TortoiseSVN - Trac - TracExplorer HELL - tortoisesvn

I want to integrate TortoiseSVN with Edgewall's Trac via the TracExplorer plugin. I am working with Windows.
What I did:
I installed Trac 1.0.10.
Trac is running under http:
I installed TortoiseSVN Version 1.8
In the Tortoise repo browser I added my source code folder under Trunk and checked it out.
I downloaded and installed the TracExplorer 0.2.0-beta msi installer.
On the source code directory I right-clicked and selected TortoiseSVN -> Settings -> Hook Scripts -> Issue Tracker Integration
I press Add...
I enter the Working Copy Path to my source code Directory
I select the Provider "TracExplorer.TSVNTrac.TracProvider"
I am taken to select or add a new Trac Provider.
This is where hell begins:
I enter for Trac URL: with "Basic authentication" (my credentials, which work perfectly under that URL when actually using Trac)
The result is: Server Check failed. Not found!
I play around with authentication method and URL depth, no luck.
Selecting "No authentication" or "Integrated authentication" - whatever this means - brings about the message: Unauthorized. Regardless of the URL.
What is wrong?


How to fix git issue "Support for password authentication was removed"?

I am using android studio interface to commit, push, pull and fetch operations in github. Now i am seeing this error message. How to solve? How to generate token to solve this issue?
Click on the Spotlight icon (magnifying glass) on the right side of the menu bar. Type Keychain access then press the Enter key to launch the app - In Keychain Access, search for -- Find the internet password entry for Edit or delete the entry accordingly - You are done
#For Windows OS
Go to Credential Manager from Control Panel - Windows Credentials - find git: - Edit - On Password replace with your Github Personal Access Taken -- You are Done

SharePoint 2019 Installation problem in SharePoint Workflow Manager

I am facing issue "Downloaded file failed system verification and may have been tampered with" while installing new Work flow manager. I have tried through Web Platform Installer and also tried by offline webpicmd but still issue is there.
I am attaching screen shot below:
Please check this link I found solution in it.
All you have todo is get the Workflow_Manager.msi file and from powershell prompt (in the same directory you have Workflow_Manager.msi file) and try this
./Workflow_Manager.msi IACCEPTEULA=yes WEBPI=1

