Strange key bindings (Ubuntu 16.04 VM, xfce, Spice console) - keyboard

I have a Ubuntu 16.04.04 VM with xfce intalled. The VM is hosted by an academic HPC/cloud computing system (Compute Canada), and I access it through their website which I believe has a Spice console. I'm new to a lot of this so I'm happy I made it this far.
My problem is some very strange key bindings. For example,
when I try to type p in the Terminal it brings up the Display window and doesn't type p.
tab switches between windows and doesn't autocomplete.
I can't copy or paste. e.g. ctrl-v does nothing, and cmd-v acts as if I held the v key down ten seconds.
Occasionally I can't type anything, but this is usually fixed by refreshing the browser window.
The p, tab, and lack of copy-paste are the big problems. For example, in the picture above I can't complete the file name (.zip). This makes the VM practically unusable for what I'm doing. How do I solve this?

A partial answer to my own question: I changed the Application Shortcuts in the Setting menu.
Specifically, I typed xfce4-settings-manager to open Settings. There was an entry in the Command column (xfce-display-settings --minimal) that was bound to Super+P and I removed it. Fixed that at least!


Manjaro linux compose key gives incorrect behavior

I installed Cinnamon Manjaro linux on my 2017 QWERTY Macbook Air. Kernel: 5.4.27-1-MANJARO.
I've tried changing my keyboard languages, but my compose key always produces the same behavior -- that of a US (intl) keyboard. I don't know why.
I've tried setting my compose key to different things, like LWin or RAlt, no luck.
Ideally, I want the same key behavior as that on Mac. My current keyboard layout is English (Macintosh). Everything works, except for all of the compose key combos / accents, which all seem to produce US(intl) dead key outputs.
Things I've tried:
changing my keyboard layouts, from GUI to setxkbmap.
changing my compose key
manually setting the value of Option "Xkblayout" "mac" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf
Failing to understand how to manually force set the accent keys I want via xmodmap :(
Thanks for the help.
Solved: I realized that there was another keyboard which Xorg was somehow (I don't know how) set to, other than English (Macbook). I ran setxbmap -option which had the effect of "resetting" my keyboard to the layout I'd correctly chosen via the GUI.
I don't much understand how / why Xorg persisted in using another keyboard layout despite what I had entered in the GUI keyboard settings -- somehow it survived a reset through multiple computer restarts throughout these past days. But it works.

Can I disable autocomplete with Alt+Tab on Qt Creator under Linux?

For the most part I very much like Qt Creator, but a few projects I'm working on require me to switch between my editor and my web browser for reference. Qt Creator is currently interpreting Alt+Tab to autocomplete, and then switching my window focus; this is a mild problem but it's really starting to get to me.
I've tried going to Tools→Options→Keyboard and searching for Alt+Tab, but found nothing. Is there a way to get it to selectively ignore the key combination without disabling autocomplete on the whole?
To complete the picture, I'm on Linux Mint 19.04 using XFCE desktop environment; or occasionally Maté. If I need to access something in system settings to do this I'm happy to; I just don't want to keep excessively second-guessing my code when I return to it.
Auto-complete is bound to Ctrl+Space by default, not Alt+Tab. In tools/options/keyboard, search for "CompleteThis" to see what it's bound to.
Maybe what you want is to disable auto-complete and use only manual-complete? That is, have the auto-complete list only show when you press ctrl+space, but never automatically. You can do that in options/text editor/completion.

Coqide Key Bindings Bug(?)

I'm having a bit of an odd problem... recently I've been having some odd situations arising whilst using CoqIDE, namely:
I can't type the letter "v" without holding down the windows/super key.
Pressing backspace moves the focus to the previous tab if multiple windows are open, I can't delete things with it. CTRL+backspace works for deleting chunks though.
The first of the two (may have) happened after I changed my keymap from US to GB but switching back and forth hasn't solved the problem.
Running ARCH linux, everything is up to date and no other applications are affected, I don't have sticky keys on.
Thanks for any suggestions!
EDIT: Tried a reinstall, didn't help...
Solved Edit: Yep, you're completely right I seem to have done some super-fast rebind without noticing. I also learnt that package manager will essentially never touch .config files as they're generated by the app and so aren't under the manager's jurisdiction. Solved!
CoqIDE key bindings and other preferences are stored in .coq/ or .config/coq. They are not deleted on uninstall and are shared if you have various versions of Coq installed at the same time (and this may be a problem).
If you are not worried about losing any specific preferences that you configured, I would advise to just delete this directory and let CoqIDE create it fresh again.
If you are worried, then just have a look at the files (quite long but also quite readable). For instance:
cat .config/coq/coqide.keys | grep "tab"
yields the following on my machine:
; (gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/View/Previous tab" "<Alt>Left")
; (gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/View/Next tab" "<Alt>Right")
PS: your problem might have arisen because key bindings are so easy to redefine in CoqIDE that you can do it without noticing: just open a menu (example: View), hover some option (for instance: Previous tab), type something on the keyboard (for instance v) and voilà v is now a shortcut for Previous tab.

