How to set value input() function in Brython, not confirm dialog? - brython

My code:
a = input()
I want set value from input not confirm dialog.
What should I do?

I don't think that'll work.
Brython translates to JavaScript, which will run in the browser in event driven mode.
This doesn't allow blocking console input.
Skulpt found a solution for that:
But if you want to do browser programming, probably the best is to use HTML inputs. A.f.i.k. Brython can cooperate with those.


Discord bot commands

I've made a discord bot using python and I'd like to add a bug reporting command and some other commands so I was wondering how I could do this. For example User types: /report_bug and the bot responds: describe the bug. and then the User types in the bug. How could this be possible?
Here's a small snippet of the response code:
def handle_response(message) -> str:
p_message = message.lower()
if p_message == 'report_bug':
return 'Describe the bug'
#so here's where I'd like to take user input
You can't do anything after returning but assuming you just want to know how to get input:
Just add it as an argument to your command instead of making the bot ask for additional input afterwards. This makes the most sense, is the most user-friendly, and is the least pain to implement.
Use wait_for with a check.
Show a Modal where they can type whatever they want to.
Official examples for slash commands (with arguments):
Official example for a Modal:

kivy switch_to screen on if statement doesn't work

I could REALLY use your help with this one.
I'm trying to make a sort-of voice command operated menu for a toddler's learning app and kivy is giving me a headache
all of my screens are correctly defined and load as intended if the buttons are pressed but the voice commands, even though they register correctly and carry over their variables as intended they don't seem to have the desired effect when asked to act upon ScreenManager when the if statement is fulfilled
def on_enter(self):
if Command.sel == "shapes":
ScreenManager().switch_to = "shapes"
elif Command.sel == "colours":
ScreenManager().switch_to = "colours"
the variable Command.sel is captured from a dependency, defined as a string and carried correctly as far as I can tell from the variables view in debugging
yet even though everything seems to be in order (in fact no error messages appear at all) the desired screen is not called when the if condition is met
what am I doing wrong here???
full code here
(please ignore the Greek bits in the code... it's just strings, imagine it's any other language for that matter...)
thank you!
issue resolved
correct command was
self.parent.current = "your_screen_name"
answer (eventually) found here

Dialogflow: if condition based on time response

I am making a pizza delivery chatbot and one of the training samples is
Are you open right now?
time #sys.time now
One of the responses I want to have is if the time is between 12 am and 6 am , the reponse I coded is :
{{#if $time> 12:00:00}}I think it is too late{/if}}
But the response i am getting is :
{#if 12:00:34> 12:10:00}I think it is too late{/if}, which is wrong. Can someone help me on how to resolve this.
The Response section has a very very simple templating system - it allows for parameter/value replacement, and that is about it.
So you can specify a parameter value from an input phrase using something like $parameter-name, while parameter values in a Context or Event would be #context-name.parmaeter-name. You don't need the {braces} to do the evaluation, since those are used to escape the $ and # as special characters. So if you needed to show "$100", you would write that as ${100}. If you need the braces to be displayed, you'd include those inside another set of braces, which is why your text seems to get the braces removed.
You will need to put this processing in your fulfillment code. Libraries such as multivocal will let you create responses and setup response logic using templates. (Multivocal uses the handlebars templating library, for example.)

How can I find an <acronym> tag with watir-webdriver without taking a huge performance hit?

