Concatenate to a list of string another string - string

The below code gives back a list of String but I want it work on multiple cases. The problem is that I can't create the same exact result with recursion.
The program gives back the following result:
replaceTabs 6 ["\thello world"]
=> [" hello world"]
Now this should work with a longer list like:
replaceTabs 6 ["asd dsa","\thello world"]
=> ["asd dsa"," hello world"]
Simple concat doesn't work, because it will give back undefined pattern.
replaceTab' :: Int -> [[Char]] -> [Char]
replaceTab' n [[x]] =
if x == '\t' then replicate n ' '
else [x]
replaceTabs :: Int -> [String]-> [String]
replaceTabs n [""] = [""]
replaceTabs n (x:xs) = (return . concat $ [replaceTab' n [a] | a <- (map (:[]) (x))])

replaceTab' :: Int -> [[Char]] -> [Char]
is the same as,
replaceTab' :: Int -> [String] -> String
What you should focus on is implementing a function,
replaceTab :: Int -> String -> String
which "fixes" a single String. Then replaceTabs is simply,
replaceTabs :: Int -> [String] -> [String]
replaceTabs n = map (replaceTab n)


Haskell Error - Couldn't match type `[Int] -> String' with `[Char]'; Expected type: String; Actual type: [Int] -> String

I am trying to run the Hopscotch practice exercise in Haskell and I am getting this error when compiling it. Would appreciate any help.
I checked the parameters and the output and they seem correct.
Histogram1.hs:11:16: error:
* Couldn't match type `[Int] -> String' with `[Char]'
Expected type: String
Actual type: [Int] -> String
* Probable cause: `(.)' is applied to too few arguments
module Histogram where
import qualified Data.Map as M
--- Type Aliases
type Count = Int
type Counts = M.Map Int Count
type Indices = [Int]
histogram :: [Int] -> String
histogram xs = histogram' . toCounts
histogram' :: Counts -> String
histogram' xs =
let (maxs, xs') = trim xs
in if null maxs
then footer
else asterisks maxs ++ histogram' xs'
footer :: String
footer = unlines ["=========="
, "0123456789"
toCounts :: [Int] -> Counts
toCounts = foldr insertOrAdjust M.empty
asterisks :: [Int] -> String
asterisks ns = map (\n -> if n `elem` ns then '*' else ' ') [0..9] ++ "\n"
The issue is in this line
histogram xs = histogram' . toCounts
it should either be
histogram xs = histogram' $ toCounts xs
histogram = histogram' . toCounts
What you wrote was function composition which yields [Int] -> String but then you have declared another variable.

Haskell -- How to draw lists of characters from a string?

How to draw lists of characters from a string?
For example, for a string "abcdefghi", return three strings "adg" "deh" "cfi".
for the first string, it's the 1st, n+1th and n+2th characters from the original string, n is the number of strings to generate.
Two solutions:
First: cryptic and short
drawlist :: Int -> String -> [String]
drawlist n s = [map fst $ filter snd $ zip str [mod c n == i | c<-[0..] ] | i <- [0..(n-1)]]
Second: long and maybe clearer
initlist :: Int -> [String]
initlist 0 = []
initlist n = "":(initlist (n-1))
addtonth :: [String] -> Int -> Char -> [String]
addtonth (x:xc) 1 c = (x++[c]):(addtonth xc 0 c)
addtonth (x:xc) i c = x:(addtonth xc (i-1) c)
addtonth [] i c = []
drawlist' :: Int -> String -> Int -> [String] -> [String]
drawlist' n (x:xs) i s = drawlist' n xs (mod (i+1) n) $ addtonth s (i+1) x
drawlist' n [] i s = s
drawlist :: Int -> String -> [String]
drawlist n s = drawlist n s 0 $ initlist n
Prelude> str = "abcdefghi"
Prelude> drawlist 2 str
Prelude> drawlist 3 str
Prelude> drawlist 4 str
Prelude> drawlist 5 str

