bit weird and maybe it should be better to store your topic in Cassandra (for example) and you can query it later.
The answers provided here seems to be dated. As with the latest API documentation for Spark 3.x.x given here, Structured Streaming Kafka Integration
There are quite few flexible ways in which the messages can be retrieved between a specified window from Kafka.
An example code for the batch api that get messages from all the partitions, that are between the window specified via startingTimestamp and endingTimestamp, which is in epoch time with millisecond precision.
val df = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", bootstrapServers)
.option("subscribe", topic)
.option("startingTimestamp", 1650418006000)
.option("endingTimestamp", 1650418008000)
Kafka is an append-only log storage. You can start consuming from a particular offset in a partition given that you know the offset. Consumption is super fast, you can have a design where you start from the smallest offset and start doing some logic only once you have come across a message (which could probably have a timestamp field to check for).

Getting latest entry for each group in dataframe when using Structured Streaming

I've researched a little on this and found an answer for general Spark applications. However, in structured streaming, you cannot do a join between 2 streaming dataframes (therefore a self join is not possible) and sorting functions cannot be used as well. So is there a way to get the latest entry for each group at all? (I'm on Spark 2.2)
UPDATE: Assuming the dataframe rows are already sorted by time already, we can just take the last entry using for each required row using groupBy then agg with the pyspark.sql.functions.last function.

Avoiding multiple streaming queries

I have a structured streaming query which sinks to Kafka. This query has a complex aggregation logic.
I would like to sink the output DF of this query to multiple Kafka topics each partitioned on a different ‘key’ column. I don't want to have multiple Kafka sinks for each of the different Kafka topics because that would mean running multiple streaming queries - one for each Kafka topic, especially since my aggregation logic is complex.
Is there a way to output the results of a structured streaming query to multiple Kafka topics each with a different key column but without having to execute multiple streaming queries?
If not, would it be efficient to cascade the multiple queries such that the first query does the complex aggregation and writes output to Kafka and then the other queries just read the output of the first query and write their topics to Kafka thus avoiding doing the complex aggregation again?
Thanks in advance for any help.
So the answer was kind of staring at me in the eye. It's documented as well. Link below.
One can write to multiple Kafka topics from a single query. If your dataframe that you want to write has a column named "topic" (along with "key", and "value" columns), it will write the contents of a row to the topic in that row. This automatically works. So the only thing you need to figure out is how to generate the value of that column.
This is documented -
I am also looking for solution of this problem and in my case its not necessarily kafka sink. I want to write some records of a dataframe in sink1 while some other records in sink2 (depending upon some condition, without reading the same data twice in 2 streaming queries).
Currently it does not seem possible as per current implementation ( createSink() method in DataSource.scala provides support for a single sink).
However, In Spark 2.4.0 there is a new api coming: foreachBatch() which will give handle to a dataframe microbatch which can be used to cache the dataframe, write to different sinks or processing multiple times before uncaching aagin.
Something like this:
streamingDF.writeStream.foreachBatch { (batchDF: DataFrame, batchId: Long) =>
batchDF.write.format(...).save(...) // location 1
batchDF.write.format(...).save(...) // location 2
right now this feature available in databricks runtime :
EDIT 15/Nov/18 :
It is available now in Spark 2.4.0 (
There is no way to have a single read and multiple writes in structured streaming out of the box. The only way is to implement custom sink that will write into multiple topics.
Whenever you call dataset.writeStream().start() spark starts a new stream that reads from a source (readStream()) and writes into a sink (writeStream()).
Even if you try to cascade it spark will create two separate streams with one source and one sink each. In other words, it will read, process and write data twice:
Dataset df = <aggregation>;
StreamingQuery sq1 = df.writeStream()...start();
StreamingQuery sq2 = df.writeStream()...start();
There is a way to cache read data in spark streaming but this option is not available for structured streaming yet.

Kafka spark streaming dynamic schema

I'm strangling Kafka spark streaming with dynamic schema.
I"m consuming from Kafka (KafkaUtils.createDirectStream) each message /JSON field can be nested, each field can appear in some messages and sometimes not.
The only thing I found is to do:
Spark 2.0 implicit encoder, deal with missing column when type is Option[Seq[String]] (scala)
case class MyTyp(column1: Option[Any], column2: Option[Any]....)
This will cover,im not sure, fields that may appear, and nested Fileds.
Any approval/other Ideas/general help will be appreciated ...
After long integration and trails, two ways to solve non schema Kafka consuming: 1) Throw "editing/validation" each message with "lambda" function .not my favorite. 2) Spark: on each micro batch obtain flatten schema and intersect needed columns. use spark SQL to query the frame for needed data. That worked for me.
