I have a function called learn in a module called lrn_proto.
I use it at other script, I can import it, but I'm not able to use it's function, it works before. But right now its not working anymore, and I even didn't modify the source code.
Here is the source of lrn_proto:
import sys
import os
import re
import time
from cfg_exe import exe_loc as loc
import mem_writer as mw
import prototype_ui as ptui
def learn(src,keywords,type,identifier):
if src == r'\exit':
print('You have choose to exit this program, see you later.')
elif src == r'\add':
temp = src.lower()
for x in keywords:
if x in temp:
temp_k1 = list(temp.partition(x))
temp_k1_t = list(str(temp_k1.index(x)))
except ValueError:
for b in temp_k1_t:
temp_k = list([temp_k1.pop(int(b))])
elif x not in temp:
temp_k = list('')
for x in type:
if x in temp:
temp_t1 = list(temp.partition(x))
temp_t1_t = list(str(temp_t1.index(x)))
except ValueError:
for b in temp_t1_t:
temp_t = list([temp_t1.pop(int(b))])
elif x not in temp:
temp_t = list('')
for x in identifier:
if x in temp:
temp_i1 = list(temp.partition(x))
temp_i1_t = list(str(temp_i1.index(x)))
except ValueError:
for b in temp_i1_t:
temp_i = list([temp_i1.pop(int(b))])
elif x not in temp:
temp_i = list('')
temp_kti = list(temp_k+temp_t+temp_i)
act_patt = '|'.join(temp_kti)
act = (''.join((re.split(act_patt,temp))).strip(' .'))
print('Keywords: ',temp_k,'\nType: ',temp_t,'\nIdentifier: ',temp_i,'\nContent: ',act)
I tried:
from lrn_proto import learn
It produce:
ImportError: cannot import name 'learn' from 'lrn_proto'
Then with
import lrn_proto,
It produce this while the function is being called:
AttributeError: module 'lrn_proto' has no attribute 'learn'
The weird things are Those produced error doesn't tell me whats wrong with my code.
I had already add all modules directory to sys.path
Did anyone can inform me what is the wrong of my code?
I had no idea about what's wrong with my code.
I'm using Python3 on Windows.
Kindly ask me if you need more info about this question.
From this, I was able to make this:
import os
import types
import zipfile
import sys
import io
class ZipImporter(object):
def __init__(self, zip_file):
self.zfile = zip_file
self._paths = [x.filename for x in self.zfile.filelist]
def _mod_to_paths(self, fullname):
# get the python module name
py_filename = fullname.replace(".", os.sep) + ".py"
# get the filename if it is a package/subpackage
py_package = fullname.replace(".", os.sep) + "/__init__.py"
if py_filename in self._paths:
return py_filename
elif py_package in self._paths:
return py_package
return None
def find_module(self, fullname, path):
if self._mod_to_paths(fullname) is not None:
return self
return None
def load_module(self, fullname):
filename = self._mod_to_paths(fullname)
if not filename in self._paths:
raise ImportError(fullname)
new_module = types.ModuleType(fullname)
exec(self.zfile.open(filename, 'r').read(),new_module.__dict__)
new_module.__file__ = filename
new_module.__loader__ = self
if filename.endswith("__init__.py"):
new_module.__path__ = []
new_module.__package__ = fullname
new_module.__package__ = fullname.rpartition('.')[0]
return new_module
for key in module_dict:
import pyparsing
Using the source code of pyparsing as a test. However, it fails with ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package. Even if I replace all the relative imports with absolute imports, it fails with RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object, as it tries to import pyparsing repeatedly. Is there something fundamental I'm not understanding about the way Python's import system works?
I found the answer --- PEP 302 says that:
Note that the module object must be in sys.modules before the loader executes the module code. This is crucial because the module code may (directly or indirectly) import itself; adding it to sys.modules beforehand prevents unbounded recursion in the worst case and multiple loading in the best.
