PyTest: fix repeating code and remove dependencies - python-3.x

I am writing tests for an API with pytest.
The tests are structured like that:
KEEP_BOX_IDS = ["123abc"]
def s():
UID = os.environ.get("MYAPI_UID")
if UID is None:
raise KeyError("UID not set in environment variable")
PWD = os.environ.get("MYAPI_PWD")
if PWD is None:
raise KeyError("PWD not set in environment variable")
return myapi.Session(UID, PWD)
#pytest.mark.parametrize("name,description,count", [
("Normal Box", "Normal Box Description", 1),
("ÄäÖöÜüß!§", "ÄäÖöÜüß!§", 2),
("___--_?'*#", "\n\n1738\n\n", 3),
def test_create_boxes(s, name, description, count):
box_info_create = s.create_box(name, description)
assert box_info_create["name"] == name
assert box_info_create["desc"] == description
box_info = s.get_box_info(box_info_create["id"])
assert box_info["name"] == name
assert box_info["desc"] == description
assert len(s.get_box_list()) == count + len(KEEP_BOX_IDS)
def test_update_boxes(s):
bl = s.get_box_list()
for b in bl:
b_id = b['id']
if b_id not in KEEP_BOX_IDS:
new_name = b["name"] + "_updated"
new_desc = b["desc"] + "_updated"
s.update_box(b_id, new_name, new_desc)
box_info = s.get_box_info(b_id)
assert box_info["name"] == new_name
assert get_box_info["desc"] == new_desc
I use a fixture to set up the session (this will keep me connected to the API).
As you can see I am creating 3 boxes at the beginning.
All test that are following do some sort of operations on this 3 boxes. (Boxes are just spaces for folders and files)
For example: update_boxes, create_folders, rename_folders, upload_files, change_file names, etc..
I know it's not good, since all the tests are dependent from each other, but if I execute them in the right order the test is valid and thats enough.
The second issue, which borders me the most, is that all the following tests start with the same lines:
bl = s.get_box_list()
for b in bl:
b_id = b['id']
if b_id not in KEEP_BOX_IDS:
box_info = s.get_box_info(b_id)
I always need to call this for loop to get each boxs id and info.
I've tried to put it in a second fixture, but the problem is that then there will be two fixtures.
Is there a better way of doing this?


md5(str.encode(var1)).hexdigest() giving hex value as 382fbe213f159eecf85facb256f265d0 - how to know the var1?

While running the test case, my code is failing as the expected value in hex is different then my answer.
for example, my ws_std value is 13.06 i.e. var1
md5(str.encode(var1)).hexdigest() giving hex value as 382fbe213f159eecf85facb256f265d0
But I am not sure if it matches with the hex value.
Getting error in below code :-
variables = ["ws_std", "p_range", "corr", "dew_month", "max_gust_month", "max_gust_value", "avg_temp", "temp_range", "max_p_range_day", "num_days_std", "median_b_days"]
answers = [ws_std, p_range, corr, dew_month, max_gust_month, max_gust_value, avg_temp, temp_range, max_p_range_day, num_days_std, median_b_days]
answer_dict = dict()
for var, ans in zip(variables, answers):
answer_dict[var] = md5(str.encode(ans)).hexdigest()
with open('test_files/', 'rb') as file:
hash_dict = pickle.load(file)
def test_ws_std():
assert hash_dict["ws_std"] == answer_dict["ws_std"]
Error Code:-
========================================================== FAILURES ==========================================================
________________________________________________________ test_ws_std _________________________________________________________
def test_ws_std():
> assert hash_dict["ws_std"] == answer_dict["ws_std"]
E AssertionError: assert 'c8cc550afa85...2c6946c238f36' == '382fbe213f159...facb256f265d0'
E - c8cc550afa85496c4ee2c6946c238f36
E + 382fbe213f159eecf85facb256f265d0 AssertionError
see comments below .
output required : ws_std

list index out of range but it seems impossible since it's only after 3 questions

kanji = ['上','下','大','工','八','入','山','口','九','一','人','力','川','七','十','三','二','女',]
reading = ['じょう','か','たい','こう','はち','にゅう','さん','こう','く','いち','にん','りょく','かわ','しち','じゅう','さん','に','じょ']
definition = ['above','below','big','construction','eight','enter','mountain','mouth','nine','one','person','power','river','seven','ten','three','two','woman']
score = number_of_questions = kanji_item = 0
def question_format(prompt_type,lang,solution_selection):
global reading,definition,score,num_of_questions,kanji_item
question_prompt = 'What is the '+str(prompt_type)+' for "'+str(kanji[kanji_item])+'"? (Keyboard:'+str(lang)+')\n'
solution_selection = [reading,definition]
usr = input(question_prompt)
if usr in solution_selection[kanji_item] and kanji[kanji_item]:
score += 1
num_of_questions += 1
kanji_item += 1
while number_of_questions != 18:
print('You got ',score,'/',number_of_questions)
while number_of_questions != 36:
print('You got ',score,'/',number_of_questions)
I can't get past 大. but I can't see where it's messing up. I've tried to change pretty much everything. "kanji_item" is supposed to give a common index number so that the answers can match up. It gets through the first two problems with no hassle, but for some reason refuses to accept my third problem.
- wrong name using number_of_questions vs. num_of_questions
- wrong way to check truthyness if usr in solution_selection[kanji_item] and kanji[kanji_item]: - the last part is always True as it is a non empty string
- lots of globals wich is not considered very good style
It would be easier to zip your three list together so you get tuples of (kanji, reading, description) and feed 2 of those into your function depending on what you want to test. You do this 2 times, once for reading, once for description.
You can even randomize your list of tuples to get different "orders" in which questions are asked:
kanji = ['上', '下', '大', '工', '八', '入', '山', '口', '九', '一' , '人',
'力', '川', '七', '十', '三', '二', '女',]
reading = ['じょう', 'か', 'たい', 'こう', 'はち', 'にゅう', 'さん', 'こう', 'く',
'いち', 'にん', 'りょく', 'かわ', 'しち', 'じゅう', 'さん', 'に', 'じょ']
definition = ['above', 'below', 'big', 'construction', 'eight', 'enter', 'mountain',
'mouth', 'nine', 'one', 'person', 'power', 'river', 'seven', 'ten', 'three',
'two', 'woman']
import random
data = list(zip(kanji, reading, definition))
def question_format(prompt_type, lang, kanji, solution):
"""Creates a question about *kanji* - the correct answer is *solution*
Returns 1 if correct else 0."""
question_prompt = f'What is the {prompt_type} for {kanji}? (Keyboard: {lang})'
usr = input(question_prompt)
if usr == solution:
return 1
return 0
questions_asked = 0
correct = 0
for (kanji, reading, _) in data:
correct += question_format('READING','Japanese', kanji, reading)
questions_asked += 1
print('You got ',correct,'/',questions_asked)
for (kanji, _, definition) in data:
correct += question_format('DEFINITION','ENGLISH', kanji, definition)
questions_asked += 1
print('You got ',correct,'/',questions_asked)
After zipping our list and shuffling them data looks like
[('山', 'さん', 'mountain'), ('女', 'じょ', 'woman'), ('力', 'りょく', 'power'),
('上', 'じょう', 'above'), ('九', 'く', 'nine'), ('川', 'かわ', 'river'),
('入', 'にゅう', 'enter'), ('三', 'さん', 'three'), ('口', 'こう', 'mouth'),
('二', 'に', 'two'), ('人', 'にん', 'person'), ('七', 'しち', 'seven'),
('一', 'いち', 'one'), ('工', 'こう', 'construction'), ('下', 'か', 'below'),
('八', 'はち', 'eight'), ('十', 'じゅう', 'ten'), ('大', 'たい', 'big')]

XGetWindowProperty and ctypes

I'm trying to find NET_WM_NAME property for each of the window/client that X11 reports. Problem is that there's nothing returned - number of items is 0 and returned data results in empty string. I've looked at multiple code examples through out github and examples written in C and C++ , specifically Why is XGetWindowProperty returning null? as well as Xlib XGetWindowProperty Zero items returned , however I cannot find where is the problem with my code. Seemingly everything is fine, order of parameters passed to XGetWindowProperty function is in accordance with documentation, and the function returns success status, but results are empty. Where is the problem with my code ?
Below is the code I am working with. The issue is xgetwindowproperty function. The other parts below it work fine, and are provided only for completeness.
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from ctypes import *
def xgetwindowproperty(display,w):
actual_type_return = c_ulong()
actual_format_return = c_int()
nitems_return = c_ulong()
bytes_after_return = c_ulong()
prop_return = POINTER(c_ubyte)()
wm_name = Xlib.XInternAtom(display,'_NET_WM_NAME',False)
utf8atom = Xlib.XInternAtom(display,'UTF8_STRING',False)
print('_NET_WM_NAME',wm_name, 'UTF8_STRING',utf8atom)
# AnyPropertyType = c_long(0)
status = Xlib.XGetWindowProperty(
print(nitems_return.value) # returns 0
# empty string as result
print( 'Prop', ''.join([ chr(c) for c in prop_return[:bytes_after_return.value] ]) )
# -------
Xlib = CDLL("")
display = Xlib.XOpenDisplay(None)
if display == 0:
w = Xlib.XRootWindow(display, c_int(0))
root = c_ulong()
children = POINTER(c_ulong)()
parent = c_ulong()
nchildren = c_uint()
Xlib.XQueryTree(display, w, byref(root), byref(parent), byref(children), byref(nchildren))
for i in range(nchildren.value):

Assign Class attributes from list elements

I'm not sure if the title accurately describes what I'm trying to do. I have a Python3.x script that I wrote that will issue flood warning to my facebook page when the river near my home has reached it's lowest flood stage. Right now the script works, however it only reports data from one measuring station. I would like to be able to process the data from all of the stations in my county (total of 5), so I was thinking that maybe a class method may do the trick but I'm not sure how to implement it. I've been teaching myself Python since January and feel pretty comfortable with the language for the most part, and while I have a good idea of how to build a class object I'm not sure how my flow chart should look. Here is the code now:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Facebook Flood Warning Alert System - this script will post a notification to
to Facebook whenever the Sabine River # Hawkins reaches flood stage (22.3')
import requests
import facebook
from lxml import html
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token='My_Access_Token')
river_url = ''
ref_url = ''
def checkflood():
r = requests.get(river_url)
tree = html.fromstring(r.content)
stage = ''.join(tree.xpath('//div[#class="stage_stage_flow"]//text()'))
warn = ''.join(tree.xpath('//div[#class="current_warns_statmnts_ads"]/text()'))
stage_l = stage.split()
level = float(stage_l[2])
#check if we're at flood level
if level < 22.5:
elif level == 37:
major_diff = level - 23.0
major_r = ('The Sabine River near Hawkins, Tx has reached [Major Flood Stage]: #', stage_l[2], 'Ft. ', str(round(major_diff, 2)), ' Ft. \n Please click the link for more information.\n\n Current Warnings and Alerts:\n ', warn)
major_p = ''.join(major_r)
graph.put_object(parent_object='me', connection_name='feed', message = major_p, link = ref_url)
Each station has different 5 different catagories for flood stage: Action, Flood, Moderate, Major, each different depths per station. So for Sabine river in Hawkins it will be Action - 22', Flood - 24', Moderate - 28', Major - 32'. For the other statinos those depths are different. So I know that I'll have to start out with something like:
class River:
def __init__(self, id, stage): = id #station ID
self.stage = stage #river level'
def check_flood(stage):
if stage < 22.5:
elif stage.....
but from there I'm not sure what to do. Where should it be added in(to?) the code, should I write a class to handle the Facebook postings as well, is this even something that needs a class method to handle, is there any way to clean this up for efficiency? I'm not looking for anyone to write this up for me, but some tips and pointers would sure be helpful. Thanks everyone!
EDIT Here is what I figured out and is working:
class River:
name = ""
stage = ""
action = ""
flood = ""
mod = ""
major = ""
warn = ""
def checkflood(self):
if float(self.stage) < float(self.action):
elif float(self.stage) >= float(self.major):
mineola = River() = stations[0]
mineola.stage = stages[0]
mineola.action = "13.5"
mineola.flood = "14.0"
mineola.mod = "18.0"
mineola.major = "21.0"
mineola.alert = warn[0]
hawkins = River() = stations[1]
hawkins.stage = stages[1]
hawkins.action = "22.5"
hawkins.flood = "23.0"
hawkins.mod = "32.0"
hawkins.major = "37.0"
hawkins.alert = warn[1]
So from here I'm tring to stick all the individual river blocks into one block. What I have tried so far is this:
class River:
... name = ""
... stage = ""
... def testcheck(self):
... return, self.stage
>>> for n in range(num_river):
... stations[n] = River()
... stations[n].name = stations[n]
... stations[n].stage = stages[n]
>>> for n in range(num_river):
... stations[n].testcheck()
<__main__.River object at 0x7fbea469bc50> 4.13
<__main__.River object at 0x7fbea46b4748> 20.76
<__main__.River object at 0x7fbea46b4320> 22.13
<__main__.River object at 0x7fbea46b4898> 16.08
So this doesn't give me the printed results that I was expecting. How can I return the string instead of the object? Will I be able to define the Class variables in this manner or will I have to list them out individually? Thanks again!
After reading many, many, many articles and tutorials on class objects I was able to come up with a solution for creating the objects using list elements.
class River():
def __init__(self, river, stage, flood, action):
self.river = river
self.stage = stage
self.action = action
self.flood = flood
self.action = action
def alerts(self):
if float(self.stage < self.flood):
#alert = "The %s is below Flood Stage (%sFt) # %s Ft. \n" % (self.river, self.flood, self.stage)
elif float(self.stage > self.flood):
alert = "The %s has reached Flood Stage(%sFt) # %sFt. Warnings: %s \n" % (self.river, self.flood, self.stage, self.action)
return alert
'''this is the function that I was trying to create
to build the class objects automagically'''
def riverlist():
river_list = []
for n in range(len(rivers)):
station = River(river[n], stages[n], floods[n], warns[n])
return river_list
if __name__ == '__main__':
for x in riverlist():

