retrieve column header from max value row - excel

I have two spreadsheets, one containing a database (sheet 1) and on the other one (sheet2) I'd like to retrieve the header of the column tha contains the max value between rows, given a certain ID.
Sheet 1:
1 ID 2020 2021 2022 2023
2 N-16 0,00 1550,00 1750,00 2200,00
3 N-23 0,00 0,00 0,00 20010,00
4 N-53 100,00 60,00 20,00 80,00
Sheet 2:
1 ID Max Value Year
2 N-53 100,00
3 N-16 2200,00
4 N-23 20010,00
But it should look like this:
1 ID Max Value Year
2 N-53 100,00 2020
3 N-16 2200,00 2023
4 N-23 20010,00 2023
I can´t seem to get the year on column C unless I know which row the ID I´d like to match from sheet2 is located on sheet1. Since this database is updated constantly, the IDs are into a random order.
Is there a way I can modify the last part of the formula to look for every row on sheet1, find the matching ID from sheet2, look for the row with the matching ID on sheet1 and find Max Value, then return the header with the corresponding year?
Thanks in advance.

You can use this array formula :
I kept most of your formula, but the lookup array for your MATCH is calculated with the OFFSET function. This will also work when the ID's are not sorted.
I put all data on the same worksheet for testing, so you'll just have to change the references.

I have not split on two pages but the method should be analogus to what you want.
I have changed the formulas according to your suggestion.


Excel function to Auto-Populate value in Column C based on the combination of values in column A and Column B

I have 3 columns with values filled in already in my metasheet. A combination of values in column A and column B makes the selection unique. I need to pull/return the value in column C for the values selected in columns A & B. for example: In sheet 1, I have the following data:
country Month weather
1 USA Jan winter
2 USA Feb fall
3 USA May summer
4 China Jan summer
5 China Feb spring
6 China May fall
7 India Jan fall
8 India Feb summer
9 India May Rain
Now, say for a random row 25, I have A25 as a dropdown list with value selected ="India" and B25 as a dropdown list with value selected="Feb", in which case I would want C25 to have a dropdown list with the value in it being "Summer".
I tried this formula:
=VLOOKUP(B25, OFFSET(B$1:C$9, MATCH(A25,A$1:A$9,0)-1, 0, 2, 2), 2, 0)
But this one gives me an error: "The list source must be a delimited list, or a reference to a single row or column".
I did refer to this solution. But I get the above mentioned error as the data validation for C25 is a list.
Any suggestions/ideas on this would be helpful!
Thank you!
If your sheet is set-up like this:
You can use:
You will need to make a second sheet with a matrix like following -
Here you will define all the weathers for country and month pair. I have used the default name i.e. Sheet2 and filled the values that were available from your data. You will lookup the values from this for filling on Sheet1. Sheet1 will be like this -
=VLOOKUP(B2,Sheet2!$A$1:$D$13, MATCH(A2, Sheet2!$A$1:$D$1, 0), FALSE)
Here B2 is the month value, A2 is the country value. Sheet2!$A$1:$D$13 is the range for VLOOKUP and Sheet2!$A$1:$D$1 is the range for MATCH. VLOOKUP will match the month, MATCH will match the country and get the column index.

Excel CountIF nested in IF function

I have a dashboard I'm trying to put together and I don't understand how Excel is interpreting my formulas. I'm trying to get excel to read a cell that contains a month value, and if that value is true, then to read my dummy variables and count them. There is multiple criteria here so I used CountIFS.
Here's how the function works
=IF('Other tab'!$AI:$AI=B3,COUNTIFS('Other tab'!$BI:$BI,1,'Other Tab'!$BB:$BB,1,'Other tab'!$BC:$BC,1),"ERROR")
where any place there is a "1" there was a dummy variable created. I also tried to do this with the actual text that the dummy variables replaced and my formula still wouldn't work. I don't get an error, but the return value is "0"
Here's a sample of the data:
Current Tab:
1 A B C D E F G H
3 Metric January February March April May June July
Other tab:
1 January 0 1 1
2 January 0 1 1
3 January 0 0 0
4 January 1 1 1
5 January 1 1 1
6 December 1 1 1
According to my formula, "3" should be the result here.
Update: I switched the formula to read the "0"'s on my dummy variables instead of the "1"'s and it worked to retrieve that, so why isn't it working when specifying "1" as my countif criteria?
There is no reason to put the first part in an IF statement just add it as criteria to the COUNTIFS:
=COUNTIFS('Other tab'!$AI:$AI,B3,'Other tab'!$BI:$BI,1,'Other Tab'!$BB:$BB,1,'Other tab'!$BC:$BC,1)
It appears that your data not consistent. You are looking for a text string in a series of dates that is formatted mmmm. To deal with this, in another column on the Other tab put this formula:
And copy down.
Then change the 'Other tab'!$AI:$AI part in the above formula to new column in which you just put the 2nd formula.
This will now allow the comparison of text to text.

