Run generic groovy script assertion in SoapUI - groovy

Is it possible to / how do you run a groovy script from a SoapUI assertion without copy/pasting the script into all of your test steps where you need the same script executed? Is it possible to write a script outside of the assertion and run the script like you are calling a method? So that you can reuse the assertion script in multiple test steps.
So far, I've tried to call a groovy test step from within the assertion, but the run() method requires a testRunner variable which is unavailable from within the assertion. I've also tried to write a groovy script as a subsequent test step (not an assertion) that calls another groovy test step script, but I was unable to transfer the response from one test step to the next (Honestly, I'd rather not create test steps that are really just assertions).
Note: this is not a duplicate of How to create variables in soapui test case that can be accessed across all test steps - groovy test step & script assertion test step? because that question pertains to storing properties, not reusing scripts.

I was able to finally figure out my 2nd approach: add another groovy script as a subsequent test step that has assertions and passes the response. The script is:
context.response = context.expand('${MyTestStep#Response}') // store response to context variable
Object result = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.testCases['Validate Response'].testSteps['Validate Response'].run(testRunner, context)
if(result.getError() != null) {
log.error("error", result.getError())
assert false
assert true
MyTestStep is the test step before the groovy script. Validate Response is the name of the test case of the groovy script which is also called Validate Response and is executed via the run method.


Eexecute groovy code in soapui cucumber project

I am trying to run existing SoapUI tests with Cucumber for a customer.
I have use this example
The test execution in Cucumber works fine for SoapUI test cases with REST Requests.
But my customer also uses groovy code in a few test cases. All test cases with groovy code shows in result (test runner) an error.
My question: Is it possible to execute groovy code via Cucumber/JUnit?
I'm not sure in the documentation i haven't found anything about it.
This is my groovy code:
def ec00Configuration = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("Configuration")
def response = new JsonSlurper().parseText(context.expand( '${Request#Response}' )).message
def dealerId = response.find{ == ec00Configuration.getPropertyValue("dealerName")}?.id "Id of dealer is : ${dealerId}"
// move to property for demo!

How to share class object between groovy test steps?

I have an external groovy file containing all common functions required to automate my web service testing. I reference those common functions by creating an instance of the Class defined within the external file. Now I have a situation to create an instance of the Class in first groovy test step and to use the same instance in other groovy test steps within my test case.
import groovy.lang.Binding
import groovy.util.GroovyScriptEngine
def groovyUtils = new
// location of script file is relative to SOAPUI project file.
String scriptPath = groovyUtils.projectPath + "\\Scripts\\"
// Create Groovy Script Engine to run the script.
GroovyScriptEngine gse = new GroovyScriptEngine(scriptPath)
// Load the Groovy Script file
externalScript = gse.loadScriptByName("CustomerQuotes.groovy")
def cq = externalScript.newInstance(context: context, log: log, testRunner: testRunner)
How do I achieve this? I need the reference of cq object in other groovy test steps to call the remaining common functions available within my external grooy file? Please help.
As per your question, the mentioned groovy script test step is placed in an arbitrary test case though it is not a natural fit.
The natural fit for the above script is to use Load Script which is at project level.
In the script, which is mentioned in the question, change below statements
def groovyUtils = new
// location of script file is relative to SOAPUI project file.
String scriptPath = groovyUtils.projectPath + "\\Scripts\\"
def projectPath = new File(project.path).parent.toString()
String scriptPath = "${projectPath}/Scripts"
And keep the rest of the script same.
Place the script (after the above change) at Project level's Load Script.
Remove the groovy script test step from wherever it is because of the above mentioned reason.
At the end of the script, add the below statement. Basically using the groovy's Meta Programming feature to store the object for sharing.
project.metaClass.myObject = cq
Next step: How to re-use the object (which is the main question)?
Since, your object cq is added to project object, the same can be accessed in any of the groovy script test steps (at any suite or case) using below statement:
def cq = context.testCase.testSuite.project.myObject
//Now call the other methods using cq.method(arguments)
EDIT: It appears that the above solution works for simple/Primitive data types.
However, you have a class instance. For that some more changes are required.
Here is your complete Project level Load Script (includes your code snippet)
def projectPath = new File(project.path).parent.toString()
String scriptPath = "${projectPath}/Scripts"
GroovyScriptEngine gse = new GroovyScriptEngine(scriptPath)
def externalScript = gse.loadScriptByName("CustomerQuotes.groovy")
project.metaClass.myObject {
externalScript.newInstance(context: it, log: log, testRunner: it.testRunner)
And the script for Groovy Script test step in different test cases is as follows i.e., just calling the methods of your CustomerQuotes.groovy class.
def obj = context.testCase.testSuite.project.myObject(context)
Assuming that there is a method in the groovy file called run. Of course, you can use your own method.
There is another alternative approach too. You need to compile the groovy classes, create jar, copy it under SOAPUI_HOME/bin/ext directory. Of course, soapui tool needs to be restarted after that.
Now you can create instance and make the desired call to the methods as needed in any of the groovy script test steps.

