can't be found (404) - node.js

I've developed a small chat application with and Express, currently deployed on my droplet at digital ocean. You can see it live at It currently doesn't work because the server is giving back a 404 for the chatapp/ script I have at the bottom of my html file, should be able to see that when you visit the site and hit f12
I've been through a few fixes already that were popular on here such as This one and this one and I've even tried changing the script from local to a CDN as depicted here , and the CDN seems to work better,(still gives the 404 but it then no longer says io isn't defined??) but it still doesn't produce the output I need.
You are able to review my repo on my Github Page for this as well, there's just the index.html file for the client and then the chatApp.js for the server. The error is coming from my html file but all the fixes have told me to manipulate my package.json, server variables, and nothing has worked so far. My server still cannot find chatapp/

Have you tried creating the / folder next to index.html, and putting a copy of inside of that? That has always worked for me, but you might have to hunt through the node_modules folder to get the file. This always fixed it for me.
And of course, be sure to actually serve the file using express's static method.
Your browser is giving you the correct error message. Since / does not exist on the server, the browser displays the server's 404 message.


Issues regarding reloading a react-based webpage

I'm a student working on a project to benefit other students, and I am currently facing a problem with reloading with any other url than the main path.
The webpage is written from scratch (more or less) in React with no backend, but I still hoped that it would work. I am using react-router to change sub-directories.
I have understood that there is a difference between server- and client-url's, and that this issue most likely is related to that. In the app's main directory "" everything works fine untill the page is refreshed. If a sub-directory such as "" is "called" directly, I recieve an error. You can go and try for yourself btw.
Does anyone know of a nice way to fix this? Do I need to implement something like Node.js to fix this? If so, how? I would prefer not to use a hot-fix such as redirecting all sub-directory calls (such as "/link" (an actual page) or "/kejrngo" (jibberish) ) to "/".
I've cloned your project locally and it seems you have a problem with the server. As you said yourself it seems that only open url for your page is where at the beginning all application is rendered. After you try to refresh the page you are looking for a path that isn't available on the server and that is the reason you get 404.
What seems to be a problem is React Router itself with Apache server:
Please look at this: hope it helps

ngrok does not load NodeJS app from outside (ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT)

ngrok is a program with which you can make a local tunnel, it generates a temporary domain for you so you can redirect people to your local content, and also use https via localhost.
localtunnel is just another alternative.
So I have set up either ngrok and a localtunnel but both show a white page with only the HTML loading and not css or js when loaded outside of my network (with data plan for example)
The problem is nothing gives an error, the only thing I can see is ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT when using a hotspot.
Everything works within my own network.
I have tried turning off the firewall already but it seems to make no difference, also tried looking with the chrome remote debugger but it just disconnects when I load the url.
Thing is when I go to https:// on the ngrok url I get a bunch of mixed content errors, but not when I go to http. Seem illogical to me that it would default to http when using a https link... all of my script/style tags are relative paths.
Anyway so far this is only thing that I can figure out, any ideas on what might cause this?
So it's either
Blocked loading mixed active content
or both?
So I go it working now by changing the base href.
<base href="">
And also changing some paths in my config to either /app/ or ../ respectively, but most of these were already set correctly and all I did was revert them after changing the base url.
As far I understand now the problems only really start to occur when connecting to the url through a data plan and not wifi.
Some random image paths in css/js will not load, and it also appears to behave differently on Firefox and Chrome for some reason.
Problem is I cannot keep testing this indefinitely as data will obviously run out some time and I have no reliable way of debugging the console errors on mobile...
In conclusion it works on a "normal" connection now (ie Wifi/Cable) but not on data.

Changing localhost server files are served from using Node (Webstorm /maybe IntelliJ)

