Azure AD B2C invite as guest for administration - azure

Recently I am starting to get an error when trying to invite a guest user to my Azure AD B2C tenant, for only user from a specific domain. The reason i'm inviting is to share the administration process with the specified user.
The error i'm getting is: User account is disabled
So far what I've tried:
Using the Users > New guest user" UI in Azure AD blade.
Using the "Organizational relationships > New guest user" UI in Azure AD blade.
Using the Users > New guest user" UI in Azure AD B2C blade.
Using graph api invitations endpoints.
Observation: Only happen for user from specific domain (External Azure D) but works for those with Microsoft account.

Just for everyone's benefit here I'm posting the answer after consulting with Microsoft support.
There are 2 possible issues that might cause you unable to invite the Guest user to the Azure AD:
Users are not properly deleted. When you search for the user email, it might not be visible in the UI, but still unable to invite. It's partly because the UI has some limited search capabilities (exact/startswith email or name only).
Solution: You can use graph api to query for the user. You should definitely try to look for the user based on the OtherMails field.
User you're trying to invite is from an Azure AD tenant that is also one of identity provider trusted in your Azure AD B2C. This is the cause of the issue with my implementation that I found.
When the user use their Azure AD credential logging in for the 1st time to my application (Azure AD B2C), a "social account" is created automatically in the Azure AD B2C. This account is created with the UserPrincipalName in the format of, and AccountEnabled false (disabled). Their Azure AD email will be in the OtherMails property. This is why you can't find the user by their email in the UI, and you have to know the exact name they use in their Azure AD in order to find them.
Solution: If you can find in the UI, typically their MemberType is Member Source is External Azure AD, you can just delete the user. If not, use graph api to query for their email in OtherMails property. Then immediately invite the user as guest. They should have no problem logging in to the B2C application again as the social account will be created automatically.
Note: Ensure that you don't use Azure AD B2C policies that adds additional attributes to the user logging in using social account. If yes, you'd need some other strategy for deleting the user, inviting as guest, recreating the social account, and restoring back the additional attributes.


Azure AD External Identity using SAML without invitation

I am trying to setup Azure AD integration with our partner identities. I have few providers that I need to support and they support SAML and WS-Fed. I am trying to use Azure AD External Identities to add these providers to my Azure AD tenant.
However, reading through this article, it seems like SAML integrations are invitation based.
I want users to be able to login without an invitation. How can I do this with Azure AD?
Here are my needs:
After adding the external idp, users should be able to login using their own credentails via their idp. No additional information needed to use an app.
I should be able to grant them access to custom apps (mandatory) and azure resources (optional)
Choose what idp's are allowed per app? (if possible)
Thanks in advance.
Question 1: After adding the external idp, users should be able to login using their own credentials via their idp. No additional information needed to use an app.
We can implement Guest users redemption using direct link or a common endpoint instead of email invitation. A guest user clicks the app link, reviews and accepts the privacy terms, and then seamlessly accesses the app.
Using Common endpoint : Guest users can now sign in to your multi-tenant or Microsoft first-party apps through a common endpoint (URL), for example Previously, a common URL would redirect a guest user to their home tenant instead of your resource tenant for authentication, so a tenant-specific link was required (for example Now the guest user can go to the application's common URL, choose Sign-in options, and then select Sign in to an organization. The user then types the name of your organization.
Using Direct Link: As an alternative to the invitation email or an application's common URL, you can give a guest a direct link to your app or portal. You first need to add the guest user to your directory via the Azure Portal or Powershell Then you can use any of the customizable ways to deploy applications to users, including direct sign-on links. When a guest uses a direct link instead of the invitation email, they’ll still be guided through the first-time consent experience.
Add B2B guests without an invitation link or email - Azure AD
Invitation redemption in B2B collaboration - Azure AD
Question 2 : I should be able to grant them access to custom apps (mandatory) and azure resources (optional)
Answer: Add the Users as Guest to Azure active Directory but by default they will be sent an invitation even if they don’t open it you can assign an app in your enterprise application for them to use .
Most federated applications that support SAML 2.0, WS-Federation, or OpenID connect also support the ability for users to start at the application, and then get signed in through Azure AD either by automatic redirection or by clicking on a link to sign in. This is known as service provider-initiated sign-on, and most federated applications in the Azure AD application gallery
End-user experiences for applications - Azure Active Directory
Quickstart: Add guest users in the Azure portal - Azure AD
To Provide the Guest user access to azure resources you can manually add a role to the users.
Question 3: Choose what idp's are allowed per app?
Answer: Create different user flows and add desired IDPs to the user flows and then assign applications registered in Azure AD to the user flows depending on which IDPs are needed for given application.
Add a self-service sign-up user flow - Azure AD
Question 4: I added Okta as an External Identity using SAML in my Azure AD. Created an "App Registration" as multi-tenant. But I am getting this error.
AADSTS50020: User account 'xxx' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant '' and cannot access the application '0000000c-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'(Microsoft App Access Panel) in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
Solution: Please Ensure User is added to one of the Partner Admin Groups i.e. AdminAgents in the Partner tenant.
Manage Auth access for cloud solution providers.
Question 5: Steps for setting self service signup for an application.
Test Scenario in my Lab
Azure AD with an application registered in application registrations blade.
Another AD tenant with users.
Step 1: In the above external identities collaboration settings please make sure to have enable guest user self service enabled.
If it is not enabled then you can’t create a self service flow and you will get the below error when a user from other tenant is trying to access the app.
Step 2: Create a user flow by going to the user flow blade and creating a new flow.
Step 3: After you have created the user flow , click on the User flow and go to application blade and click add application.
Now search for the application you want to provide the self service signup to and click on select and you will have now enable the self service sign up for users when they try to access your application.
Once the above settings are done you can access the url to your app. Provide the user of the different ad tenant and you will get output as below .Click on create a new one .
Once the user from other AD tenant have accepted it they are successfully registered as guest users in your tenant.
If they accept the above then they will be able to access the app from now as a guest.

