OpenCV get pixels on an circle - python-3.x

I'm new to OpenCV and I'm trying to get the pixels of a circle from an image.
For example, I draw a circle on a random image:
import cv2
raw_img = cv2.imread('sample_picture.png')
x = 50
y = 50
rad = 20,(x,y),rad,(0,255,0),-1)
cv2.imshow('output', raw_img)
The output shows an image with a circle.
However, I want to be able to get all the pixel on the circle back in the form of an array. Is there any way to do this? I know I can get the approximate coordinates from the circle formula, but it will involve a lot of decimal calculations, and I'm pretty sure that the function has already calculated the pixel, so is there a way to get it out from the function itself instead of calculating my self?
Also, if it is possible I would like to get the pixel of an ellipse using cv2.ellipse() back as an array of coordinates. But this time, I want to get the pixel only from a part of an ellipse (from a certain angle to another angle, which I can specify in the parameter of cv2.ellipse()).
Thank you.

You can achieve what you are looking for by using the numpy function:
numpy.where(condition[, x, y])
Detailed explanation of function in link :
In your case, you would want to it to return the coordinates that has non-zero values. Using this method, you can draw anything on an empty array and it will return all rows and columns corresponding to non-zeros.
It will return the index of the array that satisfies the condition you set. Below is a code showing an example of the usage.
import cv2
import numpy as np
raw_img = cv2.imread('sample_picture.png')
x = 50
y = 50
rad = 20,(x,y),rad,(0,255,0),-1)
# Here is where you can obtain the coordinate you are looking for
combined = raw_img[:,:,0] + raw_img[:,:,1] + raw_img[:,:,2]
rows, cols, channel = np.where(combined > 0)
cv2.imshow('output', raw_img)


How to find the direction of triangles in an image using OpenCV

I am trying to find the direction of triangles in an image. below is the image:
These triangles are pointing upward/downward/leftward/rightward. This is not the actual image. I have already used canny edge detection to find edges then contours and then the dilated image is shown below.
My logic to find the direction:
The logic I am thinking to use is that among the three corner coordinates If I can identify the base coordinates of the triangle (having the same abscissa or ordinates values coordinates), I can make a base vector. Then angle between unit vectors and base vectors can be used to identify the direction. But this method can only determine if it is up/down or left/right but cannot differentiate between up and down or right and left. I tried to find the corners using cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack but as I know it's giving only the 3 most effective points in the entire image. So I am wondering if there is other way to find the direction of triangles.
Here is my code in python to differentiate between the triangle/square and circle:
for i in range(0,row):
for j in range(0,columns):
if (mask_blue[i][j]==25):
blue_edges = cv2.Canny(mask_blue,10,10)
kernel_blue = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(2,2))
dilated_blue = cv2.dilate(blue_edges, kernel)
blue_contours,hierarchy =
for cnt in blue_contours:
area = cv2.contourArea(cnt)
perimeter = cv2.arcLength(cnt,True)
M = cv2.moments(cnt)
cx = int(M['m10']/M['m00'])
cy = int(M['m01']/M['m00'])
elif(18<(perimeter*perimeter)/area and area>200):
Source image can be found here: img1
Please help, how can I found the direction of triangles?
Thank you.
Assuming that you only have four cases: [up, down, left, right], this code should work well for you.
The idea is simple:
Get the bounding rectangle for your contour. Use: box = cv2.boundingRect(contour_pnts)
Crop the image using the bounding rectangle.
Reduce the image vertically and horizontally using the Sum option. Now you have the sum of pixels along each axis. The axis with the largest sum determines whether the triangle base is vertical or horizontal.
To identify whether the triangle is pointing left/right or up/down: you need to check whether the bounding rectangle center is before or after the max col/row:
The code (assumes you start from the cropped image):
ver_reduce = cv2.reduce(img, 0, cv2.REDUCE_SUM, None, cv2.CV_32F)
hor_reduce = cv2.reduce(img, 1, cv2.REDUCE_SUM, None, cv2.CV_32F)
#For smoothing the reduced vector, could be removed
ver_reduce = cv2.GaussianBlur(ver_reduce, (3, 1), 0)
hor_reduce = cv2.GaussianBlur(hor_reduce, (1, 3), 0)
_,ver_max, _, ver_col = cv2.minMaxLoc(ver_reduce)
_,hor_max, _, hor_row = cv2.minMaxLoc(hor_reduce)
ver_col = ver_col[0]
hor_row = hor_row[1]
contour_pnts = cv2.findNonZero(img) #in my code I do not have the original contour points
rect_center, size, angle = cv2.minAreaRect(contour_pnts )
if ver_max > hor_max:
if rect_center[0] > ver_col:
print ('right')
print ('left')
if rect_center[1] > hor_row:
print ('down')
print ('up')
Well, Mark has mentioned a solution that may not be as efficient but perhaps more accurate. I think this one should be equally efficient but perhaps less accurate. But since you already have a code that finds triangles, try adding the following code after you have found triangle contour:
hull = cv2.convexHull(cnt) # convex hull of contour
hull = cv2.approxPolyDP(hull,0.1*cv2.arcLength(hull,True),True)
# You can double check if the contour is a triangle here
# by something like len(hull) == 3
You should get 3 hull points for a triangle, these should be the 3 vertices of your triangles. Given your triangles always 'face' only in 4 directions; Y coordinate of the hull will have close value to the Y coordinate of the centroid for triangle facing left or right and whether it's pointing left or right will depend on whether hull X is less than or greater than centroid X. Similarly use hull and centroid X and Y for triangle pointing up or down.

