Python sub folder modules not able to import other subfolder modules - python-3.x

I have been struggling to figure out how to organize my code effectively with many modules of various types. I have a three layered folder system. The parent directory contains the file which imports and runs the main code. The modules are in a subfolder called lib, and different modules are placed in further subfolders. However, when I import one module from a subfolder, that module itself fails to import modules in the same sub directory. Sorry if this is a bad question, but I cannot figure out why the import statement isn't working, and I have looked at google and stack overflow and have not found any similar problem. All advice is welcome.
Parent Directory
| tries but fails to import module_one)
In main I run
from lib.module_group.module_one import Module_One
Which works until an error is handled saying that there is no such module as module two. However, when I run module_one by itself, it works fine with the following import statement.
from module_two import Module_Two

Set PYTHONPATH to the directory you want to act as your root. For example, if you want to use the following code:
from lib.module_group.module_one import Module_One
Then set PYTHONPATH to the directorying containing lib. For example:
from lib.module_group.module_two import Module_Two
class Module_Two:
print('Loaded Module_Two')
Then, to run directly and still enable it to use lib.module_group.module_two to load Module_Two, use something like:
$ PYTHONPATH="${PWD}:${PYTHONPATH}" python3 lib/module_group/
Loaded Module_Two


How to import a module from parent directory within a subdirectory

I was working on a simple project, bike_rentals. I thought all was well until I began writing test files for the project.
I created a new directory and name it TestBikeRental and saved it within the BikeRentals directory, which contained the scripts for my project. I created the file within the BikeRentals and TestBikeRentals directory to make them each be a package. Within the top directory is the script that I use to run the modules\scripts contained in the package BikeRentals.
Directory structure
The problem comes up when I try to import the py script db_connection (underlined in yellow), within the
This is how tried to imported db_connection.
Importing db_connection
After numerous and numerous attempts, the errors that I kept receiving were these two:
from BikeRentals.BikeRentals.db_connection import Connect
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'BikeRentals'
from..db connection import Connect
ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package
To view the sourcecode in github repo:
I tried to import a module but got an error after numerous attempts. I was expecting no error when it comes to importing a module.

Import modules for testing with Pytest

I'm trying to test my code with Pytest framework, but for some reason I don't succeed importing my own code...
You have to import your code from the top module, like this:
from se2pdf.se2pdf import changeFileExtensionToPDF
the first se2pdf is the folder name and the second your file name. If it doesn't work, make sure there is a file in the modules.

How to import python git repos as packages

I am having trouble with importing python modules from two git repos as the code was not designed as a package, and there are name collisions which disabled me from being able to use sys.path.append in a straight-forward (albeit hacky?) manner.
Note that the problem is not particular of git-repos however I have encountered this problem only in this scenario because of trying to interface with existing work.
The folder structure looks like following:
- repo1
- repo2
Both import with import bar statements, which works fine as long as you are running the scripts in the repo, however if I try to import and I run into multiple issues.
On attempting the following code
I get the error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bar', this makes some sense as nothing in the path makes either accessible.
However if I try to append paths 'repo1' and 'repo2' then I can only import either or depending on order of appends, which is not an acceptable solution.
As the repositories are not my code I would prefer to not change them, but instead wrap them into a namespaced package if possible, however I am unable to find any solutions for the problem.
Update:: As I was depending on this work extensively I published it as a Python package available here: . You can install it instead of copying the old gist.
Add the class from this gist: in your code and you can use it as following
from packagify import Packagify
package = Packagify("/home/workspace/my_package")
object = package.import_module("module", ["object"])
object1, object2 = package.import_module("module", ["object1", "object2"])
Methods Tried
Installing the directory as a module using setuptools, this did not work as on loading the module various parts inside it threw ModuleNotFoundError as they were trying to access siblings without namespaces.
Various importlib functions, there are a few that allow loading python modules from .py files directly. This might have worked if the modules I wanted to import were contained within a file, but then perhaps there would be other solutions as well. As the problem stood I wasn't able to use this method as the module upon loading wasn't able to locate it's siblings.
Adding sys.path as mentioned in the question, but I also tried appending the path, loading module and then removing the path before loading the other module. This also did not work because presumably the modules were loaded into python cache and subsequent loads from different directory were ignored because of name clashes.
Finally, I noticed something weird happening when I changed the import level using the __import__ function and I tried the following snippet which worked fine on my toy example. However this still had various issues that I encountered while trying to load the actual repos I wanted to work with. As the solution appeared to be going in the right direction I made the class linked in the gist mentioned a the beginning of the post.
import builtins
original_import = __import__
def my_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level):
print("my_import", name, globals['__package__'], level)
return original_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level)
level = level + 1 if globals['__package__'] is not None else level
return original_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level)
builtins.__import__ = my_import
from import main as main_a
from import main as main_b

No module named xxxx. How to import relative path?

I have created a simplified version as to focus solely on getting the relative path to work. This is my file structure:
| |--page
| |-__init__
I am trying to import page into test. However, I get the error that package1 is not a module. Below I have typed all that are in my code. Very simple. I am just trying to import page into test. Is there anything I am missing (file or page set up) that is preventing me from importing?
import os
import sys
three = (one+two)
Have you tried "from package1 import page" into your Or "from import page"?
When import something, Python Interpreter search in the following places:
Current Directory
$PYTHONPATH, environment variable
some other directory related to the installation
The last three make up to be sys.path.
In your case, to import package1 into some script in package2, there's 2 ways:
Add project path into PYTHONPATH.
Dynamically append project path into sys.path
I guess you would appreciate the latter solution, just add
import sys
in front of everything and it will work.
Plus: It's kind of inconvenient to use the module not inside the current directory though. I've seen only a few actual python project, and What I've seen is some of them use a single in the project root to run the whole project, including test-cases. Maybe this structure is more recommended.
Hope it helps~
Original Answer:
This dir structure works fine on my computer with:
import as page # a function in page
Could I have a guess: your current working directory may be not under your project directory.
To check, test about this:
import os
If the output is not your current directory, that's my case. I used to mess with this before.
To avoid this, you can:
cd to your directory before running Python
run os.chdir(...) in your code, which is to change your working directory.
If not this case, please provide more information.

Import csv from executed file raises error

I have a working python3 program that imports various standard library modules, e.g.
import re
import os
import csv
It runs without problem when I execute it directly. Now I want to run it through an exec call from an outside script, like this:
with open("") as main:
But I get an error:
ImportError: no module named 'csv'
How can I make the executed script import all modules correctly?
I thought that all these three modules belong to the python standard library so, why the first two modules seem to be found while the third is not?