Can I get a list of B2C Tenant Users (Created using signin-signup policy) Using Graph Explorer?

I'd like to use Microsoft Graph Explorer to work with my Azure AD B2C Tenant.
Initially, all I want to do is retrieve a Custom Attribute that I've assigned to an application registration. The custom attribute will store the UserAppPermission value, a 'role' replacement for B2C since it doesn't natively support them.
Can I get a second set of eyes on my process? I'd like to make sure I'm reading this properly.
First goal: Get a list of applications registered to my B2C Tenant. Reasoning is... if the app registration doesn't appear then future queries are unlikely to be successful.
Resource#1 "Manage Azure AD B2C with Microsoft Graph" (Note B2C in the title)
(1) I registered an application in my B2C tenant with permissions in excess of the minimum, checked this process twice: Register a Microsoft Graph application (Note B2C in the opening paragraph, and throughout the document).
(1a) Uncertain if the Azure portal was being buggy, I also registered this application with the 'Global Administrator Role' ... absolute overkill & insecure ..
(1b) I am certain that I assigned the appropriate Microsoft Graph API permissions in the app registration tab
(1c) As described in the doc, I also granted the application the user administrator role, although that is contained within the global administrator role.
(1d) Per the doc, "Now that you've registered your management application and have granted it the required permissions, your applications and services (for example, Azure Pipelines) can use its credentials and permissions to interact with the Microsoft Graph API."
When I run "" to get a list of registered applications, all I see is the single App Registration our 'root' Azure account has for our Azure Functions App. Since this was an article on managing azure ad B2C with Microsoft Graph, I was expecting to see the applications registered to my B2C Tenant.
? Does anyone read (1d) to mean that I should not be able to use, logged in as the B2C global administrator, and granting all permissions the endpoint requires, to make Microsoft Graph API queries?
Next goal: Get a list of users registered to my B2C Tenant
Resource#2 "List Users" - the link to this resource was provided by Resource #1, link provided above.
(1) There only mention of B2C in this article is: "The $count and $search parameters are currently not available in Azure AD B2C tenants."
(2) The request to get all users is GET ""
(2a) The request returns a list of users for the MyOrg's root AD tenant, not the application's B2C tenant. Not surprising since there's nothing in the request to specify the B2C tenant.
(3) Another resource provides this request format:, which specifies the b2c tenant.
(3a) This executes without error in Graph-Explorer but does not return any of the users that registered for the application using the sign-up/sign-in policy (Consumer B2C Users). It still returns a list of users for the 'root' Azure account.
Update re:specifying tenant in graph-explorer:
While logged in to Graph Explorer us my work MS email which is registered as a global admin for our Azure account and owner of the B2C tenant I specified:
This returns a list of applications for the root Azure account, not app registrations for the B2C Tenant I specified. Perhaps I misunderstood the intent of this Graph API call.
I optimistically ran '' with the tenant specified in the URL (as in screenshot). Result:
"error": {
"code": "AADB2C",
"message": "'4fba2ea8-XXXX-XXXX-964e-99f48b79d925' is not an Azure AD B2C directory...
I'm still not certain what the UUID returned in the message represents. The UUID has no correlation, that I can find, with the tenant I specified in the URL.
The reason is that you are using an Azure account which is from your root AAD tenant.
You have two options to resolve it.
Specify the tenant in the Graph Explorer URL:{Your b2c tenant} Still use that Azure account from root
AAD tenant to sign in and you can get a list of applications and
users of your B2C Tenant now.
Another method is creating a new user in your B2C tenant and assign
Global admin role to it. And then sign into with
this new user. Now you can list applications and users of your B2C
Tenant as well.
Don't use a Consumer account (local account) for the second suggestion. You should create an AAD user (work account, format: ) in Azure portal in B2C tenant and assign it global admin role.
Overview of user accounts in Azure Active Directory B2C for your reference.
#AllenWu's second solution was, in effect, correct but not explicit enough for me.
The New user interface in the B2C Tenant offers three options for creating users: Create user, Invite user and Create Azure AD B2C user. Most of my work has revolved around B2C users so I did that and gave the user Global Admin rights and my Graph Explorer results were unchanged.
Another user provided this suggestion and made it clear that I needed to create a user w/an email address of I created such a user, assigned it Global Admin rights, and I was able to use Graph Explorer as I expected.
Note that users with an email of "**#EXT#** do not behave in the same way.
Thanks for the suggestions & feedback & I hope this helps if you ended up here with the same question.

