Unable to open WebDeploy port (8172) on Azure - azure

I'm unable to open a webdeploy port (8172) on my Azure machine.
I added an endpoint on Azure:
Added rules to the Firewall:
Tried even disable the firewall...
No success.
What else can I check?
The problem started from some message about certificate. I am not sure it linked to the problem but I am looking for the problem for two days and have no idea what else I can do...
Thank you.

When you set up endpoints on a Windows virtual machine by using the classic deployment model. You could change the private port to 8172 for webdeploy. It seems that the private port is used by the virtual machine to listen for incoming traffic:
The public port is used by the Azure load balancer to listen for
incoming traffic to the virtual machine from the internet. The private
port is used by the virtual machine to listen for incoming traffic,
typically destined to an application or service running on the virtual
After chatting with you, now you are facing the issue that you cannot change the public and private port to the same due to the floating IP address is enabled. I found there is a note that changing floating IP status takes effect until you save it in the UI. You can first create a test rule like public port 8001, a different private port 8000 because of the current floating IP address is really enabled, and select the floating IP address is disabled, then save it. Now the disabled floating IP address takes effect now. Then you can add the new rule for public and private port 8172. Delete the test rule.
Ref: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/classic/setup-endpoints

Seems that this is a Microsoft's bug: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/fc51b3fa-72c1-4e3c-a942-7da26acecd0d/endpoints-with-same-publicprivate-port-error?forum=WAVirtualMachinesforWindows


Virtual server port forwarding

local connection
Nmap scan of public ip address
Open Port Check Tool result
Virtual server configuration
I have a linux machine on a dekstop with arch linux installed that I use as a server running Apache2 (it works perfectly fine locally), and I want to use port forwarding to access it from the public ip address.
I tried using the router's virtual server service, so I redirected my local to port 2112 of my public ip address, I already used http://www.portchecktool.com/ to scan the port, and it says that the port is open whenever I enable it (I tried changing the port number many times, 443, 22, 5555...). But when I try to connect, it says 'Unable to connect'.
(Even thought the port scanner tool says the port is open on my public ip, when I scan my router's port with nmap it says it's closed)
I know I didn't provide many details, but is there something that I'm missing ?
It seems that the problem only occurs locally, which is why the nmap and port checker results are different, I asked a friend of mine to connect to my public ip address on port 2112, and he told me that it's working fine, and that he could see the page, why does this problem occur ? Why can I access it from outside LAN but not from the inside ?
There are a few parts to this answer:
To keep it simple I am going to assume a few things as you did not specify too many things.
What you have
Ubuntu Server VM running on your Windows machine
What you are trying to do
Connect to the VM (running Apache2) to view a website on the server via your public IP
If either of these are incorrect let me know
Ensure you first have port-fording setup on your main router to go to your Windows machine local IP. Open the correct port that your Appache2 server is running on.
Ensure you have opened the correct port on your windows machine firewall to allow that inbound traffic
Change the network settings for your VM to bridge the connection

How to access virtual box web server url access from outside network

I have the below the setup.
1)Desktop with windows 8 64bit os & Iam using net gear router connected to my desktop via Ethernet cable.
2)Currently iam using public ip or static ip(ex: my isp.
3)Installed virtual box
4)Installed oracle linux 6.5 in virtual box
5)Installed oracle ebs.in virtual box
6)Virtual box network mode:bridge
7)My netgear router ip range to
8)Assigned static ip in oracle ebs( with port 8000.
(note:the given ip is not in my router ip range)
9)Added host details( ebs.example.com) in my windows system32-->drivers-->etc folder-->host file.
Iam able to access url(http://ebs.example.com:8000) and I can ping ip of oracle ebs( from windows 8.and everything is fine.
My requirement is
10)I want to access the same url http://ebs.example.com:8000 from outside of my network.(eg:outside of my city or town).
(Note:I already tried by portforwarding with port 8000 in my router but there is no luck)
Please can anybody help me on this request.
Virtualbox network interface in bridge mode is transparent to the router. It creates the virtual adapter in software mode and uses injection on your VB host network adapter to have the job done. It means that the router will see your VM as it does for any other computer, like if your VM were directly connected to the router. At this point you should assign a IP on the VM that's on under router IP range to avoid routing/permission/port translation problems.
Sure you will need port forward on the router but for testing purposes try to set the VM IP as DMZ on the router. With this setting all requests from outside world on any port will be redirected to the DMZ machine. If it works you can go more restrictive and forward just the needed ports.
Many ISPS blocks common server ports, like 8080. You must make sure you're using a port not blocked by the ISP. For this try setting up a service on a not common port (like HTTP on port 49010 or whatever port not listed by common services), and test it. If it works change the service to the desired port (8080), if it stops working it probably means that ISP is blocking port 8080.
You will not be able to access your VM from internet using such address like http://ebs.example.com:8000 or any other FQN in a simple manner as it does need DNS translation. Its possible doing so but you will need to buy and register some FQN and then find some service that offer DNS over Dynamic IP. Not sure what you mean by public or static IP because a static IP can be also public. In case you have a static IP you will not need specific services for dynamic IP but just the usual structure: Buy a domain name, buy or use own registar DNS servers to have a working FQN pointing to your IP.
Another approach is using a non FQN redirection service commonly used for dynamic IPs but that will work on static IPs also like DYN DNS, No-ip or any other.
With a static IP you dont even need some FQN. You can just use your IP directly like when need connection from internet.