WS_EX_LAYERED, invisible window, and a fresh install of Windows

I would like to share with you this post as I wasted a lot of time to understand why the WS_EX_LAYERED flag did not work on a fresh install of Windows (my test was on a Win7, I don't know if it can be reproduced on a Win8 o.s.).
This was my code:
HWND myWnd=CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_LAYERED|WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW,_T("STATIC"),_T(""), WS_POPUP|SS_BITMAP,position.left,, position.right, position.bottom,hWnd,NULL,hInst,NULL);
Then I wanted to add a transparent layer:
CWnd::FromHandle(myWnd)->SetLayeredWindowAttributes(RGB(0,0,0), 255*0.6, LWA_ALPHA);
Running the code, the window never appeared! And this was not a child window (the WS_EX_LAYERED does not work for a child window), so the WS_EX_LAYERED flag should have worked.
After spending almost a day in searching for the solution, I found that the target PC (the one that hosts the executable) had the Aero Peek theme disabled because it had never run the "Performance Information and Tools"!
So, IMHO, a programmer that is going to use the WS_EX_LAYERED in his code, must determine if the Aero Peek is turned on or not (for example by looking into the \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM key registry and check the EnableAreoPeek registry value), otherwise some windows could not be shown correctly in any PCs.
Hope this makes you to save your time!
I have been through the same issues today (Rosario I feel your pain of 2 years ago!).
I couldn't work out why windows were disappearing completely. I'm sure others may end up at this page for the same reason.
As such I wanted to pick up on one point.
The key factor to this seems to be that "Desktop Window Manager Session Manager" service must be running for transparent layers to function.
That EnableAeroPeek registry value, which relates to whether you see a full-screen preview of the windows as you look through them (eg. with alt-TAB or hovering over task manager mini-previews), can remain off and it not connected to the availability of transparency in tests I have carried out on multiple machines.
Similarly, if that registry setting is on but the DWMSM service being off, it will not give you transparency.
Rosario I'm sorry to contradict your own answer to your own question, but I think it's an important distinction!
So far the only way to test for the availability of transparency on Windows 7 & later before making a call which fails (or turns a window invisible) seems to be by checking for a running dwm.exe process.

Cygwin non-US or indirect characters don't work in xterm on extra monitor

I have run into this freaky thing in two places now, on a Windows 7 and an XP machine.
I have a laptop with an extra monitor connected. I start up cygwin's x-server, using the start menu shortcut (Cygwin-X/XWin Server). I then start an xterm by right-click the X icon in the icon tray at the bottom right, and selecting Applications/xterm.
I get an xterm. In it I can type text, but depending on which monitor the xterm window resides, all characters that require two keypresses on my swedish keyboard (example: "~" requires me to first press alt+the key marked "^ ¨ ~" and then press space, rendering a single ~ on the screen) result in a space being printed.
If I move the xterm to the other monitor, I am suddenly able to type a ~ in the xterm. Move it back to the previous monitor, and I can't type ~ anymore.
Weird or what? This is the problem I have now, on my XP laptop. On my Windows7 laptop (same basic setup) I had the problem that I could only type stuff like åäö (not indirect/combined characters - I have keys marked å, ä and ö respectively on my keyboard) on one monitor, not the other.
I have messed around with different ways to start up the X Server, I think I am doing it the right way as I describe here.
My cygwin installation is maybe a year old on both machines. I would like to be able to find whatever setting causes this behaviour, so I can handle it should I come across similar problems in the future.
Any ideas?
Edit: some stuff that looked like html tags got mangled.
Since this seems to be a problem only with xterm, as a simple workaround I would suggest using some other terminal emulator instead of xterm. On Cygwin, a really nice substitute is mintty (available as a Cygwin package from within Cygwin setup). I stopped using xterm in favor of mintty some time ago because I found it to simply be an all-around more useful terminal emulator.
As a possible side benefit of using mintty, if xterm is the only X application you typically use, then you don't even need to run an X server any more because mintty is not an X application.