Excel SUMPRODUCT with dynamic column range to sum

1 Department Jan Feb Mar
2 Marketing 100 200 300
3 R&D 150 250 350
4 Marketing 300 400 500
I have a sample file like the above table.
The SUMPRODUCT formula below only sums the specific rows and column, which is row 2 to 20 and column B to C for summing
Actual formula (from comments):
=SUMPRODUCT(INDEX(BW!$A$3:$AE$3,MATCH(C$35,BW!$1:$1,0)+MATCH("JAN 2016",BW!$F$2:$R$2,0)-1):INDEX(BW!$A$108:$AE$108,MATCH(C$35,BW!$1:$1,0)+MATCH("A‌​UG 2016",BW!$F$2:$R$2,0)-1)*(BW!$B$3:$B$108=$E$1))
My questions, is there a way to make SUMPRODUCT dynamic, in a sense, it knows the first row to take will be 2nd and ends at 20.
As for the dynamic column to sum, it'll depend on the criteria. i.e. if the criteria is Feb and Mar, it'll take column C2:D20...again, the row is dynamic as well.
If you turn your range into a table called Table1 then the following should work:
To make the SUMPRODUCT dynamic we can use INDEX/MATCH to find the extents of the data.
Then all that is need is to put the months wanted listed in one cell, I used I7
The INDEX(A:A,MATCH("ZZZ",A:A)) will find the last cell with text in Column A, and use that to set the extent of the dataset.
For the Last column we use INDEX(1:1,MATCH("ZZZ",1:1))
If you are not going to work with a ListObject (aka Structured) table, then a dynamic named range would certainly help.
Go to Formulas, Defined Names, Name Manager and when the Name Manager dialog opens, click New.
Give your defined name range a unique name; I've chosen Departments.
Leave the Scope as workbook and use the following formula for the Refers to:  =BW!$A$1:INDEX(BW!$A:$M, MATCH("zzz",BW!$A:$A ), MATCH(1E+99,BW!$1:$1 )) Columns A:M will cover a Department column and Jan through Dec. Note that Jan 2016-Dec 2016 are real dates (e.g. 1/1/2016 to 12/1/2016) formatted as mmm yyyy.
You should end up with the following dynamic named range:
Now you can 'shape' the sections of the defined range using INDEX/MATCH function pairs.
=SUMPRODUCT((INDEX(Departments, 0, 1)=Q3)*
(INDEX(Departments, 0, MATCH(R3, INDEX(Departments, 1, 0), 0)):
INDEX(Departments, 0, MATCH(S3, INDEX(Departments, 1, 0), 0))))

Excel, finding the highest date value from a list with duplicate values

I have a deep column A with IDs and each ID has in next column B date value.
Problem is that A contains up to 4 duplicate values at different places, thus e.g. 25430 could be there 4 times with different dates, e.g. 1.1.2014, 3.2.2015 etc.
I`d need to get into column C sorted column A - only 1 unique ID and if there are duplicate IDs in A then pick the highes date value.
Of course I could do it manually by sorting A by duplicate IDs and then manually delete other IDs with lower date but it`s not realistic to do it this way..
Thanks ;)
To identify the highest date value in ColumnB associated with each of the unique values in a labelled list in ColumnA:
enter with Ctrl+Shift+Enter and copy down to suit.
So I was able to do this with the following formula if you have this data:
Date Rank
So in B2, you should put the following code:
then CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER which will turn it into an array and drag it down, this is what you will end up with:
Date Rank
01/01/2015 2
01/01/2015 3
01/01/2015 4
02/02/2015 5
01/01/2014 1
03/03/2015 6
04/04/2015 8
04/04/2015 9
03/03/2015 7
04/04/4015 10
1 Being the earliest date and 10 being the latest date.
I hope this helps :)

Sum the values in Excel cells depending on changing criteria

In an Excel spread sheet I have three columns of data, the first column A is a unique identifier. Column B is a number and column C is either a tick or a space:
1 d-45 150 √
2 d-46 200
3 d-45 80
4 d-46 20 √
5 d-45 70 √
Now, I wish to sum the values in column B depending on a tick being present and also relative to the unique ID in column A. In this case rows 1 and 5. Identifying the tick I use
This leaves me with two arrays of data:
1 d-45 150
4 d-46 20
5 d-45 70
I now want to sum the values in column E depending on the ID in column D, in this case row 1 and 5. I can use a straight forward SUMIFS statement to specify d-45 as the criteria however this unique ID will always change. Is there a variation of SUMIFS I can use?
I also wish to put each new variation of ID number into a separate header with the summed totals underneath, that is:
1 d-45 d-46
2 220 20
You can try this:
To get the distinct ID's write (in H1 then copy right):
This one is an array formula so you need Ctrl Shift Enter to enter the formula
Now to get the sum (H2 and copy right)
Data in the example is in A1:C5
Depending on your regional settings you may need to replace ";" field separator by ","
Try this,
where "<>" means that the cell is not empty...
