How to create dialogflow conversation to make a price estimation - node.js

My agent’s goal is to ask 6 questions to make a price estimation of 2 different products.
It asks the 1st question: ‘do you want to make a price estimation for product1 or product2 ?’
And then, it asks 5 questions about the product’s characteristics (i.e. the product’s age, size…) to finally display the price estimation.
All flow made on Dialogflow UI with an inline editor for the fulfillment to calculate and then save data on Firebase DB.
My question -> Is it better to create :
1/ Create only 2 intents : product1 and product2 ? Then in those intents, ask the others 5 questions in ‘action and parameters’ section by filling parameters, entities and values.
2/ Create 6 differents intents for the 6 questions, with parameter value for each ones.
On my side :
I have tested the 1/, I’m able to retrieve all data on my Firebase DB but my 2 products have similar entities and parameters values (‘size’ for example) and my agent make errors’ flow to the wrong intent.
I have tested the 2/ (I think it’s the better way because all intents are more efficient) I’m able to make the good flow. But at the last question, I don’t know how to retrieve previous parameters values to make the price estimation.
Thanks a lot for the help ;)

Remember that Intents are designed to capture what the user is saying - not necessarily the logic behind how you intend to handle that. While you can use things like Contexts to keep track of state, it is sometimes better to handle that with your logic. (See Thinking for Voice: Design Conversations not Logic)
You should be storing anything you wish to remember between Intents in the parameters of a long-lived Context.


Response based on user input, dynamic reponses

Good day,
I am currently trying to create an intent that is able to put out responses depending on the user input. (The chatbot should be implemented on a website later)
Let's say we have an entity called cars with three entries: "Volkswagen" "Audi" "Ford".
Now when the user types in something with e.g. Audi in it, the response will correspond to this. Something like this: If Audi then give this response, if Ford then this response.
I couldn't find anything helpful yet.
Thank you in advance!
Remember that Intents represent what the user says and not how you handle this or how you reply. Although Dialogflow does offer the ability to respond to Intents, these aren't based on specific values that may appear in parameters.
There are, however, a variety of ways you can handle what you're doing, based on the rest of what you're trying to do.
Multiple Intents
One solution is to create an Intent for each type of thing that the user may talk about. You could then put the response you want for each in the response section of that Intent.
This is probably a bad approach, but may be useful in some ways. It requires you to duplicate phrases between the different Intents, which leads to a lot of duplication. On the upside, it does let you vary the replies, and truly represents the Intent of what the user is trying to say.
Using Parameters with Fulfillment
A better approach is to have a single Intent with many phrases representing what the users can ask. These phrases would have parameters of your Entity Type.
You can then enable Fulfillment for this Intent and write a Fulfillment webhook for the Intent that would look a the value of the parameter and send back an appropriate reply.
Using Parameters with DetectIntent
Since your ultimate goal is to embed this on a website, it may be more appropriate to have your website show something different based on what the user has said. (For example to show a picture of the car in another pane or links to different pages, to use your example of cars.)
In this case, your chat client (or a proxy) would be calling the DetectIntent API. You can structure your Intent similar to above, with parameters of the Entity Type, and the reply that is sent to your client would contain the Intent along with the value of the parameter. Your client then can check the value of the parameter and change the display accordingly.

User custom input value based decision tree implementation using dialogflow

I need following feature in the flow.
based on users input like gold , silver bot should direct him to those particular credit card flows.
How to enable loop in flows.
How to perform 4 to 5 steps long guided flow which is a big complex tree.
I have gone through documentations, read about input and output context not of much help but could not get any help in providing hops in the conversation flow as mentioned in the diagram.
Tried using Dialogflow only
I am not able to navigate between the flows.
I would suggest to build a basic Action to get familiar with the concepts, check out this codelab
If I understand correctly, you want to ask the user:
"...which one should I tell you about?"
and then the user can say "Silver", "Gold" or "Platinum".
First try to just implement this simple step. Create 4 intents in Dialogflow.
Welcome intent, the response should be "...which one should I tell you about?"
Silver Intent. Training phrase should be "Silver", response should be "You chose Silver"
Gold Intent. Training phrase should be "Gold", response should be "You chose Gold"
Platinum Intent. Training phrase should be "Platinum", response should be "You chose Platinum"
Once you've done that. Test it! It should trigger the correct intent based on your input. It's very simple to build a "switch" from a flow chart in Dialogflow.
Next step: You can replace Silver/Gold/Platinum with a custom entity, read more about this here.
This should already help you implement your flow chart.
In your chart you have currently just one answer for each card type Silver/Gold/Platinum - if you want more than one step per card type and need to remember you're still in the context of the Silver card - you can use contexts. In Dialogflow you can hover over the Silver intent you created earlier and create a follow-up intent. But with your current flow chart it's not necessary.

