I need to update ssl binding without changing the IP - azure-web-app-service

I have an azure webapp configured with an IP SSL binding. How do I update the certificate on my IP SSL binding without changing the IP?

When you bind a certificate with IP-based SSL, App Service creates a new, dedicated IP address for your web app. You can find the virtual IP address from app service page---properties. If you have mapped an A record to your web app, update your domain registry with this new, dedicated IP address.
To avoid a change in your app's IP address, follow these steps in
Upload the new certificate.
Bind the new certificate to the custom domain you want without deleting the old one. This action replaces the binding instead of
removing the old one.
Delete the old certificate.
Ref: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-web-tutorial-custom-ssl#renew-certificates


Reserve a public inbound IP for Azure App Service custom domain SSL binding

I have an Azure App Service that will have a custom domain and SSL binding in Production. Normally, I would issue the certificate first for the domain, bind to the App Service using an IP-based binding for the given domain, then update DNS entries as required once I know the IP address that Azure has bound.
My client will be issuing the certificate, and they won't do this until they know the exact inbound IP address that will be used for the SSL binding, but I don't believe I can know this IP until I've actually created the binding (which requires the certificate!) so it's a nasty chicken-and-egg scenario.
Is there a way of reserving a static inbound IP address in Azure for this purpose, prior to requiring the certificate? Or would I need to use some sort of gateway in front of the App Service instead, or some other solution I haven't thought of?
Not sure why your client doesn't want to issue the certificate until knowing the exact inbound IP address unless they are trying to have an SSL certificate for the IP address not for the domain name.
If not, to get a reserved or dedicated inbound IP address for the web app, you can easily install and configure an IP-based TLS/SSL certificate at a low cost. Then if the IP address is updated, you just need to update the A record with the new IP address in the DNS provider.
For other choices, you can use either an isolated and dedicated environment for your app service plan or set app service behind an application gateway V2 SKU. See how to Configure App Service with Application Gateway. You can also enable end-to-end TLS by using Application Gateway. Whatever you select one of them, has a higher cost and complicated configuration.

Remove DNS authorization for IP address in Azure

I have a couple of web applications on an Azure server. A client allowed the domain to lapse, and I can no longer access the DNS settings for this domain. The domain's DNS settings (A records, CNAMES) are still authorized in Azure to control traffic for the server's IP address. So, any app I create on this server now resolves to the domain that is no longer under my control.
How do I get myself out of this pickle? Can I change the server's IP address? I have not been able to find out how to do that. Can I de-authorize the DNS settings that now control access to this IP address?
If you want to remove access to the app from a domain, you just remove the domain from the App Service.
DNS tells users where to go for a particular domain name.
If your app doesn't mention it as a domain, the request won't be routed to it.
Remember that addresses in Azure App Service are shared so it requires that you actually explicitly mention the domain in the app service's configuration.
Ugh. Ok, my issue was that I was redirecting to the domain in my web.config.

AppService in Azure and DNSs managed by GoDaddy: SSL issue when Azure's IP changes

I have an AppService hosted in Azure and DNSs managed by GoDaddy. When the IP address of the AppService changes, the SSL certificate is no longer valid (you browse the site and you get a privacy error because the certificate is not in the correct domain). In order to fix this issue, I need to go to GoDaddy and change the IP address.
My configuration in GoDaddy:
A record referring to the AppService IP address
CNAME www record referring to the app service URL xxx.azurewebsites.net
SSL certificate in Azure:
www.domainname.com: SNI based
domainname.com: IP SSL based
Note about IP SSL based certificate: changing both to SNI based did not fix the issue.
Any ideas to avoid having to update the IP address in GoDaddy every time Azure changes the ip of the AppService?
You can try pointing your GoDaddy CName www record to sni.[website].azurewebsites.net. A detailed write-up can be found here:

DNS routing to private IP

We have 1 virtual machine with IIS in Azure, it doesn't hold the public IP address.
Its FQDN is machine.domain.local.
Its serving a service from IIS. We want to install certificate. However, we got the SSL by name service.domain.com.
If my machine would have public IP address I would have created A record for service.domain.com pointing to machines public IP address.
But we want this service to run internally, how we can we achieve this routing?
Any suggestions?
you can make a CNAME record to map service.domain.com bind to machine.domain.local
The question is not Azure or DNS related, it looks like its IIS/certificate related.
You got certificate for service.domain.com, which you want to apply to website machine.domain.local.
You either get machine.domain.local added to CName on Certificate or change IIS website domain to service.domain.com
You can use IIS to generate a self-signed certificate. Then, use an Azure Site-to-Site or Express Route to connect to On-premise. Set up a local host file entry on the servers for that domain & private IP address. This would work without a flaw but, it's tedious and not much of a recommended design.
What I would do is, I would MAP my domain to the private IP within the local DNS server and set the DNS as custom DNS on the VNET. This will make sure that all the VM's will point to the DNS server for any query and then start a recursive query.
MAP to Private IP
Make record entry with the local DNS server with Private IP
Make changes at the Azure VNET to use the custom DNS, provide the DNS server private IP
Do a host file entry manually on all the servers.
You can also read more along the lines of Private DNS on Azure:

Pointing same domain to different app service in Azure

I am using Azure App Service to host my NodeExpress application, I am right now stuck at a very strange requirement.
I have 2 different azure app services.
1) myApp
2) sampleApp
I have a domain pointed at myApp. (Added hostname www.myapp.com)
now I want to delete myApp and shift my hostname (www.myapp.com) to sampleApp.
now my Question is,
will it change my IP Address? (This I think it would because I haven't bought any static IP)
if my app service pointing IP is changed, will I have to do anything with the domain DNS manager to move www.myapp.com in hostnames of sample app?
I don't have access to DNS Manager because client has it. I have to tell client to add CNAME to verify domain ownership. I want to point this domain to different app service without adding delay of asking my client to change its cname to verify domain ownership.
You can actually migrate the domainname without downtime by using a verify record. Just create the record:
awverify.www.mydomain.com CNAME mynewnodeapp1.azurewebsites.net
That will enable you to add the hostname www.domain.com to sampleApp in azure (and add an SSL binding).
Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/manage-custom-dns-migrate-domain
You have to register the new CNAME from your web application in the DNS server before adding it to Azure App Service. Right now you have something like this:
www.mydomain.com CNAME mynodeapp1.azurewebsites.net
First, change it to your new application address:
www.mydomain.com CNAME mynewnodeapp1.azurewebsites.net
And then add the custom domain to your new web application.
App Service does provide you with a public IP address, but it's not guaranteed to remain the same, although it's unlikely to change. Said that, as long as you keep using CNAME, you shouldn't have any problems. If you delete the original app and recreate using the same Azure FQDN, then you don't need to change anything on customer DNS settings, Azure will be able to verify the domain successfully in this case.
