How to read an email(outlook) without spying in Blue Prism - excel

Blue Prism: I'm trying to read an email(outlook), Which contains the information about the status of a task, name and a table with multiple headers. I should save the required information like name, status of the task in an Excel under the headers which were already written. It should all happen dynamically without spying the elements. Can anybody please elaborate the process?

You've got 2 options:
Use the MAPIEx object for a back-end connection to your Outlook profile's mailbox. (See also: MAPIEx installation guide)
v6.3 and later Use the bundled Blue Prism-provided MS Outlook VBO, which has the following actions:
Delete Email
Forward Email
Get Received Items Advanced
Get Received Items Basic
Get Received Items Expert
Get Sent Items Advanced
Get Sent Items Basic
Get Sent Items Expert
Mark Email As Read
Mark Email As Unread
Move Email to Inbox Sub Folder
Reply to Email
Reply All to Email
Save Attachment Attachments
Save Email
Save Email As File


How can I send an entire Notes document with attachments and many RT fields via email to Outlook?

We have an old client application from which users want to be able to send individual documents (many fields, many of them rich text with and without attachments in each) via email to people without Notes clients (or access to Notes). I am able to generate the email and include the attachments, but the body of the email is plain text and the form is very long, so it's line after line of appendText to grab the field data to include in the email. It's ugly! Is there any other way to go about this? Looking for other ideas. Thank you!
Your best bet is probably to write code that creates a new mail message, accesses the document you want to send, and use the NotesDocument.RenderToRTItem method to include the visible contents of that document in the new message.

Power Automate: Take one email with two attachments and save each attachment into a different folder

I used to get an email with one attachment and save it to a sharepoint/onedrive folder through Power Automate. The condition was that it had an attachment, then part of the subject and the sender email address. However, now I get two attachments in the same email, with different attachment names (the vendor will not send these separately). Now I have been trying multiple ways of moving these two attachments into separate sharepoint/onedrive folders.. without success.
What I have now (trying to check what the name of the attachment is, and based on that, move it to a specific folder). The difference between this and what I had when there was only one attachment, is the "Get Attachment (V2)" step and the Condition. However, when I try to run it, the first and second condition returns "false".. although the name does contain exactly what I have written as the condition..
Had to have the condition in a "apply to each attachment in email" (apply to each) step, and then just wait for the actual email I am setting this up for to arrive. My testing failed due to my own email being digitally signed / encrypted, which Power Automate cannot handle..

Changing the email body for transactions sent as a PDF attachment

When a Sales Order is emailed to a customer with Email Preference set to PDF, the body of the email reads:
Please open the attached file to view your Sales Order.
To view the attachment, you first need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have it yet, visit Adobe's Web site to download it.[/CODE]
I'd like to add onto this message a bit. I think that will require me to write a script that renders the transaction to a PDF template and sends the email with whatever message I choose. It also needs to prevent NetSuite from sending the default email as well.
Would the following work:
In a beforeSubmit function on Sales Order records, if the customer has Email Preference=PDF, uncheck the 'Email To' field. Set a new custom checkbox such as 'Email PDF' to true instead.
In a User Event Script, after a Sales Order submits and has 'Email PDF' set to true, render the transaction to a PDF and send it in an email to all the 'Email To' recipients.
Or is there a better solution I may be overlooking?
The 'duplicate question' says this can't be done yet I have a working solution. It also references SuiteTalk, not the same.
This is a solution someone gave me on the official NetSuite forum:
You can accomplish this fairly easily with a Workflow.
- Trigger on Before Record Submit when 'To Be E-mailed' = T
- Set Field Value of 'To Be E-mailed' = F
- Transition to next state After Record Submit
- Use 'Send Email' action. This allows you to use an email template and
also automatically attach pdf

Kentico 11 - Macro's not working in Marketing Emails

I have just started to use Kentico, so far everything has been straight-forward however I cannot get certain Macro's to work in Marketing Emails (to insert personalized information in the email such as their country).
Here is a quick overview of my automation process
Person submits a form on the website
Form field information gets mapped to the contact
Automation process begins
Internal/Transactional email sent which contains the requesters information (Macro's work)
Marketing email sent to requester, containing relevant information (Only basic Macro's work (for example recipient.firstname))
The issue is that the Macro's that are used (and working) in the internal transactional email do not appear to work in the marketing emails section, for example: {% OnlineMarketingContext.CurrentContact.ContactCountry #%} would copy in the requesters Country in the transactional/internal email, but it remains blank in marketing emails (Note: I have tested this fully, not as a draft email as I've read that the information doesn't get passed in a draft email).
I have tried using different objects (ContactManagementContext, etc.), however nothing appears to bring in personalized information.
Is there something I need to do to get the Macro's working within the Marketing Emails section? I have read through the docs online and I can't find anything to make this work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The newsletter email macros are based off the subscriber not the contact. If you want to use the contact info, you will have to find a way to relate the subscriber to the contact.
This video shows how to see what macros are available.
Zach is correct. Normally, you would lookup the Contact based on the email address of the Recipient, e.g. {%GlobalObjects.Contacts.Where("ContactEmail = '"+Recipient.Email+"'").TopN(1).FirstItem%}. However, there is a hidden object you can use in marketing emails: {%Advanced.ContactInfo%}

How to store the content of an email (the email & attachments) in one file in SharePoint?

SharePoint is breaking the emails apart separating the attachments from the emails were sent into, resulting in multiple files where should be only one.
Does anyone knows a solution around this issue? How to store an email and its content in one file in SharePoint?
Use the EmailReceived event handler. This is fired when an email is received, leaving you to do the processing.
It passes through an SPEmailMessage which contains the raw message and any attachments. Your event handler would need to extract the mail message and store it as a list item, then copy the attachments over to the Attachments collection of the list item.