using Geopandas, How to randomly select in each polygon 5 Points by sampling method

I want to select 5 Points in each polygon based on random sampling method. And required 5 points co-ordinates(Lat,Long) in each polygon for identify which crop is grawn.
Any ideas for do this using geopandas?
Many thanks.
My suggestion involves sampling random x and y coordinates within the shape's bounding box and then checking whether the sampled point is actually within the shape. If the sampled point is within the shape then return it, otherwise repeat until a point within the shape is found. For sampling, we can use the uniform distribution, such that all points in the shape have the same probability of being sampled. Here is the function:
from shapely.geometry import Point
def random_point_in_shp(shp):
within = False
while not within:
x = np.random.uniform(shp.bounds[0], shp.bounds[2])
y = np.random.uniform(shp.bounds[1], shp.bounds[3])
within = shp.contains(Point(x, y))
return Point(x,y)
and here's an example how to apply this function to an example GeoDataFrame called geo_df to get 5 random points for each entry:
for num in range(5):
geo_df['Point{}'.format(num)] = geo_df['geometry'].apply(random_point_in_shp)
There might be more efficient ways to do this, but depending on your application the algorithm could be sufficiently fast. With my test file, which contains ~2300 entries, generating five random points for each entry took around 15 seconds on my machine.

Looping program causes index # is out of bounds for axis #

I'm pretty new to python and Opencv, but I have a few pieces from cv2 and random in mind for a simple test program to make sure I understood how these libraries worked.
I'm trying to create a program that effectively generates colored "snow", similar to what an old fashioned television shows when it has no signal.
Basically I generate a random color with random.randint(-1,256) to get a value between 0 and 255. I do it three times and store each in a different variable, randB/G/R. Then I do it twice more for coordinates randX/Y, using img.shape to get variables for width and height for the max number.
I don't think my variables are being interpreted as strings. If I quickly break the loop and print my variables, no errors are shown. If I remove the randX and randY variables and specify fixed coordinates or a range of [X1:Y1, X2:Y2] it doesn't crash.
import cv2
import numpy as np
import random
img = cv2.imread('jake_twitch.png', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
height, width, channels = img.shape
while True:
randB = (random.randint(-1,256))
randG = (random.randint(-1,256))
randR = (random.randint(0,256))
randX = (random.randint(0,width))
randY = (random.randint(0,height))
img[randX,randY] = [randB,randG,randR]
cv2.imshow('Snow', img)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
cv2.imwrite('Snow.png', img)
I would expect my code to run indefinitely coloring pixels random colors within a specified "box" defined by the width and height variables from img.shape.
it seems to start doing that, but If the program runs for more than about a second it crashes and spits out this error
"IndexError: index 702 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 702"
Your image is width and height pixels wide - but the corresponding indexes run from 0..width-1 and 0..height-1
The randint function returns inclusive limits - so
might give you width ... which is 1 too big:
random.randint(a, b)
Return a random integer N such that a <= N <= b. Alias for randrange(a, b+1).
randX = (random.randint(0,width-1))
randY = (random.randint(0,height-1))
Or change it to use random.randrange(0, width) or random.choice(range(width)) - both omit the upper limit value.