How to connect to a computer not the modem using internet IP address?

I configured IIS in my windows 7, and when I enter 'http://localhost' in address bar; I can see my web site. Now, when I want to see my web site by entering internet IP address in address bar, I connect to the ADSL modem (it opens the page which we use to configure the modem!).
It seems that because the modem connects to the internet an gets the IP, not the PC, so the internet IP connects me to the modem. So, I think, I must change some settings of my modem.
I use a D-Link modem.
How can I fix that?
Thanks in advance
Unless you have a "server" or "business" configuration from your ISP which provides you a full subnet of public IP addresses, you've been allocated a single external IP address and the router attached to it does Network Address Translation for all the devices connected behind it. You can confirm this by using ipconfig or Windows Settings (ifconfig on Unix-like machines) to get your IP address. If using NAT, it will start with "10.", "172.16." through "172.31.", or "192.168.". These are "private" addresses and cannot be reached through the public internet.
For someone on the public internet to reach your computer, you need to set up Port Forwarding that redirects incoming traffic on your public, external IP to that port to a machine on the private network. The configuration pages for your router will have this configuration somewhere.
Note that if your router's configuration page is running on port #80 and you really want outside viewers to connect to you without giving an explicit port number, you will probably need to turn off or restrict modem configuration, move it to a another port, or go SSL only (port 443) so as to not cause a conflict with the port you're forwarding.
D-Link is a very common brand of router and there are pages dedicated to configuring port forwarding on them.
Also, just to complicate things, you almost certainly haven't been given a Static IP Address (they are usually quite expensive) which means that your external IP address will change from time to time (perhaps yearly, perhaps daily) making it difficult to tell others how to connect to your page. Your router configuration likely has support for Dynamic DNS (some free, some paid) where the router automatically updates the DNS entry whenever your public IP address changes.

Azure virtual server RDP re enable after shutdown

I've stopped my virtual server and then started it.
after restart i lost the ability to access remotly to my server (rdp).
i have the needed end point for remote access but is still not working.
i have tried to :
1) delete end point and re-create it.
2) scale up my server forward and backward.
still it look like it can be two things:
1) rdp service after server start is down
2) no firewall rule is created.
notify that after server was started it's IP Address was changed!!!
Use server name not IP, as IP may change.
Make sure that you use external port specified in the endpoint.
Make sure that your private port is set to 3389.
Make sure TCP is selected as the protocol.

accessing app from public ip

I have one linux server which has one public ip. I have deployed one webapp which I can access using internal ip address like - http://[internal_IP]:8080/blackbox/Index.jsp which works. but when I try to access the same from public ip http://[public_IP]:8080/blackbox/Index.jsp, it does not work. Can you please suggest how can I make it work?
Make sure Tomcat is listening on your public interface by:
netstat -an
Listening on *:8080 is ok, but means it is only listening on the local loopback interface.
Also check your topology. There can be a local firewall software stopping incoming traffic. Also if you are behind a NAT, the port has to be forwarded to your macine.
If you're using a consumer grade router, it might be the problem. I've come across way too many cheap routers that got confused when you tried to connect from your LAN to your external IP... But it all works fine if you connect from outside your LAN.
So check that other networking services or such work if you connect using your external IP.
It can be your linux firewall, or your router is not portforwarded for this service.
