In GeoDMS, how can I transform string coordinates to dpoint? - geospatial

I have problems converting coordinates in string format to dpoint format in GeoDMS GUI version 7.177.
I'm trying to read the BAG (basisadministratie gemeenten, Dutch municipality administration, a giant geo file) into GeoDMS directly from the Kadaster. It's first been converted from .xml into .csv, then the shapes of the buildings have been transformed in a format seemingly the same as the Vesta format, e.g.:
I am able to read the transformed CSV file into GeoDMS, then also able to write it as strings to .dmsdata format for speed and load it from there into GeoDMS again. However, when wanting to transform the strings into coordinates, I get the error
DPoint Error: Cannot find operator for these arguments:
arg1 of type DataItem<String>
Possible cause: argument type mismatch. Check the types of the used arguments.
My GeoDMS code looks like
unit<uint32> altBag:
storageName = 'c:/zandbak/output/bagPND.fss'
, storageReadOnly = 'true'
, dialogType = 'map'
, dialogData = 'geometry'
attribute <string> pandGeometrie; // works and looks good
attribute <dpoint> geometry := dpoint(pandGeometrie); // doesn't work, error above
attribute <rdc> geometry2 := pandGeometrie[rdc]; // doesn't work either
Is there a way to do this? Or is string to dpoint (or another type of point) unsupported and should I transform the CSV to shape file first?

you can try this:
attribute<dpoint> Geometry(poly) := dpolygon(GeometryStr);
and if a specific projection is required:
attribute<rdc_meter> Geometry2(poly) := value(GeometryStr, rdc_meter);


Convert ITAB to XSTRING and back

I need to save an itab as an xstring or something like this and save it in dbtab.
Later I need to gather this xstring from dbtab and convert it in the itab before with exactly the same input from before.
I tried a lot of fuba´s like:
SCMS_STRING_TO_XSTRING or SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY but I didn´t find something to convert it back.
Does somebody have tried something like this before and have some samples for me ?
Unfortunately I didn´t find something on other blogs or else.
An easy solution to convert into an xstring:
CALL TRANSFORMATION id SOURCE root = it_table RESULT XML DATA(lv_xstring).
Back would be like:
CALL TRANSFORMATION id SOURCE XML lv_xstring RESULT root = it_table.
For more information, see the ABAP documentation about data serialization and deserialization by using the XSL Identity Transformation.
import ... from data buffer
export ... to data buffer
to (re)store any variable as xstring.
Or you can use
import|export ... from|to database ...
I did some methods to do this:
First I loop at the table and concatenate it into a string.
Then convert the string into an xstring.
Back would be like:
Convert xstring back to string
String into table
IV_CP = 1100 " SAP character set identification

If i store index number fetched from db in variable & using in select from list by index, m getting err as expected string, int found-Robot Framework

enter image description here
select from list by index ${locator_var} ${inp_msge_type}
--getting error as expected string, int found
select from list by index ${locator_var} 7
-----not getting any error
${inp_msge_type}----contains 7 from DB query the result is stored in this variable, to avoid hard coding we need to do this
Is there any way to write
Do not add links to screenshots of code, or error messages, and format the code pieces accordingly - use the ` (tick) symbol to surround them.
The rant now behind us, your issue is that the keyword Select From List By Index expects the type of the index argument to be a string.
When you called it
Select From List By Index ${locator_var} 7
, that "7" is actually a string (though it looks like a number), because this is what the framework defaults to on any typed text. And so it works.
When you get the value from the DB, it is of the type that the DB stores it with; and probably the table schema says it is int. So now you pass an int to the keyword - and it fails.
The fix is simple - just cast (convert) the variable to a string type:
${inp_msge_type}= Convert To String ${inp_msge_type}
, and now you can call the keyword as you did before.

Error converting string feature to numeric in Azure ML studio

QuotedPremium column is a string feature so I need to convert it to numeric value in order to use algorithm.
So, for that I am using Edit Metadata module, where I specify data type to be converted is Floating Point.
After I run it - I got an error:
Could not convert type System.String to type System.Double, inner exception message: Input string was not in a correct format.
What am I missing here?
As mentioned in comments, you must change column where numbers are handled as text to numeric type data and it shouldn't have any null values. Now answering the question of how to substitute NULL's in data using ML studio and converting to numeric type.
Substitute NULL's in data
Use Execute R Script module for that, and add this code in it.
dataset1 <- maml.mapInputPort(1); # class: data.frame
dataset1[dataset1 == "NULL"] = 0; # Wherever cell's value is "NULL", replace it with 0
maml.mapOutputPort("dataset1"); # return the modified data.frame
Image for same:
Convert to numeric data
As you have added in your answer, this can be done using the Edit Metadata module.

Calling a vector from a string

I am attempting to write an algorithm that selects a specific reference standard (vector) as a function of temperature. The temperature values are stored in a structure ( procspectra(i).temperature ). My reference standards are stored in another structure ( standards.interp.zeroed.ClOxxx ) where xxx are numbers such as 200, 210, 220, etc. I have built the rounding construct and paste it below.
for i = 1:length(procspectra);
if mod(-procspectra(i).temperature,10) > mod(procspectra(i).temperature,10);
%if mod(-) > mod(+) round down, else round up
tempvector(i) = procspectra(i).temperature - mod(procspectra(i).temperature,10);
tempvector(i) = procspectra(i).temperature + mod(-procspectra(i).temperature,10);
clostd = strcat('standards.interp.zeroed.ClO',num2str(tempvector(i)));
This construct works well. Now, I have built a string which is identical to the name of the vector I want to invoke, but I'm uncertain how to actually call the vector given that this is encoded as a string. Ideally I want to do something within the for-loop like:
parameters(i).standards.ClOstandard = clostd
where I actually am assigning that parameter structure to be the same as the vector I have saved in the standards structure I have previously generated (and not just a string)
Could anyone help out?
Don't construct clostd like that (containing the full variable name), make it contain only the last field name instead:
clostd = ['ClO' num2str(tempvector(i))];
parameters(i).standards.ClOstandard = standards.interp.zeroed.(clostd);
This is the syntax of accessing a structure's field dynamically, using a string. So the following three are equivalent:
fieldn='Cl0123'; struc.(fieldn)

Why am I getting an array of NANs when trying to plot a map with D3.js?

I am tring to plot a map with d3.js using GeoJSON, but the paths generated look like this:
the code and data are in this Gist:
I can load the data just fine on QGIS.
Does any one know what is causing this?
The way you have specified the offset in the Mercator projection doesn't seem right. The projection.translate method expects a two element array:
So instead of:
you would need to say:
-- edit --
See source of projection.translate:
projection.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [x, y];
x = +_[0];
y = +_[1];
return reset();
If the argument _ is not an array then +_[0] will return a NaN and therefore the x and y will become NaNs. (This is because trying to get one element from a number (e.g. 213[0]) returns undefined and casting undefined to a number (e.g. +undefined) yields NaN.)
If the code you posted in the gist is everything you're trying to run, then the data you show in data.json is not being loaded anywhere. Anyway, your draw function is acting on the data defined by the variable map (line 16), which refers to a simulation variable which isn't set anywhere. And even if it did, line 34 then refers to a features property of the object passed in as json, which map does not have.
In summary, you need to pass the JSON you posted in the gist to your draw function. Then it might well work. If you don't pass in valid data to the d3 SVG helpers, you'll get a bunch of NaN out.