SoapUI: Pass property values to called test case

I am a beginner in soapui testing. Hopefully you can help me solving this problem.
In my test project I have a test suites which contains several test cases. Multiple test case will start the same test case. To run this test case I need some property values to be transferred to this test case.
I tried to achieve this in two ways. But I failed in both.
I tried to call the test case and set the needed properties in the test case. I start the test case from a Groovy script. But I couldn't find a good example how to set the properties in the called test case.
I tried to get the property values of the calling parent test case inside the called test case. It looks like the parent test case that called the test case isn't available in the context of the running test case.
The test cases, that will call the same test case, will be run in parallel. So, I think it isn't a solution to first set the property values and then start the test case, because they will be overwritten by the other test cases that run at the same time. Also using test suite properties for these values won’t work because of running the test cases in parallel.
My test project looks like this.
Properties test step
Run_test <groovy script>
Properties test step
Run_test <groovy script>
Properties test step
POST sessions
The ‘Properties test step’ of each ‘TestCase_user_’ contains a user and password needed in test case ‘TestCase_General’ and will be different for each test case.
In the ‘Run_test’ groovy script of each ‘TestCase_user_’ the test case ‘TestCase_General’ is started by using:
def myTestSuite = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getTestSuiteByName("TestSuite_APLtests")
def myTestCase = myTestSuite.getTestCaseByName("TestCase_General"), false)
How can I add the properties user and password to the run comment that starts the test case?
If I try to get the property values with a groovy script in test case ‘TestCase_General’ I don’t know how to determine which test case has called ‘TestCase_General’. I found some posts on internet that suggests to use: context.getProperty("#CallingRunTestCaseStep#") to determine the calling test case. But this value is null. And when I try to check if the calling test case is available in the context by using: context.hasProperty("#CallingRunTestCaseStep#") this is false, so this doesn't work to find the calling test case.
Can someone tell me what the solution will be to get this working.
You can set Test Case properties from groovy script with setPropertyValue(name,value) method, however if you run the Test Cases in parallel, this properties as you said will be overwritten for each Test Case calling TestCase_General. So instead of use setPropertyValue you can pass the context properties through the run(StringToObjectMap properties, boolean async) method in the class. Your groovy code to call TestCase_General could be:
// get test suite
def myTestSuite = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getTestSuiteByName("TestSuite_APLtests")
// get your test case
def myTestCase = myTestSuite.getTestCaseByName("TestCase_General")
// set the user and password properties in the context
// run the testCase passing the context
def contextMap = new StringToObjectMap( context ),false);
To access the context properties in the groovy script of your TestCase_General use this code:
Or if you prefer to use context.expand:
Note that the use of # depends on how you are accessing the properties.
If you also need to use the context properties in the SOAP Test Request of your TestCase_General use this way ${#propetryName} i.e:
<Envelope xmlns="">
Hope this helps,

SoapUI defining a library of reusable methods

I'm running into copy-pasting a lot of code at the moment in my SoapUI projects, and thought I'd have some sort of library of helper functions that can carry out most of my tasks.
So I have a test suite for this, and the code itself is in a Groovy Script test step in this test suite. The idea is that I make my helper methods available to the context I'm in (a REST test request step).
It instantiates fine and all that, but the problem is that when I want to invoke run(testRunner, context), I am not having access to the testRunner property. I've read something about that this is how it is.
Anyone know a way around this?
I am using the same method as you for script library. I used the method described by Kerry Doan at
When i tried to access this script library from project load script i did not have access to the testRunner so i created the testRunner object and as i did not have access to the context object i had to create that too.
Check out the code below.
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestCaseRunner
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestRunContext
//to create the testRunner object I need a testCase object and a new StringToObjectMap
//I initially used the test case in the script library but as i needed the
//testRunner object to the test case being executed so i created the object to
//the test case being executed.
//I did not want to worry about test suite or test case names so i used their index
//assuming that there will be at least one test suite and at least one test case when
//this script is run
testCase = project.getTestSuiteAt(0).getTestCaseAt(0)
tcRunner = new WsdlTestCaseRunner( testCase, new StringToObjectMap() );
//A context is essentially a WsdlTestRunContext object and as you can see below all i
//have done to create that is pass it a test step object which was obtained by using index
//rather than name.
tStep = testCase.getTestStepAt(0)
tcContext = new WsdlTestRunContext(tStep)
//my script library is in a seperate project called `Script Library` and all the
//groovy scripts are in a test suite called `Script Library`
scripts = project.workspace.projects["Script Library"].testSuites["Script Library"];
scripts.testCases["Scripts"].testSteps["runTest"].run(tcRunner, tcContext);

Pre send script in groovy for jenkins

i have two dependent jobs. i need help for groovy script in jenkins, for writing pre send script for email-ext plugin.
i want to check whether buid reason is upstream cause, then set cancel variable=true
But i don't know how to write if condition in groovy for jenkins..For seperate jobs, will there be any seperate classes in jenkins(so i can create instance and call upstream cause)
is there any way to check build cause of downstream job is due to upstream..
Please help me on this code snippet..
Use Build.getCauses() method. It will return a list of causes for the build. Loop over it and check if there is an object of hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause among them.
To get the build object, use the following code snippet:
def thr = Thread.currentThread()
def build = thr?.executable
FYI, here is a link to the complete Jenkins Module API.
