Error: azurerm_app_service.ci_rg: resource repeated multiple times - azure-web-app-service

I am trying to deploy 2 different Azure Apps in the same resource group.
These Azure Apps are defined as docker images stored in an Azure Container Registry (where I previously pushed those docker images).
I am not able to deploy both of them at the same time because I think there is something wrong in the way I am defining them as Terraform is expecting to find only one azurerm_app_service, but I am not sure how I can work around this?
When I run this command: terraform plan -var-file test.tfvars, then I see this message in the output:
Error: azurerm_app_service.ci_rg: resource repeated multiple times
How do I define "2 different resources of the same type"?
This is the content of the file (where I inject the variables defined in with the values defined in test.tfvars):
// the resource group definition
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "ci_rg" {
name = "${var.resource_group_name}"
location = "${var.azure_location}"
// the app service plan definition
resource "azurerm_app_service_plan" "ci_rg" {
name = "${var.app_service_plan}"
location = "${azurerm_resource_group.ci_rg.location}"
resource_group_name = "${}"
kind = "Linux"
sku {
tier = "Standard"
size = "S1"
capacity = 2 // for both the docker containers
properties {
reserved = true
// the first azure app
resource "azurerm_app_service" "ci_rg" {
name = "${var.first_app_name}"
location = "${azurerm_resource_group.ci_rg.location}"
resource_group_name = "${}"
app_service_plan_id = "${}"
site_config {
linux_fx_version = "DOCKER|${var.first_app_docker_image_name}"
app_settings {
"CONF_ENV" = "${var.conf_env}"
"DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_URL" = "${var.docker_registry_url}",
"DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_USERNAME" = "${var.docker_registry_username}",
"DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_PASSWORD" = "${var.docker_registry_password}",
// the second azure app
resource "azurerm_app_service" "ci_rg" {
name = "${var.second_app_name}"
location = "${azurerm_resource_group.ci_rg.location}"
resource_group_name = "${}"
app_service_plan_id = "${}"
site_config {
linux_fx_version = "DOCKER|${var.second_app_docker_image_name}"
app_settings {
"CONF_ENV" = "${var.conf_env}"
"DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_URL" = "${var.docker_registry_url}",
"DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_USERNAME" = "${var.docker_registry_username}",
"DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_PASSWORD" = "${var.docker_registry_password}",
I am not entirely sure about how this Terraform thing works, but I think the label azurerm_app_service is taken by the "syntax of Terraform". See the docs here:
where the title is azurerm_app_service. So I don't think I can change that.

My guess would be you need to rename the second one to something else. Like this: resource "azurerm_app_service" "ci_rg_second". It obviously doesnt like the fact that it has the same name.


Terraform can't create resource in group already exist

I would create a sample azure web app using Terraform.
I use this code to create the resoucre.
This is my file :
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" {
name = var.rgname
location = var.rglocation
resource "azurerm_app_service_plan" "plan" {
name = var.webapp_plan_name
location = var.rglocation
resource_group_name = var.rgname
sku {
tier = var.plan_settings["tier"]
size = var.plan_settings["size"]
capacity = var.plan_settings["capacity"]
resource "azurerm_app_service" "webapp" {
name = var.webapp_name
location = var.rglocation
resource_group_name = var.rgname
app_service_plan_id =
and this is the
# variables for Resource Group
variable "rgname" {
description = "(Required)Name of the Resource Group"
type = string
default = "example-rg"
variable "rglocation" {
description = "Resource Group location like West Europe etc."
type = string
default = "eastus2"
# variables for web app plan
variable "webapp_plan_name" {
description = "Name of webapp"
type = string
default = "XXXXXXXXXx"
variable "plan_settings" {
type = map(string)
description = "Definition of the dedicated plan to use"
default = {
kind = "Linux"
size = "S1"
capacity = 1
tier = "Standard"
variable "webapp_name" {
description = "Name of webapp"
type = string
default = "XXXXXXXX"
The terraform apply --auto-approve show a error :
Error: creating/updating App Service Plan "XXXXXXXXXXX" (Resource Group "example-rg"): web.AppServicePlansClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=0 -- Original Error: Code="ResourceGroupNotFound" Message="Resource group 'example-rg' could not be found."
but in Azure Portal , the ressource group is created
what's wrong in my code ?
Can i hold on Terraform to check if resource is created or not before pass to next resource ?
You need to reference the resources to indicate the dependency between them to terraform, so that it can guarantee, that the resource group is created first, and then the other resources. The error indicates, that the resource group does not exist, yet. Your code tries to create the ASP first and then the RG.
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" {
name = var.rgname
location = var.rglocation
resource "azurerm_app_service_plan" "plan" {
resource_group_name =
... but I can't use variable?
To answer that question and give more detail about the current issue, what's happening in your original code is that you're not referencing terraform resources in a way that terraform can use to create its dependency graph.
if var.rgname equals <my-rg-name> and also equals <my-rg-name> then technically, that's the same, right?
Well, no, not necessarily. They indeed have the same value. The difference is that the first one just echos the value. The second one contains the same value but it's also instruction to terraform saying, "Hey, wait a minute. We need the name value from azurerm_resource_group.rg so let me make sure I set that up first, and then I'll provision this resource"
The difference is subtle but important. Using values in this way lets Terraform understand what it has to provision first and lets it create its dependency graph. Using variables alone does not. Especially in large projects, alway try to use the resource variable value instead of just input variables which will help avoid unnecessary issues.
It's quite common to use an input variable to define certain initial data, like the name of the resource group as you did above. After that, however, every time resource_group_name is referenced in the manifests you should always use terraform generated value, so resource_group_name =

