Does Flutter in Android Studio work better in Linux? - android-studio

I'd like to know if they have information about whether the Android emulator, and Android Studio, work better and faster on Linux.
In which Linux distribution do you advise me to install the SDK?

I'm using flutter on linux and I'd say that it is much faster than running it on anyother platform, you can even compare the app gradle build between mac, win and linux the results will be amazing on linux. I'm using it on ubuntu 20.04 it doesn't matter on what linux distribution you run the performance is gonna be the same.

As others have said, this is a matter of opinion. However, Google mostly uses Debian in house, so if you want an "official" recommendation go with that.
Flutter should run fine in every distro, though.


J2ME-based platform won't work on Netbeans 8 under macOS but works just fine on Windows

I am trying very hard to install this 3rd-party J2ME platform on Netbeans 8.2 on my Mac (running macOS Sierra), but it simply won't work. I have installed all the J2ME plug-ins on my Mac Netbeans app, and have tried to add this 3rd-party J2ME platform to Netbeans, but it does not recognize the folder I am selecting as a platform.
I was able to install the very same 3rd-party platform on Netbeans under a Windows 10 VM, but obviously it is a VM (Parallels) so it's really slow and sluggish, and just overall a worse experience than on native macOS.
Does anyone know how to properly install a 3rd-party platform to Netbeans on a Mac ? It would help me tremendously if I could work with this library under native macOS and not a VM.
The platform I am trying to install is the Java ETK for eWON products
EDIT 1 I was told the emulator is an .exe file which explains the whole thing...
Turns out the emulator is an .exe file. That would explain a thing or two...

Using Ubuntu to install Cardboard SDK for VR applications

I am trying to install Cardboard SDK on Ubuntu 14.04 and it say it needs "Unity", but the download of "Unity" seems to be only for Windows and Mac. Anyone has tried this on Ubuntu?
Unity3d has already released a beta Linux version.
It is not perfect, but stable enough. If you want to develop a cardboard app on Ubuntu, you need it.
Are you, somewhat understandably, confusing "Ubunutu's Unity" with the Unity - Game Engine?
You should take a look at Programming for Google Cardboard (starting from nothing). To quote:
I assume I have to start fresh, so I went to the generic Google
Developer website. I want to program on my Ubuntu 14.04 machine,
hopefully that won't be a hurdle but it probably will be.
The developer appears to manage to get it running though.
yes there is a beta version of unity which works for ubuntu.
has a quite of bugs, but can manage.
follow the above link and you are done installing.
after installing try not to work offline as it crashes.
unity3d #ubuntu

Make a game with Cocos2dx on Linux

I'm some familiar with Cocos2d and Cocos2dx.
But only I worked in Mac, I know which is possible work with this engine (Cocos2dx) in Windows, but I don't know if is possible develop a game on Linux.
By the way:
I'm not talking about a port, I want develop a Videogame multiplataform on Linux.
Would be great know the way of how start my game on Linux.
While I haven't tried it, cocos-2dx is, according to their documentation, is usable on Linux although my understanding is that this means one can build android projects using cocos2d on Linux.
In terms of where to start, I've used both SFML and SDL as both are well supported on Linux. Both are cross platform although SDL supports a wider range of platforms - I have an SDL2 game in progress that runs on Linux and android for instance whereas SFML does not yet have android or iOS support. Coming from cocos2d though I think you'll find the SFML API easiest to pick up.
As a fair warning, the landscape is a bit confusing at present because both SFML and SDL have a popular stable release (1.6 for SFML and 1.2 for SDL) with one API along side a popular development release (2.0 for SFML and 1.3/2.0 for SDL) that has a similar but not identical API. This is particularly noticeable with SDL where the documentation for 1.2 is much better than the documentation for the development API. In terms of choosing one over the other, the stable releases are precisely that - stable. In both cases the development releases have been under way for some time so if you are willing to dig for documentation a bit and ask questions it's worth getting the new features.
There is book that provides a nice introduction to Linux game development that, while dated, might be a good first step if this is your first outing with games on Linux, especially if you decide to use SDL Programming Linux Games.
I saw the directions here and after (roughly) following them cocos2dx does build on my Ubuntu 12.04 x64 machine. The "Set up Environment" directions seem sound but the makefile information appears to be out of date as there is no instead there is a After this finished pulling in missing deps and building I changed into the samples/HelloCpp/proj.linux directory and ran make. This created a HelloCpp binary in samples/HelloCpp/proj.linux/bin/debug. Running that popped a HelloWorld cocos2d screen. According to the output the verison is:
cocos2d-x debug info [cocos2d: cocos2d-2.1beta3-x-2.1.0]
That said, I don't see a lot of documentation for the linux port and most of the related community entries seem to be out of date so you may find more support from using one of the libraries I already mentioned.
Download cocos2d-x project there is a test sample games which compiles on all platform android, windows, iOS , Windows Phone ...See you are going to code in c++ that's it then whether you build it in linux or any other platform doesnt matter for cocos2d-x kind of engine
so i suggest start with the sample projects of cocos2d-x .... and as you want to do it in linux ...make something then compile it in linux like I do ...

Which Linux distribution for VMWare Workstation Guest?

I've been fighting a whole day with UNIX utilities - so sorry if I appear confused! I'm describing my painful and (so far) fruitless process a little because maybe someone may correct me, or maybe describing the process might be helpful to someone later on. If you want to skip this, the question is bolded below.
So I'm trying to convert a Linux program developed using kdevelop. I'm trying to make it run on Windows 7. (This is the SHoUT Speech Took mentioned here, developed by Marijn Huijbregts).
I've wasted half a day trying to install kdevelop on Windows, only to understand that kdevelop can't run on Windows and that I've been installing KDE all that time :( (If kdevelop CAN run on Windows, information would be highly appreciated).
OK, so following the advice in SO's Best environment to port C/C++ code from Linux to Windows, I installed MinGW32 only to find out that SHoUT's makefile contains targets such as aclocal, autoheader etc. - I've come face to face with the hitherto unknown GNU Build System.
I'm now in the middle of installing GnuWin32 using GetGnuWin32. This is taking hours. And I suspect that once it finishes, I'll stumble on something else.
A day of pain - and still not one code line compiled :((.
So, I'm thinking about an alternative approach: Install Linux and run kdevelop as a cross-compiler to compile to Windows. As this is a console application, MAYBE it'll be easier.
So, finally, my question:
If I want to install Linux guest in VMWare Workstation (8, running on Windows 7 host), I understand I need a "distribution". I understand there's a ton of distributions, some free, some paid.
Which distribution should I choose which would run kdevelop and be as simple as possible? I just want to ##$$ing compile, and I can't stand one more day like this...
I've tried compiling the code using VS - very tedious. Many differences between Linuix/GCC and windows/MSVC. Moreover, this is code deveoped by someone else, and I'm not even sure that the program sovles the business needs. So I've decided on the following process:
Configure Linux and run the software on Linux.
Validate that program solves business rule. If not - Abort.
Try cross oompiling on Linux. If running on Windows, verify by comparing outputs to those obtained on Linux. If good - Done.
Try compiling on Windows using ported Windows versions of the GNU Build tools. Use understanding and values obtained from building on the Linux target. If good - Done. Else
Abend and try another solution to the business problem, or try the MS tools (again using understanding and values obtained from building on the Linux target).
Many distributions are possible. Mandriva is KDE based.
But you can also install a Debian distribution, and install KDE in it.
I suggest to contact the ShOUT project community.
You should not cross-compile. MinGW can come handy but it is not required. What you need is to port the code and its dependencies to Windows, and there is nothing wrong if you use Visual Studio, for example.
I am using Ubuntu on VirtualBox OSE and through it use kdevelop and it runs seamlessly. Alternatively you can try kubuntu.
Why VirtualBox OSE - Free, Mature
It is easier to compile with MinGW on Windows than cross compile on Linux.
Build system... It could be quite easy to write Your own. Much easier than actual porting of C++ code. Could be even easier than using GNU Build System.
Please DON'T install Linux! It will take you another half a day and another questions asked here if you're doing it for the first time.
Just install VirtualBox and grab some VirtualBox image from some site. Kubuntu should be working fine with your KDE stuff:
It will get you a running KDE Linux in just 5 minutes.

Java Micro Edition (JME) SDK for Mac OS X or Linux

The question is clear from the title.
Is there an SDK for the Java Micro Edition available for Mac OS X or Linux? Or does one need Windows XP to develop JME applications?
No, with a 'but'
There is no WTK (Wireless Toolkit) from the main vendors available for Mac (NetBeans Wiki reference) so basically you can't debug nor test the code. But, you can use an emulator from a third co: MPowerPlayer
If you are using netbeans in any other OS but windows, you still can download and add the J2ME packages using the tools/plugins menu.
Then you can add the MPowerPlayer to the IDE as a J2ME platform. Netbeans (and i guess any other IDE with J2ME WTK support) will recognize it as a valid WTK,
I've posted an specific entry about this in my blog, but it's in spanish, although maybe you can follow the images. Give it a try, and don't hesitate to ask anything:
J2ME in Mac Os with NetBeans
Offically Sun's WTK is available only on Linux and Windows, however both SDKs can be used on Mac to compile J2ME applications.
Unfortunately the emulator and the preverifier will not work (since they are not Java based) so you will not be able to test your application.
To solve this problem you can use MicroEmulator or MPowerPlayer for both emulation and preverification (you can also use PhoneME for preverification).
This is a good guide to setup you development environment using Eclipse and this one is good for Netbeans.
But, if I can give an advice (I'm working since two years on J2ME development and I'm a Mac user), it is better if you develop on Windows or Linux through a virtual machine, because the two emulators do not have a very good compliance to the JSR's standard and do not include all of them.
Moreover on OSX it will be very difficult for you to test features like Bluetooth or LocationAPIs.
Netbeans has a JME SDK
May be this is helpful, I've found a Java ME Developer Studio for Mac OS X, developed by Motorola, I haven't tested yet, it's only and EA Release, I'll try this one, and I'll let u know in a subsequent post,
Oddly enough ... I just set this up 5 minutes ago on Linux.
You will need: <-- WTK
The WTK installer will ask where your JDK is. Do
find . -name "jar" -type f
and then where you have
Knock of the 'jar' and give that path to the installer. This will install ktoolbar which includes a phone emulator.
The download netbeans and install the mobile addons
This is not pure J2ME, but includes most of the API
I am using it to develop an application for my SE-C902
Yes, the official SDK for OSX can be downloaded here: Microemulator,, also works well, and I've heard people use MPowerPlayer with success.