making a function that translates a point around another point

given an array of points my program should in theory, Find the two furthest points from each other. Then calculate the angle that those two points make with the x axis. Then in rotate all the points in the array around the averaged center of all the points by that angle. For some reason my translation function to rotate all the points around the center is not working it is giving me unexpected values. I am fairly sure the math I am using to do this is accurate since I tested the formula I am using using wolfram alpha and plotted the points on desmos. I am not sure what's wrong with my code because it keeps giving me unexpected output. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
This is the code to translate the array:
def translation(array,centerArray):
global angle
for i in range(len(array1)):
for idx in range(len(array1)):
point1 = array1[i]
point2 = array1[idx]
angle=math.atan2(point1[1]-point2[1],point1[0]-point2[0]) #gets the angle between two furthest points and xaxis
for i in range(len(array1)): #this is the problem here
array1[i][0]=((array[i][0]-centerArray[0])*math.cos(angle)-(array[i][1]-centerArray[1])*math.sin(angle))+centerArray[0] #rotate x cordiate around center of all points
array1[i][1]=((array[i][1]-centerArray[1])*math.cos(angle)+(array[i][0]-centerArray[0])*math.sin(angle))+centerArray[1] #rotate y cordiate around center of all points
return array1
This is the code I am using to test it. tortose is what I set turtle graphics name as
testarray=[[200,400,9],[200,-100,9]] #array of 2 3d points but don't worry about z axis it will not be used for in function translation
for i in range(len(testarray)): #graph points in testarray
testcenter=findCenter(testarray) # array of 1 point in the center of all the points format center=[x,y,z] but again don't worry about z
translatedTest=translation(testarray,testcenter) # array of points after they have been translated same format and size of testarray
print("translatedarray",translatedTest) #should give the output [[-50,150,9]] as first point but instead give output of [-50,-99.999999997,9] not sure why
for i in range(len(testarray)): #graphs rotated points
print(angle*180/3.14) #checks to make sure angle is 90 degrees because it should be in this case this is working fine
find center code finds the center of all points in array don't worry about z axis since it is not used in translation:
def findCenter(array):
sumX = 0
sumY = 0
sumZ = 0
for i in range(len(array)):
sumX += array[i][0]
sumY += array[i][1]
sumZ += array[i][2]
centerX= sumX/len(array)
centerY= sumY/len(array)
centerZ= sumZ/len(array)
return centerArray
import math
import turtle
tortose = turtle.Turtle()
my expected output should be a point at (-50,150) but it is giving me a point at (-50,-99.99999999999997)
This is a common mistake when doing in-place rotations:
array1[i][0]= ...
array1[i][1]= ... array[i][0] ...
First you update array1[i][0]. Then you update array1[i][1], but you use the new value when you should use the old value. Instead, temporarily store the old value:
x = array1[i][0]
array1[i][0]=((array[i][0]-centerArray[0])*math.cos(angle)-(array[i][1]-centerArray[1])*math.sin(angle))+centerArray[0] #rotate x cordiate around center of all points
array1[i][1]=((array[i][1]-centerArray[1])*math.cos(angle)+(x-centerArray[0])*math.sin(angle))+centerArray[1] #rotate y cordiate around center of all points

Count non-zero pixels in area rotated rectangle

I've got a binary image with an object and a rotated rectangle over it, found with cv2.findContours and cv2.minAreaRect. The image is normalized to [0;1]
What is the most efficient way to count non-zero area within the bounding rectangle?
Create new zero values Mat that has the same size of your original image.
Draw your rotated rectangle on it in (fillConvexPoly using the RotatedRect vertices).
Bitwise_and this image with your original mask
apply findnonzero function on the result image
You may also apply the previous steps on ROI of the image since you have the bounding box of your rotated rectangle.
According to Humam Helfawi's answer I've tuned a bit suggested steps, so the following code seems doing what i need:
rectangles = [(cv2.minAreaRect(cnt)) for cnt in contours]
for rect in rectangles:
rect = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
rect = np.int0(rect)
coords = cv2.boundingRect(rect)
rect[:,0] = rect[:,0] - coords[0]
rect[:,1] = rect[:,1] - coords[1]
area = cv2.contourArea(rect)
zeros = np.zeros((coords[3], coords[2]), np.uint8)
cv2.fillConvexPoly(zeros, rect, 255)
im = greyscale[coords[1]:coords[1]+coords[3],
contours is a list of points. You can fill this shape on an empty binary image with the same size using cv2.fillConvexPoly and then use cv2.countNonZero or numpy.count_nonzero to get the number of occupied pixels.