Terraform tried creating a "implicit dependency" but the next stage of my code still fails to find the Azure resource group just created

Would be grateful for any assistance, I thought I had nailed this one when I stumbled across the following link ...
Creating a resource group with terraform in azure: Cannot find resource group directly after creating it
However, the next stage of my code is still failing...
Error: Code="ResourceGroupNotFound" Message="Resource group 'ShowTell' could not be found
# We strongly recommend using the required_providers block to set the
# Azure Provider source and version being used
terraform {
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
version = "=2.64.0"
# Configure the Microsoft Azure Provider
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
variable "resource_group_name" {
type = string
default = "ShowTell"
description = ""
# Create your resource group
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "example" {
name = var.resource_group_name
location = "UK South"
# Should be accessible from
resource "azurerm_container_group" "LukesContainer" {
name = "LukesContainer"
location = "UK South"
resource_group_name = "${var.resource_group_name}"
ip_address_type = "public"
dns_name_label = "LukesContainer"
os_type = "Linux"
container {
name = "hello-world"
image = "microsoft/aci-helloworld:latest"
cpu = "0.5"
memory = "1.5"
ports {
port = "443"
protocol = "TCP"
container {
name = "sidecar"
image = "microsoft/aci-tutorial-sidecar"
cpu = "0.5"
memory = "1.5"
tags = {
environment = "testing"
In order to create an implicit dependency you must refer directly to the object that the dependency relates to. In your case, that means deriving the resource group name from the resource group object itself, rather than from the variable you'd used to configure that object:
resource "azurerm_container_group" "LukesContainer" {
name = "LukesContainer"
location = "UK South"
resource_group_name =
# ...
With the configuration you included in your question, both the resource group and the container group depend on var.resource_group_name but there was no dependency between azurerm_container_group.LukesContainer and azurerm_resource_group.example, and so Terraform is therefore free to create those two objects in either order.
By deriving the container group's resource group name from the resource group object you tell Terraform that the resource group must be processed first, and then its results used to populate the container group.

Terraform reports a change to Application Insights key on every plan that is run

I have several Azure resources that are created using the for_each property and then those resources have an Application Insights resource created using for_each as well.
Here is the code that creates the azurerm_application_insights:
resource "azurerm_application_insights" "applicationInsights" {
for_each = toset(keys(merge(local.appServices, local.functionApps)))
name = lower(join("-", ["wb", var.deploymentEnvironment, var.location, each.key, "ai"]))
location = var.location
resource_group_name =
application_type = "web"
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [tags]
I've noticed that every time we run a terraform plan against some environments, we are always seeing Terraform report a "change" to the APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY value. When I compare this value in the app settings key/value list to the actual AI instrumentation key that was created for it, it does match.
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# module.primaryRegion.module.functionapp["fnapp1"].azurerm_function_app.fnapp will be updated in-place
~ resource "azurerm_function_app" "fnapp" {
~ app_settings = {
# Warning: this attribute value will be marked as sensitive and will
# not display in UI output after applying this change
# (1 unchanged element hidden)
Is this a common issue with other people? I would think that the instrumentation key would never change especially since Terraform is what created all of these Application Insights resources and assigns it to each application.
This is how I associate each Application Insights resource to their appropriate application with a for_each property
module "webapp" {
for_each = local.appServices
source = "../webapp"
name = lower(join("-", ["wb", var.deploymentEnvironment, var.location, each.key, "app"]))
location = var.location
resource_group_name =
app_service_plan_id = each.value.app_service_plan_id
app_settings = merge({"APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY" = azurerm_application_insights.applicationInsights[each.key].instrumentation_key}, each.value.app_settings)
allowed_origins = each.value.allowed_origins
deploymentEnvironment = var.deploymentEnvironment
I'm wondering if the merge is just reordering the list of key/values in the app_settings for the app, and Terraform detects that as some kind of change and the value itself isn't changing. This is the only way I know how to assign a bunch of Application Insights resources to many web apps using for_each to reduce configuration code.
Use only the Site_config block to solve the issue
resource "azurerm_windows_function_app" "function2" {
provider = azurerm.private
name =
resource_group_name =
location = local.private.location
storage_account_name =
storage_account_access_key = azurerm_storage_account.function_apps_storage.primary_access_key
service_plan_id =
virtual_network_subnet_id = lookup(azurerm_subnet.subnets, "appservice").id
https_only = true
site_config {
application_insights_key = azurerm_application_insights.appinisghts.instrumentation_key