I need to be able to use classes, but trying to just get my simple code to work
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
class OutOfCountry7ViewModel():
def pandas_conversion(self):
#from csv import readers
deImport = pd.read_csv("ooc-exceptions.csv")
d1 = pd.read_csv("CS_Out_Of_Country.csv", encoding='windows-1252', parse_dates=True)
d2 = pd.read_csv("sccm-devices.csv", encoding='windows-1252')
d3 = pd.read_csv("CTLDAPRawData.csv", encoding='windows-1252')
#pandas join magic
lj_df1 = pd.merge(d1, d2, left_on="ComputerName", right_on="Name", how="left")
lj_df2 = pd.merge(d2, d3, left_on="PrimaryUser", right_on="Employee Number", how="left")
#lj_df = plj_df1d.join(lj_df2, lsuffix=)
df = (lj_df1)
df.to_csv('CS_Out_of_country_tabl.csv', index=False,header=df.columns, encoding='utf-8')
csv = 'CS_Out_of_country_tabl.csv'
return csv
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
i keep getting an error, NameError: name 'pandas_conversion' is not defined
Are you trying to do something like this? -
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
class OutOfCountry7ViewModel():
def pandas_conversion(self,csv):
def main(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
some_object = OutOfCountry7ViewModel()
This should work:
a = OutOfCountry7ViewModel()
Hope this helped!
Try to remember the semantics and indentation of python.
Unused import numpy
Class/Parent Class has no (), Line 3
class OutOfCountry7ViewModel(): #wrong
class OutOfCountry7ViewModel: #right
There is no need of ()
df = (lj_df1)
#if you using some func then you miss that func name
If you're defining a method in the class you've to add instance self
def main(self):
pandas_conversion(self) #wrong calling func with parameter
I think your code is wrong because in PyCharm, it says def pandas_conversion(self): may be static.
So, your code is incomplete, there is something missing that we can't find.
Update: turns out od.download() returns None by design.
What might be better than a None check for od.download() "failure"?
I am downloading a .zip file using opendatasets lib.
In iris_scans(); line print(download), without the if-statement prints None.
However, at invocation scans = iris_scans() data is returned and subsequent prints can display data successfully.
The purpose of the if-statement is for "Graceful error handling".
Note: I've used an if-statement instead of try-except as there are many possibilities why download == None (e.g. dead link, connection interrupt etc.)
pip3 install opendatasets
import opendatasets as od
import zipfile
import os
import shutil
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
def iris_scans():
download = od.download('http://www.mae.cuhk.edu.hk/~cvl/iris_database/iris_database.zip')
if download == None:
print('Iris Scans - Link could not be established')
return [[]*1778]
path_extract = 'iris_database/'
with zipfile.ZipFile('iris_database.zip', 'r') as zip_ref:
os.remove(path_extract + 'readme.txt')
filenames = os.listdir(path_extract)
scans = []
for f in filenames:
img = Image.open(path_extract + f)
#print("IMG", img)
matrix = np.array(img)
#print("MATRIX", matrix)
os.remove(path_extract[:-1] + '.zip')
# Data Augmentation
scans_90 = [np.rot90(s) for s in scans]
scans_180 = [np.rot90(s) for s in scans_90]
scans_270 = [np.rot90(s) for s in scans_180]
scans_flip = [np.flip(s) for s in scans]
scans_flip_90 = [np.rot90(s) for s in scans_flip]
scans_flip_180 = [np.rot90(s) for s in scans_flip_90]
scans_flip_270 = [np.rot90(s) for s in scans_flip_180]
scans += scans_90
scans += scans_180
scans += scans_270
scans += scans_flip_90
scans += scans_flip_180
scans += scans_flip_270
return scans
scans = iris_scans()
The original question was a road-block on the path of implementing some form of Exception Handling for the download.
od.download() == None by design; so an alternative to if download == None needed to be made.
