How to install just node modules without internet - node.js

There is a way to install npm package to a machine which doesn't have internet acccess is, using npm pack in machine with internet acces, copying it to machine without internet and running npm install <tar> in it. But npm pack, packs whole project.
But I want to manage and install the modules myself, without the opportunity for the developers to add/remove any modules. So I just want node_modules to be packaged. And then want to install it to machine without internet.
For example when developer push his/her commits to origin, I want to get node_modules from ftp etc. and codes from GitLab then go on continuous integration with this static node_modules.
How can I do that?

There is a solution to manage the modules yourself: you can store your node_modules in its own repo in which your developers will only be able to clone/get the repo and not contribute/modify it.
Hope this helped you

This can be done, please look at Installing a local module using npm? . You can FTP or whatever to get the packages and install them using npm.


how to use npm to install all node modules in local network?

My node app will deploy in a bank that can't access the internet. Can I download all the node modules in a local directory, and install them from it, or just copy the node_modules to the bank machines? Any safe and practical advise will be highly appreciated, thank you.
How to add node_modules dependencies without using internet .
Add offline-npm to your project to serve a npm compatible tgz file wich contains all dependencies for offline installation with npm install.
Additionally you can use offline-npm -n to install packages from your local npm cache directory
For installation
npm install -g offline-npm
1) Open terminal and go to your project you want to prepare for offline use. This folder needs to contain a package.json file.
2) Prepare your project for offline use
offline-npm --add
3) This changes the package.json file and adds a offline folder which will contain all your dependencies.
Pack your project
npm pack
For more details , visit the Link
Hope this answer gets useful to you .
Typically you will want to bundle your node_modules into your deployable artifact.
There are some gotchas here around any native dependencies as you need to match the nodejs version of the build environment with the target system.
The easiest way to achieve this in my experience is by using docker to build and package your deployment. Though it is possible to do when running directly on host machines, you may find it safest to just avoid the usage of native dependencies to remove any risk of things breaking from a nodejs or os update.
I've also successfully achieved this packaging the nodejs binary into my deployment artifact that was deployed directly on centos hosts, however we had a mixture of centos 6 and centos 7 hosts at the time, which brought additional complexity related to different glibc versions causing nodejs to fail to start with the system provided library.
In short if you can I would use docker to package your application into a completely self contained image.
you can just copy the node_modules into the deployment machine but it is bad practice.
there are other solutions like using local-npm package... your npm installs are fetched from the registry and then modules and their dependencies get stored in a local PouchDB database. This caches them so subsequent npm installs use the local cache rather than calling to the network. local-npm also takes care of keeping modules updated when they change. It does this by listening for changes to the remote registry so you don't have to worry about staleness.
or bundling your packages to use them offline you could visit this link for more details for offline installation of npm packages:
How to install node modules in local network?
1. Solution: yarn offline and 'Offline Mirro'
One of the main advantages of Yarn is that it can install node_modules from files located in file system. We call it “Offline Mirror” because it mirrors the files downloaded from registry during the first build and stores them locally for future builds.
2. New problem: How to use yarn in local network?
Download yarn.tar.gz into the local repository, and install it in local node_modules directory.
npm install yarn.tar.gz --no-save
3. Usage
# run yarn install, and download the node modules (.tar.gz) into the offline mirror directory '$REPOSITORY/yarn/yarn-offline-mirror'.
npm run online-install
# with yarn.lock file, install node_modules from offline mirror directory '$REPOSITORY/yarn/yarn-offline-mirror'
npm run offline-install
4. Problems
4.1. problem 1
4.1.1. description
error can`t make a request in offline mode("http://....")
4.1.2. reason
the indirect dependencies could not be downloaded into offline mirror directory
4.1.3. resolution
yarn config set yarn-offline-mirror-pruning false
5. Github demo
6. Reference
1. Running Yarn offline

How to install/download packages without using npm install <package_name> or yarn install