Creating azure automation dsc configuration and dsc configuration node using terraform doesn't seems to be working

As a very first step of my release process I run the following terraform code
resource "azurerm_automation_account" "automation_account" {
for_each = data.terraform_remote_state.pod_bootstrap.outputs.ops_rg
name = "${local.automation_account_prefix}-${each.key}"
location = each.key
resource_group_name =
sku_name = "Basic"
tags = {
environment = "development"
The automation accounts created as expected and I can see those in Azure portal.
I also have terraform code that creates a couple of windows VMs,each VM creation accompained by the following
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "dsc" {
name = "DevOpsDSC"
virtual_machine_id = var.vm_id
publisher = "Microsoft.Powershell"
type = "DSC"
type_handler_version = "2.83"
settings = <<SETTINGS_JSON
"configurationArguments": {
"RegistrationUrl": "${var.dsc_server_endpoint}",
"NodeConfigurationName": "${var.dsc_config}",
"ConfigurationMode": "${var.dsc_mode}",
"ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins": 15,
"RefreshFrequencyMins": 30,
"RebootNodeIfNeeded": false,
"ActionAfterReboot": "continueConfiguration",
"AllowModuleOverwrite": true
protected_settings = <<PROTECTED_SETTINGS_JSON
"configurationArguments": {
"RegistrationKey": {
"Password": "${var.dsc_primary_access_key}"
The result is the following
So VM extension is created for each VM and the status says that provisioning succeeded.
For the next step I run the following terraform code
resource "azurerm_automation_dsc_configuration" "iswebserver" {
for_each = data.terraform_remote_state.pod_bootstrap.outputs.ops_rg
name = "iswebserver"
resource_group_name =
automation_account_name = data.terraform_remote_state.ops.outputs.automation_account[each.key].name
location = each.key
content_embedded = "configuration iswebserver {}"
resource "azurerm_automation_dsc_nodeconfiguration" "iswebserver" {
for_each = data.terraform_remote_state.pod_bootstrap.outputs.ops_rg
name = "iswebserver.localhost"
resource_group_name =
automation_account_name = data.terraform_remote_state.ops.outputs.automation_account[each.key].name
depends_on = [azurerm_automation_dsc_configuration.iswebserver]
content_embedded = file("${path.cwd}/iswebserver.mof")
The mof file content is the following
#GenerationDate=02/25/2021 17:33:16
instance of MSFT_RoleResource as $MSFT_RoleResource1ref
ResourceID = "[WindowsFeature]IIS";
IncludeAllSubFeature = True;
Ensure = "Present";
SourceInfo = "D:\\DSC\\testconfig.ps1::5::9::WindowsFeature";
Name = "Web-Server";
ModuleName = "PsDesiredStateConfiguration";
ModuleVersion = "1.0";
ConfigurationName = "TestConfig";
instance of OMI_ConfigurationDocument
MinimumCompatibleVersion = "1.0.0";
CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties= {"Omi_BaseResource:ConfigurationName"};
GenerationDate="02/25/2021 17:33:16";
After running the code I have got the following result
The configuration is created as expected, clicking on configuration entry in UI grid, leads to the following
Meaning that node configuration is created as well. My expectation was that for each VM I will see the Node configured to run configuration provided in mof file but Nodes UI shows empty Nodes
So I was trying to configure node manually to connect all peaces together
and that fails with the following
So I am totally confisued. On the one hand there's azurerm_virtual_machine_extension that allows to create extension and bind it to the automation account. In addition there are azurerm_automation_dsc_configuration and azurerm_automation_dsc_nodeconfiguration that allows to create configuration and node configuration. But the bottom line is that you cannot connect all those dots to be able to create node.
Just to confirm that configuration is valid, I create additional vm without using azurerm_virtual_machine_extension and I was able succesfully add this MV to created node configuration
The problem was in azurerm_virtual_machine_extension dsc_configuration parameter. The value needs to be the same as name property of the azurerm_automation_dsc_nodeconfiguration resource.