I'm not sure what I'm missing here, so hopefully someone can help me out. I'm working on a project where we're using Node and in the Run/Edit configurations I've down the following:
Node interpreter: This is the path to the node.exe file
which I checked out from Subversion
Working directory: this is where the "app.js" file is, this is the
path that from the command line you type node app.js and it starts the server
JavaScript file: app.js This is the name of the file that actually creates the server
Now from the main nav bar when I do Run / Run my server the box at the bottom pops up and tells me that Express server is listening on port 3000. Cool.
I can navigate to localhost:3000/myPage.html and I can get to the page just fine.
I added as JSON file to the same directory on my hard drive that myPage.html is in, and I can navigate to that as well by localhost:3000/largeTestData.json.
So the server is up and running and serving file as it should. My problem is that in my Webstorm project, I want to make an AJAX request to that largeTestData file. I do so using jQuery like:
var data = $.get('localhost:3000/largeTestData.json');
console.log('here is your data');
When I do that I get the error (in Chrome)
XMLHttpRequest cannot load localhost:3000/largeTestData.json. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP.
and so I look at the URL and I'm seeing:
Obviously Webstorm has started the server correctly, but when I view an HTML file, it's not using that server (which, of course is why I'm getting the CORS error.
There's some fundamental stuff here which I'm obviously not getting. I need my IDE to deploy to the Web server that it started up, but it's not doing that. Please, someone give me a once over on all the technologies that I'm missing out on here.
WebStrom didn't start your node.js server, but serves static pages by its own internal HTTP server which doesn't know anything about node.js and Express.
The main problem:
When you start your node.js server, it's serving JSON files on port 3000. If you open an HTML-page with the little menu in WebStorm (where you can choose the browser), WebStorm opens the browser with an URL pointing to its own internal webserver running on a different port (e.g. 63342). JavaScript security prohibits loading data from a different host/port Same-origin policy.
It's not WebStorm's fault and you need a solution for this problem in production or you can't go live.
General Solution:
Either you have to ensure that HTML pages and JSON data come from the same host+port, or you can circumnavigate with (a) setting server-side headers ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *') as #lena suggested, or (b) using JSONP. Below you find some thoughts using nginx as a reverse proxy so from browser's point of view all requests go to the same host+proxy. It's a very common solution, but as mentioned above, there are other options.
Primitive solution:
Don't use WebStorm to open your browser. Load the page from http://localhost:3000/ and change the URL of the REST resource to $.get('/largeTestData.json'). You'll miss some comfort from your IDE, but you can immediately see that your program is working.
Comfortable solution:
As #lena suggested, there is a way to configure your Express/node.js as a server known to WebStorm. I haven't tried it, but I suppose you can then just press the Run-button and maybe the node.js plugin in WebStorm is as intelligent to know the static-maps in Express and know how to map an HTML-file to a web application URL and open the page in the browser with the URL served by your node.js application. (I'd be surprised once again if this really works magically, but maybe you can configure a mapping from files to URLs manually, I don't know.)
Dirty solution
With some options you can disable security checks, at least in Google Chrome. Then it's possible to load JSON data from a different port than your HTML page. I wouldn't recommend using these options (just my opinion).
Additional Hints
If you do more than just playing around with node.js and some UI fun and you have to serve your application "production-ready", then have a look at nginx to serve your static files and reverse proxy node.js requests from there. I'm using this setup even for development and it works like a charm.
Of course node.js / Express is able to serve static files as well, but IMO placing something like nginx in front of node.js (clustered) bring a bunch of advantages for production sites, e.g. load-balancing, ssl-offloading, avoid JSONP, in many cases performance, easier deployment updates, availability.
To get your code working, just change the URL in $.get() to full URL (including protocol):
var data = $.get('http://localhost:3000/phones.json');
In Webstorm 2016.3 (and probably earlier) there is now another option. Under the Configuration Settings for NodeJS runs, one can manually set the page and port to be loaded via Webstorm's "Browser/Live Edit" settings.
See the screenshot below for settings one can change.

IIS 404 Error even when file exists?

I have been working with IIS 7 for a while and it has worked fine until it just suddenly started throwing 404 errors for my multiple websites even though they actually exist. All of the configurations seems fine (path, default document) but not a single file, no matter the format or location will be loaded.
Another strange thing is that everything works when I try to access the websites via localhost or but not through my external IP.
Does anyone know why this could happen and how I can fix it?
It appears this 404 page is not the built in IIS error page. It is associated with nginx but I'm not sure where the file is located on my server or why my pages are being intercepted.
It turns at the server was hijacked by Morfeus F***ing Scanner, which I was not aware was even a thing until this happened. It's activity showed up in the server access logs. I basically had to reset the entire server. It was quite a chore.

pyramid on webfaction: problems serving static files

so i have a site on webfaction that runs pyramid. it's all working ok except some static files are not serving. 4 to be specific and i dont know why.
this link gives me 404 but the image is there! also same goes for fonts. 3 font links:
again. all files are there!
as far as i know all other files are serving ok. so does any1 have any idea why this would happened? and how to fix the problem
As you mentioned in your comment, WebFaction pointed me to using a nginx static server for this problem, too. I was running into the same thing with an included TinyMCE library; javascript would serve up fine but some static HTML pages would throw a 404 error. I'm still not sure why it works that way....
