Cassandra update query to append data to existing value in a column - cassandra

Can you please provide the query to append data to an existing value in a column of type text? Something similar to this:
UPDATE cycling.upcoming_calendar SET events = events + ['Tour de France Stage 10'] WHERE year = 2015 AND month = 06;
The above query will update a list. My column datatype is text.
In my case, if the column "events" has a value, "Test" I want to update it to the value, "Test , Test1".

Appending data to a text column is not possible in Cassandra. The only possible options I can think of are
Option 1 : Change the column data type to List
Option 2 : Fetch the data from the column in your application and then append the new value to the existing value, and finally update the DB.


Is there a vbo to get value from a collection based on value of other fields and save it as a data item?

Relatively new to Blue Prism,
I have a collection that looks like this, with 100+ rows:
8 Apr 2021
I'd like to manipulate the data such that if Results = 'Name', Get the Answer (aka ABC) and put it into a data item.
Is there any way to do this?
I understand I could hardcode i.e. Get value based on Row Index and Column Index, but my data is complex and may not always have the same rox index.
Can you use the collection filter to get a collection output? The utility has an action to filter where you can input a collection and then use
[FieldName] Like "some value"
This would result in every complete row in the collection that matches the filter.

How to show last two rows only in tableview from sqlite using with QSqlQueryModel?

Below is my example code:
db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QSQLITE')
model = QSqlQueryModel()
model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM card")
I am using QSqlQueryModel, Qtablevie, Sqlite3, and able to view all rows in my table. But i want to view only last two rows of my table which are newly inserted rows in to the table. The table has no "id" field and it has numaric and text fields. How is it possible?
Below is the table image:
If you want to get the last 2 elements ordered by any field that indicates the insertion order, in your case "rowid", then you have to use a filter in the SQL command like this:
model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM card ORDER BY rowid DESC LIMIT 2")
Another possible option is to filter the table using QSortFilterProxyModel but it is more inefficient.

Excel Power Query - from web with dynamic worksheet cell value

We have a spreadsheet that gets updated monthly, which queries some data from our server.
The query url looks like this:
The returned data is in a json format, like below:
We only need the value of 1.22 from the above and I can get that inserted into the worksheet with no problem.
My questions:
1. How to use a cell value [contain the date] to pass the date parameter [2016-01-31] in the query and displays the result in the cell next to it.
2. There's a long list of dates in a column, can this query be filled down automatically per each date?
3. When I load the query result to the worksheet, it always load in pairs. [taking up two cells, one says "Value", the other contains the value which is "1.22" in my case]. Ideally I would only need "1.22", not the title, can this be removed? [Del won't work, will give you a "Column 1" instead, or you have to hide the entire row which will mess up with the layout].
I know this is a lot to ask but I've tried a lot of search and reading in the last few days and I have to say the M language beats me.
Thanks in advance.
Convert your Web.Contents() request into a function:
myFunct = ( param as date ) => let
x = Web.Contents(.... & Date.ToText(date) & ....)
Reference your data request function from a new query, include any transformations you need (in this case JSON.Document, table expansions, remove extraneous data. Feel free to delete all the extra data here, including columns that just contain the label 'value'.
(assuming your table of domain values already exists) add a custom column like
=Expand(myFunct( [someparameter] ))
edit: got home and got into my bookmarks. Here is a more detailed reference for what you are looking to do:
For a table - Add column where you get data and parse JSON
add_col = Table.AddColumn(tt, "USD", each Json.Document(Web.Contents(""&[date]))[rate][USD])
If you need only one value

How to update a single value in a Set Data type in Cassandra

How to update a single value in a Set Data type in Cassandra. For example below is my set values in Cassandra. Let say the column name is column1 and value is
{'418_3', '521_4', '523_6'}
I want to update the value '523_6' to '523_4' so the updated value in Cassandra will be
{'418_3', '521_4', '523_4'}
Update table set column1=column1-{'523_6'},cloumn1=column1+{'523_4'} where id='Your Id'
The above query will remove the value from set and add another.

Purging cassandra column family

I have a column family whose definition is as follows :
create column family Message with key_validation_class ='UTF8Type' and default_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
Whose row key is a unique id and two columns are stored in a row
message : a string message
created_dt : the date time when this row was created in cassandra
Now my requirement is to move and delete all messages that are there since more than a year. I do not want to completely delete that data, rather move it from the working cassandra cluster to another one , which is used for archival.
Are there any tools/scripts that can help achieving this?
If I have to write code using hector then how can this be done efficiently ? How do I figure out the keys that have the created_dt < current_dt - 1 year ?