Creating liferay 7 plugin project

I am trying to create an liferay 7 plugin project using Ant and I am always recieving the below error, can someone help ?
it seems that the server is down
[Console output redirected to file:/Users/yjradeh/foo/java/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/com.liferay.ide.sdk.core/sdk.log]
Buildfile: /Users/yjradeh/foo/java/liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0/portlets/build.xml
[get] Getting:
[get] To: /Users/yjradeh/.liferay/mirrors/
[get] Error getting to /Users/yjradeh/.liferay/mirrors/
[get] Getting:
[get] To: /Users/yjradeh/.liferay/mirrors/
/Users/yjradeh/foo/java/liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0/portlets/build.xml:5: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/Users/yjradeh/foo/java/liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0/build-common-plugins.xml:5: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/Users/yjradeh/foo/java/liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0/build-common.xml:57: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/Users/yjradeh/foo/java/liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0/build-common-ivy.xml:130: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/Users/yjradeh/foo/java/liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0/build-common-ivy.xml:81: HTTP Authorization failure
Total time: 1 second
I had the same issue while trying to compile the SDK, you can try this url: Instead of the old one.
They apparently change the repository of Liferay, you can check it on Date Modification on :
Steps/Prerequisite for liferay on windows:
Firstly we need liferay IDE, which we can download from , If you dont have eclipse editor select eclipse neon 2+liferay IDE. Or if you are having eclipse go for update archive file.
Second we need liferay plugin sdk here’s the link: , under liferay portal CE(Community Edition) select plugins sdk.
Third, you need to download apache ant.
Download tomcat bundle from link provided in 2nd point.
Setup ANT_HOME, ANT_OPTS, CATLINA_HOME,JAVA_HOME,and JRE_HOME, and append their path accordingly in the Path field.
Let’s configure the sdk file before moving next. Keep the bundled tomcat and sdk extracted files at same folder location(mandatory). That is keep same extraction folder for tomcat and sdk plugins.
In plugins folder which you would extract, you’ll find Replicate that file with For example in my case it would be, Keep in mind the case of the Username of your PC/laptop. And add the following line of code at the end of the file
app.server.dir=path_to_sdk../bundles/path_to_tomcat in
build.username.porperties. In my case the appended line would be
Create a bundles folder and keep the extracted folder other than SDK plugins in bundles folder.
Now we are ready to go with directly eclipse for liferay 7.0.2 installation in eclipse. Open Eclipse →Help →Install New Software. Locate the liferay IDE archive from browse button.
Now we need to add the server for liferay, to do so right click in servers window in eclipse and click on new select liferay →liferay7.x configure it and give path to tomcat8.0.32 bundle.
Run the server it will lead you to localhost:8080, configure it with defaults(not mandatory) for our example defaults are fine.
After eclipse installs the new software, it would restart in toolbar menu find the below icon and click new liferay plugin project!
If toolbar doesn't show than find it from Window →Appearance → Show Toolbar. Now click above icon and click new liferay plugin project!
Give your portlet a name.
Select build type as: Ant(liferay-plugins-sdk).
Select liferay MVC for sake of simplicity.
Next you will be prompted with SDK location give the location of SDK plugin extracted folder, which were kept at same folder at time of extracting it.
Project would be created and celebrate the first portlet.
I have also ran into this problem. The solution was in my case to change the ivy settings in (in plugins SDK root directory) like this:
I'm however not familiar with changes Liferay made in the PATCHET version of ivy, so it could possibly lead to some other problem. But it works for portlets apparently.

How to get Local development STS running

I am in need of help getting Local Development STS running. I just started with MSDN tutorials and got stuck when trying to build WCF service using WIF. So far I did following:
Installed "Identity and Access Tools" in my Visual Studio 2012
Created new WCF Service project in new solution
Right clicked projects name and selected "Identity and access..."
Selected "Use the Local Development STS" option on first tab and changed token
type to "SAML 2.0" on "Local Development STS" tab
Clicked "Ok"
I end up with following that informs me about problems with certificate:
I verified that the file is there physically.
I verified access to it - System, Administrators and my user have full access to it (only last option is unchecked)
I tried to install the certificate manually, but it is protected with password and I cant find it anywhere
I tried to toy around with "Identity and Access..." wizard
I tried to google the answer
I tried to check if I have certificate like that installed, there are tree Personal certificates in my Local Machine store, but I have no idea how to check their subject or whatever else
So far I wasn't successful. Could anyone advise how to fix the situation, so I can be sure I have proper certificate installed, I would be eternally grateful.
Are you using the .NET 4.5 tutorials - WIF Code Sample Index?
To check the subject:
Start / Run / mmc
File / Add - Remove Snap In
Certificates - Add.
My User Account - Finish - OK
Expand the tree as required - double click on certificate - Details.

Getting to remote server from Dreamweaver CS4

All of a sudden, I'm getting the following message in the area where
my remote files used to be listed:
"To see the files in your repository you must define its Version
Control settings."
This is happening for multiple sites and the Version Control setting
is set to none (and it always has been).
I had another Dreamweaver author, try it on her system and she got to the remote server just fine. When I logged on to her system I got the same problem, but this time it said "FTP error...password problem..."--she's on Windows 7--I'm on XP. Our company does not support "version control." I can't find any "SVNs" lieing around either.
You will see this message when you are in the 'Repository View' and you haven't set up version control. You can check this in the FILES tab/window. If you don't see it press F8 or select Window/Files. Switch from Repository view to Local View, Test Sever, or Remote Server as appropriate.