Intent with required parameter showing the count of items

trying to make an Intent for my first Conversational Assistant with a couple of parameters. Everything is build in Dialogflow and for some of my functionality I use fulfillment.
The easiest way to describe my assistant is as a cinema tickets booking.
I need to store #number_of_tickets, #cinema, #movie. The last two (#cinema and #movie) are very easy to solve with entities, however struggle a lot with #number_of_tickets. All of this parameters should be mandatory.
My goal is to allow such kind of functionality:
Book me a ticket for Star Wars in IMax (ticket = 1 = #number_of_tickets, Star Wars = #movie, IMax = #cinema)
Book me 2 tickets for Star Wars in IMax(2 tickets = 2 = #number_of_tickets, Star Wars = #movie, IMax = #cinema)
Book me tickets for Star Wars in IMax -> How many tickets you want to book?
I tried with composite Entities but it doesn't work as I'm expecting.
How I can enable such kind of functionality in Dialogflow?
Is there a way to require #number_of_tickets to be between 1 and 5?
Above question can be achieved by following below steps:
Step 1:
Create Entities for movie and cinema:
Step 2:
Create an intent with three parameters:
(If you want alow only from 1 to 5 then you can create an entity like cinema and movies with entries from 1 to 5 and map the number of tickets parameter with the same)
Step 3:
Make all the parameter Mandatory and define prompts for all as below:
Movie Prompts:
Cinema Prompts:
Number of tickets prompts:
It may not be obvious, but the answer to both of your questions can be addressed by remembering that Intents capture what the user says, and not what you do with what they say. You can have multiple Intents to capture different phrases, and handle them in mostly the same way in your fulfillment. (And these do require that you have some kind of fulfillment webhook behind the scenes.)
How can I assume a default of 1 ticket?
There are a couple of approaches.
The first is that you can setup an Intent to capture phrases that suggest a single ticket and a different Intent that explicitly requires a number. So perhaps one Intent (possibly book.single) with
I'd like to get a ticket for Star Wars in IMax
How about the IMax showing for Star Wars
Let me see the Star Wars for IMax
and so forth. While you'd also have a different Intent (possibly book.multiple) with
I'd like 2 tickets for Star Wars in IMax
2 tickets please for the IMax Star Wars
In your fulfillment, you might have some function that takes three parameters
bookTickets( num, movie, cinema );
In your Intent handler for book.single, you'd call this with
bookTickets( 1, movieParameter, cinemaParameter );
while in the Intent handler for book.multiple, this would be done with
bookTickets( countParameter, movieParameter, cinemaParameter );
In each case, the fulfillment still ends up calling the same function to do the actual work, but the handler sets the values as appropriate.
How can I limit how many tickets get ordered?
This goes to something that you didn't address - what do you want to happen if they try to order more? Do you want to direct them to a group order conversation? Reject it outright? Whatever you want - make sure you've planned out this path of a conversation before you try to implement it.
In this case, this isn't something you want to enforce in the Dialogflow Intent. Handling it in your fulfillment is easiest. There, you would apply any logic for the various parameters and return a message, prompting them about their next reply.
Logic is best handled in the fulfillment.
There are actually a couple of places this is important in your example. In the first, how would you handle more than 5 tickets requested? In your handler for book.multiple, you would check how many are requested. If between 1 and 5 inclusive, you'd call the book function above. But if not, you might want to just send back a replying saying "I'm sorry, you can only reserve 5 tickets maximum. How many tickets do you want?"
You would also need a new Intent to capture the reply. It could be as simple as just taking a number, but to make sure it only gets applied when you send back this prompt, you may want to set an Output Context indicating you're prompting for the number of tickets and then set this as an Input Context for the Intent that collects a number.
Are there other cases where you might want to apply logic before booking tickets? Plenty - and in each case you will probably want to make sure there is a new Intent that can capture what they want. For example, what if the movie they want to book isn't showing in that cinema? What if you already know that movie is sold out?
But what about Followup Intents?
Followup Intents are generally best avoided in general for exactly the same reason - Intents represent what the user says, and shouldn't try to model your code logic. There is nothing special about a Followup Intent - you can create an Intent at the top level that works the same way, but will be valid only if you prompt for certain things. How? Contexts again!
So if you prompt with possible showtimes ("Do you want the 2:00, 4:00, or 6:00 show?") you could also include a context (say "promptTime", for example) and then have an Intent that expects this as an Input Context and matches the times.
Intents represent what the user says
Your fulfillment code does something with what they've said
You can prompt them for more or different information in your fulfillment
Contexts can shape what replies you expect
Multiple Intent Handlers can call the same functions to do the work