How can I invite Guest Users to the Azure B2C Platform and provide them access to the application?

I have a requirement where we want the users to use their social accounts to login into our application (i.e. get an ID Token) through Azure B2C. I configured the Identity Provider and create a user flow for Sign in only. We don't want Users to Sign Up because that through Invitation only. When I use the "Invite User" to the account and the user accepts the invitation and tries to login into the application, I get the below error.
AADB2C99002 User does not exist. Please sign up before you can sign in.
But the user is existing as a Guest User.
When I allow Sign up and the user actually does the Sign-up and then login in, it works.
Why isn't the Guest User allowed to access the application? What needs to be done for the same to work?
If it's not possible, I don't want the user to be a "member" to avoid maintaining their credentials. I want the users to use their social accounts only.
As I don't have the requirement of self sign-up and the only invitation-based, how do I achieve my requirement?
Please see the Overview of user accounts in Azure Active Directory B2C.
Guest account - A guest account can only be a Microsoft account or an Azure Active Directory user that can be used to access applications
or manage tenants.
Consumer account - A consumer account is used by a user of the applications you've registered with Azure AD B2C. Consumer accounts
can be created by:
The user going through a sign-up user flow in an Azure AD B2C application
Using Microsoft Graph API
Using the Azure portal
Guest account is specifically distinguished from Consumer account. So Guest user can't sign into B2C application directly.
Your three questions are actually the same question: How to log in a social account without managing its credentials?
Please refer to Add an identity provider to your Azure Active Directory B2C tenant.
In order to let account sign in, you need to Set up sign-in with a Microsoft account using Azure Active Directory B2C. Choose the policy type (User flow or Custom policy) you want to find the corresponding steps.
If you need your customers from other social idps such as Facebook, Google and so on, you can find the corresponding article on the left.

It's possible to sign in external users if Azure B2C tenant where tenant has restriction?

I have a AD B2C multi tenant application
I have custom policy which have filtering on my tenant (Microsoft article)
Now on this tenant I invite new users from other tenants (I got "
Why I can't to sign in with external user? It's possible to filtering the tenant but allow external users from same tenant to sign in?
Please see METADATA in the document you shared:
<Item Key="METADATA"></Item>
We can see that it is using common endpoint. common endpoint means users with both a personal Microsoft account and a work or school account from Azure AD can sign in to the application. See reference here.
So although the personal Microsoft account is added into your tenant as a guest user now, it is treated as a personal account when it meets common endpoint. As a result, it is blocked from logging in.
In short, B2C multi-tenancy does not support guest user login.
In order to sign in as a guest user from your tenant, you should look into Set up sign-in for a specific Azure Active Directory organization in Azure Active Directory B2C. You can see that the METADATA is in this document, which should treat your account as guest user.

Azure AD B2C Invitation email

Does anybody know why when I invite users to my Azure AD B2C some of them see different web page after clicking on invitation email? For example, user will will be asked to created Microsoft account but layout of this page will be different if his email would end with
I've tried to search anything on web but didn't find anything. Is there some kind of "magic? algorithm that decides this?
Azure AD B2C Users should NOT be created via the Users & Groups blade.
This blade, while available from the Azure AD B2C Edit Settings blade, is meant at this time to be used to manage users for regular (corporate/enterprise) Azure AD. While it is technically possible to create/add users via this blade, you'll end up with undesired/unexpected behavior such as users being created with or having them created as Guests via the Azure AD B2B Collaboration feature (which is what's happening with your #gmail users) that ultimately can't sign in to your Azure AD B2C integrated applications.
In the context of Azure AD B2C, you should only use this blade to browse the users in the tenant, always in read only mode.
To create Azure AD B2C users, you should either:
Have the users sign-up by themselves via the Sign-up or unified Sign-up/Sign-in policy.
Programatically pre-create the users via the Graph API. For this approach check out this sample which contains a CLI to create users and showcases the code behind it.
Source: How do you add a user with a local name in Azure Active Directory B2C?