I am using watir-webdriver (0.5.3) in a Cucumber (1.1.9) test. I am attempting to verify the text value of an <acronym> tag. The code is legacy, and there are plans to change it to a <div> or <span> tag, but in the mean time I have to deal with it. I first attempted:
#browser.acronym(:id => /expense_code(.*)/).text
I received the following error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `acronym' for #<Watir::Browser:0x33e9940>
I poked around in the Watir code to see how tag objects were being created, and found that they seem to be dynamically created based on the HTML5 spec, but then I also found a comment in element.rb stating that they are no longer being created from the spec. At any rate, I couldn't see an easy way to inherit a <span> object and call it an <acronym> object. So, I looked into alternatives, and found the element object.
#browser.element(:id => /expense_code(.*)/).text
This code works, but it takes about a minute to traverse my page. I'm stuck with the regex for now, as the tag id is actually dynamically generated and I don't currently have a way to figure out those values. This is what the tag actually looks like:
<acronym class="editable select fillwith:exp_codes default:E100"
title="Expense Code: Expenses" id="expense_code114_582_10777">
E100 </acronym>
I would appreciate any thoughts on how I can improve the performance of my test.
Is that class name predictable? could you construct that from a set part plus the text you are about to validate (it's the same in your example above) and go that way?
acronym = 'E100'
browser.element(:class, 'editable select fillwith:exp_codes default:#{acronym}'.text.should == acronym
Does using XPath to limit the elements to just acronym tags help performance?
#browser.element(:xpath, "//acronym[contains(#id, 'expense_code')]")
UPDATE: As Chuck mentioned, CSS-Selector is also an option:
#browser.element(:css => "acronym[id^=expense_code]")
I was recently stealing logic from Watir 1.6.5 to make custom locators/collections for my page objects and I noticed in the Watir::TaggedElementLocator, it kind of supports any method that the element supports. Noticing in Watir-Webdriver that elements have a tag_name() method, I thought I would try the same and it looks like it works.
So you can use tag_name as a locator by doing:
#browser.element(:tag_name => 'acronym', :id => /expense_code(.*)/).text
I'm not sure what order the locators get run in, so since the regex is expensive, it might be faster to get all the acronym elements and then find the one with the right ID:
#browser.elements(:tag_name, 'acronym').find{ |acronym| =~ /expense_code(.*)/
While I think it makes the code look better, unfortunately I'm not sure if its any faster. I am guessing the performance of each will depend on the specific page layout being tested.
I'm not sure what the proper etiquette is here, but this is the answer I came up with using Chuck's reply and feedback from jarib in the #watir IRC chat. With all my examples, expense_code = 'E100'.
#browser.element(:tag_name => "acronym",
:class => "default:#{expense_code}").text
The above code works at a very reasonable speed and doesn't require an xpath. It is a shortening of the following code:
#browser.element(:tag_name => "acronym",
:class => "editable select fillwith:exp_codes default:#{expense_code}").text
I learned that I didn't need to pass the whole string. Anything in a class delimited by a space is dealt with gracefully by watir. I adapted that code from this xpath:
#browser.element(:xpath => "//acronym[contains(#class,
\'editable select fillwith:exp_codes default:#{expense_code}\')]").text
The gotcha in that code above was needing to escape out the ' around the class values so that it would evaluate correctly.
Just searching for the class (code below) did not work. I have no idea why. I did notice that it pounded the database with requests. Whatever it was doing, the page didn't like it. Though the reason it was trying multiple times is I slipped a wait_until_present in there.
#browser.element(:class, "editable select fillwith:exp_codes
Thanks for the help. :)

Is there a module for getting user input from the command line in node.js?

First of all: I don't mean parsing arguments and options from the process.argv array, but prompting the user and handling input/output. I've looked through the Node.js official module list without finding any sections or subsections that mentions input. In fact a search for 'input' on that page only gets 1 result which has something to do with YAML.
Anyway, I suppose cli input should be asynchronous and I've solved this issue before using stdin.on('data') which was messy to say the least. This seems like a perfect task for a node module which could come with extra goodies such as progress bars, spinners, coloured output, input validation etc.
There probably are some modules out there that does this, but I can't find any of them.
(To clarify, the only functionality I require is the simplification of handling user input)
Search for modules here:
Progress bar:
Input validation:
More input validation (webbish tho):
Also, if you want to write your own:
#node.js IRC welcomes you:
