Rolling last 3 month average column in Spotfire - spotfire

I'm trying to calculate for rolling average last 3 months . i'm stuck up to this calculation and could not figure out on how to inject this in spotfire using the logic.
the first month (feb) will use the recovery% as multiplier for wip% + recovery%
for the second month (mar) will get the average of (feb) and multiply to wip% +recovery%
for the 3rd month (apr) will get the average of (feb ,mar) and multiply to wip% + recovery%
for the 4month (may) will get the avg of (feb,mar,apr) and multuply to wip% +recovery%
my ultimate goal is to create a column for rolling average 3 months to be use in barchart and cross table. any help is very much appreciated. Thank you.
attached sample table

using below code it's giving me different result. there are no data for the first 2 month (Feb and Mar) and also the average i'm getting for the 3 months rolling is including the current month which the 3months rolling will start from the previous month.
(Sum([WIP]) / Sum([Assy Input]) * Sum([Recover]) / Sum([Input])) + (Sum([Recover]) / Sum([Input]))
THEN Avg([Value]) OVER (LastPeriods(3,[Axis.Rows])) THEN If(Count() OVER (LastPeriods(3,[Axis.Rows]))=3,[Value],null) as [3 mos Rolling]


Simple(r) Excel formula to calculate forward stock (inventory) cover

This is a perennial question for retailers, for which there are a number of solutions in existence:
How can you calculate the "forward cover" of a product knowing its current inventory and armed with forward sales estimates.
current inventory 100 units (cell A1)
weekly forward sales estimates: 25, 30, 10, 40, 90... (in range
Here the answer would be 3.875 weeks (3 full weeks plus 0.875 of week 4)
I have a UDF to do this already.
I also have some slightly complicated array functions to do this, eg.
I was wondering if there is a neater way with these 'new-fangled' array functions which have been available for the last few years in later versions of Excel?
Here is another possible solution, although it requires the LET() function which is only available to newer version of excel (2021, 365 and later I believe).
The solution would be the following formula:
week_full,MATCH(TRUE,inventory<cum_sum,0) - 1,
week_frac,(inventory - INDEX(cum_sum,week_full)) / INDEX(sales,week_full + 1),
week_full + week_frac
Given inventory and the forward looking sales estimates, the formula calculates the running total (i.e. cumulated sum) of the sales estimates as shown in the table here below
Inv and Sales
Cumulated Sum
Inv > Cum_Sum
The formula goes on to get the number of full weeks of 'forward cover' by finding the the value for the cumulated sum that exceeds the inventory minus one (here 4 - 1 = 3).
Lastly, for the value of the week fraction covered in the last week, the formula calculates inventory minus sum of sales estimates of all previous weeks divided by sales estimate of final week of cover (i.e. (100 - 65) / 40 = 0.875).
After simplifying the formula you used with the LET() function, I noticed it's doing exactly the same calculation with the only difference of how the cumulated sum is being calculated. Here's your formula using LET():
week_frac,(inventory - INDEX(cum_sum,week_full)) / INDEX(sales,week_full+1),
week_full + week_frac
SCAN() is perfect for creating a cumulative sum.
It can be referenced inside XMATCH because of the use of LET.
Here m returns the number of full weeks and the final calculation is the number of full weeks + (inv- cumulative sum up to the full week)/sales of the following week.

How to find a trend/forecast result 14 days from today

I have looked into the Forcast & Trend formula but I cannot figure it out for the life of me.
I want to work out the trend 14 days from now.
I have a set of data:
A1 - A30 with dates
B1 - B30 with daily ticket count for the business.
I would like to make a result in another cell that would predict what the estimated total ticket count would be 14 days from now. I do not need all 14 days, just the 14th day.
If I was to try show you what the formula looks like in my head it would be:
Unfortunately it is not as easy as that. How can I do this?
I think you want to use the Forecast function. The inputs you have do not match the correct format though.
FORECAST( x, known y's, known x's) where...
x = the series (or date) you want to forecast
known y's = historical tickets per day
known x's = historical dates (or series)
The below example allows you to forecast tickets for any date (Forecasted Date) given the historical information (table on left). If your table is not formatted with actual dates, just create a series (first day = 1, second day = 2, etc.) and forecast that way.
Given the historical data, the forecasted tickets for Aug 28th (14 days after last known value) are 16.7