Haskell - map values of a list of tuples with another function

I am writing some code that creates a histogram based on the values in a list of tuples.
The list looks like this:
This is my code so far:
-- creates a histogram string of each tuple
makeHistogramRow :: (String, Int) -> String
makeHistogramRow (str, int) = replicate int '*' ++ " -> " ++ str ++ "\n"
-- creates a histogram for each tuple in the list
makeHistogram :: [(String, Int)] -> String
makeHistogram (str, int) = concat (map makeHistogramRow (str, int))
main = do
putStrLn $ show $ makeHistogram [("her",4),("she",2),("friend",1)]
I am trying to map each value in the tuple to the
function but it doesnt seem to be working, i know im missing an anonymous function or something but i cant seem to figure it out...
The output should look like this:
**** -> her
** -> she
* -> friend
Does anyone know what im missing? Thanks
As mentioned in comments,
makeHistogram :: [(String, Int)] -> String
makeHistogram (str, int) = concat (map makeHistogramRow (str, int))
will not type check because (str,int) is a pattern of type (a,b) rather than [(a,b)].That is, it is a tuple, not a list of tuples. To make your code work you could say
makeHistogram :: [(String, Int)] -> String
makeHistogram ls = concat (map makeHistogramRow ls)
or, better
makeHistogram :: [(String, Int)] -> String
makeHistogram ls = concatMap makeHistogramRow ls
or even better
makeHistogram :: [(String, Int)] -> String
makeHistogram = concatMap makeHistogramRow

how can i write a function which will multiply every alphabet of string n times in Haskell [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
In Haskell how can you multiply a list of string? [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm trying to write a function that takes a String and an Int and returns that every element of string is multiplyed "int" times. That is:
duplicate :: String -> Int -> String
duplicate " abc " 2
the output should be
Main >> " aabbcc "
You should look at the following functions in Prelude:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] to "do someting" with every element of a list
replicate :: Int -> a -> [a] to replicate an item n times
concat :: Foldable t => t [a] -> [a] to concat, e.g a list of lists into a single list
Actually there are many ways to achieve what you want:
You could either do it recursively...
duplicate :: String -> Int -> String
duplicate (c:s) n
| s == [] = replicate n c
| otherwise = replicate n c ++ duplicate s n
... or as the others pointed out, by using some of the Prelude functions ...
duplicate' :: String -> Int -> String
duplicate' s n = concatMap (replicate n) s
... or by using fold ...
duplicate'' :: String -> Int -> String
duplicate'' s n = foldr1 (\c acc -> replicate n c ++ acc) "" s
You would use these functions like:
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ duplicate "abc" 3 -- "aaabbbccc"
print $ duplicate' "abc" 3 -- "aaabbbccc"
print $ duplicate'' "abc" 3 -- "aaabbbccc"

How to change IO() into [String] in Haskell?

I am making a frame that print a character frame around a character as I show below.
This is example of frame. Example to understand what I actual frame is and What i am want from all these function right, left, up and down:
a is list of string that is A.
Main> showMatDownAttach '#' a
a a
a a
a a
a a
a a
Main> showMatDownAttach '#' a
a a
a a
a a
a a
a a
I also have for right and left. Now I want to make a function that can combine all of them in one function. How I can do this?
a = [" aaaaa "," a a "," a a "," aaaaaaa "," a a "," a a "," a a "]
--badar = putStr( concat (map (++ "\n")(letter 'a')))
--showMat :: Char -> IO()
--showMat ch = putStr (concat ( map(++ "\n") (letter 'a')))
replicateIt :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char]
replicateIt x ls=take x (cycle ls)
--repeatIt :: Int -> [Char] -> [[Char]]
repeatIt num []=[]
repeatIt num (x:sx)= replicateIt num [x]:(repeatIt num sx)
hStretchChar :: Int -> Char -> String
hStretchChar i ch = replicate i ch
hStretchString :: Int -> String -> String
hStretchString i sts = concat ( map ( hStretchChar i) sts)
hStretchListOfString :: Int -> [String] -> [String]
hStretchListOfString i stlist = map (hStretchString i ) stlist
vStretchString :: Int -> String -> String
vStretchString i str = concat (replicate i (str ++ "\n"))
vStretchListOfString :: Int -> [String] -> [String]
vStretchListOfString i strList = map (vStretchString i) strList
stretch :: Int -> Int -> [String] -> [String]
stretch i j strList = vStretchListOfString i (hStretchListOfString j strList)
showMat' :: [String] -> IO()
showMat' strList = putStr (concat (stretch 1 1 strList))
--Left Attach Character
leftattach :: Char -> [String] -> [String]
leftattach a strlist = map ( a: ) strlist
showMatCharAttachLeft :: Char -> [String] -> IO()
showMatCharAttachLeft a strList = putStr (concat (stretch 1 1 ( leftattach a strList)))
charToString :: Char -> String
charToString a = a:[]
--Right Attach Character
rightattach :: Char -> [String] -> [String]
rightattach a strlist = map (++(charToString a)) strlist
showMatCharAttachRight :: Char -> [String] -> IO()
showMatCharAttachRight a strList = putStr (concat (stretch 1 1 ( rightattach a strList)))
--Up Attach Character
upattach :: Char -> [String] -> [String]
upattach a strList = take (length (head strList)) (cycle (charToString a)) : strList
showMatUpAttach :: Char -> [String] -> IO()
showMatUpAttach a strList = putStr (concat (stretch 1 1 (upattach a strList)))
--Down Attach Character
downattach :: Char -> [String] -> [String]
downattach a strList = strList ++ listOfCharTolistOfString (take (length (head strList)) (cycle (charToString a)))
showMatDownAttach :: Char -> [String] -> IO()
showMatDownAttach a strList = putStr (concat (stretch 1 1 (downattach a strList)))
--test0 a strList = listOfCharTolistOfString (take (length (head strList)) (cycle (charToString a)))
listOfCharTolistOfString :: [Char] -> [String]
listOfCharTolistOfString a = a:[]
IO () is a very opaque type; there isn't much you can do with it, and there isn't any meaningful way to convert it to [String]. Once you're in IO, you can't get out of it.
Generally in Haskell you write most of your code without using IO. Here's a solution to the problem to demonstrate what I mean. Notice that all of the "frame" code is defined with pure functions, and IO doesn't get introduced until main at the very end.
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.List (repeat)
frame1 :: a -> [a] -> [a]
frame1 f xs = [f] ++ xs ++ [f]
frame2 :: a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
frame2 f grid = frame1 edge $ frame1 f <$> grid
where edge = take (width grid + 2) $ repeat f
width :: [[a]] -> Int
width [] = 0
width (x:_) = length x
a :: [[Char]]
a = [ " aaaaa "
, " a a "
, " a a "
, " aaaaaaa "
, " a a "
, " a a "
, " a a "
main :: IO ()
main = traverse_ putStrLn $ foldr frame2 a "* &"
* *
* &&&&&&&&&&& *
* & aaaaa & *
* & a a & *
* & a a & *
* & aaaaaaa & *
* & a a & *
* & a a & *
* & a a & *
* &&&&&&&&&&& *
* *
So, IO () encapsulates all side-effects and is not just about console output. So pedantically there is no way to "change IO () to [String]"
With that said, I believe System.Posix.Redirect is what you are looking for. You just want to call showMatDownAttach to capture stdout to get the [String] you want.
A quick Google search reveals a couple more packages to do this as well:
Now doing this is not very idiomatic Haskell and if you have access to showMatDownAttach you'll want to change it to something like what suggests. But since you ask this question I believe you already considered that and somehow that's not an option.