(WinApi) ChangeDisplaySettingsEx does not work

I'm trying to write a python script to switch the primary monitor.
I have 3 Monitors (one is plugged into my i5's graphics chip, and 2 are plugged into a ATI HD7870)
I wrote the following script:
import win32api as w
import win32con as c
i = 0
workingDevices = []
def setPrimary(id):
global workingDevices
return w.ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(
while True:
Device = w.EnumDisplayDevices(None, i, 1)
if Device.StateFlags & c.DISPLAY_DEVICE_ATTACHED_TO_DESKTOP: #Attached to desktop
i += 1
print("Num Devices: ", len(workingDevices))
for dev in workingDevices:
print("Name: ", dev.DeviceName)
Invoking it leads to:
In [192]: %run
Num Devices: 3
Name: \\.\DISPLAY1
Name: \\.\DISPLAY2
Name: \\.\DISPLAY7
In [193]: setPrimary(0)
Out[193]: True
In [194]: setPrimary(1)
Out[194]: True
In [195]: setPrimary(2)
Out[195]: True
So far it looks great, but the problem is: nothing changes. My monitors flicker shortly because of the CDS_RESET but the primary screen does not change, although ChangeDisplaySettingsEx returns DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL
Does anyone have an Idea why?
(I use Python 3.5.1 and PyWin32 build 220)
PS I use 1 as the third arg for EnumDisplayDevices because the msdn states it should be set to one, although the PyWin help says it should be set to 0.
But the behaviour of the script does not change independent of this value beeing one or zero
Ok, I found the solution.
Apperantly the primary monitor must always be at position (0, 0).
So when I tried to set another monitor to primary its position was set to (0, 0) which caused it to intersect with the old primary one.
It seems the way to go is to update the positions of all Monitors, and write those changes to the registry, and then once this is done apply the changes by calling ChangeDisplaySettingsEx() with default parameters.
This is my new (now working) code:
import win32api as w
import win32con as c
def load_device_list():
"""loads all Monitor which are plugged into the pc
The list is needed to use setPrimary
workingDevices = []
i = 0
while True:
Device = w.EnumDisplayDevices(None, i, 0)
if Device.StateFlags & c.DISPLAY_DEVICE_ATTACHED_TO_DESKTOP: #Attached to desktop
i += 1
return workingDevices
def setPrimary(id, workingDevices, MonitorPositions):
param id: index in the workingDevices list.
Designates which display should be the new primary one
param workingDevices: List of Monitors returned by load_device_list()
param MonitorPositions: dictionary of form {id: (x_position, y_position)}
specifies the monitor positions
offset_X = - MonitorPositions[id][0]
offset_Y = - MonitorPositions[id][1]
numDevs = len(workingDevices)
#get devmodes, correct positions, and update registry
for i in range(numDevs):
devmode = w.EnumDisplaySettings(workingDevices[i].DeviceName, c.ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS)
devmode.Position_x = MonitorPositions[i][0] + offset_X
devmode.Position_y = MonitorPositions[i][1] + offset_Y
if(w.ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(workingDevices[i].DeviceName, devmode,
FlagForSec if i != id else FlagForPrimary) \
!= c.DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL): return False
#apply Registry updates once all settings are complete
return w.ChangeDisplaySettingsEx() == c.DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL;
if(__name__ == "__main__"):
devices = load_device_list()
for dev in devices:
print("Name: ", dev.DeviceName)
MonitorPositions = {
0: (0, -1080),
1: (0, 0),
2: (1920, 0)
setPrimary(0, devices, MonitorPositions)
