Configuring an AKS load balancer for HTTPS access - azure

I'm porting an application that was originally developed for the AWS Fargate container service to AKS under Azure. In the AWS implementation an application load balancer is created and placed in front of the UI microservice. This load balancer is configured to use a signed certificate, allowing https access to our back-end.
I've done some searches on this subject and how something similar could be configured in AKS. I've found a lot of different answers to this for a variety of similar questions but none that are exactly what I'm looking for. From what I gather, there is no exact equivalent to the AWS approach in Azure. One thing that's different in the AWS solution is that you create an application load balancer upfront and configure it to use a certificate and then configure an https listener for the back-end UI microservice.
In the Azure case, when you issue the "az aks create" command the load balancer is created automatically. There doesn't seem be be a way to do much configuration, especially as it relates to certificates. My impression is that the default load balancer that is created by AKS is ultimately not the mechanism to use for this. Another option might be an application gateway, as described here. I'm not sure how to adapt this discussion to AKS. The UI pod needs to be the ultimate target of any traffic coming through the application gateway but the gateway uses a different subnet than what is used for the pods in the AKS cluster.
So I'm not sure how to proceed. My question is: Is the application gateway the correct solution to providing https access to a UI running in an AKS cluster or is there another approach I need to use?

You are right, the default Load Balancer created by AKS is a Layer 4 LB and doesn't support SSL offloading. The equivalent of the AWS Application Load Balancer in Azure is the Application Gateway. As of now there is no option in AKS which allows to choose the Application Gateway instead of a classic load balancer, but like alev said, there is an ongoing project that still in preview which will allow to deploy a special ingress controller that will drive the routing rules on an external Application Gateway based on your ingress rules. If you really need something that is production ready, here are your options :
Deploy an Ingress controller like NGINX, Traefik, etc. and use cert-manager to generate your certificate.
Create an Application Gateway and manage your own routing rule that will point to the default layer 4 LB (k8s LoadBalancer service or via the ingress controller)
We implemented something similar lately and we decide to managed our own Application Gateway because we wanted to do the SSL offloading outside the cluster and because we needed the WAF feature of the Application Gateway. We were able to automatically manage the routing rules inside our deployment pipeline. We will probably use the Application Gateway as an ingress project when it will be production ready.

Certificate issuing and renewal are not handled by the ingress, but using cert-manager you can easily add your own CA or use Let's encrypt to automatically issue certificates when you annotate the ingress or service objects. The http_application_routing addon for AKS is perfectly capable of working with cert-manager; can even be further configured using ConfigMaps (addon-http-application-routing-nginx-configuration in kube-system namespace). You can also look at initial support for Application Gateway as ingress here


Security for applications hosted in kubernetes ingress

I need to host the frontend and backend parts of my application on ingress kubernetes. I would like only the frontend part to be sent to the backend part, even though both are available in ingress under one host (but a different path). Is it possible to set something like this in a kubernetes cluster? So that no other applications can send requests to the backend part. Can you do something like this with kubernetes security headers?
Within the cluster, you can restrict traffic between services by using Network Policies. E.g. you can declare that service A can send traffic to service B, but that service C can not send traffic to service B. However, you need to make sure that your cluster has a CNI with support for Network Policies. Calico is an example for such add-on.
Ingress is useful for declaring what services can receive traffic from outside of the cluster.
Also, Service Meshes, like Istio is useful for further enhance this security. E.g. by using an Egress proxy, mTLS and require JWT based authentication between services.

Set kubernetes VM with nodeports as backend for application gateway

I have two VMs that are part of a kubernetes cluster. I have a single service that is exposed as NodePort (30001). I am able to reach this service on port 30001 through curl on each of these VMs. When I create an Azure application gateway, the gateway is not directing traffic to these VMs.
I've followed the steps for setting up the application gateway as listed in the Azure documentation.
I constantly get a 502 from the gateway.
In order for the Azure Application Gateway to redirect or route traffic to the NodePort you need to add the Backend servers to the backend pool inside the Azure Application Gateway.
There are options to choose Virtual Machines as well.
A good tutorial explaining how to configure an application gateway in azure and direct web traffic to the backend pool is:
I hope this solves your problem.
So I finally ended up getting on a call with the support folks. It turned out that the UI on Azure's portal is slightly tempremental.
For the gateway to be able to determine which of your backends are healthy it needs to have a health probe associated with the HTTP setting (the HTTP Setting is the one that determines how traffic from the gateway flows to your backends).
Now, when you are configuring the HTTP setting, you need to select the "Use Custom Probe" but when you do that it doesn't show the probe that you have already created. Hence, I figured that wasn't required.
The trick to first check the box below "Use Custom probe" which reads "Pick hostname from backend setttings", and then click on custom probe and your custom probe will show up and things will work.

Multiple Azure App Gateway for Different namespaces in Azure AKS

I am trying to create an Application Gateway for AKS. My requirement is to create Multiple Application Gateways for each Namespace in AKS.
Is it possible to do so? And additionally can I use the Ingress controller for Load balancing for each namespace?
to sum it up, you can attach application gateway (or multiple ones) like you normally would. application gateways are not aware of k8s primitives, so they cannot really route to the namespace, they will route to the node, and your ingress\service should handle it.
but there's an Application Gateway Ingress available (current not GA), which can do that for you. you will define ingress resources and it will configure application gateway according to those. Not sure if it can configure multiple of those, but you dont really need multiple unless you exceed inbound ports.

integrate azurerm_application_gateway with AKS with terraform

I am able to create aks cluster with advance networking. able to integrate application load balancer also with this AKS cluster but i am unable to find any way to integrate azure api gateway with aks.
Using Application Gateway as an Ingress controller for AKS is in a beta state at the moment (as shown on the Github page - and so I don't believe there will be any support for setting it up with Terraform until it gets to GA.
You might be able to do something with exec resources to set it up, but that would be up to you to figure out.
Unfortunately, it seems there is no way to integrate the application load balancer with the AKS cluster directly. And you can see all the things you can set for AKS here.
But you can integrate the application load balancer with AKS cluster when you take knowledge of AKS internal load balancer and Application gateway backend pool addresses. You can take a look at the steps that how to integrate application gateway with AKS cluster.
First of all, you need to make a plan for the AKS cluster network and take an exact IP address for the application gateway backend pool address in the Terraform. Hope this will help you if there any more question you can give me the message.

How to deploy AKS (Azure container service) in a VPN?

I want to deploy some kubernetes workloads, which are visible from some other VM's on Azure but not visible from the outside world.
For example: I might have a VM running a Zuul Gateway which for some routes I want to redirect to the K8s cluster, yet I don't want to allow people to directly access my K8s cluster.
Is it possible to place my AKS inside a VPN? If so, how should I achieve this?
In addition to options, pointed out by #4c74356b41, you can run ingress controller on the cluster, and limit it to your internal server IP only
So this isnt possible now (at least out of the box) due to the nature of AKS being a service with no VNet integration as of yet. You can try to hack around this, but it will probably not work really well as your agents need to talk to the master.
I see 2 options:
Use internal load balancers instead of public ones to expose your services
Use ACS which has vnet integration, but I'm not sure if you can apply 2 routes to the same vnet