how add a required filed to context parameters in dialog flow

In the chat application i am developing with dialog flow has scenario like this. Users can ask details about loans that they can get. that is a one intent. once user says the loan type they want i need to save it and use it every where when they ask question. for one example i have a another intent called loan payments.
In that intent they can ask questions like
I am interested in getting a personal loan for a duration of 5 years
and the loan amount would be 5 million rupees. Can you let me know the
monthly repayment amount?
to calculate that, loan type is a must (personal loan in this case). so if any user has specified the loan type before i need to use it here other wise i need to ask users to provide it again. but if i am using context i cant add add required. how to achieve this. also since i have already set the parameters i cant change the value of them. this is how my parameters look like
This is where your business logic comes in picture. Chat application can be built in two ways, directional & open-ended. In first one, you can explicitly go on asking few questions with set options/buttons for the services that you're offering & user has to select any one of them or in the second one, you keep it open for people to type-in anything & then you extract values & respond them based on their inputs.
Now that you're of second type, even if you use contexts, dialogflow offers you a favor to extract parameter values of first intent in the second one. You just have to use, #context_name.parameter_name. But now, if you're saying that if user has already defined loan type in earlier intent then you don't want to ask him again it in next intent, then this is purely a business logic that you will have to code in your webhook. Dialogflow won't do it for you.
I hope, this answers your question & if you don't want to do it that way, go for directional flow.

How to address Nonsense queries to LUIS?

I know that i can make a none intent to cover some of these, however we cannot just create every nonsense question a person could ask.
Or even if someone types in a 50 word statement. The bigger problem is that if we get a query to LUIS, it is assigning it an intent that is not correct, without even having identified any entities either.
What to do?
To handle these cases, it would be better to add more labeled utterances to your other intents and occasionally add the stray utterances to the None intent. When the model is better for predicting your non-None intents, the better predicting of None intents also accompany this (LUIS attempts to match to an intent rather than cutting intents out).
If intents are triggering without any entities being recognized (and thus you believe the wrong intent has been triggered), this should be handled at an application level, where you would then disambiguate the intents back to your users. If you've set the verbose flag to true, then you could take the top three scoring intents and present those back as options to your user. Then you can move back into the proper dialog.
After you've moved into the intent/dialog they meant to access, you can conduct a programmatic API call to add that utterance to the intent. Individually adding labeled utterances can be problematic (the programmatic API key has a limit of 100,000 transactions per month, and a rate of 10 transactions per second), so you can instead aggregate the utterances and conduct batch labeling. An additional bit of info; there is a limit of 100 labeled utterance per batch upload.
Adding to the Steven's answer - in the intent window, you have the Suggested Utternaces tab - this is also a hint for the algorithm, kind of reinforced learning approach.