As pointed out and assisted by #Henry; the below Try-except incorporates all exceptions found in the Github source.
import urllib
def iris_scans():
download = od.download('http://www.dgcdgyugcwyugyugcasc.com/wqduiuwqdwq') # BROKEN
return scans
except (urllib.error.URLError, IOError, RuntimeError) as e:
print('Iris Scans - failed')
return [[]*1778]
Iris Scans - failed
Top answer to this post demos many exceptions on one line.
I spent nearly the whole day with this and came to the end of my knowledge:
I want to change a shared multiprocessing.Value string in the subprocess, but python hangs as soon as the subprocess is trying to change the shared value.
Below an example code:
from multiprocessing import Process, Value, freeze_support
from ctypes import c_wchar_p
def test(x):
with x.get_lock():
x.value = 'THE TEST WORKED'
if __name__ == "__main__":
value = Value(c_wchar_p, '')
p = Process(target=test, args = (value,))
# this try block is to also allow p.run()
What I tried and does not work:
I tried ctypes c_wchar_p and c_char_p, but both result in the same freezing.
I tried also without x.get_lock()
I tried also without freeze_support()
What works (but does not help):
Using a float as the shared value (value = Value('d',0) and x.value = 1).
Running the Process without starting a subprocess (replace p.start() with p.run() )
I am using Windows 10 64 bit and Python 3.6.4 (Spyder, but also tried outside of Spyder).
Any help welcome!
A shared pointer won't work in another process because the pointer is only valid in the process in which it was created. Instead, use an array:
import multiprocessing as mp
def test(x):
x.value = b'Test worked!'
if __name__ == "__main__":
x = mp.Array('c',15)
p = mp.Process(target=test, args = (x,))
b'Test worked!'
Note that array type 'c' is specialized and returns a SynchronizedString vs. other types that return SynchronizedArray. Here's how to use type 'u' for example:
import multiprocessing as mp
from ctypes import *
def test(x):
x.get_obj().value = 'Test worked!'
if __name__ == "__main__":
x = mp.Array('u',15)
p = mp.Process(target=test, args = (x,))
Test worked!
Note that operations on the wrapped value that are non-atomic such as += that do read/modify/write should be protected with a with x.get_lock(): context manager.
I have been trying to get this work for a very long time but I couldn't seem to get it to work. I tried to import Image as well but canopy couldn't name the module Image. I really need some help with this one. Someone help me please, I'm so stuck right now.
import PIL
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os.path
import PIL.ImageDraw
def get_images(directory=None):
if directory == None:
directory = os.getcwd() # Use working directory if unspecified
image_list = [] # Initialize aggregaotrs
file_list = []
directory_list = os.listdir(directory) # Get list of files
for entry in directory_list:
absolute_filename = os.path.join(directory, entry)
image = PIL.Image.open(absolute_filename)
file_list += [entry]
image_list += [image]
except IOError:
pass # do nothing with errors tying to open non-images
return image_list, file_list
def ben(x_range=None):
background = PIL.Image.open("funland.jpg")
overlay = PIL.Image.open("shivam2.jpg")
background = background.convert("RGBA")
overlay = overlay.convert("RGBA")
background_pixels = background.load()
overlay_pixels = overlay.load()
if x_range == None:
for y in x_range(overlay.size[1]):
for x in x_range(overlay.size[0]):
background_pixels[x,y] = (background_pixels[x,y][0], background_pixels[x,y][1], background_pixels[x,y][2], 255)
if x_range == None:
for y in x_range(overlay.size[1]):
for x in x_range(overlay.size[0]):
overlay_pixels[x,y] = (overlay_pixels[x,y][0], overlay_pixels[x,y][1], overlay_pixels[x,y][2], 128)
new_img = PIL.Image.blend(background, overlay, 0.5)
The error is in these two lines:
if x_range == None:
for y in x_range(overlay.size[1]):
First, you check if the range is a None object, then you try to call it with (overlay.size[1]). I guess you meant x_range != None?