How do I make terraform skip that block while creating multiple resources in loop from a CSV file?

Hi I am trying to create a Terraform script which will take inputs from the user in the form of a CSV file and create multiple Azure resources.
For example if the user wants to create: ResourceGroup>Vnet>Subnet in bulk, he will provide input in CSV format as below:
csvrg1,eastus2,Terraform RG,,Terraform RG,csvvnet1,eastus2,,Terraform VNET,subnet1,
csvrg2,westus,Terraform RG2,,Terraform RG2,csvvnet2,westus,,Terraform VNET2,subnet1,
I have written the following working file:
# Configure the Microsoft Azure Provider
provider "azurerm" {
version = "=1.43.0"
subscription_id = var.subscription
tenant_id = var.tenant
client_id = var.client
client_secret = var.secret
#Decoding the csv file
locals {
vmcsv = csvdecode(file("${path.module}/computelanding.csv"))
# Create a resource group if it doesn’t exist
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "myterraformgroup" {
count = length(local.vmcsv)
name = local.vmcsv[count.index].resourcegroup
location = local.vmcsv[count.index].RG_location
tags = {
environment = local.vmcsv[count.index].RG_tag
# Create a DNS Zone
resource "azurerm_dns_zone" "dnsp-private" {
count = 1
name = local.vmcsv[count.index].domainname
resource_group_name = local.vmcsv[count.index].resourcegroup
depends_on = [azurerm_resource_group.myterraformgroup]
tags = {
environment = local.vmcsv[count.index].DNS_Zone_tag
To be continued....
The issue I am facing here what is in the second resource group, the user don't want a resource type, suppose the user want to skip the DNS zone in the resource group csvrg2. How do I make terraform skip that block ?
Edit: What I am trying to achieve is "based on some condition in the CSV file, not to create azurerm_dns_zone resource for the resource group csvrg2"
I have provided an example of the CSV file, how it may look like below:
csvrg1,eastus2,Terraform RG,1,,Terraform RG,csvvnet1,eastus2,,Terraform VNET,subnet1,
csvrg2,westus,Terraform RG2,0,,Terraform RG2,csvvnet2,westus,,Terraform VNET2,subnet1,
you had already the right thought in your mind using the depends_on function. Although, you're using a count inside, which causes from my understanding, that once the first resource[0] is created, Terraform sees the dependency as solved and goes ahead as well.
I found this post with a workaround which you might be able to try:
That basically tells us to create a null_resource like in that example:
variable "instance_count" {
default = 0
resource "null_resource" "a" {
count = var.instance_count
resource "null_resource" "b" {
depends_on = [null_resource.a]
In your example, it might look like this:
# Create a resource group if it doesn’t exist
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "myterraformgroup" {
count = length(local.vmcsv)
name = local.vmcsv[count.index].resourcegroup
location = local.vmcsv[count.index].RG_location
tags = {
environment = local.vmcsv[count.index].RG_tag
# Create a DNS Zone
resource "azurerm_dns_zone" "dnsp-private" {
count = 1
name = local.vmcsv[count.index].domainname
resource_group_name = local.vmcsv[count.index].resourcegroup
depends_on = null_resource.example
tags = {
environment = local.vmcsv[count.index].DNS_Zone_tag
resource "null_resource" "example" {
depends_on = [azurerm_resource_group.myterraformgroup[length(local.vmcsv)]]
or depending on your Terraform version (0.12+ which you're using guessing your syntax)
# Create a resource group if it doesn’t exist
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "myterraformgroup" {
count = length(local.vmcsv)
name = local.vmcsv[count.index].resourcegroup
location = local.vmcsv[count.index].RG_location
tags = {
environment = local.vmcsv[count.index].RG_tag
# Create a DNS Zone
resource "azurerm_dns_zone" "dnsp-private" {
count = 1
name = local.vmcsv[count.index].domainname
resource_group_name = local.vmcsv[count.index].resourcegroup
depends_on = [azurerm_resource_group.myterraformgroup[length(local.vmcsv)]]
tags = {
environment = local.vmcsv[count.index].DNS_Zone_tag
I hope that helps.