Excel 2010 Dax Onhand Quantity Vs. Last Date Qty

Ive spent the last 2 days trying to get this, and I really just need a few pointers. Im using Excel 2010 w/ Power Pivot and calculating inventories. I am trying to get the amount sold between 2 dates. I recorded the quantity on hand if the item was in stock.
Item # Day Date Qty
Black Thursday 11/6/2014 2
Blue Thursday 11/6/2014 3
Green Thursday 11/6/2014 3
Black Friday 11/7/2014 2
Green Friday 11/7/2014 2
Black Monday 11/10/2014 3
Blue Monday 11/10/2014 4
Green Monday 11/10/2014 3
Is there a way to do this in dax? I may have to go back and calculate the differences for each record in excel, but Id like to avoid that if possible.
Somethings that have made this hard for me.
1) I only record the inventory Mon-Fri. I am not sure this will always be the case so i'd like to avoid a dependency on this being only weekdays.
2) When there is none in stock, I dont have a record for that day
Ive tried, CALCULATE with dateadd and it gave me results nearly right, but it ended up filtering out some of the results. Really was odd, but almost right.
Any Help is appreciated.
Bryan, this may not totally answer your question as there are a couple of things that aren't totally clear to me but it should give you a start and I'm happy to expand my answer if you provide further info.
One 'pattern' you can use involves the TOPN function which when used with the parameter n=1 can return the earliest or latest value from a table that it sorts by dates and can be filtered to be earlier/later than dates specified.
For this example I am using a 'disconnected' date table from which the user would select the two dates required in a slicer or report filter:
SUM ( inventory[Qty] ),
FILTER ( inventory, inventory[Date] <= MAX ( dates[Date] ) ),
In this case the TOPN returns a single row table of the latest date earlier than or equal to the latest date provided. The 1st argument in the TOPN specifies the number of rows, the second the table to use, the 3rd the column to sort on and the 4th says to sort descending.
From here it is straightforward to adapt this for a second measure that finds the value for the latest date before or equal to the earliest date selected (i.e. swap MIN for MAX in MAX(dates[Date])).
Hope this helps.
*prettified using

Calculating the average difference in days within a period

I am trying to calculate the average difference between two columns in excel. The columns contain a planned and an actual date, I would like to get the average difference but only for planned dates within the last three months.
Planned Start Date | Actual Start Date
21/09/2013 | 25/09/2013
10/07/2014 | 16/07/2014
01/06/2014 | 30/06/2014
The formula should only take line 2 & 3 (line 1 is older than 3 months), look at the difference in days for each applicable line (line 2: 6 days, line 3: 29 days) and then show the average ( 17.5 days) of all applicable lines.
Does anybody have a formula for this? Excel really isn't my strong suit...
Assume your data is in A2:B4 then try this array formula
It assumes each month is 30 days (hence the 90)
Press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER to enter the formula as an array formula
Based on your example I get a result of 17.5 days.

Excel formula for an average where the price increases every day

Can some one help me with a simple forumla in excel for the following problem.
I need to be able to predict an average price for the month. For example, if the current price is $1000 and there are 5 days left until the end of the month, I believe the price will increase £50 p/day. 1050 then 1100 1150 etc So the average price for the last six days will be 1100?
i would like to be able to do a forumla that works it out from the current price, the increase amount and the days left with out having to have a cell for each day etc?
Is this possible? i have tried google but have come up with nothing, a difficult question to articulate.
Sounds like you're having troubles finding the days in the month and the percentage of the month that has already passed / left
To calculate the number of days in the current month use this formula
To calculate the current day of the month use this formula
To calculate the percentage of the month already gone
=DAY(NOW()) / (EOMONTH(NOW(), 0)-EOMONTH(NOW(), -1))
To calculate the percentage of the month remaining
=1 - (DAY(NOW()) / (EOMONTH(NOW(), 0)-EOMONTH(NOW(), -1)))
I'm not clear what you are averaging - is it 5 days or 6?
If you start with 1000 and average 5 days then you are averaging 1000, 1050, 1100, 1150 and 1200 so the average is 1100 - if that's the required result try this formula
where A2 is price, B2 increase amount and C2 days left
If you are averaging 6 days then that starts at 1000 and ends at 1250 so average is 1125 and the formula should be:
