find() in Beautifulsoup returns None - python-3.x

I'm very new to programming in general and I'm trying to write my own little torrent leecher. I'm using Beautifulsoup In order to extract the title and the magnet link of a torrent file. However find() element keeps returning none no matter what I do. The page is correct. I've also tested with find_next_sibling and read all the similar questions but to no avail. Since there are no errors I have no idea what my mistake is.
Any help would be much appreciated. Below is my code:
import urllib3
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
print("Please enter the movie name: \n")
search_string = input("")
open_page = ('' + search_string + '/s-1/all/all/') # get link - creates a search string with input value
manager = urllib3.PoolManager(10)
page_content = manager.urlopen('GET',open_page)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page_content,'html.parser')
magnet = soup.find('a', attrs={'class': 'movielink'}, href=True)

Check out the following script which does exactly what you wanna achieve. I used requests library instead of urllib3. The main mistake you made is that you looked for the magnet link in the wrong place. You need to go one layer deep to dig out that link. Try using quote instead of string manipulation to fit your search query within the url.
Give this a shot:
import requests
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from urllib.parse import quote
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
keyword = 'The Last Of The Mohicans'
url = ''
base = f"{url}{quote(keyword)}{'/p-1/all/all/'}"
res = requests.get(base)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text,'html.parser')
tlink = urljoin(url,soup.select_one(".img-item .movielink").get("href"))
req = requests.get(tlink)
sauce = BeautifulSoup(req.text,"html.parser")
title = sauce.select_one("h1[itemprop='name']").text
magnet = sauce.select_one("a#dm").get("href")


How Can I Assign A Variable To All Of The Items In A List?

I'm following a guide and it's saying to print the first item from an html document that contains the dollar sign.
It seems to do it correctly, outputting a price to the terminal and it actually being present on the webpage. However, I don't want to have just that single listing, I want to have all of the listings and print them to the terminal.
I'm almost positive that you could do this with a for loop, but I don't know how to set that up correctly. Here's the code I have so far with a comment on line 14, and the code I'm asking about on line 15.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import os
url = ''
result = requests.get(url)
doc = BeautifulSoup(result.text, "html.parser")
prices = doc.find_all(text="$")
#Print all prices instead of just the specified number?
parent = prices[0].parent
strong = parent.find("strong")
You could try the following:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import os
url = ''
result = requests.get(url)
doc = BeautifulSoup(result.text, "html.parser")
prices = doc.find_all(text="$")
for price in prices:
parent = price.parent
strong = parent.find("strong")

How to add inner text of link in Web Crawler?

In web crawler ,I want to write hyperlink inner text along with url.How can I achieve that?
for this link I want to write in crawled file as
I have tried LinkFinder in python,here I am able to get link but not able to get inner text.
from urllib.request import urlopen
from link_finder import LinkFinder
def gather_links(page_url):
html_string = ''
response = urlopen(page_url)
if 'text/html' in response.getheader('Content-Type'):
html_bytes =
html_string = html_bytes.decode("utf-8")
finder = LinkFinder('',page_url)
except Exception as e:
return finder.page_links()
Since you are looking to get not just the link but also the text inside the link, you will need to use an HTML parser library. One of these two should work for you:
link = 'Text'
import lxml.html
target = lxml.html.fromstring(link)
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
soup = bs(link,'lxml')
target = soup.find('a')
And then, using either library:
my_str = target.text+' '+target.get('href')

How can I scrape data which is not having any of the source code?
# code to scrape the links from the html
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib.request
data = open('scrapeFile','r')
html =
soup = BeautifulSoup(html,features="html.parser")
# code to extract links
links = []
for div in soup.find_all('div', {'class':'main-bar z-depth-1'}):
# print(div.a.get('href'))
links.append('' + str(div.a.get('href')))
file = open("links.txt", "w")
for link in links:
file.write(link + '\n')
I have successfully got the list of links by using this code. But When I want to scrape the data from those links from their html page, these don't have any of the source code that contains data,and to extract them it my job tough . I have used selenium driver , but it won't work well for me.
I want to scrape the data from the below link , that contains data in the html sections , which have Customer details, licence and automation, commercial details, Floor wise, operational details . I want to extract these data with name , location , contact number and type.
it 's link here . If someone finds solution , please give it to me.
Using Developer tools in your browser, you'll notice whenever you visit that link there is a request for that returns a json response probably containing the data you're looking for.
Python 2.x:
import urllib2, json
contents = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen("").read())
print contents
Python 3.x:
import urllib.request, json
contents = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen("").read().decode('UTF-8'))
Here you go , the main problem with the site seems to be it takes time to load that's why it was returning incomplete page source. you have to wait until page loads completely. notice time.sleep(8) this line in code below :
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
from selenium import webdriver
import time
CHROMEDRIVER_PATH ="C:\Users\XYZ\Downloads/Chromedriver.exe"
wd = webdriver.Chrome(CHROMEDRIVER_PATH)
responce = wd.get("")
time.sleep(8) # wait untill page loads completely
soup = BeautifulSoup(wd.page_source, 'lxml')
props_list = []
propvalues_list = []
div = soup.find_all('div', {'class':'row'})
for childtags in div[6].findChildren('div',{'class':'col s12 m4 info-col'}):
props = childtags.find("span").contents
propvalue = childtags.find("p",recursive=True).contents
note: code will return Construction details in 2 seperate list.

Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup code review

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import pandas as pd
keep_looking = True
url = ''
while keep_looking:
re = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(re.text,'html.parser')
data = soup.find_all('section',attrs={'class':'fcListing'})
for d in data:
event = d.find('a').text
date = d.find('span',attrs={'class':'datetime'}).text[1:-4]
location = d.find('span',attrs={'class':'venue-location'}).text
mainEvent = first.find('span',attrs={'class':'bout'}).text
url_tag = soup.find('div',attrs={'class':'fightcenterEvents'})
if not url_tag:
keep_looking = False
url = "" + url_tag.find('a')['href']
I am wondering if there are any errors in my code? It is running, but it is taking a very long time to finish and I am afraid it might be stuck in an infinity loop. Please any feedback would be helpful. Please do not rewrite all of this and post, as I would like to keep this format, as I am learning and want to improve.
Although this is not the right site to seek help for review related task, I considered giving a solution as it sounds that you may fall in an infinite loop according to your statement above.
Try this to get information from that site. It will run until there is a next page link to traverse. When there is no more new page link to follow, the script will automatically stop.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import requests
url = ''
while True:
re = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(re.text,'html.parser')
for data in soup.find_all('section',attrs={'class':'fcListing'}):
event = data.select_one('.name a').get_text(strip=True)
date = data.find('span',attrs={'class':'datetime'}).get_text(strip=True)[:-1]
location = data.find('span',attrs={'class':'venue-location'}).get_text(strip=True)
mainEvent = data.find('span',attrs={'class':'bout'}).get_text(strip=True)
except AttributeError: mainEvent = ""
print(f'{event} {date} {location} {mainEvent}')
urltag = soup.select_one('.pagination a[rel="next"]')
if not urltag: break #as soon as it finds that there is no next page link, it will break out of the loop
url = urljoin(url,urltag.get("href")) #applied urljoin to save you from using hardcoded prefix
For future reference: feel free to post any question in this site to get your code reviewed.

How can i get the links under a specific class

So 2 days ago i was trying to parse the data between two same classes and Keyur helped me a lot then after he left other problems behind.. :D
Page link
Now I want to get the links under a specific class, here is my code, and here are the errors.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib.request
import datetime
headers = {} # Headers gives information about you like your operation system, your browser etc.
headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0' # I defined a user agent because HLTV perceive my connection as bot.
hltv = urllib.request.Request('', headers=headers) # Basically connecting to website
session = urllib.request.urlopen(hltv)
sauce = # Getting the source of website
soup = BeautifulSoup(sauce, 'lxml')
a = 0
b = 1
# Getting the match pages' links.
for x in soup.find('span',
Actually there isn't any error but it outputs like:
Then i researched and saw that if there isn't any data to give, find function gives you nothing which is none.
Then i tried to use find_all
AttributeError: 'NavigableString' object has no attribute 'find_all'
This is the class name:
<div class="standard-headline">2018-05-01</div>
I don't want to post all the code to here so here is the link so you can check the classes more easily.
I'm not quite sure I could understand what links OP really wants to grab. However, I took a guess. The links are within compound classes a-reset block upcoming-match standard-box and if you can spot the right class then one individual calss will suffice to fetch you the data like selectors do. Give it a shot.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import datetime
url = ''
req = Request(url, headers={"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0"})
res = urlopen(req).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(res, 'lxml')
for links in soup.find(class_="standard-headline",text=("upcoming-match")[:-2]:
and so on ------