I work in a banking domain company so here many link and websites are blocked. Currently I am working on a project where I am using react and Node.js as tech stack.
So whenever I want to install any new dependency or just npm install I get access problem.
Is there any other solution to download the dependencies from package.json file apart from npm install
It'll be really tough not having yarn or npm do dependency management for you but there are options.
I highly recommend you set up a private npm registry just for your company. There are many paid and free services that can do this as well as open source self-hosted solutions. Once set up, all you have to do is edit your npm or yarn configurations and you're good to go.
Here is a link with plenty of options to get this going. A few that come to mind of the top of my head are Artifactory and npm itself.
If none of these work for you, you can always just manually download npm packages from their Github repositories but this will be very tedious and time consuming (maybe you can write your custom package manager?) but I definitely don't recommend this route.

How to manage npm install in a system without internet connection

I am facing challenges while creating package for all the clientside components of my project in a system which does not have internet connection (for windows).
I have installed NPM for windows in the system. I need to manage the node_modules and run gulp commands in the system to create the package.
Since there is no internet connection in the box, I decided to copy the node_modules from my local box to the box which does not have internet connection.
For copy task, I am using msbuild script but somehow it is not working for me. Also, I see that when I am trying to copy the node_modules manual from one folder to another folder I am unable to copy.
Installed Node version : v0.12.2
NPM version: 2.7.4
Can anyone help me to provide any working sample to fix the above problem.
I think your approach is generally sound. You can build on the internet connected computer no problem! Copy files over with a usb stick if you like.
Here are some tips that might help solve your problems.
If the box is offline, develop on your local machine and deploy to the box
If possible do the gulp steps also on your local machine
Otherwise you need to run the local directory install of gulp. e.g.
node node_modules\gulp\bin\gulp.js build
because you won't be able to npm install -g gulp
Point 3 will work for other global npm_modules too btw
If you are facing long paths (> 256 characters) which can cause copy problems
Try using npm dedupe to remove duplicates
Or try copying to a shorter path e.g to c:\proj instead of to c:\very\long\path\proj
Or explicity install a dependency which has a long path
npm install deepdep#1.2.4
and then prune that folder from the original
rm node_modules\package\node_modules\package_with_too_many_nested_folders
Or Install the latest npm (v3.0 or higher) which solves this issue once and for all
e.g. npm install -g npm
which will build a much flatter hierarchy for your packages. Requires removing and reinstalling all packages.
Point 5 is a notorious issue on windows which is not a problem on linux because paths can be extremely long. (unless you are mounting a windows a windows directory from linux)
Personally I would go straight for the latest npm version but you have a number of ways of getting around the issue if this is not possible.

Installing and Upgrading Intern without NPM

Is there any way to install Intern without npm?
I'm not going to get the rights to download files through our corporate proxy and I can't convince anyone to spend a few dollars to upgrade to Artifactory Pro and use its npm support.
You could download it from GITHub [] at home, or on a computer of a friend (outside of the Proxy). But that are the sources which must be compiled. And even if you could download the node module then, there still be dependencies, which would have been resolved by hand. (npm could not add them automatically).
One idea is to put your project on a stick or external HD. Take it to Computer outside of the proxy. Install node on this computer. Install Intern and put it back to the work computer.

meteor deploy npm packages

I use multiple npm packages in my meteor application, for instance the 'knox' package for amazon s3 access.
On my local system I don't have any problems, because I have the 'knox'- npm package installed on my system. But on the server this is obviously not the case.
I have read different suggestions what I could do:
Install the npm module into the /public folder of my application
- unfortunately I don't know how to do that.
I followed this tutorial:
NPM Deploy Tutorial
I created packages/knox/package.js packages/knox/knox.js and I am pretty sure I did everything as described in the tutorial but this is not even working locally
Use npm package from Atmosphere. See details on how to use it.
Did you remember to add the knox package to the .meteor/packages file?
The link you shared is pre Meteor 0.6.5, which loaded all packages in packages/ automatically. Now, you need to specify them individually.
